
Online Safety Quotes

There are 444 quotes

"The biggest underreported thing right now is sextortion. The FBI is constantly putting out alerts, and nobody's paying attention."
"All the money this video makes from monetization will go to Safe From Online Sexual Exploitation organization."
"Digital kidnapping is known as taking innocent photos of children and debasing them for sick pleasure."
"Protecting children from online sexual abuse is not just an issue of law enforcement; it's a societal imperative."
"Never answer security questions online truthfully. You should be creating a password inside of your password manager which is the solution to your questions."
"The problem with Matt's video is that he presents an incredibly myopic view of the algorithm by highlighting only its capacity for abuse by bad actors."
"The exploitation of children is wrong, and if you have an argument for why it's okay to exploit children online, I'm happy to hear it."
"The online predator issue ends when parents and children are on the same page working together, knowing that these dangers exist."
"In this new world, we all need to be more wary of what we post online, especially if you're a celebrity."
"We need to equip ourselves, defend ourselves against the manipulators and the manipulation coming our way online."
"There is nothing that protects kids with online content."
"So what we have right now is women are forced to build a fortress around themselves with the measly tools that we have online."
"Techniques which we will begin to have a look at using a video from Rami el Daily of Predator Catches Alliance."
"The purpose of this video is to spread awareness about the serious problems that Roblox has, with hopes that those who run the platform will work harder to make the game safer for kids."
"Any case that involves a child being groomed online and lured away from their home is really difficult to talk about. It's upsetting, it's frightening, but at the same time, it's also very important to share these types of cases because people need to be aware of the dangers of being online."
"Understanding the nature of the problem and some of the unique difficulties this generation of kids faces because of the online world and online bullying, I think, is really critically important."
"It has never been so important to be insured and safe when it comes to the online World."
"Parents have got to start to learn to talk to their kids about what they're doing online because they're doing it."
"So what I want to show you now is how to ensure that your website shows secure."
"Elite women gamers team up to destroy online bullies and abusers."
"Using the same passwords again and again, is a pretty bad idea."
"I found out who the Kiwi Farms user was who doxed my mother and sent him a photo with his mother and addressed him by his name, and he deleted his account."
"You're logging in or if you're literally giving away your information, nobody's going to use the internet if nobody knows if it's secure like that's just a core part of it."
"Be careful out there if you're talking trash anywhere on the internet. You never know when the gaming police might be listening."
"YouTube's official blog post: 5 ways we're toughening our approach to protect families on YouTube and YouTube kids."
"It's 2024 and it's time to take Online safety seriously."
"Shinoshi provides peace of mind for busy parents knowing that their kid is safer online."
"It's easy to pretend dangerous catfishes joining online communities will never go away."
"It's important to be safe online, it just is, and in 2022 it's never been easier."
"Bitcoin is going to find its way into cyberspace for safety, for civility, for security, and to prevent denial of service attacks."
"Just know that I will never ask for any of your personal information, I will never ask you to pay for shipping, and I will never ask you to download any like weird sketchy apps."
"Navigating the online space as a Muslim can be very confronting."
"Aura provides digital security protection to keep your online finances, personal information, and tech safe from online threats."
"We can create a world where we don't need to constantly be on the defensive against scams and abuse online."
"If it's one thing that should be a subject we all agree with is how to keep ourselves safe online."
"Be careful with what you share online. Be careful with your personal data."
"Criminals will be watching, harvesting any sensitive data that you enter into the computer."
"There's a very blurry and fine line where the internet becomes much more than just a safe place."
"Online risks have never come in so many forms."
"These requests submitted on the site were truly disturbing, except for the one dude who wanted to know the price for changing his grades."
"Dangers online are no joke, no matter how tech-savvy you might be."
"If I can stop somebody watching my channel from getting scammed, from getting hit with all of their data being stolen, from facing identity theft, that's a win in my book."
"I'm just going to tell you not to join a cyber war because it is dangerous, it is scary, and if you don't know what you're doing, do not do it."
"Something that we all should care about, though, is our online privacy..."
"Using the internet without expressvpn it's like driving without car insurance. Why would you take that risk when you don't have to?"
"Twitter will autoblock harassers in a bid to curb abuse."
"These mods keep this a safe place for us to hang out."
"Taking precautions for personal safety is important in online content creation."
"Your star sign says you might make a mistake when working or transacting online."
"Demons are very scary, but what's really scary is wandering the great world wide web without any protection. It's like going into the desert in flip-flops and playing with venomous snakes."
"You can't be trusting random online people you don't even like. It takes a while before you can build a relationship."
"Account Guardian is an enhanced level of security."
"When online, your safety is nothing but an illusion."
"Having a long random unique password for every account that you never reuse on other accounts is one of the most effective ways to protect your online accounts from being hacked."
"With these steps, your password manager will be very secure and you will dramatically improve the security of your entire Digital Life."
"Unfortunately, scammer comments sometimes in the comments section."
"The only way to get Google results safely is to use StartPage.com. StartPage is an interesting service and was initially promoted by Edward Snowden."
"Be careful with your online information, media can be dangerous."
"It helps you stay safe from viruses, phishing attacks, ransomware, hacking attempts, and other cybercrimes."
"They created look-alike accounts on numerous platforms impersonating us trying to trick naive people into thinking that we're engaged in some really nasty and questionable Behavior."
"Stay safe everyone, especially when you're online."
"Having our information collected or straight up stolen online doesn't have to be one of them."
"ExpressVPN makes that a lot harder for them to do. It protects you from hackers who are trying to steal your information while you're out in public."
"Creepy content hidden inside kids' videos. These inappropriate videos all had bright and colorful thumbnails featuring the likeness of popular characters."
"I think it's better to get scammed in Runescape than getting scammed out of your real money in real life."
"One of the easiest things to keep yourself from being doxxed."
"Using the internet without expressvpn is like walking your dog in public without securing them on a leash."
"It is unfortunately not unusual to run into pages and forums created and managed by adult men who focus solely on junior or even novice girls."
"Guys, be safe when you online date. If the person seems off, they probably are. Trust your first instinct."
"Online harassment is something that almost every online creator experiences to varying degrees."
"I do not condone harassment or doxing of any sort."
"Try being harassed and doxed for months on end and see how you feel."
"Their dark web monitor notifies you if your credentials are ever leaked online which is so useful."
"Liam also has a secure autofill feature that works for personal information and credit cards."
"If you're gonna be attempting a prank for a YouTube video, you need to make sure that it's one that does not involve any weapons whatsoever."
"If you've ever accidentally come across any of the content that I was mentioning in this video, then there's something that you have to actually do."
"Twitter is tackling threats of violence on its platform."
"Protects your data, protects your account information, banking information from hackers."
"Even though we can see people but at least we can verify their identity talk to them over face time it's still a risk because you're meeting a stranger."
"I'm not a perfect person, but I'm going to do everything I can to create a positive, kind, inclusive, safe space online."
"Join the family and add a little bit of safety to your internet career, internet life, internet presence."
"Making people feel 'safe' on the platform is just opening the door to accusations of harassment."
"The more connected we are online, the more dangerous, the more savvy we have to become."
"Internet safety is right up there with everything else that I talked about."
"Nord VPN helps protect all of your personal data."
"Having a safe and secure VPN allows you the peace of mind of knowing your data is secured shopping without fear of anyone stealing your personal information, your passwords, your IP address, your banking information."
"Value your privacy, browse safely and securely with surf shark."
"If you've got kids that are playing online, you never know who's on the other side."
"That's a great idea because letting your little kid just run free on TikTok is a very dangerous place for a kid to be."
"Discover will help regularly remove your personal info from 10 popular people search websites for free."
"So, what have you learned today about cyber ethics? Aspect number one: don't believe everything you see online."
"Those who exploit their children online are just as bad as those who exploit their children for political progressiveness."
"I will never ask you for credit card details and I'll never ask you for personal details either, so if anyone masquerading as me asks you for anything at all please report them or ignore them. It is a scam."
"Creates a better digital space for all of us to exist in."
"Prevent spam by turning off the ability to mention everyone in your server."
"YouTube has to address that because we do know that there have been creator suicides, and it is absolutely tragic."
"Being confident in a user's age and identity is a critical foundation for metaverse safety and civility."
"Prevent online harassment... they're going to try to stop it before it happens."
"Don't go on the dark web, stay off the dark web."
"If anyone reaches out to you pretending to be Crypto Jeb, saying they want to give you financial advice, they want to trade for you, that is not us."
"Being a safe space online means so much to me."
"Twitter failed to report child sexual abuse material."
"As our online footprint increases, so does our need for proper security."
"We released an auto mute feature which automatically mute players using inappropriate language in-game when it happens."
"We're describing it as we want to make it safe to be social and more rewarding online for everyone."
"Do you know that right now on Twitter there are a series of threats against me? They're not being removed."
"We can kill these Elsa gate channels if we work hard enough."
"Next, what we're gonna do is we're gonna put an SSL on your website."
"We need to be situationally aware, especially online."
"If something sounds too good to be true, then yes, it probably is, especially on the internet."
"Taking safety and security on the internet seriously is nothing to shake a stick at."
"A wild new phishing attack can fool even the best of people."
"Prevention is the first line of defense, so if my discussion here today of this topic can prevent even one person from falling prey, it will have been more than worth the time spent."
"Always be aware, always be skeptical, and be extremely careful when dabbling in the world of online dating because people are very often not who they say they are."
"Be out there, be safe, be smart. Later when you're sending those nude pictures, it's 2021, it's not 2006 anymore."
"You need to have a different password for every single site you go to."
"I'm actually going to make a video dedicated to how to prevent scams."
"Be kind to one another, stay safe, and we'll see you in Azeroth and in the Shadowlands beyond."
"You should go to any of your important accounts and look for something called two-factor authentication."
"Stay safe online: The cautionary tale of Lost Boy.exe and the dangers of downloading unknown files."
"Be careful with the online predator agent predators because they are geo-engineered."
"Empower yourself, take back control of the content that you watch online and protect your data. It's a really good idea especially in this day and age."
"Beware of scammers pretending to be me in the comments below."
"Stay safe out there guys, if you enjoyed today's content make sure to subscribe, smash that like button and we'll see you in the next one, bye for now."
"We don't want people getting scammed, so make sure you share this video."
"Staying safe online is more important than ever these days."
"The reason why I'm asking you about this, my card, I did not use my card online today, okay? Let me tell you."
"The beauty of the Internet is that there is no safety behind a closed door anymore."
"Assume anyone you are talking to online is a scammer and protect yourself accordingly."
"YouTube allowed and was complicit in Onision grooming children over the internet."
"If you use Tor browser as your daily browser, you are probably relatively safe." - Research study
"To all the guys out there, make sure if you meet anybody online, you make sure you get they background, they references, social numbers before you do anything with them, cause these type of things won't happen to you."
"You cannot say that you stand on the principles of Western civilization without understanding the significance that faith has played."
"Guardio is your One-Stop shop to Online safety in so many ways."
"After listening to this case you may think twice about what your children are doing and who they are talking to on the internet."
"There are more scams out there on the internet than there are legitimate opportunities by far."
"We follow the rules on the platforms, don't we? Consult your doctors, go to cdc.gov, and beyond Tuskegee."
"This is an attack that literally anybody can do."
"Don't reply to weird telegram Pokerev accounts or like WhatsApp or all that, it's not me."
"Using the internet without ExpressVPN is like checking in baggage at the airport without a lock."
"To secure your internet, check out my link at nordvpn.com now."
"This video might leave you worrying about your privacy online."
"At the end of the day, I built this company to help resolve systemic abuse... to end online abuse."
"Cyber Stalker: a chilling cautionary tale about sharing personal information online."
"Staying vigilant and internetting consciously and safely is more important these days than ever before."
"Sometimes you're just playing a video game when all of a sudden a mysterious Kanye West-themed cult is asking for your personal information and threatening to mess with your stuff."
"Don't click on garbage. It's the same kind of concept here guys, don't touch the garbage."
"A virtual private network is more important than ever with the ever-changing political landscape, constant net neutrality litigation, and the dangers of open networks."
"If this is some creaking creep luring victims on the spark, we should be the Minnesota game. All right, oh great. Ah, you know like it TV guys pretend to be children."
"Using the internet without ExpressVPN is like drinking water straight from the tap."
"And I created a class in May on how to stay anonymous."
"This is horrific. This is not what the Internet should be."
"People who say that if you sign on to the Tor relay that you're going to get murdered, yeah they're wrong."
"Be careful of scams down in the comments guys... if it sounds too good to be true, it is."
"Thank you so much to the moderators for coming out... keeping the chat clean and enjoyable for everyone."
"Protecting your online information has never been more important."
"Nobody deserves any hate like that online."
"It's our job to teach and model online literacy and safety."
"Not only do we have to worry about those people walking around in real life, but we have to worry about them being on the internet."
"Run from online communities when money is involved."
"Everything's safe and secure at fourpatriots.com."
"What the best thing to do is to get these types of people who are misusing platforms and who are misleading people and preying upon vulnerable people off of these platforms."
"Creating safe online spaces requires collective effort."
"Get a VPN and stay protected so the hackers don't get access to personal information."
"If someone online agrees with every idea you have, especially your worst and stupidest violent ones, they're probably a Fed."
"There's no Silver Bullet to protect women and minority groups on the internet who experience online harassment and abuse."
"No one is saying that you should be able to sell porn to an eight-year-old that's illegal but for some reason keeping it age-appropriate as far as online content it always gets knocked down."
"Protect yourself against phishing attacks by being vigilant with URLs and login credentials. Stay alert!"
"I hope that you take care, I hope that you stay safe of course, and don't forget to click the little bell next to the subscribe button so that you can very much so make sure that my videos go into your subscription box."
"Thank you to our moderators for keeping the chat clean and enjoyable for everyone."
"Elon Musk's Twitter is a scary space for many black users."
"Make sure that those people that you know are online understand online grooming because it is massive, dangerous, and in these kinds of circumstances, life-changing."
"I trust Bruce more than other online strangers."
"No item scamming. True, it still holds up. Never accept any offers from strangers for something that seems too good to be true."
"Just keep an eye out for low follower counts and never give your personal information away."
"Online harassment in any shape or form is not right."
"Safety and security online are super important."
"Just watch out for the WhatsApp scammers down below in the comments, you guys. They use my name, they use my logo—just know that is not me."
"YouTube will disable comments on nearly all videos with kids. They need to do the TikTok thing."
"It's not elitist to suggest that you may wish to take extra steps if possible in order to secure your account."
"So make sure to be careful especially online with everything you do... And again another reason why you should have a VPN make sure to go check that out NordVPN MarfooGlenNews.com."
"Adult content poses much more risk now than it would in a more stable world."
"Take this as a victory for now but keep this story in mind when you're next posting a picture of yourself online."
"Scammers are out in full force. Just be safe, as scammers have no morals whatsoever."
"An ad-blocking extension is almost as necessary for computer security as an antivirus program and here is why."
"It's safer in that sense than Craigslist and provides a degree of peace of mind when shopping for used components online."
"Don't ever click on links or put in information anybody asks you for, ever."
"Twitch coming out and saying that they are going to make it so that if you block somebody on the site they will no longer be able to watch your streams."
"Every player is worth protecting. We will risk our own accounts to protect Robloxians."
"Have you ever Googled yourself and were shocked to find your personal information on one of those public listing sites?"
"Sexual assault in virtual reality is nothing new. It's been happening for years."
"These people tried to scam my subscribers... I literally can't sleep at night knowing that."
"It's not just a good idea; be careful what you post on the internet—it's going to live forever in the black box."
"A site advisor prevents you from accidentally going to someplace stupid."
"No one should be receiving online harassment or death threats or doxing or anything of that level regardless of what I think about their views."
"Less than three dollars a month, well worth the cost to know that I'm safe online."
"Those stories you read about online of people having their data stolen? They really do happen."
"If anyone masquerades me, asks you for anything at all, please report them or ignore them. It is a scam."
"Putting out someone's personal information for intimidation or harassing purposes is called doxxing."
"Smash a like button for staying safe in crypto."