
Family Involvement Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"I used to educate a lot of kids. I have now taken this new tactic; I have to educate the adults, the parents, the guardians, the family members what is going on so they can take that home to the kids."
"We wanted to make sure that families have support with mental health support and good counseling so that as kids are figuring this out, the whole family is involved in it."
"What this does is it hooks them and brings them in, and brings the families in as well."
"Men and women need to work together. Dads need to be involved in their kids' lives."
"When Kim was still dating Stormi's dad, Travis Scott, he got into the KarJenner spirit when it came to gift giving."
"It's terrible for Donald Trump his children and all the co-defendants every day and every way every minute."
"It's a family affair at Body Shop Fitness in Lakewood, California, where AJ trains with and is coached by his dad Antonio McKee."
"Parental involvement is essential. I think it's the key to bringing up good kids."
"Micro goals... when I get to this level, I will be in my daughter's lives longer."
"My daughter's involved in Irish dancing, and there are costs associated with those activities."
"I really like it... when the families are side by side with us throughout the day."
"The family around this time wanted to be more involved, including Kelvin Hunter."
"We have a movement in Arizona. This was not some force thing. This was moms and dads, I called them my mama bears and papa bears and students and grandma bears."
"Parental authority for the education of their children belongs to the parents."
"Minnesota: the state of hockey, where every family has a former professional player."
"Education is a true partnership between a family and the environment that works best for their child."
"Thankfully, with the help of family, police finally woke up and put an end to the madness."
"I'm in love! Shows how involved the parents are and how supportive."
"Being a doctor is about the person as a whole, but also about their family as well."
"As long as I am feeling human and again don't have this massive underlying health issue, it's a matter of mama jumps out and the kids either do it with me or are nearby."
"Joe Biden and his family must be held accountable for their corruption."
"This is a family affair for the McCoy ranch."
"They're going after his wife and his kids and if... you know the Ivanka Jared stuff is legit since he literally hired them."
"I'm traveling the country with my son in defense of our constitution."
"That's some creepy stuff, family would just be going through all the stuff crazy."
"He's the one who takes them out, does things with them, plays football with them. He does the father role."
"I had a scene that involved Jerry Stiller and Ann Mara Ben's parents kind of involved them."
"I feel the love already man phone's going crazy while I'm on with y'all moms she's hyped"
"Unbelievable, I did not expect the father to have involvement in defeating this demon at all."
"You're going to see the best Tyson Fury, not just stopping in the camps. He's my son, this is my life."
"Do you guys think it was the parents or do you think it was whoever those fingerprints belong to?"
"No one in my family will have an office in the White House, will sit in meetings if they're a cabinet member, or will have any business relationship with anyone that relates to a foreign corporation or a foreign country."
"I think we need to be doing something really, really big, because if doing little things filled up Santa's bag for him, I think if we did something really, really, really big as a family, we get it to fill up all the way up to the top."
"There's a clear process to success, but part of that is including your family in the process."
"We involved our kids. They knew exactly what was going on, and we put them on our team."
"Joe Biden is a corrupt politician. The Biden family is looking more and more like a crime family."
"I took over the wedding preparation with the help of my in-laws, and this turned out to be great for all of us."
"Very layered, has to do with the wife and child of Dr. Gordon."
"If you know somebody who has gone missing, then you need to tell their relatives that the length of the search is greatly dependent upon how hard the people in that family push to have the area searched longer, harder, more thorough."
"I appreciate so much the effort that my parents put on being involved in our lives and not just resorting to movies and video games to be a babysitter."
"It's the same idea of Elon, he wants to get us to Mars."
"If you connect all that to your my forex funds you have people that did the my forex funds in your family and you're trading their accounts or managing their accounts and you have a copier all of them is gonna pass."
"Instead of having a family where one person goes to start a business and everybody else sits back... every member of the family feels deeply connected."
"It was a real privilege to care for baby I and to get to know you as a family who always put baby I first."
"What does it mean to now just To Be A Champion to be able to celebrate with their family."
"Everybody wants to come to the game, your mama want to come, your daddy want to come."
"Parents aren't... as active in their kids' lives as they should be... all part of the deterioration of the nuclear family."
"We're gonna do like a full story time I think because today's Christmas by the way, he proposed on Christmas Eve with both of our families there."
"Was it important for you to break the stigma that black men are in their kids' life? Absolutely."
"Share your faith with your family. Be open about your journey to Catholicism. Bring your spouse and children with you."
"I am overwhelmed with the support I have received in getting the opportunity to be in my son's life."
"I love your passion, love your dedication because it's been four months and Counting and um I applaud you and I wish I wish that the Robinson family could know all of you."
"Getting your family involved and then putting meat on the table that you know exactly what happened."
"I remember saying to mom, 'I'm going to the police station. I have a really bad feeling about this, and I would rather be wrong than be right.' And she said, 'Really? You really think you need to report her missing?' And I said, 'Yeah.'"
"We want to be able to have a traditional wedding with all of our family."
"The rug looks new again. Well done, Mom! I can't believe it."
"Winning Super Bowl 55 at our home stadium with my mom and family in attendance was really the last item I wanted to check off my career bucket list."
"Parents need to have a bigger role in their kids' lives."
"Last week a whistleblower produced WhatsApp messages from Hunter Biden proving that at the very least his father knew about his influence peddling businesses abroad and probably participated in them."
"It's fun to make the kids such a huge part of our building process. They have been along every step of the way."
"One of the best ways for Muslims to find out if the other person is serious or not for marriage and if you're looking for just marriage purpose then as soon as the families are involved you know it's serious."
"This guy Hunter Biden was doing all this when Joe Biden by his own admission knew... and he didn't say this is a dangerous position for the country."
"I was always coaching, I coached my son's football team."
"Ashley's parents decided to do some investigation of their own."
"When you and your family can all live day to day by playing a game and earning, that's the point where the world changes."
"Why are we involving the families? Well, some of you may say, well, the families are helping carry the weight."
"Travis's dad was later arrested for giving all the guns back to him."
"As we have highly simplified and decluttered our home, it became much easier to start to involve everyone."
"It's just fun fun fun and yeah so I'm gonna shoot some content with my little sister today."
"Married to Medicine stands out amongst these shows, the husbands are as much a part of the show as the ladies."
"Something good is I'm recently engaged. I'm celebrating with my sister and my mother, my mother-in-law, my sister-in-law, and my—"
"So pretty much every tour had a family member from a prominent family in the space to join us on our tours, which I thought was really cool."
"Let's just keep adding this orange concrete."
"Use doormats at entrance... Prevention is better than cure."
"I try to be trying to be the dad that my kids uh hopefully uh appreciate one day hope they look back and understand how much I work to to be in their lives."
"Make it fun, involve your kids, let them have a hand in making the food they will most likely be more willing to try new things."
"My son's overheard how everyone calls you thick and now every time he hears the stream he says 'Mom call him a thick boy'."
"It is insane the level of corruption we've got Joe Biden and Hunter Biden now involved in very much the same type of conduct."
"It's such a beautiful thing when at the age of one you start taping all of L's references all over the house."
"One of the biggest blessings to us has been having our family on YouTube!"
"We can get involved together, we can play, and it's just like a nice thing for us to all play together."
"For my family to have the opportunity to be a part of that, I'll never forget it."
"Most juvenile service professionals recognize family involvement as one of the key factors in the potential success of a kid's rehabilitation."
"We need more parents coming to rap battles."
"I was already on Dancing with the Stars, so when they decided to do the juniors they used all of us pros...Riley actually had to, like, of course, naturally when they said Dancing with the Stars juniors I'm like, 'Hey guys, like, my sister Riley is the perfect age...'"
"Politics for our family was a little bit like the family farm. Somebody milks the cows, somebody feeds the chickens, somebody bails the hay, somebody runs a tractor. But everybody from the cradle to the grave has some sort of job."
"Mr. Trudeau's wife and children have played a prominent role in his political career."
"I didn't just go down there and work with children; I brought my kids with me."
"Do your mom and her doctor both a favor by informing her doctor of your observations and concerns."
"Doctors really rely on patients' families in cases of dementia, Alzheimer's, and memory issues; the patient is an unreliable narrator."
"Now both my daughters are involved, and they give me questions, let's keep on doing it, alright, let's do it."
"Being able to involve them and have all of them decorate the tree with us was just so special."
"Twice a year, you should have an actual fire drill with your family."
"How can you not love this pick, and Deuce Von's dad even got to call him from Dallas because he's a minority owner, so that's just super like this pick just screams fun."
"It always comes back to just parents being involved."
"Do what you love to do, which is just cook outdoors, get the family involved, and that's what it's all about."
"Get involved with one of your cousins or uncles or brothers with your little brother man, learn how to change a diaper."
"The big thing is right away when you sit them up, mom can hug."
"Family affair, not only Jason's family's all here, but the fans are family."
"Let her be part of the family business even before she's part of the family."
"The lowrider bikes bring the entire family into the lifestyle."
"I would love for her to go to therapy, provided it's handled appropriately and both parents are actively involved."
"It's amazing how many families have been showing up at drag week."
"Scouting provides a family opportunity to be involved in something that makes a difference."
"Any time my girls come up with ideas for decor, I always like to integrate it because I think it's fun to see them getting involved in it and I want them to know that their opinion matters."
"Let the parents participate in their children's lives because it's for the children."
"She wants to be an active part of her children's lives."
"Get the family ready, get their input, get your husband involved, involve your children."
"Cleaning should be a teamwork task, so make sure you're getting your partner, your kids, your roommates to help you clean."