
Financial Wellness Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"If you can receive money well, you get to now enjoy money and feel abundant."
"Remove shopping and spending apps from your phone...all this convenience leads you to overspending."
"Spend on what makes you happy. Obviously, try to do it within reason and make sure you're balancing it with your other goals, but ultimately it shouldn't be shaming any one specific way or thing that we like to spend on."
"You don't just lose your money, you lose your peace of mind that's the other thing they don't talk about."
"The best form of self-care, in my opinion, is getting money."
"A very positive year ahead overall for you, financially and spiritually."
"Exercising the enjoyment muscle is one of the muscles we all must learn to use with money."
"Your reality is not your potential. In order to heal that financial depression, we gotta change our philosophy."
"Your job is secure, your business is growing, your finances are growing."
"You have overflowing prosperity, this is beautiful and a lucky break, good fortune, your finances look good."
"Until you change your mindset, money won't help you."
"A huge shift in positive way of lifting up of energies and especially any issues and blockages that you've had with finances and resources will be removed."
"Shifting from 'I have to save money' to 'I get to save money' is really important."
"By healing this wound, you're likely to increase your financial gain over the next few years."
"Contentment is wealth, if you're stressed about money, it's gonna eat you alive."
"Wellness over wealth, and when the two come together, that's magical."
"Financially fit allows you to live your life the way you want and live happy."
"Create a financial plan... your overall plan to achieve financial wellness for yourself."
"The secrets of financial wellness and well-being lie in having a vision for our lives."
"More employers need to offer workplace emergency savings accounts."
"My financial freedom, my financial abundance, and my relationship with money has radically transformed."
"Inner work leaves clues: if you do your money inner work, then your money situation changes."
"Living well within your means is essential."
"You don't have to stress about money all the time. Getting rid of that guilt, I think, is really important for just enjoying your day to day."
"Don't let that money stop you from having the peace of a decluttered home."
"I used to be stressed about my money, but now I'm learning how to enjoy it."
"You can manifest money in so many different ways."
"Everyone can have a better financial life."
"Financial health is essential for a stress-free retirement."
"Financial health gives you the ability to have a good work-life balance."
"...we would all be better off financially, psychologically, spiritually, morally; it would be a completely different world."
"Good mental health is the fastest way to good financial health."
"Money is always going to be emotional... but what I want you to do is to replace some of the emotions you feel with positive ones about your rich life."
"No item, no matter how snazzy or trendy or in demand, is worth sacrificing your financial security and your peace of mind."
"I'm just staying on top of life, man, staying on top of the family, on top of my friends, on top of the finances."
"Saving money is really important, it means a sense of peace when you have savings."
"Less stress, less clutter, less chaos, and more money in my pocket."
"Intentional spending means we're actually focusing on spending on the things that we love and cutting out the rest."
"I am super passionate about financial freedom and independence, and also financial empowerment."
"Offering financial well-being initiatives is key to addressing the high inflation and the economic uncertainty."
"Please address these warning signs because when we address these warning signs, our lives will be better, and your finances will be better."
"What if there was one thing that you could do today to change your life and your outlook on your money, your finances, your family, and feel better?"
"I don't want a Tesla; I just want my bills paid off."
"It's okay to make money as a yoga teacher because when you do, you're able to help more people."
"It is the Ramsey show where we help people build wealth, do work that they love, and create actual amazing relationships."
"We virtually eliminated the stress that most families have when it comes to finance."
"It's not a contest for most money, it's just a contest for feeling good about your financial situation and sleeping well."
"It's not the fact that you don't have money or not having money causes people to be depressed; it's the fact of being in debt and not having a plan or a way to get out of debt."
"I don't have to choose between my financial stability and happiness. I am building wealth by enjoying my life."
"I have a really good relationship with money because I work on having a really good relationship with everything in my life."
"A huge part of wellness is actually having the faculty and the intelligence to earn money in an integrity-based way."
"You're going to live a lot healthier by not having the financial stress."
"Cleo uses simplicity and humor to help individuals achieve financial well-being and improve their relationship with money."
"Say goodbye to stress and overwhelm, and hello to a fresh start with financial peace and confidence."
"Budgeting to me is a form of self-care."
"Any blockages with your finances or any delays are being removed."
"You're attracting, relaxing, letting offers come in and your finances flow in."
"Our goal, what unites us, is the same: to live a more abundant life spending less of our money."
"Love your finances no matter what and just manage your finances with love."
"If you want to be successful but you have like money blocks, then there might be things that you need to remove so that you don't block money from coming into your life."
"You deserve to not only financially thrive but enjoy the thing that you do most hours of the week."
"The year of saving has occurred, financial freedom and glowing up inside and out is here."