
Community Action Quotes

There are 557 quotes

"I want everybody to become a warrior. Community creates change, and we are going to get a handle on all of this."
"Ultimately, the people will be the solution."
"We need to see even more action like this going forward because this is a time to think about each other, not about the bottom line."
"We cannot do this alone. We are relying on every single Ontarian to join us in this battle. Please, stay home."
"We can only overcome COVID-19 if we take action together as a global community."
"We have taken a number of steps in communities where we feel we can be very effective messengers."
"When the world learns of a horror, there's a community of conscience that bands together and says this Injustice cannot stand."
"Puerto Ricans don't wait for external influence to help; they immediately jump into the situation and try to solve things."
"Thoughts, prayers, resources all need to go toward the people who are directly in the path of this thing."
"I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies but not the madness of people."
"Preaching socialism without action is literally just capitalism. Do you understand? If you preach the idealistic way that society should operate, yet you don't implement any of those systems within your own community, you show that these systems can work."
"The best thing for all those businesses is to continue as they're doing in Yorkshire to get the disease down and keep it under control."
"This was the month that /r/wallstreetbets decided that they wanted the invisible hand of the market to be their muscular, lotioned hand."
"If every single person who listened to this show went and knocked on one door and said, 'Are you registered to vote yet?' then you'd end up with a lot of people registering to vote, making a big difference."
"We knew what worked, so let's house every vet in our city that's experiencing homelessness."
"It is time for us to stand up and to vote our self-interest. We vote along party lines, especially as African Americans."
"Social distancing is crucial in limiting the spread of the virus, and we do this now, soon we will be able to celebrate together."
"The fans are uniting behind one common goal and they're doing a pretty good job at building momentum around protests and movements."
"Together, we're powerful. Containment starts with you."
"This is a call to action. Remember, there's millions of people that want to clean up their act."
"We must decide what needs to be done and we must get out and do it."
"It is wholly dependent on social action. You tell me what people do, I'll tell you the results."
"The consumer and the developers need to take their game back. The Elder Scrolls Online is something that shouldn't be screwed with so much."
"When people pull together for a common purpose, heroic things can be achieved."
"People who are 100% zero waste sustainable livers, that is amazing, but everyone making small steps is gonna make a greater impact."
"Nobody can take credit for these marches and these protests other than the Hong Kong people themselves."
"Since nobody else could stop the violence here, she started a community activist group called Stop the Violence."
"There is no black-brown coalition. I really want y'all to understand that."
"We have come together as a unified ape family to become a modern-day Robin Hood. This is our chance to write a page in history. Will you be remembered?"
"Knowledge is power. What we're fighting against is the weight of ignorance that is being pushed in the community. So we just got to put back. That's how you win."
"One of the components of the anti-racist training is that white people are responsible for calling out other white people on their racist actions it's part of your responsibility of being an anti-racist."
"If we all come together, we have the ability to do something about it."
"It's up to us to fight for the island's survival. If you haven't downloaded Fortnite now is the time to jump online."
"We all have a role to play in the days ahead."
"The fact that we're getting on code, that's the important thing."
"I really want to bring people together and get these things done."
"We have to do it together. We have to do it together for generations to come."
"We all have to unite. This is our existence."
"All the crises we're facing unfortunately can't be solved at the level of family or local means."
"We have over 500 people storming Amazon, and it is awesome."
"TYT army's planted over 500,000 trees with them."
"It seemed like the entire population of West Memphis, Arkansas, was out trudging through Robin Hood Hills yelling the names of three little boys who had gone out bike riding and had not returned home."
"We're all outraged, we're all frustrated, but maybe we could start there."
"Let's use that, not only because it's the most important cause, but because it might be the only thing that brings us together."
"We are calling on every American to do your part because together we will get through this."
"Honestly, guys, let's change the world together."
"It shows the power of the people to come up with solutions despite problems that seem incurable... Just a few kids on subreddit show that you can in fact change the world."
"We are the people we have been waiting on. Yes, we need it now!"
"This makes me so proud to show that we can get stuff done on a grassroots level. All we have to do is put our mind to it."
"Each of us has the power through our own choices and actions to save American lives and rescue the most vulnerable among us."
"Thank you America, thank you for stepping up, thank you for putting into practice the 15 days to slow the spread."
"This crisis isn't going to be solved in Washington DC or at the CDC in Atlanta. It's going to be solved at the community level."
"This is great though because what we're seeing as communities starting to stand up for themselves against this criminal element which is exactly what's needed."
"We're not going to give up... I'm going to keep on going out there and searching."
"People will band together against you if you're not doing the proper things."
"That's nation-building, that's a power move, and that's what we're going to do."
"At a certain point, we have to band together to do the right thing."
"We will vote them out we will use the full force of our community the awesomeness the memes the fun we can actually use it for some good too so let's be doing that in every every single turn that we possibly can."
"Somebody knows where he is and hope this will encourage somebody to do the right thing and let's get Caleb back home."
"If you come together, you can actually make happen."
"Customers are the ones with the power. Unless the community rises up... companies like EA will continue to do so."
"This was only solved not because of Joy Reid who has a platform who could have had put out an APB effectively not because of the FBI not because of the CIA it was solved because of people on YouTube living the van life for crying out loud."
"Plan B: Write emails to your representatives, get involved."
"It was truly a movement. I had never seen people talk about doing something like that."
"We're gonna have to get on point to help these children."
"Everybody in here right now, you know we could change the world right now."
"Massive numbers of people coming together to actually decide what their future is going to be."
"A million gamers united to counter strike the COVID-19 coronavirus."
"We are the people. It's us. So we've got to fight against this all we can."
"All you need to know is that a community decided to play with Wall Street, they're winning, and now Wall Street is using dirty tactics to fight back."
"It's not the person that matters, what are we going to do as a community about the system?"
"The Black Panthers did policing in their own community."
"It's amazing what a community can do when they pull together."
"What New Yorkers did nobody could have imagined if they show that same resolve and intelligence in this next phase, it's up to them."
"That's how society works, right? That's politics. It's just what we all do together."
"There are all these solutions in these cases, but they're not going to happen unless an energized organized public gets directly engaged."
"If I tell you the bridge is out... inspire you to get a group together to fix it."
"Now's the Time to step up, Now's the Time where the collective needs me."
"Even if we all do what we need to do we're going to go through a hard time but we'll go through it for a much shorter time."
"Let's go out into the street and let's win this war. I know we can do it and we're going to do it. We're doing it right now."
"Look, there are events happening, there are people who are not laying down on this battlefield and walking away. We are trying on all these different levels."
"Black people need to stop begging the government and go and do for yourself out in our communities."
"It's regular people like us who can tackle these terrors and help fight the growing number of missing person cases."
"That's what the American people are doing, putting these things into practice. The guidelines are working."
"You stand up for them when they do face those issues, you stand up for key martini, interesting."
"Let's unite the clans, do this now before it's too late."
"The longer the redditors held out, the more damage they would do."
"Only we can save us from this current surge, and we know precisely what to do."
"Having a protest is constitutionally protected. You and your community gathering is First Amendment protected."
"It's in our power. So let's wear a mask, let's get to work."
"The local government is the most important government to reclaim... if enough of us take back our community, we can meet the needs of the community better."
"It's creating a community to stand up to corruption and the crooked free market. It's incredibly beautiful to see all kinds of people come together because of that."
"We have to get serious. We've got to stop arguing with each other and fighting. We're a family and our family's dying. Let's work together and get it done."
"What a beautiful place that we live in that the people just upended the whole thing."
"This is our home, this is our future, and we're going to have to fight to see."
"All of us can reduce the number of cases by spreading the word about symptoms and just acting sensibly whilst still enjoying life."
"Until the community stands together and says hey we've had enough on behalf of all of us this is going to keep happening and eventually it will happen to you and I wonder how you'll feel when it's you and not the other guy."
"We are stronger together, we can affect change together."
"The faster we'll limit contagion, the faster we'll save lives."
"The poly class case was special because people cared, because the whole community stepped forward and said, 'This is the last child you're going to take.'"
"Yo, let's actually show the world what we're about."
"We are the remnant that God is raising up, and we're going to stand up and stand together and boldly proclaim the truth of the living God."
"I also want to thank Kentucky's federal delegation... every single member of that delegation has pushed hard... for the steps that we need."
"We're asking you to take that energy and use it not to destroy our neighborhoods but to destroy the historic culture."
"They need to know that they can't just take somebody and get away with it, you know we need to all together and when everybody's looking I could guarantee you they will panic and then not do it again."
"Don't wait for the government to fix it. We are going to build the future together."
"We have to come together and save ourselves first."
"We have all the tools we need at our fingertips... all we have to do is stand up and be counted."
"The path to victory lies in you calling up three of your friends and saying meet me here, you go vote."
"It's about a collective United fan base doing something impactive to remove these owners from our pitch."
"Why do we need everyone to do it? It's because it's different. It's not something like Ebola which is very very deadly but it does not transmit as readily as something like influenza or COVID-19."
"The entire town was searching for a girl they didn't even know."
"Even when something feels so small and so insignificant... it's the power of numbers when tons of people come together that makes a difference."
"Change comes when people demand change. It's not from one organization doing anything; it's really a collective effort that happens through community."
"Since the police are reluctant to help find their missing children, parents must help themselves."
"I just feel like a lot more people need to be doing what the boys are doing."
"I think individuals could take small actions. I think it starts at a community level and it builds up from there."
"The people of Pennsylvania are rising up, and there's a large core of people behind us here."
"We do see a rising movement in this nation that happened in Virginia, and I think on May 17th in Pennsylvania, you're going to see it happen here."
"The very best thing you can do to fight this pandemic is to follow Public Health recommendations."
"Change really needs to happen and it starts with all of us."
"We're memeing here, we're joking around, whatever else, but can I say it is honestly really good to see people like standing up for themselves."
"If they push this through, it will change football in this country forever, forever. And we have to now mobilize, organize." - Gary Neville
"The president's not going to solve this problem. We have to solve this problem."
"The most important thing we can do is put this epidemic behind us as quickly as possible."
"Don't let the screamers who monetize hate have the final word. Instead, organize, persuade, but most importantly, love your neighbor."
"These policies, which are difficult, which are life-changing, they are being implemented by people because people are choosing to do the right thing."
"It's time for us to fight back as a community."
"Portland sees peaceful night of protests following protesters stopping antifa from targeting the federal courthouse."
"These kind of videos and these kind of posts do in missing-persons cases, they're really powerful."
"If the church could only understand that, collectively, if we will just roar, if we will just stand for what we love and what we believe in, then the opposition would be no match."
"Together we stand in solidarity against racial injustice, together we fight against systemic racism, together we are relentless in our pursuit of justice, together we join our hands with our community and take action, together we make a difference."
"The rescue mission that God is launching right now, calling his body and his ecclesia to stand up, is paramount."
"Actual footage of the protests... people dancing in the streets, people cleaning up garbage, people putting honorable signs up."
"When there's a will, a crazy fanbase will make a way."
"We've got to come together, save our children."
"We are not going to stand by any longer and let our community be dismissed, belittled, and discriminated against."
"When we come together and we say that hate is not acceptable in our neighborhoods... that's gonna go a long way."
"We accomplished this. This is not government action. This is 'we the people' action."
"We're all in this together, so let's talk about it and see what kind of trouble we can get into."
"Action is the antidote to anger and despair, and it's what we do together that really affects positive change."
"Thousands of German citizens were busily dismantling the wall."
"How do we get someone to take a small action on it and show that they care about it? How do we get them to get a bigger action?"
"Voting matters. Eight Black members voted. Let me do the math here, eight. Voting matters."
"We need to as a community come together and stop blaming police, just blaming police, and we need to stand together and we need to progress and we need to make things happen."
"The only way that this works is if we as a community come together and try to fix this morally bankrupt system."
"We as black men have to unite, come together, organize, and solve our own problems."
"What we saw on Sunday in Bristol is pure unadulterated justice. It's a justice that can't be performed by bureaucracy and by paper clips and by pens and tick boxes."
"We're making progress because people are doing what they know is the right thing to do."
"Everybody needs to prepare. You guys need to drill, you have to get together, you have to think about it."
"XRP airdrop for Spark, he says it will happen, again let's hold his feet to the fire and see if he does it."
"If something needs fixing, then lace up your shoes and do some organizing."
"We need Muslims of all backgrounds to come together and ensure we are fighting this to the last mile."
"We can't make pocket changes. We need global changes to really make transitioning happen in our community."
"The longer we engage with them... the more we tend to like them."
"Dave Chappelle showed up and dropped eight four four nine and and blew it out the park they are messing with us and I just need us to be a collective group and show up and show out because you know what we're not here to take it we tired."
"Please refrain from spreading unverified information and only rely on official sources."
"It's not all bad, they did fight on the eviction moratorium."
"People coming together and saying, 'This is not okay,' was probably one of the most powerful moments."
"Let's raid this guy, everybody click on the link, go to his channel, type 'creek raid' and I'll see you guys later."
"We're not here to raise up our pitchforks and torches."
"You just have to have faith that people along the line will just say, 'I've had enough of this.'"
"I honestly believe that these McDonald's employees of ones who caught him and caught the police they should get that $50,000 reward that the FBI was offering that's the right thing to do."
"No one could do everything but everyone can do something."
"Very simple message. Here's what Jesus did, here's what we'll do."
"Our silence is betrayal, no matter if you're a police officer or anybody in the community."
"It was simply the people standing up and saying we are taking charge for our future."
"If everyone does their part and works hard to expose nonsense, then yes, eventually it does pay off."
"The best way to weed out non-fba infiltrators is to start attacking systematic white supremacy."
"Stay vigilant for any censorship efforts in your district, help raise awareness of attempts against intellectual freedom."
"Get the wall street bets guys to just elect representatives... we'll try and come to a compromise."
"It's indicative of a community of cops that has corruption at its core and it needs to be weeded out."
"Seriously, if you have complaints, voice them. If you're not happy with the way this is being done, email Hasbro."
"If everybody says, 'Look man, we not spending our money at Walmart because they don't want to give the employees a raise,' and nobody starts going to Walmart, guess what they gonna do? They gonna give them people a raise."
"We did it! We expected change and we only did that together, ladies and gentlemen."
"The sign has been removed. We did it, ladies and gentlemen!"
"Reddit detectives actually got it right and did some good in the world."
"Last question for you: what do you want African-Americans and others to be doing?"
"We need some serious black people out here we need some people that are really saying okay let's get this done."
"It's important that we see this as something we have to do collectively."
"Despite not having a satisfying ending, the fandom still lives on, campaigning for the series to make a comeback."
"That pain we feel is a sign of our faith, our unity, and a call to step up and act."
"Beachgoers form human chain to save drowning tourist in the Philippines."
"We have to be the answer we're waiting for, we can't wait for somebody else to do this."
"We've got to start helping the young people."
"We need a rally in the Bronx! Let's make it happen!"
"Now's the Time, we're at an inflection point and we need to reinforce the support for those people."
"We all can do something a little bit about bike theft, and that is just don't buy stolen bike stuff."
"It's the people, the powers in the people, and there comes a point where we all are going to have to band together and do the right thing and put an end to the freaking insanity."
"Many of them precipitated by the Haitian people."
"Together we believe that if we come together we can create radical change in the lives of women who need it the most."
"People need to talk to their elected officials."
"For every thumbs up this video gets, one Karen doesn't get to control what someone else eats."
"Black America has kind of woke up and said I'm not saving nobody no more, I'm done."
"The reason no one's come to help you is the same reason no one's come to help them."
"We can kill these Elsa gate channels if we work hard enough."
"A country filled with selfless, loving people following Christ is more likely to get things done."
"We as intelligent citizens are working together to have disclosure. We want the truth."
"The time is now, it just needs unity and organization."