
Social Advice Quotes

There are 236 quotes

"If you want to be interesting, be interested."
"If you want women to like you, be a likeable person."
"One final word of advice from the legend McBain: 'To avoid those desperate combats, my advice is for all gentlemen to take a hearty cup and to drink friends, to avoid trouble.'"
"Don't be a meanie weenie and stick up for your friends."
"The age-old mentality of 'don't feed the trolls' is a bit outdated."
"Sharing is the most important thing you can do to help me."
"It's not good to be suspicious of people all the time."
"Young men should aspire to find a good woman and start a family with her. That's what you should be aspiring to do."
"Stay away from these people, whatever network is you, you try."
"Be friends with people, yeah, that's the thing."
"There's good advice... we educate men better... we don't blame the people who get that consent violence."
"Physical touch is very important, yet 95 percent of guys out there never do it."
"I'll never steer people in the wrong direction. Drinking with your friends is fun, but always be responsible."
"Quality over quantity, and what this just means is like don't focus on popularity or how many hallway buddies can i make but more like focusing and devoting your time on finding genuine people that you are going to consistently have."
"To make friends you've got to be a friend yourself."
"You've been called a try-hard, that just means you need to go outside."
"Clown world, every man that is listening to this broadcast right now needs to understand that you must protect yourself, bro."
"Make friends, for Christ's sake. Make friends."
"I think people would like you guys more if you're just authentic."
"Everybody's got to bring it down, cool down the temperature."
"Keeping it right is way more beneficial than keeping it real."
"You should always take things with a grain of salt because people usually will show you what they want you to see, they won't really always show you the reality of the situation."
"Be patient with new people coming into your life."
"Get rid of your prejudice and your bigotry because it's like giving yourself a huge raise."
"We need someone like Jordan Peterson to deradicalize the regressive left, to stand up and say respect your neighbor, love your neighbor."
"Never ask a woman if she's pregnant. Even if she is actively in labor, don't ask her until you see the baby."
"Whether in your work or social life, always be careful where you put your trust."
"Don't attack someone for something they never said, did, or feel."
"Maybe we should be telling our boys not to rape them."
"Group fights should be avoided whenever possible."
"We're not all screeching 'end is nigh.' We're saying, 'Hey guys, we're in, take a couple days off.'"
"Stop pleasing people that hate you. Stop doing that. You need to please the people that love you."
"Go out, make a friend, you'll realize that we all, for the most part, want the same thing."
"Keep your judgment to yourself, like don't put it out there in the world."
"Girls actually want guys to talk to them like this."
"The best time to make friends is before you need them!"
"Do not defend stupid behavior, do not condone stupid behavior."
"Spend time with real people. It's not touch grass, touch family, not like in a creepy way obviously."
"If you want a friend in Washington, D.C., get a dog."
"Loyalty always reward a [person], dawg. You can have [people] in your ear telling you this and telling you that."
"Being a nice guy almost never works in your favor."
"White people need to learn and listen a little bit more."
"Just do what you're comfortable with... it's none of your business."
"Surround yourself with people who aren't too impressed with what you do."
"Playfulness in the beginning is your friend."
"Warn them that are unruly, comfort the feeble-minded, support the weak."
"Do not make yourself into the laughingstock of the world."
"My best tip for you guys is just to smile and be confident."
"Let the hole go. Go come on out the club, come on out the strip club."
"Biting people is weird and it's just definitely definitely not cool to do it."
"Treat people like human beings, not political abstractions. Criticize to uplift and empower, never to tear down or destroy."
"What would probably help a lot of these young men more is to actually show some vulnerability and acceptance."
"just treat trans people like their people that's it nothing is different"
"Don't judge a book by its cover... I've been right every time."
"Don't forget to brush your teeth because you know why people will want to be your friend they won't."
"Even if you have nothing good to say, can't you stay quiet?"
"Surround yourself around people who are genuine, who want to see you win."
"Stay safe out there. It's never fun to be put down."
"Who are you connected to? It's imperative of your connections."
"It is not good that man be alone. Get in a Financial Peace University class."
"Oh, he told this man to go and touch some grass, that is what I'm talking about!"
"If you don't feel like you're wanted, don't go there."
"How about you just go visit your neighbors? How about we have community?"
"Racism is [ __ ] – don't be a dick, don't be racist, it's not that hard."
"Just do what you want hang out with who you want to do what you want to do don't get wrapped up in popularity like who cares."
"Let that be a lesson: don't be a dick and just set your ego aside."
"A quality woman doesn't mean you're talking to just one woman. It means you're talking to a hundred women."
"Well listen if all those fails for you just be a cornbread and personality it usually works for people."
"But so just give everyone a break, let them be how they want to be, yeah, and don't tell them."
"You gotta be yourself with everyone you meet."
"Own your mistake, that's going to play out better."
"Crime does not pay in this country or anywhere else. You stay in a life of crime, you surround yourself with the wrong people, you are going to go down, no doubt about it."
"Get off your phones every so often, take a break."
"Girls love that [__] bro, if you can actually cook. If you're struggling in the women department, learn how to cook."
"Do it and keep this video in mind and I guarantee as soon as you show vulnerability you will see some really nice level of like connection."
"Run, I keep trying to tell these crazy-ass white people."
"Be yourself, boo boo. If you're weird, that's fine, but don't do it for the sake of not having to deal with any of the people you went to high school with."
"Go be nice to everybody out there... and do the same."
"Collectively, we need to all be positive, especially in 2022."
"If you're the smartest one in your group, you need to get a new group."
"Be kind to each other, that's what I would say."
"Relatability will take you further than anything else."
"This was how you do a Valentine, even if you a play [], a pants [], a trick [], a hood [], a street [__]. Take notes from the goat."
"If you treat everyone with respect, you're going to be fine."
"We have to stop competing against each other and stop hating one another."
"Your pullout game is weak." - Responsibility and contraception.
"Too many people are not speaking the truth, too many people are not telling these young folks out here to be careful. It's not about victim blaming, okay? It's about being careful and not letting your guard down."
"Treat black children as regular children, please, and practice a bit more empathy."
"My advice on how to get a girlfriend isn't a pickup line... it's just to be a better person and to give to other people."
"Girls you better hide you better run from this guy just my opinion you get what I'm going after."
"Always treat people with respect because it's a very small world."
"Go where the fun is, where you're celebrated, where you're wanted."
"We should be trying to understand the people who think differently than we do because we will not come to consensus."
"It requires nuance and it does require compromise in many cases."
"What advice would you give to a shy girl going to prom?... Just own that because the only thing that matters is you being confident."
"When you're 30, you usually have your set group of friends. I'm all set. I don't need anymore. You don't need more friends, yeah. Actually, everybody, yeah. Get less friends as a matter of fact."
"You need to grow some balls and start approaching girls like a man!"
"Lead with a compliment, like 'Hey, those shoes are sick.'"
"TP i'm a tlm guy and i'm a jerk don't be a jerk nobody likes a jerk there's nothing sanctifying about being a jerk."
"When they tell you to fall in line, that's when you get out of line."
"If you want to do well in the world, go and make as many friends as you can."
"Stay away from crazy costumes that make the whole world think, ask for the truth, ask for God, and love each other, will ya?"
"Don't hate people that you don't know because it's not right."
"Stay away from the apps... if you're single, try them out. I met Justin on there, it's a good time."
"Cutting ties with friends or family isn't a requirement"
"Be more vigilant of the people around you and don't be so damn selfish."
"Always go where people treat you like a million dollars, not where they treat you like five bucks."
"If more people were able to just chill out and think before they say [ __ ] it, we would all be in a better place."
"If it gets you [__], whatever you have to do to get laid is worth it. That's my advice."
"The best thing we can do is build those relationships."
"Our takeaway is that you don't let yourself be around bad friends."
"Women love nice guys, right? We don't hate; we're just giving men information that society won't."
"Bars is the worst place to pick somebody up."
"Tell somebody today man that you appreciate them please man and and it's not it's not if a person doesn't respond to you the way that you would think that they should that's on them."
"If you're gonna say that you're gonna address something where you wronged a whole bunch of people, address it girl. Like you don't have to beat around the bush." - Accountability matters.
"Let them do the work, bro. Just ignore them, you don't need to do it. Let them."
"You've got to stay away from people that make you feel that way."
"Be a nice friend to someone and they'll be a friend back to you."
"Always adapt to your surroundings. It makes you super popular and well-liked."
"Cut these monkey-ass off because they have no business been in your life."
"It would have been better if Marlo would have introduced her to one of those boosters."
"If you want somebody to like you, you should just be yourself."
"You should find some hobbies instead of trying to troll online."
"I remember getting some advice from like um I say he was a friend but he was in a lower grade so you know it was more of just like I sort of knew his name."
"You should be nice to nerds. In fact, I'd go so far as to say, if you don't already have a nerd in your life, you should get one. I'm just saying."
"Musk suggests that societies should focus on policies that encourage people to have more children."
"You want to know what the best way is to end discrimination on the basis of race? Stop discriminating on the basis of race."
"Be yourself, because people will pick you out."
"Let that be a lesson to people: you introverts don't leave a party early if you might die off."
"Ignore them, remove them, move on with your life."
"Just be kind to others. Like, it's not that hard guys."
"Just be good to each other. Positivity is a decision."
"The most important thing is to choose your friends wisely."
"Don't interact with them, they'll get bored of you and move on. Just go touch grass and remember that some people literally personally vehemently get upset over things that are meant to be entertainment and luxury and they're not."
"You want to make sure that you're nice to everyone."
"Don't tell women not to walk home at night, tell men not to rape and kill."
"Don't isolate yourself, it's very, very important."
"It's clean your life up, get rid of your anime dolls of prepubescent girls, delete all that out of your life, get a job, have actual priorities, have hobbies, be interesting, know how to talk to people."
"Just ignore the trolls and they will go away."
"It is dumb to live in a country and not understand the culture."
"School advice: Surround yourself with people that love you and want you to do the best for yourself."
"Surround yourself with smart people in general if you can."
"Stop drinking and driving, man. That [ __ ] ain't safe, man. It ain't good, man."
"Surround yourself with like-minded people who are alive and there mentally."
"If you're trying to impress a girl, don't start a fight with her dad."
"Whip this person out of your life and your life has been so much better without them."
"Having a girlfriend in high school is not at all important. Focus on having a good time with your friends."
"Take your time and really get to know new people in your life."
"Have conversations, not just trivial exchanges."
"Don't follow people who make you feel bad about yourself."
"You need to focus on your community. That's the key thing. If you look after your community, they look after you."
"No, go home mate, you're just too drunk, you know."
"People need to think before they speak because one word can hurt someone's feelings."
"If someone hooks you into an MLM, kick them right in the nutsack."
"I think if you're single looking to mingle these days get yourself down the gym."
"Just be nice to people, I think is the world's a story."
"You do not do dinner than a movie, you do a movie than dinner."
"Your views on Earth, society, culture, and relationship management with your closed ones are really helpful to me, especially when you talk about why certain people need to be left out or why certain types of people in your life are just red flags."
"Take care of yourselves, but more important, take care of each other."
"Support young black women who have a healthy dating life and aren't allowing themselves to get bogged down with these no good men for years at a time"
"You have to lead. Don't put a girl in a position where she feels skanky."
"Don't leave them hanging around on a Saturday night."
"Laughter is like medicine. You ain't got a job with benefits, you better get a funny friend."
"If ever there was a massive rubber stamp on with stay at home written on it then this is definitely the moment."
"Be the best version of yourself, stop obsessing over women, get a hobby, make guy friends, be willing to be vulnerable when it's the appropriate time and place."
"If you aren't strong enough to go down to the pub and have the illumined effect then don't go to the pub."
"Just be nice people because you have had a hard time defending, haven't you buddy?"
"Be careful of exposing too much of yourself to the wrong people."
"I feel like you will meet someone, this seminar just says you have to open up to the world, you have to get out there meet people date all that other stuff but yes definitely I think you will meet someone for sure."
"One of my favorite authors, Dale Carnegie, wrote, 'To be interesting, be interested.'"
"I'm not trying to tell you squash the beef, but I just want you to think about it."
"Get a piece of peace leave every now and then."
"In the words of my father, if you've enjoyed it, tell your friends. If you haven't, keep your mouth shut."
"This is not a radical idea. It exists in other countries."
"Literally 10 out of 10 DMs, replies, comments that I've read are like, trust me, say no kids or I had no kids and I don't regret it."
"When you can find people of compassion... elevate them."
"If you see a crime, real talk, mind your business."
"Surround yourself with people that make it a little bit easier to understand."
"Go out and explore how you're gonna meet new people, how you gonna meet your future BAE if you're always home."
"Lesson of the story is don't pick a fight with someone and underestimate their mindset because you may stumble onto sociopaths who will get back at you for being such a delightful person."
"You can't judge people on the surface, you have to dig into the details."
"Our relationships should add value to our lives."
"Start respecting women more. It's going to get you a long way in life."
"He passes the table and goes to like touch my shoulder to chat I say hey so I'm with my friends now there's a lot of really good looking women in here you should like do a walkthrough go get some numbers like that's what you're here for right."
"Be nice to the nerds. One day you're going to be working for them."
"Be considerate and be a good listener... I think is a good thing to do in life."
"Plenty of fish in the sea. There's people out there."
"Don't entertain those crazy people."
"You need to watch less videos, less YouTube, and more people."
"You did the right thing in this situation, so I'm gonna say not the a-hole."
"Be the friend that you want to have."
"Stop sitting next to him and go and talk to somebody else."
"Don't hang out with stingy people; hang out with givers."
"It's not impossible to meet a girl, but I just don't think it's a healthy place to meet."
"There's other women in other places that are going to be more open to meeting you."
"Be good to each other, guys, and know your rights."
"In this world, you can't make it alone, you gotta network, man."
"You guys shouldn't be fighting, you're all friends."
"Make friends because enemies will make themselves."
"Make sure to tell friends where you'll be, meet in the public location."