
Reassessment Quotes

There are 368 quotes

"Ah, a merry life and a short one. I promised, but perhaps I was wrong about you."
"Saturn is going retrograde for most of the year, adding a lot of reflection and reassessment."
"Turn your assumptions about what you thought was healthy on their head."
"Nothing changes human beings more than having children. Nothing makes you reassess the decisions that you've made in your life more than having children."
"The decline of violence calls for a reassessment of modernity."
"Games as an art on the mechanical level is achievable; it would simply take a reassessing of what it is that the art of video games has to offer."
"We love someone as long as the sun is shining, but when the chips are down and when things are tough, they start reassessing everything."
"Twilight didn't deserve all of the hatred that it got and was actually at least a little bit good."
"I have unfairly been beating this car up for years, but it's actually pretty nice. It's pretty good."
"Give it a good crack, and if you fail, go away and reassess."
"I think it's time we all admit Phantom Menace is a good movie, not the best but a good one."
"We often don't want to do the work of reevaluating our personal heroes or accepting that a powerful man who is a pillar of the community or a world-renowned artist or even the leader of the free world could secretly be a monster."
"Everything's different from how we thought it was so should we start looking at how we might differently organize Society."
"You're in that in-between phase now where we're reassessing and shedding, and opening ourselves up to what we have now earned for ourselves."
"There's a certain honesty to being willing to reconsider a circumstance."
"Visioning is an ongoing process, constantly reassessing what's the next piece."
"Our understanding of physics needs to be reconsidered... a change in the way that we understood our known physics."
"I might need to reevaluate this whole goddamn situation."
"It's really not nothing. It's something new."
"We're sitting back, kind of reevaluating everything."
"Seeing where the series has gone, there's a lot of praise I wasn't willing to give this game back in the day, but I am now."
"It all begins with reassessing the way that we do performance analysis."
"Thank you for pointing out the weaknesses and I will reassess and regroup."
"I will be re-evaluating from time to time to see what other cases we can handle on a pro bono basis."
"Maybe the west was wrong, maybe these guys are the right ones."
"In the cold hard light of 2020, CM Punk may not be considered the best in the world."
"Are your goals still valid for you? What about your ideals? You're going to be looking at that as well."
"We're really starting to see a lot of companies backpedal and realize that it's just not a worthwhile financial investment."
"These tools and crystals might just force a few scientists back to the drawing board."
"It is time for the government of Canada to revisit COVID-19 pandemic restrictions."
"People be like, 'oh, it's such a bad thing to look at other people'... but actually, it's not."
"Columbus? Yes, mistakes were made, but there were more positives than negatives. And he wasn't a bad guy. He was a terrible guy. Oh god."
"It's a time of reflecting, reassessing, and really recharging ourselves."
"Just look again before you come to a conclusion."
"The chaos of the last year has shown that some things have been overvalued some things have been undervalued."
"I decided to take a deep breath and try to think this thing through maybe it's not that bad I said."
"That's just adorable, maybe this isn't so bad after all."
"If anything else comes out about this, we'll reassess it."
"I think uh after the bull runs over probably take a step back reassess how do I want to do the channel moving forward um and go with it with that and I don't know what that is yet but."
"The Bears aren't as bad as I probably say they are."
"If the investment no longer fits into your overall thesis... sell it and move on."
"The assumptions that we went into this election with have to change. A lot of things about the way we thought everything was going to work, all of that has been flawed."
"Reevaluate your situation, pick up the pieces, and move forward."
"His listeners will [rethink their assumptions]."
"Cholesterol is not a bad thing. Cholesterol is a good thing."
"Those type of weapons are actually far more viable and dangerous than I initially considered."
"It's time for you to receive, it is time for you to reassess and to ensure that you're moving forward with room for love to come to you."
"You can't judge a book by its cover. I mean, when I was thinking about Denny's, here I was, I just had this impression that it was this terrible, terrible place. When I actually go there, what is it? It's totally fine."
"Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and revisit what you've done to make things better for the future."
"Professional athletes should start thinking like Elon Musk."
"This is one of those cases that really makes you want to take a second look about who you trust."
"There is power and importance in pausing, reflecting, and reassessing."
"Take one thing from this video: spend two or three minutes reassessing your life in the light of Jesus Christ."
"Sometimes you need to remind yourself, just because something has been organized in the past it doesn't mean it never needs to be reevaluated at times."
"I just think you're having a wobble, it's completely understandable, but it's almost like... well, I thought this is what I wanted but what if it isn't?"
"If I can say 'this is a man and this is a woman' and you ain't it, that forces you to go and reassess your entire identity."
"The pandemic has prompted a professional reassessment...people have experienced such stress, anxiety, and burnout."
"It's not actually as bad as it first appeared."
"I don’t see the harm of the re-review. If you think you’ve grown and have more to say/want to do a more definitive job…I say, why not?"
"Achieving something in life is only satisfying if it requires a decent amount of effort. If producing a baby through natural means is the biggest achievement in your life, then for the love of God, man, reevaluate things."
"You have the right to change your mind, reassess, and speak your truth."
"If nothing you do seems to be working, maybe consider re-examining the thing you are trying to do."
"Reassess who you put on a pedestal and expect to be role models."
"Your priorities really do realign completely."
"Listen to your intuition and reconsider. Remain positive. The situation will improve."
"It is a sign that you can rethink your debt payoff strategy and your savings strategy because you actually have more money to allocate toward these things than you probably thought you did."
"Take a break if your passion no longer feels like your passion anymore."
"I think these characters are better than people are giving them credit for."
"It's actually not as bad as I thought it would be."
"Pause, there's a pause that's going on here, this message is a sign to pause and reassess your thinking."
"The best kinds of archaeological discoveries are those that force us to reassess what we think we know about history."
"I've been looking at Scooby-Doo's Scrappy Doo era because I truthfully think the hate for the little man is overstated."
"I really have to reassess and readdress what I think is true and what I genuinely believe about myself."
"It's okay to pause, it's okay to re-evaluate things, and it's okay to check your position."
"By taking a step back, I have essentially started over, reassessed, slowed down, cut my costs, and weird to say, but made more money with less stress."
"If the bad outweighs the good, if you're hurting more than it's good, then you need to rethink that relationship."
"The image of Tutankhamun as a frail boy king has to be reassessed."
"The myth of Stalin's drunken stupor and having them completely overturned by new evidence."
"If you've written off Christine as well... watch Christine, I think it is fantastic."
"Many of our core assumptions which have been regarded as foundational to modern science regarding the nature of life, consciousness, and physicality are in urgent need of very serious revision."
"It was just time for us to look at what our plan was and what we needed to do right."
"I think any honest analysis of the pyramids leaves you in a position where you have no choice but to reevaluate and rewrite history."
"We've vastly underestimated the dynastic Egyptians; they were far more capable."
"We're no longer in the humanitarian thing, we're now in it's you know what we have to shore things up here."
"You may not be half as lame as I thought you were."
"Radford's story has a final twist: a decade after his death archaeologists reassessed his finds at Glastonbury Abbey."
"What do you call too cynical? Basically, right, like you were cynical or overly negative about something that you eventually realize was, you know, had more value than you first gave it."
"...but something added value yesterday May cease to add value today or tomorrow so I have to keep questioning it."
"I would actually go ahead and give this movie a B plus man it was a whole lot better than what I remembered"
"the author of the site has been identified and it's possible that the site isn't as creepy as it may initially seem"
"But sometimes you have to look at it, you know? There's... there's times where, like, someone of course sends you an address. You're meeting people there. There's yourself. You're like, 'What am I doing?'"
"However, a synthetic analysis of the immortal letters and art historical evidence from Amarna suggests that we might have judged him too harshly."
"We thought that we might have gone off track for a terrifying moment."
"If you really want to call it a benefit, failing the exam lets you view your exam results."
"It's okay to take a loss and reassess."
"I felt like I didn't need to see it again, but recently I rewatched it and damn it holds up."
"Britney didn't do anything wrong I fully believe that now"
"Jar Jar isn't as bad as you thought."
"It takes a lot to acknowledge that it hasn't succeeded in the way that maybe we thought it would."
"...it's only in the retrospective gaze, time 20 years later that we listened to it and were able to reassess what a lot of people didn't like at the time. It was actually a lot better than we gave it credit for."
"We'll unearth new evidence that questions the original decision."
"If you feel insignificant, you better think again."
"I might not have thought this would be a very good idea, but now that I see it, it's awesome."
"Season 7 rather delighted me on this re-watch."
"some genuinely consider it a good movie that was misunderstood at the time of its release"
"We thought we would have to, but we don't."
"We must reassess what's possible and also start thinking of salvage."
"You're being asked to reassess your relationship to money."
"He might have got on his phone, that's certainly possible, but there was nothing that jumped out at me even with the benefit of hindsight that something was wrong."
"the moment you have success or Victory that's the time to step back calm down reassess where you are and in fact consolidate and not go ahead because you're you're headed towards a disaster otherwise."
"Dating culture is so toxic today. We need to reassess our romantic priorities."
"Maybe we were wrong about Mr. Crichton. It may be a good guy after all."
"I think I made a decision that I'm going to figure out where I'm going to be in three months and then kind of reassess again."
"I remember my opinion used to be, 'Yeah, it's okay.' It's actually better than I remember it being."
"My parents and especially for me now, I don't think those sealings are a legitimate thing now that I know more."
"History has been very, very kind to Tron Legacy."
"God never said that he wouldn't give you more than you could handle."
"He's way better than people remember."
"Sometimes it just takes a little time to take a step back, have some reflection, and realize that it just wasn't the right thing to be doing, and it's time to come up with a new plan."
"The truth moving forward... maybe their plans aren't working out."
"But... every once in a while, you should pause and rethink something, to ensure you got it right."
"Maybe you still don't think these movies are great or even good, but if you still remember The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions as being dumb and bloated then I implore you to reconsider and give the films another shot."
"This isn't as bad as I remember it. It's actually quite good to be honest with you."
"The so-called casket letters which implicated Mary in the murder of her second husband, Lord Darnley, are now believed to have been forgeries."
"If you think that somebody is not capable of something, think again."
"Upon further review, I actually do like this guy."
"The girls proved me completely wrong."
"I don't think I'm regretting this so far."
"I think I'm in the presence of a king. I may have severely misjudged you."
"Christ died and rose. Christ is, therefore, Lord. And this means that Christ is the Lord of all of our sexual assumptions, all of our marital assumptions, all of our courtship assumptions, and we should all take those assumptions out and put them on the table and surrender them."
"Holy crap, maybe they actually weren't evil."
Here's the first quote: "Make sure you develop a habit of always reassessing the passage when you are done reading it."
"You might want to reassess your assumptions. Your financial advisor might not be all that they're cracked up to be."
"We're evolving and saying that intraocular pressure maybe is not quite as important as we thought it was."
"This was something that I wasn't ever going to collect. I didn't really get it at first. I didn't understand the art direction. I didn't think the paint was all that great when I looked at photos. But now having these in hand, I can tell you I was completely wrong."
"Crusaders have been throughout history completely maligned and misunderstood, and in today's world, Crusaders are looked at as really the antithesis of what a modern person should be."
"But I think Western society would do itself a great service by reevaluating the legacy of the Crusaders and understand what they did fundamentally to preserve our culture that was a great worth and of heroic nature."
"But what happens is, once we get away and I've accomplished what I was after to begin with... then I can reevaluate that and revisit those situations."
"Disney should park any ideas of going woke with Disney World and Disneyland beyond what they already have and severely reassess that to protect their futures and investors."
"I hadn't ruined anything like I thought."
"Wow! That doesn't look so bad now."
"i've recalculated your odds take 30"
"I thought you were just a goofball, but maybe you're not as bad as I thought."
"I must say that this film was much more solid than I remember when re-watching it."
"Watching this show again definitely opened my eyes to a lot of its redeeming qualities."
"She stopped smiling and said, 'You think so? I don't think so.'"
"Continuous monitoring and reassessment are vital for maintaining compliance."
"Sometimes you just gotta sit back, take a minute, reassess everything."
"This AR changed my mind on Orlando Bloom was positive right you think really good of him now I think it starts as s [ __ ] all over him and I'm like he's fine he's fine."
"So if things that you normally enjoy stop giving you that joy that they normally would for an extended period of time, it might be worth reassessing those things or looking at other areas of your life that may be pulling that area down."
"So, the main point there I think is if things that normally give you joy aren't giving you the joy that they normally would for an extended period of time, it might be worth reassessing those things or looking at other areas of your life that may be pulling that area down."
"Thank you, Dylan, you know, maybe I misjudged you."
"Time to shake it up, time to just reassess, okay?"
"People were turning to the lifeboat, realizing that maybe they were missing something, that maybe things weren't as stable as they thought."
"I thought the Jo temp Pro was old news replaced with the Bambino and Bambino plus until I used it for the first time not long ago and realized I'd made a mistake."
"You have to run it back, you have to see what kind of deal you can get."
"Now, watching it, I was like, this is actually really, really good. Like, better than what I thought initially."
"This allows me to have that to have that goal setting but constantly reassess it every month and really be able to move forward with it."
"Maybe we say hello to an old friend and see if it is actually [__] or we were just blindsided before."
"You have to think about this in real terms. Many people who had dreams of finally taking all those hard-earned savings and buying a home or starting a business or even have another child are deciding that the cost isn't worth it."
"I used to love this and I think this is Testament to the fact that all the vitamin C's that are coming from this point in the video are actually really good products."
"Even if we throw out everything we thought we knew, the same thing with any fossil... It's still really good evidence of evolution."
"These patients need to be monitored closely... They need to be reassessed frequently, and they need to have Labs monitored closely."
"It was a moment of self-reflection, a realization that her version of reality might need to be reassessed."
"The pandemic might have forced people to look at their job prospects and maybe think they're not as safe as they once were."
"I think the biggest motivator to have you reassess your beliefs is talking to other people."
"The biggest takeaway of this calls you basically saw how he parked and immediately reassessed your entire level of interest."
"We need to rethink the way we think about economic value."
"I ultimately used that as an opportunity with a clearer mindset, clearer eyes about the realities on the ground to recalibrate, to figure out what I wanted to do differently financially."
"I've had multiple experiences like this where I thought I no longer needed... this platform for riding, and I've been proven wrong every time."
"At times we may need to reverse a former unwise decision."
"...so these new scholars are coming out, they're challenging that there was a complete failure... those new scholars are still saying there was limitations to what suffrage accomplished, but for the most part there were successes that the old scholars tend to ignore."
"Now is the time to start re-looking at our food supply."
"That's why I decided to add it back."
"If you start to feel overwhelmed by your routines, then it's time to look at them, evaluate them."
"If you just look in the direction that your life is heading, and you don't see any brighter light, that might be an indication that it's time to reset, time to start over."
"Revisit your why and clarify whether it's needed."
"Perhaps the internet is not so bad after all."
"I think that comes a time in your life when you have to reassess everything."
"You gotta recalibrate, you gotta reassess yourself every so often because you are constantly changing."
"We were wrong about this boat, we were originally too critical the first time we saw it."
"It forces you to pause and reflect and reassess your spiritual state, reassess your direction, reassess whether or not your approach to life is fundamentally correct or flawed."
"Stop and reassess; you need more information about the situation in order to make the right decision."
"We need to recommit to goals that make sense for the people that we are today."
"I appreciate Dr. Hook a lot more, and I don't think I hate those albums like I did when I was a kid."
"If we're getting to the tail end of a trade, it's important to reassess our assumption, decide whether we want to stay in that trade or get out and move our capital elsewhere."
"Yes, it went through a recent revamp which people seem hot and cold about, but overall, the Aspire card can still pack a lot of value."
"I'm changing all my rants. This pedal, even with all its warts, even with all the flaws it has, I'm actually loving this pedal now."
"They're kind of reassessing their values in life."
"You get to a point, especially when you reach around 40 or so, where a lot of people sort of think, 'Is this what I've been doing? Is that what I want to carry on doing for the rest of my days?'"
"You have to pause, rethink, reassess."
"Take a break, come back and just reassess that, look at it from different angles."
"If you set a hard date for applying for jobs and you're not quite ready and you go out and you apply, nothing happens, then you can go back to the drawing board."
"Rethinking finances, rethinking your budget, rethinking your relationships."
"I should have not dismissed this machine right off the bat; this thing is well built."
"Take a step back from a project, situation, or relationship, even if it's just for a few moments."
"Given the current circumstances of the world, it is no longer a priority."
"Make the perspective call, continually reassess."
"It really gave me a chance to reassess my relationship with productivity and my relationship with work and my priorities."
"I feel like great artists do this all the time, how many times Drake album came out everybody said it's garbage but then you go back two years later and be like damn this is cold."