
Military Ethics Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"When I was a cadet, what's the cadet motto at West Point? You will not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those who do. I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole."
"The best weapons are the ones that are never fired in combat, and the best soldier is one who never has to lay his life down on the field of battle."
"The protection of civilians remains vital to the ultimate success of our operations and is a strategic and a moral imperative."
"Without morale, the soldier is a dead man; without morality, the military is a dead machine."
"When you take seriously the rules of proportionality and distinction and necessity as we do, when you carefully select targets, these things take time."
"I don't think we're intentionally killing civilians in Yemen, are we? I mean, it might not be intentional, but we still do."
"Military officers and soldiers tend to be honorable people doing a very difficult job."
"We're getting too comfortable with our ability to take kinetic strikes around the world without having enough process to avoid consistently the kinds of civilian casualties that can end up actually hurting us in the war against radicalization."
"How many people does it take Admiral, before it becomes wrong?"
"Militaries should do their best to avoid any civilian harm."
"The court considers that Ukraine has a plausible right not to be subjected to military operations by the Russian Federation for the purpose of preventing and punishing an alleged genocide in the territory of Ukraine."
"Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly first." - Joel
"They can't generate the troops they need, what they are generating are totally unfit. And I do believe it's criminal for any country to send people to combat that are untrained and unprepared."
"No Canadian Armed Forces members should be forced to do something that they think is morally ethically legally wrong."
"The idea that now they're running out of ammunition, we walk away. I find it absurd, I find it unethical, I find it just contrary to everything we are as a country." - President Biden
"U.S. military power must be our tool of last resort, not our first."
"The Iraq War demonstrated that regime change is always fundamentally evil and will always fail."
"Embrace difficulties, they turn into golden nuggets."
"Integrity is the fundamental premise of military service in a free society."
"Massive pressure being put on military commanders and people in the hierarchy to deny religious objections."
"Well, sir, I found that there was a great divide between the soldiers in how they considered themselves in their roles as the American fighting man, upholding the Constitution and defending it against all enemies foreign and domestic."
"It's not sustainable for this country to ask men and women to raise their right hand if at the same time you're teaching them the constitution is racist."
"If the Pentagon top brass believes that killing American infants is more important than being able to have generals to go kill our enemies, that's the pentagon's problem."
"She got tortured by the American military for revealing information about their war crimes."
"Ethics and the rules of war and the laws of war are extremely important. I think any government or any military commander would find it extremely hard to ask a soldier to fight without ethics, without adhering to the laws of war."
"Throwing away the lives of soldiers in that kind of fashion makes no sense whichever side is fighting and on any Battlefield."
"What is a legal command in the military? If you are asked to go and kill somebody and you carry it out, it's an illegal command."
"It's okay to drop bombs as long as it's the right color race or gender who's doing so."
"India has a certain policy about how its Army conducts itself."
"I mean, for example, WikiLeaks released the Iraq war logs...showed that the U.S. military routinely turned a blind eye to torture."
"Extremist beliefs, behaviors, and conduct are not consistent with our core values. They have no place within our navy or our navy culture."
"Abandoning troops to their fate, encouraging them to engage in a hopeless last stand is to my mind no kind of military strategy at all."
"It is absolutely responsibility of every US service member if they see inhumane treatment being conducted to intervene to stop it."
"Soldiers cannot afford to have a tax of conscience."
"Civilian control of the military is part of the bedrock foundation of American democracy..."
"It's imperative that Israel act in accordance with International humanitarian law and the laws of war even when confronting a terrorist group that respects neither."
"We're soldiers. Soldiers don't go to hell. We follow codes, orders."
"There shouldn't be a war machine; there should be military activity only when there is real justification."
"People feel comfortable with soldiers defending themselves, but they want everything done within their moral code."
"Zahed Haftlang put humanity over military aggression and did all he could to provide clandestine emergency medical care and save Aboud’s life until orders were changed to take Iraqi prisoners of war alive."
"Military should never use hospitals to engage in warfare."
"When I bomb a ship, I'm not trying to kill anybody."
"He spoke out because he realized more and more people are going to die unless somebody did and so that's not a breach of military discipline that's a recognition of military discipline."
"Creating meaningful and lasting cultural change for the Canadian Armed Forces is imperative."
"What if we saw parts of our military break up and defend what they thought was right instead of following orders?"
"Trump is weak because he doesn't want to commit war crimes."
"You are required not to follow an unlawful order."
"The president cannot order an elite military unit to kill a political rival."
"The military would not carry out such an unlawful order as it would be a crime."
"The process of making the conduct of U.S wars more humane has in fact legitimized and prolonged the underlying enterprise of war itself."
"The Russians are firing unguided artillery into civilian areas."
"Hugh Thompson... intervened to stop American soldiers... bold act of bravery."
"Joining the military doesn't erase the harm he caused."
"It is not used for photo ops. That is not what our military is for." - Misha Cross
"Your military should be for defense and it should not be for offense."
"We need a military justice system that is worthy of the sacrifice that these men and women make every day."
"Magnesium chloride appears to be the best antimicrobial."
"It was never the plan to attack civilians and civilians were never attacked."
"To Thrawn, the people serving under him weren't just faceless helmets; they were hard-working individuals laying down their lives to make the Galaxy a better place."
"I just think it's wrong that we're putting our members of the military in this situation."
"Military forces against civilian populations... something to avoid at all costs."
"How can you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?" - John Kerry
"The deepest belief that many of us carry around was that no one gets left behind."
"Somebody expressing something about an order that they've been given and why they disagree with that order, that is not a reason to die."
"The main problem was not so much the numbers... it was that these key corporals... had the idea that they were just going to kill Afghans."
"Friendly fire is never to shoot back."
"General McNamara thinks that all life is precious."
"To a consequentialist, even if they typically wouldn't advocate lying in most situations, it's morally justifiable to lie to the soldiers in this situation."
"IDF soldiers will not use their weapons and force to harm human beings who are not combatants or prisoners of war."
"Soldiers in the German army are allowed to disobey any order they think would violate human dignity."
"Should we condemn a man for being exhausted by combat? I think not."
"If we start letting strong men destabilize entire regions through military conquest, that sets a horrible precedent."
"The moral difference is clear; Israel and the IDF have done their best to minimize civilian casualties."
"I loved seeing the military being forced to take accountability for what happened here."
"The principle of distinction... you may directly attack combatants and military objectives; you may not directly attack the civilian population or civilian objects."
"I wish all great military successes ended with nobody getting hurt."