
Historical Reflection Quotes

There are 339 quotes

"Many of us ask ourselves, 'What would I do if I was alive during slavery, or Jim Crow, or apartheid? What would I do if any country was committing genocide?' The answer is, you're doing it right now."
"History is filled with almosts, with those who almost adventured."
"We as a nation have taken a wrong turn in our stride toward freedom. We've betrayed Dr. King's dream."
"These ships are really good microcosms of the time periods in which they served and really reflect to a large extent the societies they came from."
"Preferably the worst survived, the selfish, the violent, the insensitive, the collaborators of the 'grey zones', the spies."
"All these years later, many who know the story lament at just how well these lines would have served the city well beyond what we have today."
"Join me in awakening from a long amnesia species with amnesia our forgotten history."
"It's wild to me because I think back to 2020 and 2020 was such a hard time for so many people."
"What a magnificent testimony to the progress of humanity."
"I think that the queen made sure in her reign that there was room always for reinvention, for reinspection of the past, and for finding a route effortlessly by just being there as head." - Commentator
"You couldn't just coast by on familial prestige, you actually had to, you know... DO something for it in ancient Rome."
"Slavery was bad. The Fourth of July, Declaration of Independence, the Constitution are all good things. Juneteenth is also a good thing."
"The loss of so many vehicles in one Fell Swoop is a call back to the early errors"
"Every evil and deluded person in history considered themselves rational and logical, using reasons to justify their actions."
"They're remembering just how awful that presidency was."
"We did everything we could to avert war at the time I wish we had seen more of that action from the Biden administration in the future."
"It's just so hard to think about growing up here what may have happened if they hadn't done that." - Vanderbilt spokesperson
"A symbol of freedom which we would do well to consider again today to reaffirm our liberties."
"The 90s was just a great decade, I'm realizing that now, [ __ ], we took it for granted."
"It's a time where at least some people in this country, of all races, are open to looking at our history, however painful it is."
"We owe them some thanks... the Soviet Union had actually dissolved itself rather than taking us on in physical war."
"Even if it's something we'd rather forget, it's good we can always look back on what's happened and what has been made."
"Show doesn't get any bigger than this except for that one time where all those singers got together and sang 'we are the world' and I'm sure they wish Michael Jackson probably wasn't on that one nowadays."
"Imagine people could have raised ten million bucks voluntarily from around the world and Adolf Hitler can't round up Jews and send them off to the concentration camps anymore. Is that a dystopia or a utopia? Well, it's a utopia."
"We ended slavery, okay, that's the important thing to consider here."
"What Martin Bashir did to Diana was wicked. What he did to Michael Jackson was wicked. Had Martin Bashir not been involved in the lives of Diana and Michael Jackson, who knows, they might both still be alive."
"When has America ever been great? The ugly sign to this truth is that we are witnessing a reality where the blame is being constantly placed upon the victims."
"Here's to a peaceful future, and may there never have to be another Christmas underground."
"Acknowledging that there were acts of horrible evil and violence... and still celebrate Thanksgiving for what it is, is that okay?"
"I wish people had taken him more seriously in 2016."
"I'm always optimistic... our country has been in horribly divided places before and we have found ways."
"That dream that MLK guy wanted about the arc of justice bending towards more equality, it's kind of here."
"Juneteenth is a mark of how far America came in abolishing slavery and yet it is treated as a sign of how far America did not come in doing anything."
"It would do us well next time we come across one of his statues rather than to accuse and vandalize to instead pause and reflect on the staggering personal achievements that are possible by any one of us."
"Isn't the worth of human life worth three towers in Russia? That's the point in history we've come to, absolutely despicable."
"All experience has shown that mankind is more disposed to suffer - while evils are sufferable - than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed." - American Declaration of Independence
"When I was Your President we had peace through strength and now we have weakness conflict and Chaos."
"Our Founders never contemplated that you would have someone so utterly contemptible present themselves for the highest office."
"Atlantis is the go-to example these days for a great civilization brought to ruin by its own hubristic decadence."
"So, if we can't escape our lot on earth, at least, we can remember as much as we can, to look up."
"We have to look back on historical injustices. That's why sunlight is the best disinfectant."
"In order for us to think about where we're gonna go in the future we should take a hard look at where we have been in the past."
"You cannot build a country having slaves on the field."
"I should not have chased the French. That's great, that makes me feel good, yeah."
"Regardless of what actually happened to Walter, I can only hope that both he and Christine were able to find peace."
"The United States was once a great nation for of and by the people."
"If we don't make an analysis of what went wrong then the only analysis that will be out there is by those who are enemies."
"May you live in interesting times. These are interesting times indeed."
"You really, really did justice to one of the greatest injustices in the history of the country."
"It is essential in order for us to move forward for us to recognize the truth of what has happened over the last four years."
"The legend of King Arthur: a mirror of the quest for perfection that human beings tend to strive towards."
"There were many Russians in 1968 who saw the moral travesty... I invite them to do what others have already done and join hands with us."
"We lost too many people before we realized we could do things differently."
"They say strong men made good times. I was a product of those good times."
"It's sad to think that humanity's greatest achievement was nearly 50 years ago."
"We had 50 years with the petrodollar to right our ship, and I feel like it got squandered. We didn't do a lot with it."
"America literally became a thing because we don't like taxes and look at us now."
"We were slipping quickly from the republic of our founding into a dictatorship."
"We've had this great American experience for 246 years and I think back to that speech he gave at CPAC in February."
"Are we like the God of the Old Testament that we can decide, in Washington, DC, what cities, what towns, what hamlets in Vietnam are going to be destroyed?... Do we have to accept that?... I do not think we have to."
"Can you believe it’s been 50 years since we landed on the moon?"
"It's easy to get caught up in modernity, but it should be underscored how unique and special of a moment we've been here before."
"It's a missed opportunity, much will be said in history as to how we could have handled this better."
"It's important to reflect on how we got to the world we live in today."
"Music will tell future generations of our political issues, our worries, our passions, and our successes, all from the perspective of real people in the moment."
"I think America has more than enough morality in its backstory to be able to stand up and say never."
"They got a lot of work to do but they are not believing these things anymore either right."
"The beat generation... criticizes the conformity of the 1950s."
"In the end, this lack of foresight left them vulnerable. Perhaps we, their successors, would do well to remember that."
"Gironovsky's musings: 'It is never too late to correct historical errors.'"
"This incident serves as a timely reminder that the past often mirrors the present."
"I ain't going back to the plantation. I've come too far."
"Could you imagine? She faded away, faded away. I mean, her—it would be like... and I forgot what she was born... but it would be like, whatever, like 1884, November 20th, 1884, to November 20th, 1984."
"Reflect on what France means now and then rebuild this monument."
"We're not better and we and you could say well we've learnt our lessons I'd love to see the evidence that we've learned our lessons because we seem to be doing some eerily similar things again aren't we going back now to neo-segregation."
"The rise, fall, and rebirth of the Ford Bronco is sort of like a metaphor for the last 50 years in America."
"You think it's odd they slave you if the slave master you serve the same God they gave you."
"And here we are 50 years later, and we have made real progress toward creating the conditions of freedom, but we have not made enough progress."
"Remember back in 2002... voicing any sense of solidarity... that's happened many times."
"Always remember the fires that we were forged in. Those who forget are lost."
"Wars is crazy... it's not something that should be looked back on as being cool or anything like that."
"It will be analyzed people in the future will look back at and say it was a mirror to a troubled time in America's history."
"The happiness of the Saints. Why are these people singing hymns and forgiving their enemies as we're feeding them to the Lions?" - "That's the unanswerable question."
"Complacency is not the character of great nations."
"It just makes you wonder what it must have felt like to live here during medieval times."
"As the world was falling apart how wonderful it was and how it stirred the heart that the hopes and fears of all the years were met in one place."
"Wellington's quote after the Battle of Waterloo: 'Nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won.'"
"Rome's rise and fall is a sobering reminder of the fragility of even humanity's greatest societies."
"There's no such thing as a good slaveholder."
"With the enemy thus at a safe distance, the Greeks now returned to the battlefield of Salamis to truly celebrate their victory."
"At the end of the day, this is just yet another Dark History story where money blinds powerful people from doing the right thing."
"The legacy of People's Temple is, and I quote, to cherish the people and remember the goodness that brought us together."
"The problem with Cults like the People's Temple and communes like Jonestown is the fact that you can't just try to rebuild Eden and your own image and pretend that the fall never happened..."
"Hey, let's just take some innocent people and then shoot them. What the [ __ ] is wrong with these Europeans?"
"That's the thing, we got very into it in the 90s."
"Confronting the Nationalists before we had fully recovered may have been a mistake. Our magnificent recovery in the long march instilled hope in our supporters but now seeds of doubt have been sown."
"The lesson in this song has still not been learned 50 years later."
"So instead of asking what happened or what could have been, maybe we should just be thankful for what it was."
"Dear Lord, we express our gratitude as we reflect on the moments in history when faithful followers proclaimed that you are our Father."
"It's an embarrassment to us Christians that we've had slavery in the Bible. Well, it should be."
"Hear me out he was he was young he was hot he was well spoken from all accounts I really think it would have been different had he lived longer all right say had he gotten old enough to get bitter all right just hear me out."
"Sisi wanted to 'travel the whole world over…until I drown and am forgotten.'"
"The moment Reagan and Thatcher went...those who were supporting him obviously some people don't like them then there was no next Stater."
"Slavery is the great shame of America's history. No one denies that. But it's to America's everlasting credit that it fought the most devastating war in its history in order to abolish slavery."
"I mean before there was civilization and we were just cavemen right."
"Ask yourself, would you have stood with him like his companions?"
"Be sure that the former issues are dead before you really bury them. There are issues that cannot die without the death of the people, of their honor, their civilization, their greatness."
"I don't think any child should be asked to do that, under any circumstances. I don't think it would happen today."
"The authoritarianism we had after 9/11 for about a decade and a half..."
"Slavery for the elite is not essential like it was back in the days."
"Thinking back to that civil war period and that post-civil war period gives me hope."
"Trump should have cleaned house the first time."
"American ambition has been lost in the last 50 years."
"The Echoes of History, a haunting reminder of the vital importance of holding those in power accountable."
"The harsh lessons of 2020 and moving into a new age of healing."
"In reflecting on the world before the flood, we gain insight into the depths to which humanity can sink when distanced from God."
"You can't whitewash how bad the Trump years were."
"We wanted a war to be over. We wanted to stop the killing."
"The absence of monuments is an accurate reflection of the absence of public debate." - Anne Applebaum
"It’s pretty cool to get these glimpses of the past with Rhaegar and Elia and Aerys."
"We can never forget what happened on 9/11, what caused it, how we were asleep at the switch, and then what came from that, that led us to this point today."
"It was like a different time, it was much similar sometimes it was so innocent back then."
"The war was very real to us, and what it was in retrospect was the time of the most unity and patriotism I've ever seen in this country."
"May you live in interesting times, and so we do, to say the least."
"At every critical juncture, when we could have gone back, we found a way to go forward."
"It's impossible to watch it now and not see nearly word for word and image for image the parallels to today."
"Mitchell's relationship with smoking reflects the shifting attitudes..."
"I feel like many people who may have experienced watching this all play out back when it was taking place might feel different about the case now, looking at it with fresh eyes."
"You've got to ask yourself before you want to abolish everything that has been built by our ancestors, you've got to ask yourself why were these things put up."
"Looking back on June 6th and the days that followed, we tend to take for granted the success of the D-Day landings."
"Freedom. Liberty. Democracy. American democracy. I just visited the grounds of Ali Forge... it tells a story of the pain and the suffering and the true patriotism it took to make America."
"White folks always wanted the safest black they could have."
"They're trying to pull people back into the black hole of 2020, and I ain't interested in it."
"Every monument of civilization is also a monument of barbarism."
"The question is, will it happen again? Yeah, where were you 20 years ago?"
"MLK realized near the end that he had been used."
"For every time despots take control, their first aim is to disarm their intended victims."
"I think in this country we had a lot of great progress, civil rights for instance."
"It's time to let all that go, because those eras, those moments... they weren't good for black folks in the long run."
"So what can we do about this? Well, let's think back. Who was in charge of the seed and patent system when it worked? That's right. The USDA."
"Don't argue with people Harriet Tubman would have left behind."
"What was intended to be a symbol of America's strength and resilience is now a painful reminder of its hubris."
"Reframe the abuses, atrocities, exploitations, and racism ingrained in this country's history."
"A ruler so desperate to solidify his dynasty."
"They just don't know how bad it was back in the day." - Reflecting on past challenges and changes in gaming.
"The people of the country need to understand how close we were to losing it all on that day."
"A chance to reflect on Deer Street and the Britain it dissects."
"No country is without sin, especially in times of war."
"This could have been somewhat avoided if Trump had been impeached and removed from office."
"Let's hope it has none of the racism, fascism, and economic collapse and some of the glitz, glamour, and progress of the golden 1920s."
"Only a few years later... they found out they were on the wrong side of History."
"But it's only a silver lining if in fact we can look to the past and learn from it."
"Anytime you open that Pandora's box of war, you don't control it, it controls you."
"We were caught up in the wave of enthusiasm...life has shown how wrong we were."
"If our founding fathers could only see us now."
"Here we are 50 years later and we're still looking at the same dynamics."
"The foundation of our republic planted the seeds of death of slavery."
"We are no longer journeying in the wilderness, We are no longer in the season of mere planting. We are in the harvest time." - Samuel Gompers
"The key is to go back and find out how we made this country great in the first place."
"In order to move forward, we must go back. We must go back to the past we're healing."
"Do the Evolution cast light onto some of mankind's darkest deeds." - Narrator
"It is easier to mythologize something in its absence than it is to deal with the difficult realities of the flesh and blood."
"Imagine going back to the beginning of old school."
"We should be elevating ourselves with everything we've been through. We ought to be ashamed for not elevating ourselves more."
"The very sight... symbolized for me the total collapse of the German army and the absolute conclusion of hostilities."
"Get ready, get ready, get ready. Time is almost finished, and what took up Pioneers years to learn, we will have to learn in a few months' time."
"I think that our country is the country that has gone through different periods of time where the unthinkable has happened and where there has been a call for justice, and justice has been served."
"You're not rejecting the spirit of past bigotry; you're just using it in a different direction."
"We cannot let the country just move on from this... the attackers aren't just moving on from it."
"It really represents a blemish on US history."
"Hope you spent your Valentines’ Day with someone who loves you as much as Obama loved drone strikes."
"I say leave the asylum standing as a reminder that we can do better."
"I hope that we learn from the last that we can't do this to each other again and again."
"I think there's also a resurgence, and that's how we fight back. So we don't make the same mistakes we did from the late '70s into today."
"His legacy endures in the scars his regime left behind and the persisting afterlife of his fascist ideology."
"Total temporal distortion, time slowed down. I thought of how I just saw a show on the History Channel. An old man, a World War II vet, had survived a mountain lion attack."
"I'm glad he was president. I'm glad I was allowed to see it."
"I think in 100 years people are going to look back and they're going to say, 'How did we stand back?'"
"Although they're all period dramas, they also do really reflect the time when they were made and aired."
"It tells the story of Art Spiegelman himself, coming to terms with his father's story. You will be moved to tears, you will be moved to rage."
"The same ones who scattered at the cross gathered at the ascension."
"We're at an inflection point in our history. Those legitimate questions the young man asked me a moment ago on a meet with questions for America: Who are we? What do we stand for? What do we believe? Who will we be?"
"As we gather to bear witness to the events that are unfolding before us, we will remember that this is where we came from and it is where we shall one day return."
"how incredible we once were and how incredible we can be again"
"It's tantalizing to wonder what might have been had Ramanujan been given access to more complete mathematical education from a younger age."
"The king laments his ancestors' use of this power claiming that it's what brought upon the doom over a century ago."
"Together on both sides of the Atlantic, we will work together to make sure that never again we allow a handful of people with superior technology to walk into Africa, seize our peoples and sell them into slavery."
"When a group of brave men ventured into the line of fire trusting their enemies not to shoot and believing that humanity was better than the bonfire it had built for itself—happy holidays everybody."
"It's not enough that you escaped the land of Egypt. You must remember to be kind to the stranger today."
"The chapter in our national history which tells our dealings with the Indian tribes will be one of the darkest and most disgraceful in our annals." - Alfred Meacham
"Einstein said after Hiroshima that everything had changed except our way of thinking and that's the critical point."
"It's time now for all Sanatanis to start thinking as a Sanatana not as a Brahmana as a Vaishya or a Kshatriya or Sudra those days are gone..."
"This is their time to shine, this is their time to say, 'Look at white people, ha ha. Now you know how we feel.'"
"Old World Blues contains what very well might be the game's strangest bug."
"So I just want you to appreciate when people sort of talk about and people often do I would never go along with that in 1930 I would never have been."
"Humanity... this uncanny talent of accomplishing amazing things but dang there are some really cringey moments in our past."
"It's such a crazy time in history well you really stop and think about all the different experiments that they did do." - it's such a crazy time in history well you really stop and think about all the different experiments that they did do
"It never goes away. Oh my god, imagine telling yourself in 2015 that we would have platforms and a pandemic in 2020."
"It isn't just an honoring of the past, it's a statement of resolve for the future."
"You want to be watching or covering a guy in their prime who just did ridiculous things and you can look back and tell your grandkids one day, you know, I covered him or whatever." - BC