
Political Support Quotes

There are 797 quotes

"I absolutely guarantee there's no question, there's overwhelming support from the American people, there is overwhelming support from the members of Congress or the House and Senate, and both parties notwithstanding some extreme elements of one party, we will stand together."
"Bernie will vote to save the American Auto industry."
"The bipartisan support in Washington for Ukraine was as valuable as any asset they had anywhere."
"The fact that I support someone politically doesn't mean I'm going to sacrifice my integrity or my adherence to the law."
"If you want to support a party that believes in climate change, I think that it's probably more important to support the Democratic Party."
"Now is the time to give all our support to Ukraine."
"88% of Democratic voters and a majority of Americans support Medicare for All right now. We have poll numbers, but it is not politically toxic to oppose Medicare for All because we have no one in the media institutions or in the political institutions who are willing to point out why it is that our elected officials don't support this popular policy."
"Politics aside, the Attorney General is a friend to the UFA and the UFOA and a supporter of our department."
"I support Ukraine because the people of Ukraine don't want to be invaded by Russia."
"We must elect Joe Biden. He was there for me. He will be there for you, too."
"I am a supporter of anyone who I believe is good for America, good for my family."
"We support Bernie Sanders because we support what he supports, but what we have to do is pressure him to use the right tactics and do the right thing."
"This president has been the most pro-black president in my lifetime."
"I'm proud to be one of the top surrogates for President Trump... I would be proud to serve in a future Trump administration."
"The reality is we should just call the balls and strikes: when the president's doing something right, support him; when he's doing something wrong, oppose it."
"The president of the United States has strongly expressed support of those who are seeking freedom and liberty in Cuba."
"President Biden has been unequivocal in his support for the Good Friday Agreement. This agreement has been the bedrock of peace, stability, and prosperity for all the people of Northern Ireland."
"I believe in a progressive tax. I'm currently supporting a couple of Democrats."
"It's time for a government that is on your side; that government is a Labour government."
"The dude [Andrew Yang] really has thought out a lot, and I agree with so much of what he's doing."
"We the United States of America stand with the Ukrainian people."
"I supported Boris Johnson for the leadership... I think it's completely wrong to characterize him in that way."
"Trump stands up for us and for our churches and for our statues."
"I do support Ukraine entirely 100 percent and I don't believe that the Russians really have any basis to be doing what they're doing."
"I love being here and celebrating the man I voted for twice."
"Nothing's impossible...watch and see God part the Red Sea for President Trump."
"I'm super excited for Joe Biden's presidency."
"I think it's terrible what they did to him it's something that nobody's asked me but you're asking me for the first time I would certainly consider it."
"Joe Biden believes in American workers; he's got our back."
"They should be welcomed for saying I disagree with so much of what Joe Biden does but at least he supports the basics that the country is founded on."
"We support Ukraine's sovereign right to choose her own destiny. We will stand with the Ukrainian people in the face of President Putin's threats."
"It's exclusively pro Trump, and you can see this in the nightly work of Tucker Carlson."
"Everyday American voters and everyday people at home are starting to support members of Congress that don't just do what lobbyists tell them to do."
"Here is Mark Kelly, the editor of Christianity Today, saying that when Christians support an immoral cause it does damage to my cause."
"You've had sitting United States Senators today Klobuchar and Harris, whatever you have that you can bring to Roland Martin Unfiltered to support it please do because this information may literally save your life."
"It gives Trump a fighting chance, still a long shot but it's a long shot from the 30-yard line rather than your own 30-yard line."
"The amendment guaranteeing access to Reproductive Services...significant support crosses partisan lines including a third of Republicans and a stunning 85 percent of Independent Women."
"If you value American exceptionalism, the rule of law, the Constitution, and you're rooting for our duly-elected and beloved President Donald John Trump... then you have come to the right place."
"It's a terrible idea... but I like it. Yeah, I'd vote Trump Tate."
"His father praised the Trump administration."
"Voting pro crypto, you are voting for change, you're voting for innovation, you're voting for something that is much bigger than just one little tiny issue."
"This year prominent Republican office holders campaign strategists and officials from previous Republican administrations have mobilized in support of Democratic nominee Joe Biden."
"People voted for Trump for his personality, forgetting about his policies."
"Assange lost his entire support among Democrats because of his perceived role in the 2016 election."
"They believe in me, they believe in the United States Constitution, they believe in what I'm doing, and they give me strength."
"I have to support leaders who see racial justice as fundamental."
"New poll shows Donald Trump nearly doubles support among black men and women since 2020."
"One significant area of contention has been the historical support provided by France to certain Gabonese leaders."
"He needs to fool people who would like to support him."
"If the president fires Sessions, he'll go along with it every president deserves an attorney general they have confidence in."
"I am asking you to do the right thing and to vote for Donald J Trump."
"I think Trump is great, I think he's done some amazing things."
"As a Democrat, I adore Joe Biden. He saved this country."
"I love this president, I love his agenda, and I love the fact that on November 3rd, we're going to put him back in the White House."
"Donald Trump will continue to fight for every American regardless of party affiliation and continue to stand up for the working class."
"They had no choice; the American people aren't with it now."
"The people of Hong Kong are fighting for their lives and I'll continue to support and stand alongside those of you speaking out against tyranny."
"Democrats are not supporting Joe Biden, they're supporting democracy and they're supporting the policies."
"This has to be a nine out of ten, I genuinely like it."
"Stop fretting, stop ringing your hands, and get behind your ticket, because on the other side your alternative is Donald Trump or Rhonda Santos."
"Trump won in 2016 and will win again because the people are tired of the establishment. People can say what they will about his attitude, but his policies are strong."
"I voted for Ruth Cadbury... and I had no regrets."
"They need to spend money on black media to point out that Joe Biden is there for the black community."
"His enemies and my enemies, I love Mr. Trump, amen."
"I'm going to defend Dodd-Frank and I'm going to defend President Obama for taking on Wall Street."
"Trump is the bodyguard of Western civilization."
"President Trump is always going to be tough when he is fighting for the American people."
"The assumption is that he doesn't want to embarrass himself by coming out here and supporting Biden."
"The way current things are set up, support people that believe the same things as you."
"For all we've done and for all we have yet to do, for our President, for our future, for Georgia, and for America, cast another vote for all that President Trump has accomplished."
"President Trump is killing it, absolutely killing it out on the campaign trail."
"I support left-wingers wherever they are. Period. End of conversation. Support them."
"There is no greater ally of the Cuban community than President Trump."
"Mr. Kent, I cannot wait to volunteer for your campaign. Bless you and yours."
"The president's been an unwavering and committed ally to Israel and the Jewish people."
"I think that it's important to put America first, that should lift anybody's support."
"I think that's why you see the support trailing off for Biden's policy here because people are starting to go all right what when does this end what is how do we get to some kind of a."
"People tend to support the candidate that makes them feel better about themselves."
"Do you want to run for national office? I want to support President Biden."
"Putin, you are leading the fight against imperialism... you are leading our fight."
"It's just a show of support for Trump. If he runs again in 2024, we're going to back him 100 percent."
"With your support, we will go on to victory like America has ever seen."
"After 14 months in prison, Kwame Nkrumah was released to a massive reception from his supporters."
"I am really excited for a Ron DeSantis presidential run."
"Kirby's words not only convey a dedication to supporting Israel but also express a cautious awareness of the challenges."
"We need to allow Ukraine to stand up for their country."
"I see Trump parades in Los Angeles, deep blue LA, having a Trump parade."
"According to opinion polls made in early March, 93% of Ukrainians support Zelenskyy."
"If they lose Trump, they lose the support of the Trump voters in their base."
"I support the wall. Trump supports the wall, that's one point."
"Thanks, Karen. He sounds really cool. I think I'll vote for him."
"I support AOC more than any other politician right now."
"I support AOC in the 2024 democratic primary."
"Anybody who picks up the mantle of those ideas, I'm for."
"Democracy is under attack here and abroad, we need Joe Biden."
"President Trump tweeted his support for the demonstrators."
"I hadn't decided whether to fight for my husband and my marriage, but I was resolved to fight for my president."
"It's a really easy choice for me if I were Georgian to vote for the two Democratic senators."
"Black people, especially black women, are the backbone of this party. And if we don't show up, Democrats don't get elected."
"We're finally getting some support from Republican senators for stimulus items as well."
"We are on your side, we are prepared to take on the big money interests."
"I'm a Democratic Socialist and I support Bernie Sanders for president very very strongly."
"That's the difference: OVW was a training school that tried to develop wrestling stars. The Performance Center is a training school that makes performers."
"I will accept it and he will too... if it's me, in fact, fine. If it's not me, I'll support the outcome."
"President Trump fought for us, we are now going to fight for him."
"He gets my vote because he's about the only world leader I know who is telling the truth."
"There is nobody on this stage that has done more for Israel than I have."
"Lower taxes would be nice, deregulation... I could get behind that."
"People want to hear about how somebody's gonna fight for you... that's Bernie through and through."
"Joe is a man for this moment and with his leadership we are rising."
"I think people would be nuts to underestimate Trump's base of support."
"I think it was a really good night for Joe Biden. There's nothing that happened here that was bad for Biden."
"For me, bipartisan means the person I voted against, Donald Trump, I support and praise when he does the right thing. This peace process was the right thing."
"He has seemingly solved the nation's biggest issue in a way that the people are supportive of."
"He's just an old man who wants to give us health care and education and that's it."
"Nobody is saying we shouldn't remember who supported whom."
"The red wave is coming, so be encouraged Patriots."
"Ramazan Kadirov, the president of the Republic of Chechnya, supported Vladimir Putin."
"I'm leaning more towards Trump now because of how he performed."
"I believe that he has skills and has the knowledge and skill set to actually bring us ahead."
"I just think he's just a perfect choice for the future of America."
"We have a silent majority of the likes of which has never been seen before."
"The Western World should support them as much as possible."
"Showing up and taking care of people, that's why I'm a Democrat. I think that's what the Democratic Party is doing and that's why we need to elect Democrats, especially this cycle."
"That's the scariest part about people who support Trump, they'll never say it openly, they treat Trump like the fat girl in the hood but they just smash it out."
"Hold strong Ukraine is going to win this war."
"I will be supporting the motion by which American democracy was rescued from the brink."
"The only way you're going to get political buy-in in the long run for this is if you can show you can live better."
"He's the nominee... Americans are going to Rally even more to his side."
"We're fine, we finally have a lot of people fighting with us."
"We need to give this Congress, this president, the votes they need in order to continue our pursuit of a more perfect union."
"Hell yeah I support Medicare for all... that kind of discomfort is what people sense."
"We stand with constituents in upholding the Constitution."
"I am eternally grateful for President Biden's courage and commitment."
"Everybody got a voice, and you know what? Nobody should be silenced for their truth. Trump 2024, you know what I'm saying?"
"I suddenly realized that the hunger on our side for somebody to stand up to the media..."
"Supporting and standing with Ukraine is rightly our most immediate priority."
"Let's pray for souls to be saved; let's pray for the kingdom of God, the Church, and let's of course pray for President Trump and his entire family."
"History would have been very different if Canada weren't there supporting the Chinese Communist Party."
"The American working class made a commitment: this is our guy, Mr. Roosevelt."
"People who come out for Trump, boy do they come out for Trump."
"U.S. Health Secretary Alex Azar offering President Trump's strong support for Taiwan."
"This is the most support a Republican presidential candidate has gotten from black voters in half a century."
"Bernie had always said that he would support the Democratic nominee."
"Bipartisan support for Ukraine in Washington was Ukraine's most important strategic asset."
"The 75 million great American patriots who voted for me... will have a giant voice long into the future."
"We agree with Senator Sanders, and the president is going to be standing right alongside him fighting for an increase in the minimum wage to $15 an hour."
"This has brought about Mass support, Mass attention from lots of spaces, lots of people that would never give Trump the time of day."
"My inclination here is okay Stacey, what do you need? Tell us what to do and we will do it. That is what I think in terms of... the race in Georgia."
"So if you're looking to be able to help in a state like Georgia, I think that Stacey Abrams is the person that we look to."
"Supporting the right to self-determination of the Ukrainian people is important."
"This is the most important electoral moment that I've been involved in, whether it was Mondale or whether it was others who posed. I'm choosing, I'm standing with someone I believe in, someone whose voice is about truth."
"If joe biden drops student debt end of story there's a movement that would support him no matter what whether you like him whether you hate him or you like some of his policies."
"Our democracy is fortunate to have you in Congress."
"So if there's enough Groundswell like if there's enough support from Donald Trump supporters they may not have a choice but to support Trump and do something about it."
"Merry Christmas to you this was an amazing gift we've all been given you're going to see people rally around Trump like never before I do believe you just saw the 2024 election one def facto."
"Democrats are the party that has your back. Remember that."
"In general, do you support more countries recognizing Israel? Absolutely, I do."
"It's amazing what can happen if you actually support the things that Americans overwhelmingly support."
"Republicans want to keep helping Main Street workers."
"The American people are tired of games; they seek leadership, and President Trump delivered."
"I would never bet against him. He'll be a force in our party and in our country for as long as he wants to be."
"It's one thing to know that an unprecedented number of people are favoring Palestinians and their answers to survey questions. The next step is to demonstrate that."
"Putin may circle Kiev with tanks, but will never gain the hearts and souls of the Ukrainian people." - President of the United States
"Putin loves his country, he does everything for us, he raised the country up from the ground."
"The American people must remain steadfast in our support of Ukraine in the face of Putin's immoral attacks on civilian populations."
"Four more years! I think every single person here wants four more years of President Trump."
"This government is on the side of the British people."
"President Trump supports two thousand dollar stimulus checks."
"We need to be the arsenal of democracy for Ukraine."
"Growing support in Congress... Medicare for All is building."
"Black voters are not a monolith... black voters are voting for the Democratic party because it is the party that is not trying to wipe us out."
"Good for Chopra for standing up for people whose politics he doesn't agree with."
"Trump DeSantis 2024: Tears in my eyes, fear in my heart."
"I think our support for Taiwan is a righteous support."
"I believe that Gavin Newsom is going to absolutely crush this thing."
"I'm fighting for Senator Nina Turner because I want the angry black woman to go down there and represent me in Congress. Hello, somebody!"
"If you want your country to be a dignified country... you must defend with all of your strength the leader Imran Khan."
"We love Trump. He's for the common man, for the people."
"We have to support our president. We're seeing the country go back."
"I absolutely believed that God wanted President Trump to win again."
"There's hundreds of thousands of Americans that are affected by illegal crime every year rape identity theft assault hit and runs the list goes on and on and on there's a."
"It's amazing seeing all these people coming out to support Trump, support our country."
"The leaders of Poland, Czech Republic, and Slovenia are traveling to Kiev to express the European Union's unequivocal support for Ukraine."
"Run for office, support the people you believe in."
"We are more enthusiastic now, not even close, than we were in 2016. I mean, we are getting crowds and this is pandemic and we're rounding the turn."
"Mitch is praising the Biden move as encouraging."
"I also want to thank Kentucky's federal delegation... every single member of that delegation has pushed hard... for the steps that we need."
"Gavin Newsom stopped he survived in a huge way. What was the message of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and everyone who traveled into the state? It was like, you have to vote no on the recall because we are in favor of science."
"I'm rooting for Kamala. I'm asking all my supporters to do it."
"We have over 1 million volunteers. I mean that's unprecedented."
"He has the right policies so I'm I'm on Team Bernie 100%."
"We are the only party that has stood with Ukraine, Mr. Speaker."
"Marilyn Manson fans for Trump, yep, definitely."
"All you need to do is think to yourself, at least we're helping Ukraine."
"Marriage equality's journey from unthinkable to bipartisan support."
"Medicare for all polls well still... despite all of that."
"The task of the left in the imperialist countries is to support third-world revolutionary and liberation struggles materially."
"You should always ask the why, not just a binary thing, you're supporting Trump or not supporting Trump, why you support or why not."