
Historical Cycles Quotes

There are 196 quotes

"History has a way of repeating itself, unfolding from its genesis to its revelation."
"So, that's how it ended last time. Except this time, it won't just be barbarians; it'll be the planet itself that's on fire."
"A Renaissance is on the other side. From all great evils, great goods usually come."
"This is how empires crumble; it's how countries crumble."
"Nations rise and fall; they seem invincible and immortal when they are riding high, yet they may hide a rotting core. No country is eternal, and no economy is invincible."
"The history of China for five thousand years is centralization of power followed by dissolution and decentralization."
"History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce."
"What's old is new, that's always the same thing, and history repeats itself."
"Hollywood was booming like never before... but like the eras of history, time will inevitably lead to New Beginnings."
"Egypt's story had been one of upheaval, collapse, finally rebirth."
"One of the great lessons of history is that it repeats."
"There are the really five big influences that drive everything... money and debt economic influence... internal conflict... external conflict... nature influence... and technology influence."
"History repeats itself twice, first as tragedy and then as farce."
"Every 10,000 years you can expect a catastrophe to happen wiping out most of civilization."
"Nothing endures forever. Great civilizations are destroyed and new ones are engendered."
"History repeats, only faces and Tech change."
"Nothing happens, nothing happens, everything happens all at once. That's Russia's history."
"You don't have to be frightened going into this. Realize that we've gone through this before. Generations many a time."
"Every time humans say there's nothing new left to be discovered, history proves us wrong."
"The 2020s will be the first time these two cycles align in the same decade."
"I believe that we must be informed like the sons of Issachar to know the times and the seasons."
"Each turning is about 20 to 22 years, this one started in 2008, so roughly by 2030 you'd expect us to be wrapping up."
"I'm always going to want to go with history. History is doomed to repeat itself."
"The cycles of history... the American empire is right on track." - Dr. Ross Stewart
"Empires rise and Empires fall, and we might be seeing this happen in real time."
"Every 80 years we change our financial system."
"The cycle of racial caste: 'The emergence of each new system of control may seem sudden...'"
"The response to Communism is almost always fascism."
"History teaches us that events are often cyclical and that in the end, man is more opinionated than wise."
"Will we continue to repeat the exact same mistakes over and over again?"
"The way I see it, we're building an arc. It's going to get way worse than it is now, but I don't look at it negatively. Most great civilizations have lasted about 250 years."
"The New Republic’s struggle to emerge from a devastating conflict, the political gridlock and instability that followed, the bad hand it was dealt, we’ve seen these sorts of things time again here on Earth."
"For every turn away from a better world, there's often a stronger correction towards it."
"There's no great law of history that says that great powers must decline."
"The reset is coming, you can't keep this titler cycle of History going in the way that it is without significant problems coming up and that's where we're at."
"We reevaluate reality as a society... every few decades or so." - Dr. Simeon Hein
"We're a casualty of our own success. Nothing is new, it's just forgotten."
"Isn't it interesting how often this happens that a revolution ends up becoming the very thing that it was rebelling against?"
"History repeats itself. Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it."
"Geopolitical instability acts as a factor in of itself... the world is full of aggressive unstable powers that look to expand outwards."
"Almost always the greatest golden ages follow the worst struggles... chaos breeds order and vice versa forming a beautiful nexus that is creation."
"Humanity has throughout its long span risen to Heights and plunged into depths... like a drunkard stumbling."
"History repeats itself; it's never any different."
"Every civilization inevitably does collapse but the question is when and why and how."
"Every Empire falls, and in history, Empires fall due to resistance against them."
"Everything is cyclical. Understand history, and you'll understand the present."
"We are watching a repossession of the ancient gods."
"Prophecy is meant to be understood. Prophecy predicts a going back and forth that is different from previous times."
"I think we did come very close to that in the 1950s and 60s and again now in the 1980s."
"History just keeps repeating and repeating and repeating."
"Remember, this is nothing new under the Sun."
"We're not better and we and you could say well we've learnt our lessons I'd love to see the evidence that we've learned our lessons because we seem to be doing some eerily similar things again aren't we going back now to neo-segregation."
"Empires rise and fall, civilizations decline."
"Prophets often are highest in nations going fastest to ruin."
"This Golden Age lasted for a very long time indeed but sadly it could not last forever."
"History is inevitably going to repeat itself but I think that's like a character analysis on Humanity."
"It's history repeating itself... We are heavily involved... There's something huge going on here."
"In every rising empire, there's a fallen one."
"Aren't most quests for total domination doomed to fail eventually?"
"History is often cruel. Most nations don't make it. Their names litter the pages of history and the ruins roadsides around the world."
"Exploitation and domination will at some point breed resistance."
"All of this has happened before many times and will probably happen again."
"Just as in ages past, just as in ages yet to come."
"Empires rise and then fall... they over stretch themselves... they expend themselves into extinction essentially."
"Civilization will course correct and go back to having Asia as the center and the Americas will be once again what they always were."
"Empires cling to the past even when the signs clearly indicate that there's no way to resuscitate the past." - Andrew Bacevich
"This underscores the fact that if empires have risen and fallen with these cycles before then we should pay pretty close attention to what's going on we should we should heed that this could be a severe occurrence."
"Empires fall, ideologies change, and it's because humans are fickle and quick to blame everyone else."
"Doesn't it seem like history seems to repeat itself?"
"Nothing lasts forever, every dynasty has a run."
"History often repeats itself, and usually because people forget what happened."
"History repeats itself. You don't need psychics, you can just look at history to see what happens."
"All signs are pointing to one thing: the world is entering into a very difficult period of history."
"Every generation is condemned to fight the same struggle again and again."
"Seer Adele is about to descend into another Great War."
"Nothing ever changes. He was right. That was true in 1929 right before the crash and every market top since that time..."
"The problem with the pendulum theory of history is the media."
"If you want to be rich, you should study history, no matter what your field, because it will teach you everything you need to know. It's all happened before, it's all gonna happen again."
"Every empire in history... when it gets to the universal stage... thinks that it's eternal."
"They literally destroyed their cities just about once every century."
"Until we come to understand the actions of the people who set off the chain reaction, we're doomed to perpetuate it until oblivion..."
"I like the whole history repeat stuff. I love everything about it."
"It seems to be the defining pattern of your history fall then rise again I wonder of this points to an underlying weakness or an underlying strength."
"Every evil regime has fallen apart at some point. You know what comes has to eventually go."
"Often during times of renaissance renewal, it's generally preceded by times of tremendous breakdown."
"Good times make weak men, and here we are now."
"You have to learn not to look for the next king just because you killed the first one."
"Every time I find a new piece of life's puzzle it opens my eyes a bit more."
"An empire lasts about 250 years... six ages defined the lifespan of an empire."
"History never repeats, but it often rhymes." - Mark Twain
"Despite the best attempts of literally every civilization in history, they all fall down eventually."
"The world is closing down a cycle, moving from one state into another."
"What was is what shall be, there's nothing new under the sun."
"Every time the city was sacked what was left of the population simply rebuilt it."
"No matter how dark it gets you guys have the ability to make good out of bad remember when the was it the plague came or the the dark ages there was a renaissance and it's like that throughout history."
"History often times repeats itself, and if not, at the very least it rhymes."
"The paradigm is replaying... the signs of the template manifest in the exact same number."
"History repeats itself, maybe it's time for a revolution."
"Hard times produce strong leaders, strong leaders produce good times."
"For every revolution, the counter-revolution is just as ugly."
"But it was not lost, for China's cycles of order and disorder will continue."
"Tough times produce strong leaders. Good times, weak leaders."
"History repeats itself, and the war has never ended."
"We're so rich, we're so safe, everything is so powerful that we think that the gods of the copybook headings can't come back with fire and sword but they can and they always do."
"Prophetic mysteries are made known when past events repeat themselves in the future."
"Empires typically last around 250 years give or take 150 years."
"I do think they will get better in the long run because the fourth turning ends and then you get the first turning."
"It's the greatest opportunity in human history because we can see these cycles converging."
"Every hundred years this happens again and again... there's nothing new under the sun." - Flat Earth Dave
"The resurrection of Atlantis is the age of Aquarius, and it's our job to make sure we don't repeat the past."
"Empires don't last forever, and people have said they usually last 250 years or so. Now, the U.S. may be just about that old."
"Revolution is a cyclical thing, and history repeats itself."
"History repeats itself first as tragedy and second as farce."
"Empires destroying themselves always paves way for new empires."
"Enhance your growth through exposure to new ideas and information much faster, easier, and cheaper than ever before."
"Renaissances don't last forever... maybe we just lived through the renaissance."
"Every empire ultimately falls from the same misplaced arrogance."
"All empires end...every country alive today is doomed."
"Every great dynasty has fallen, every great empire has fallen."
"How can we understand the catastrophe cycles properly if we are not understanding the changes in our own climate properly?"
"Human history is divided between 414 year periods."
"History unfolds in cycles that civilizations and societies boom, bust, and then rise anew to repeat the pattern."
"Is it a coincidence that we're at the end of the 400-year captivity and all these things are occurring?"
"The elite are absolutely aware of these cycles."
"History works in cycles. No democracy lasts forever."
"Just because we live a small fraction of time doesn't mean that we can't further comprehend what all these ancient cultures seem to be aware of this lost cycle of time that affects our rise and fall of civilization here on Earth."
"Empires fall when they overextend their reach."
"The longer the peace lasts, the grander the next war will be."
"This current period of catastrophe, however, will be followed by a period of restoration."
"Every great power throughout history has always been conquered from within."
"Cycles of time and civilization: crests and troughs."
"History isn't continuous. Decades go by when nothing happens and then decades happen in weeks."
"There's decades where nothing seems to happen and there's days where decades seem to happen and that's kind of where we're at right now."
"The world is now witnessing the end of a currency... every currency in the world has at some point went to zero."
"The arrogance of upstart empires and their naive ambition have ever bound us to a cycle of war and loss. If only they would learn from our mistakes."
"Human history is circular because none of us ever actually learn from anything."
"History is full of swings and roundabouts and pendulums swing back eventually."
"Every great nation, empire, or legion will one day inevitably fall."
"A martian invasion is how we're going from the fourth turning to the first turning."
"...the return of China is just part of a long 4,000 year history of dynastic cycles."
"We shall find ourselves in the same old cleft."
"It's almost as if the society never learns that the abuses just keep on being repeated a generation or two generations later."
"History repeats itself, that's my theory."
"Every single group of people that has ever dominated were pushed around only a few generations before."
"I think mankind is going to go on for a long, long time. They call it hopeless with plenty of backsliding in front of us, yet plenty of sin. And after that, penance forward to new sins, new ecstasies, apocalypse."
"This is sort of a thing that's a cycle in U.S. history: you have a lot of change and then you get a reaction to this change, a lot of times it's political reaction."
"Many different ancient cultures were aware of this large cycle of time and built monuments that aligned to specific star constellations that are kind of like markers in space as to where we are in this large cycle of time."
"There seems to be a cycle here that repeats on Earth where we go into the dark ages and then into the golden age and then back into the dark ages into the golden age."
"Every empire that has ever grown up has also died."
"The study of history reveals that states have life cycles just like the individual humans who created them; they come and they go, they are born, they grow, the frontiers change, they decay, and dissolve again."
"The theme of renewal after decline is something that crops up throughout the history of the Roman Empire all the time."
"The first age is an age of love and unity, the second indicates the gradual appearance of strife and division, the third is full of hate and separation, and then the fourth love gradually reappears and reestablishes the age of love and unity again."
"If we understand the primary spiritual project of each 500-year block, then all of the details can fit in nicely."
"Every generation has its battles."
"History is doomed to repeat itself if no one learns from anything."
"History is cyclical... you have a civilization that starts in poverty and despair and then works its way up to glory and greatness."
"Where war and marvels take turns with peace, where sometimes lightning trouble has struck and sometimes soft ease."
"This alternation between centralized and decentralized power is one of the cyclical rhythms of history."
"Time fades, even legends. Heroes come and go, evil rises up only to be defeated in what seems like an endless cycle."
"There comes a time inevitably where every kingdom falls, and a new king rises from the ashes to replace the throne."