
Positive Influence Quotes

There are 1123 quotes

"Make the other person happy about doing the thing you suggest."
"You're known as like an Earth angel because of that, because you bring in something that no one else has seen here before."
"Well-placed Jupiter...exalted...you will get the positive manifestation of a Jupiter influenced person."
"He's just a guy who tries his best to leave a positive influence wherever he goes."
"You inspire them; they're excited about their day because they think about you."
"We need to feed our next generation with positivity, good information, whether that's investing, taking care of themselves, health and wellness, in sports."
"Things just grow around you; energy grows around you, people grow when they're around you."
"You need to watch some more Ted Lasso because you're never going to get anywhere in life trying to be furious."
"Be a golden experience for the people around you."
"He always saw the best version in anyone and got you to believe in yourself in a way you probably didn't even see for yourself."
"You can nudge people in a positive direction the way you did with me back in 2015."
"Be blessed but most importantly be a blessing."
"You can always find alternatives to things, but one thing that I believe that we should do is ensure that whatever energy we bring to or whatever children we're raising, we're gonna put them in a situation where they can be better human beings."
"She was someone who let her inner child show on the outside. She was not afraid to be exactly who she was and her presence alone was enough to lift people up."
"Using his power and influence for good shows how powerful it can be if used positively."
"Greg talked about how his girlfriend had impacted so many people with her positive attitude and her energy during her short stay on this planet."
"You help this person cut out a lot of negativity in their life... You really just cut through the crap, basically."
"Charisma worthy of the Gods meaning that it is like fantastic love listening to this character, excellent personality."
"I promise to stay humble, to work harder, and one of the reasons why I even create videos is because I just want to spread positivity, good vibes all around."
"The relationship between Geralt and Siri is one of gaming's best examples of a truly positive and mutually respectful father/daughter relationship."
"You make people feel good; they just want to be around you."
"So perhaps he can also make life better for all of the women that he encounters along his way."
"Jay Cole takes it in a very commendable and heartwarming approach."
"Being an athlete doesn't mean [ __ ] if you're not impacting somebody else in some type of positive way."
"Most successful people who are thriving, they just want to share that joy and that aura about them with other people."
"You got to make yourself happy first...you making yourself happy, people see that off of you, and then they'll be happy."
"This person really sees you as like a light in a dark place."
"This person being in your life will be a sign that you're on the right path."
"I am a positive force. I teach the world discipline, male or female of any age."
"You're gonna help this person make more positive changes."
"I think what a man is true to his influence and true to his essence, and he's good within himself, he's a positive influence in the world."
"I am a positive force in the world, and I teach discipline, male or female, of any age."
"He was a tireless advocate for the young people of this city and of this world to lift them up with the possibility of not being in prison by where you come from or past mistakes but the possibility of what comes in the future."
"We knew we loved each other, and we have a great time together, and you know, we love the same things, and I think in most ways, we bring out the best in each other."
"If you're looking for a positive influence... Clint is the guy to tell you."
"We as Christians have the ability to speak life to people."
"I like my life now because I like to help people... to direct people into the right path in life."
"You make them feel capable and that really is something that's like a gift that you give people."
"Don't share the video of that fight where people are getting beat up and bullied, instead share the video of that athlete who spends every Tuesday in a children's hospital giving back."
"I had a very important effect on me, a positive effect on me growing up."
"There's a lot of positive hip-hop out there. It's not degrading at all, that's non-violent, that's not profane, but a lot of the time it doesn't get the same push."
"You gotta surround yourself around that whether it's family, friends, within business or the workplace. Go for that because there's something better out there."
"You are the creator and the magician. Use your gifts for good. There is power in your wisdom and words."
"I feel like we all kind of know those people who just instantly put you in a better mood when you're around them, just because of how genuinely nice they are."
"You're learning how to love yourself, you're learning how to be independent. People love your company; people love your energy."
"Surround yourself with people who want the best for you."
"Hey, Fluttershy, it's me. Don't want any candy, just want to say thank you. See, you really do inspire me, and I hope you inspire a lot of other folks. So tonight, I realize the best possible costume I could wear. I'm going as you."
"You may use that for a greater good and I would encourage you to do that."
"I'm giving confidence to people, I'm making them feel good."
"Apes together man... positivity in the community."
"There's a need for a positive masculine role model."
"Dion's actually good for college football right now."
"There's still good in there, not just Salad himself, but also the influence of the Namekians."
"You need to make someone's job easier for them, they will instantly like you."
"He's a good man trying to make positive changes in the system and influence the world in a good way."
"I feel like you've inspired them to be determined to do a lot better in their life."
"When we love ourselves, it shines through us and can bring others to feel the same."
"Hell of a Boss has impacted the world positively."
"The meaning in your life is proportionate to the degree that you take responsibility for positively shaping your experience and the experience of others."
"You're going to feel gassed up by this person's energy entering your life."
"These kids are not only some of the best actors I've ever worked with, but some of the best people I've ever gotten to know."
"When we seek to discover the best in others we somehow bring out the best in ourselves."
"I'm really hoping that this is going to get him to stay on track."
"Be a light unto the world instead of a blight."
"Success for me is being dedicated. Being honest with your work. And success comes running to you. No matter what! And I think if you have these kinds of mottos in your life, you can't go wrong."
"It's up to the community, the family, the parents to try to push their son in the right direction."
"Kindness is contagious and provided the light that reclaimed ground lost to evil and darkness."
"Honestly, she's just like a ball of positive energy. I think, like, I literally, like, fell in love with you on that show."
"I'm especially hopeful that I have somehow positively impacted someone."
"What I think an influencer should be is someone who actually influences people to do stuff that's actually good and productive to society."
"Positive Angelic human ETS are in fact very involved in saving our planet but as I have said before we ultimately have to save ourselves."
"Venus is protecting you this month, it's making trines to you, and Venus is making trying to your sign that it is protective."
"You don't have to dim anybody's light for you to shine, and all I'm seeing is dimming lights."
"Just a huge word of appreciation for you for being one of the good ones out there."
"I know exactly what I want to do with my life: influence people to the good."
"I love Gavin. He is hilarious, he is a light in the world."
"Your actions were able to help someone as broad as myself look at the world in a brighter light."
"Some people are exuding this like you just make me happy when you're around."
"It got everyone talking and it just got a lot of positivity as I said around a subject that's generally quite negative."
"Radiating joy and positivity: They radiate joy and positivity wherever they go."
"Pop culture can actually be a very positive thing in helping people be childlike and to be better people okay when there's great messages that uplift us and Inspire us to be better people."
"It's good to have people like that around you."
"Share your light brightly because it will illuminate the way for others."
"But it has to come from a place of love and authenticity."
"I miss our friendship, you bring out the best in me."
"That's freaking awesome you probably won't sell as many copies but guess what you're doing really good in the world."
"Your connection solidifies their knowing that they're here to make a positive difference."
"You don't get a million subscribers because you're preaching hate."
"There's a lot that Kanye's doing that's gonna be a big positive, a massive positive force on society."
"Subscribe to everyone on Instagram YouTube Tick Tock who isn't constantly feeding your mind with positive thoughts and valuable information."
"Marriage should only change you for the better."
"You have the power to impact the world positively or negatively."
"You have the ability to heal people's energies."
"I promise you I am deeply devoted and committed to putting light and love and joy into the world."
"A lot of positive energy is coming from you."
"They definitely feel like Victorious around you... they're gonna see you in their life long-term."
"I want to show people that no matter what the game, I can bring joy and happiness."
"Celebrate the good that a guy like Brian is doing."
"One person hits you up and says you helped make my life better, I'll take a billion [__]."
"Since you are shining so much light for them and you've been really good to them, this could really help you, helping to shift them out of this lower mental state."
"Everything about this man is outstanding, everything about him… He is someone who does not leave a place without changing it for the better."
"Skateboarding kept me away from trouble as a youth."
"A leader is somebody who shines their light and shines their light on everyone."
"If you have all that power and wealth and you have the Holy Spirit, then God gets the glory for your good things."
"I feel like we're doing a good job in inspiring people to care."
"Be that light and be that example for everybody else."
"You were like a healing angel, bringing joy and sunshine into their life."
"Your light will help the people around you. It will heal the people around you. It will calm the people around you."
"The positivity and the humor you guys bring."
"It is the will of God that every single one of His children live in such a fashion that you and I impact other people for good."
"I would like to know what it is. But if we do find out, I hope we leave it alone."
"Using this platform to spread good and to do good in the world."
"Be the pressure reliever, not the pressure builder."
"You are definitely becoming a light to others."
"Streaming or let's plays affect the industry... the general consensus is that it is a positive."
"I'm forever grateful for the three of you for being a positive influence in my life during one of my lowest moments."
"He's just been an awesome part of the community since the beginning."
"I wish there were more people like Sean Copeland. Keep it up, bud."
"You will never see us use our platform to hurt or bring anybody else down, only to uplift others because what is the freaking point?"
"Give the impression of increase, and you'll see blessings overflow."
"And because of that, I feel like I have a responsibility to do everything I can to help you guys and make the world a better place."
"I'm putting a call out right now to all the Ultimate Warrior fans all over the world, all the other warriors, to get behind a movement that is positive and inspiring men and women who desire to be the best of the potential they have, not the worst."
"COVID has been terrible for countless numbers of reasons but it might just be the most positive thing to helping your next game idea get its big break."
"Spread positivity and spread awareness to the underrated channels."
"You're amazing and you make a difference in this world."
"This woman however made a difference in someone's life."
"Showing what you got because most people like me, when I see somebody and they got something really nice, it just motivates me. I don't feel hate."
"The honesty and being out is infectious and breeds into this really positive thing."
"They want to pay it forward. They recognize that they were mentored or they were counseled or advised or had a positive influence somewhere along the way."
"Their story has been an inspiration to many people, which has hopefully encouraged others to act the same way."
"They admire your generosity, stability, and devotion."
"Donald Glover seems like a decent good role model."
"It's a blessing to be able to share some level of good tidings and education."
"It's time for men to start changing what the idea of what people think a man is."
"They may be actively trying to encourage you."
"If you dictate with love, if you show with love, if you move with love, they'll be willing to present the love."
"My positive energy can be somewhat of a positive impact on your day; like that's enough for me as well."
"You have powerful energies within you to be used for the betterment of your own life and that of others."
"She saw the best in others and really did everything she could to help people in need."
"She represents the best of love, of freedom, of wounded healing, of joy spreading, and that is a moral and spiritual achievement."
"You're here because you bring the light, you bring the truth."
"Gannon... had such a positive effect on people during his short time on Earth."
"Young people are listening to their music and they're sending a good message through their music."
"He was having a positive impact on the field."
"I inspire a lot of people, so I'll be happy about that. It's a good feeling."
"My daughter's soaking in that positive stuff."
"You're actively helping bring up people around you."
"they find you as that luck in their life that change in their life that Sun coming out through the rain after it's all gone"
"She makes the room warm, she's the sunshine."
"Positively show these kids like look man you know they're you don't have to do this and you can you can kind of avoid this and be successful."
"I feel so good about myself when I'm around you."
"You charge them up with energy; you make them glow inside."
"We have the power to make someone else very, very happy."
"So many people in our lives who are Christian, who are Muslim, who are whatever faith, are really, really good people."
"Seeing a relationship just work and seeing them be happy for each other... It's very nice to see."
"Most of the time a delightful kid, he undoubtedly did other players for the most part a lot of good."
"There's like this community of building people up and I truly do respect that."
"We are kind, generous people, and we want to make people feel good about themselves."
"You're someone who's positively transforming; they've never had such a beautiful positive transformational effect from anyone or anything."
"I feel like you were a blessing to this person's life as well."
"There's a small select group of people that don't fall into the category of negative programming, and they are always working diligently trying to lift everybody up."
"A leader who appeals to the best within us not the worst."
"The only way I'm able to do it is because I take God with me wherever I go."
"He was never a net drain. He was never a net burden. He was always a net positive."
"Let's make this love contagious, let's make this light contagious."
"Everything I'm doing is positive messaging for women period."
"What can we do on new Earth Day? Shine our light, do random acts of kindness, bring levity, warmth, humanity, and kindness."
"Your energy is nurturing... your words are wise."
"She's like the Sun and she shines bright, she always have and she always will."
"His energy, how he built everybody up around him and gave them empowered them."
"It makes me so happy that people like you exist."
"Surround yourself with positive, ambitious people who care about family and friends."
"Hitler's National Socialism demands the removal of the Jews from society because they're against capitalism and Marxism."
"Having others for encouragement and support has a massive influence."
"Love yourself, love what you're doing, love others. Use love as a language or currency to help others."
"You're a prize, a gift to the people that come into your vicinity."
"You made them start dreaming again, I feel like their dreams have been shut down until they met you."
"Speedrunning has made a really positive impact."
"I feel like you bring the best out of this person."
"We need to see rappers loving their kids, homie."
"It's like it's incredible that there is this show and that people care enough about it to want to watch it and be a part of that conversation that I think no matter what is positive."
"ESFJs at their best are leaders of a community."
"Sharing the positive side of gaming to people, that's what I want to do."
"Surround yourself with people whose eyes light up when they see you coming."
"Your presence is giving off energy and healing people around you."
"I hope that I can make you smile and bring a little bit of harmless goofballery into your day."
"Your smile always cheers me up, and you make life here better for everyone."
"You are so unique and different and genuine you bring positivity into their life that they've never felt before and you're really light you know you light up the sky in that sense."
"It just goes to show you the impact that a positive role model has."
"You're being such a good role model to your daughter."
"Just hearing the impact that somebody had and then like the positive impact that somebody had and then them taking like that it's just crazy to me."
"You're setting a really good example right now."
"When the relief comes, it will be beyond your imagination."
"Make yourself better puts me in a position to make others better. Be the example, not the problem."
"If you find your purpose and you share your gifts with the world, you can really make a positive impact in the lives of others."
"Loving this channel's content gives me hope for this younger generation."
"You're a gift to the world my friend... just the way that you walk your talk."
"Surround yourself with people that wanna work."
"Surround yourself with positive, uplifting, driven, strategic people."
"We all have a responsibility here, we all do. We all do. And I hope you guys look at that, let that digest, get it all the way down to the plums, okay, let it soak all the way down there and do something positive by being a light for somebody."