
Spiritual Mission Quotes

There are 207 quotes

"We are not just leaders in our companies and organizations, but we are leaders with a kingdom assignment."
"The Light Warrior is the one who does all the above, yet so too is missioned to clear, navigate, and balance the negative microcosmically and macrocosmically."
"America shall be saved. We are unified in purpose, unified in spirit, fully awakened to the role that we, as the body of Christ, must fulfill."
"God did not come to the Earth to judge it, but to save it."
"Jesus isn't saying hey I'm not interested in the world I just want to save a handful of people."
"You're not just saved to go to heaven; you're saved to live out God's kingdom."
"Starseeds are fated to work toward their joint soul mission."
"Jump on board, be a part of what God is doing, let's change the world together, let's do this."
"You will incarnate in places where the truth is most resisted, aiding evolution."
"Our mission here at life church is to lead people to become fully devoted followers of christ."
"Our objective is to push all the people towards God, not away from God."
"We need to bring the light of the gospel into dark places where the culture passes by."
"We are all called to evangelize, but it starts with our own family."
"One of the hardest assignments of the Holy Spirit is to transfer the ways of God from the heart of the Father to the mind of the saints."
"We share that divine mission to wake up the world as we are here."
"Do everything you can to take as many people with heaven with you as you can."
"Your paths will come together again later down the line for certain because you've got a divine mission together."
"Setting up the kingdom of God on earth will be part of our assignment."
"For this cause, the Son of God came, that he would destroy the works of the devil."
"We're called to rise. And when that begins to happen, I believe we're going to take back this world for the glory of Jesus Christ."
"Our covenant and collaborative purpose will bring many souls to the kingdom."
"The truth for this time is to be proclaimed in all parts of the world."
"The quicker you can move forward on your soul mission, the more you will accelerate."
"Josiah was not on Earth to survive he didn't say you know I got to get through the next problem and the next problem no no I gotta just help me Lord survive well no Josiah said I'm not on Earth to survive I'm on Earth on Mission"
"We're not just the salvation station, we're now the global revival to the nations."
"Star seeds have come here to incarnate, to bring love, to raise the vibration."
"You are meant to help lift the collective consciousness of humanity."
"I just want to do God's will, and he allowed me to go up to the mountain, look over and I see the promised land."
"My food is to do the will of him who sent me."
"You're not sent here to save this world, you're sent here to assist in saving this world."
"You were delivered, healed, saved so that you can bring your generation to Jesus Christ."
"God sent me to you so you can have a chance to escape going to hell."
"God chose the widow for more than just a miracle, he chose her for service."
"This platform is given you by God. So use it for God's work."
"We are carriers of the Cross where we go Deliverance should show up."
"Our goal is to see souls saved, to expand the kingdom, to equip others, not just see souls saved, but see leaders raised out of this ministry."
"What if we inherited the kingdom of God this year and went and did what God asked us to do?"
"Bethel leaders network exists for you to belong, be empowered, and bring Heaven to Earth."
"I'm sincerely asking for your help... I need you together with other believers watching this to partner with me."
"You're deployed in the earth realm for a particular purpose for such a time as this."
"The mission of the Twin Flames is to raise the vibration on the planet."
"We're the ones to bring about this latter-day glory."
"It's us. It's us, us with the world together. We out here serving the Lord."
"Your life purpose is connected to this person, stepping into your divine mission."
"Who will go for us who will go who will go and minister to the people who will go and actually carry this Spirit of Revival to people who really need it."
"You're the one God's chosen to change the generational pattern."
"We have been authorized by God Almighty to carry out his word."
"We are here to destroy this Kingdom with the word of God."
"We're not called to succeed, we're called to sow. Tell people about your Savior."
"My life is worth nothing to me, my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord has given me."
"Mission can be as simple as just being wherever you're meant to be but holding light and holding space."
"We're called to be Fishers of Men, to be making disciples."
"All authority is given to me in heaven and on Earth, go therefore and make disciples of all nations."
"Your purpose may involve being a light in a dark place."
"There is an urgency in me, in the body of Christ, for us to get this gospel out there."
"The covenant commission is that you won't keep this to yourself, that you'll go out into the world and that you will take this."
"Take refuge in the sacred and immaculate hearts and engage more zealously in the mission than ever before. Now is not the time to retreat; it is the time to charge forward."
"I have not come to live of my own whim but to live the will of the one who sent me."
"He even chooses us broken vessels today to bring his messiah to those around the world."
"The gospel is moving out to the ends of the earth."
"It's not just about you going to heaven, it's about you bringing God's will to earth."
"Spread the truth of the Gospel... that's the only way we're all going to have eternal peace and salvation."
"I'm gonna leave a legacy for Jesus Christ that he didn't make a mistake of picking me."
"They feel a lot of excitement here because there's this new opportunity when it comes to some kind of spiritual mission."
"We are called to save the world. You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world."
"It is our responsibility to share the word of Allah with humanity."
"I give you permission to use me, make me hallelujah distributor of Kingdom wealth in the name of Jesus."
"President Trump, he's not the most perfect man, but he has exactly what is needed to allow the Lord to do his work."
"The presence of God wants to affect the nations."
"My primary calling is to share the words of my testimony."
"I'mma keep speaking truth to power because I feel like that's what God has me here to do."
"We're winning souls to Jesus Christ, we're in the last days now."
"I'm anointed to do this okay I'm anointed to expose certain things to expose the kingdom of darkness that's what God annoyed to me for."
"The reason we exist, friends, is to know God and to make Him known."
"Jesus, what are You doing here? I'm here because I want to heal the sick."
"God gave me a purpose to fulfill as he also gives everyone a purpose to fulfill."
"God wants men and women to set humanity free."
"The reason why everything in my entire life has ever happened is to know him and to make him known."
"Jesus has called us to be his light, we are called to make a difference in the lives of our fellow men and women."
"Let us be the vehicle for the plan that God has; it's up to us to execute that will."
"We're image bearers we broke the world through our sin but now we are responsibility to partner with God in repairing healing and making the word whole and proclaiming the good news."
"They feel like you are these light workers that are here to help uplift the planet."
"He has anointed you for such a time as this."
"God is sending out his remnant to bring in those souls that should have been in the kingdom a long time ago."
"God wants to flow through you. God wants to use you. And he's fighting for me."
"God is more interested in you than you are in him."
"The role of the remnant is to bring back what is lost, to restore the tribes of Jacob."
"We are here to make sure Heaven comes to Earth."
"Peace be unto you. As my Father sent me, even so send I you."
"Through Israel, the way was to be prepared for the diffusion of His light to the whole world."
"We're gonna make history one way or the other; we get to determine the history we're making for Him."
"We are here to build the kingdom of heaven right here and right now."
"Activate more of your mission and ascend your vibration in a powerful way."
"Their presence on Earth signifies a mission of spiritual evolution and healing."
"Our mission is to see what god can do through us. See what god can do through you."
"We need a burden for people on the job, a burden for people in the city, a burden for those who do not know Christ."
"Stand tall in your truth, embrace your divine mission, and together let's illuminate the cosmos with our collective brilliance."
"Christians don't retreat from the industry infiltrate it with prayer and the truth of the gospel and if God is calling you consider joining the rest of us here who are striving to use it for the glory of God and the precious gospel of Jesus Christ."
"Jesus came the first time to save us from our sins and that is the most important message that we have."
"Your soul mission is about being, not just doing. Learn how to be in your heart."
"The mission is to stretch the gospel beyond the normal."
"As supernatural servants, to at a whole another level affect the course of history for this city, for this nation."
"My purpose of being here again is just not passing through, my purpose of being here again is to knock out everything that's not like Bible and build a work according to the Bible."
"Your story can't end in this grave; you are needed in Galilee."
"Christ took humanity and bore the hatred of the world that he might show men and women that they too could live without sin."
"Us being together and linking up together to get the word of God out is actually ministry being fulfilled."
"This is the most important thing, is getting people saved."
"There's a strong possibility that we can help bring in this end time harvest."
"He had a burning passion to reach multitudes for Jesus."
"And my mission begins to be to raise consciousness on this planet."
"There's seven billion people on the planet, so if each of us can touch the lives and help bring to conversion six or seven people, we would successfully evangelize planet earth."
"I firmly believe that in that place we should ask God, 'Give me your heart for a dying world.'" - Keith Collins
"We have been activated by the Holy Spirit to shine the light of your truth."
"We're not called to be the policeman, we're called to present Jesus."
"We have the power to bring healing and light to the world."
"There's an award, don't lose focus, serve the purposes of God."
"It's amazing when God uses you to convey his message."
"We are a restoration generation, a Davidic generation."
"The Lord Jesus never sent anyone without power."
"It's not our job to save humanity, it's to overcome fear."
"We're very much like God's put a mission in your heart, go out and accomplish it."
"It is a part of his plan for this era and we are going to see it happen. It is a part of his plan for the king's ecclesias to loose Christ's healing power at levels never seen before."
"It's the work of people and restoring them back to the knowledge of the father and to Jesus and to the blessings and promises that are there you know that's what it's all about."
"Becoming that beacon for God is our duty from day one."
"You are here to bring down the light and ground it on this Earth plane."
"You are a light worker, you have a spiritual mission this lifetime."
"He wants to use your injuries...allow what people did to you...stop you from doing what you're supposed to do to others."
"The Spirit of the Lord is on me... to proclaim freedom for the prisoners."
"Your mission is actually very important in terms on a spiritual level to do with raising the consciousness on this planet."
"Charity is tremendously emphasized, everyone has one or two mitzvahs that we gravitate toward, that very often is our mission in this world."
"Everything comes down to the Salvation of souls."
"If we're going to see the great multitude that Jesus has planned, we've got to work with the neighboring boat."
"He knew they were meant to be married again and complete important missions together before the second coming."
"Your purpose remains the same. The Word of God tells us that your purpose in this life is basically to make God happy!"
"This is because Jesus loves you and He sent me back because He cares about you."
"Our mission as a Christian is not to forsake or renounce the world but to renew it." - "Our mission as a Christian is not to forsake or renounce the world but to renew it."
"The greatest act of love you can do is to bring people to Christ."
"Praise God for anybody rescuing children... We want to rescue people openly from the fires of hell."
"God has amazing ways of reaching people in places that you and I would never ever dream about."
"The archangels are not letting that happen, you have a job to do."
"If the Lord is calling you to do something, it is because you have the set of qualifications to do it."
"You have incarnated to be... someone going forward that's really going to help awaken humanity."
"We've got to win a dying world, but first we've got to get ourselves together."
"There is a time that people are in so much pain that God can't tarry, he can't wait."
"We are the body of Yeshua hamashiach and we've been called to establish the government of light and love in everything we touch."
"We pray that you will send us out in the power of your Spirit to serve you and to do it all to your praise and glory."
"You have a destined path together, a spiritual mission that you were supposed to complete together."
"God came to earth to restore such people. That's the type of church we must be."
"I can never leave India until the light of God's love drives out that darkness."
"God is going to put us at a level that we have not ever been at before to help finance the end time harvest of souls."
"If you're a temple of the Holy Spirit, wherever you go, you are meant to be a sign that God has never abandoned his people."
"We've normalized what Jesus gave us to reach the lost."
"Other sheep I have which are not of this fold, them also I must bring."
"Bring a soul that liberates this world with love."
"Our charism is hope. To bring hope in the world, to say God still exists."
"An unexplainable draw to help with Earth's transition; many angels in human bodies feel an unexplainable draw to assist with Earth's transition into a higher state of consciousness."
"The spirit of the Lord is upon me, for the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor."
"He hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound."
"It's not about reaching 100,000 hearts; it's about reaching the person that the Lord wants you to reach through the message that He's given you."
"We push the kingdom of God and we get as many people out of the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of light."
"He came to heal the brokenhearted, to set the captives free."
"My spiritual mission in this life was to help unite the people of the United States."
"How are you Christ bearers to the world?"
"You have seen how where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart."
"Our job isn't just to get people to church, our job is to get them to heaven."
"This is what I want to do through you: I want to move in power through you, I want people to meet the real Me through you."
"Christianity is not just about escaping this world to go to heaven; it's about bringing God's Kingdom of Heaven here down to earth."
"Anthroposophy is not about spreading words but about bringing a new spirit."
"Christianity does not need worldly powers or institutions to grow; our mission is a heavenly one, not an earthly one."
"If you are here reading this now, you are a starseed, a light worker, a light bearer, a warrior of the Light, a way shower, a peacemaker, a bridge builder whose mission is to elevate the consciousness of this planet."
"He's here to make Believers out of the Believers."
"The more souls you save, the more Hashem loves you."
"He appeared to take away sin, and secondly, to destroy the works of the devil."
"We are winning back God's creation one soul at a time."
"The job of the church is to multiply disciples... God wants you to replicate Him in the context of spiritual community."
"Church does matter. Church makes a difference. The Church offers hope, the church shines the light, the church is God's family on mission."
"We are in front of the gates of hell, redirecting traffic. People that are destined to go to hell forever because of the message of the gospel... they don't have to go to hell."
"Go tell that fox, 'I will drive out demons and heal people today and tomorrow, and on the third day I will reach my goal.'"
"The whole point of the Christian mission is for us to become like Christ."
"You're an Earth Angel that is trying to stay focused and finish the job."
"You are blessed, held as one with the mother who shall not be deterred from great holy purpose."
"What matters is preaching Jesus, getting people saved and delivered."
"You're being equipped with certain skills, gifts, and talents because of the mission that He's sending you on."
"Your life is taking a new direction, and I do feel like there is this greater spiritual mission, this greater divine plan for you."
"He hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound."
"Your goal is to be able to walk in love and to walk in light and to be able to take your spiritual gifts and bring them to the world in a big way."
"My assignment is to select the events in the spirit that are consistent with the will of God and to allow them to be made manifest."
"You are in a spiritual mission, cancer."
"Upon this Earth, we are all building the sacred temple, each fulfilling our tasks as we assist and support each other in our collective divine mission."