
Policy Discussion Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"I'll do what I have always done with leftist politicians: I will debate them on policy and on our records, then I'll trust that Albertans will decide which party better reflects their values and their priorities."
"If you could get one policy on the table right now...what do you think would help the most? Wealth tax."
"Education reform is a glaring topic that begs to be addressed."
"I'd like to put up my hand and ask both sides to start focusing on policy so we can make a choice on policy."
"Topping the agenda were the issues of inclusion and climate change."
"We spent God like the past 24 hours literally going through every single aspect of this bill."
"The conversation needs to be, is the policy up to speed with where we are in the domestic violence and domestic abuse conversation?"
"I think it's how you are doing it and is it sustainable, is it good for the environment, those are conversations that need to be had."
"Yeah, I think we want actual quality health care for people. Yeah, I think we want quality health care that focuses on preventive care, that gives people a reasonable path to getting better when they do get sick."
"We've got to learn how to open this up, and the best model here really ex post is the Sweden model."
"I really wish for coverage like when people covered kind of BLM that they actually talked about the policies that they're like that the protesters even if it's going to be disparate."
"Time for a real, smart policy discussion and a new model of policing."
"What can even be reasonably done about the gun violence situation in America at this point?"
"Democrats have never had to answer a single difficult question about their own policies."
"Joe Biden has a plan. This has been a lot of talk from the Trump administration and really it has been to go backward instead of forward."
"The superior wisdom of universal programs is being discussed on a much larger stage than ever before."
"It's not necessarily true that something has to drop out. All of these pieces are in the package." - White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki
"Stay tuned for part 4, where I give you a giant list of specific policy proposals."
"Big idea number one: Your wealth tax... He retired with over 70 million dollars."
"Flashback: Is now a time to forgive student debt and then restructure how we pay for college? The answer is yes."
"If the US was energy independent from the get-go, this wouldn't be an issue."
"We have to unify... differ on policy but... come together to discuss how we can uplift our community."
"I am more than glad to go down on to the floor and debate and discuss any of our policies against any of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle."
"Whenever we're discussing vaccine covid policy and more we need to number one update our priors number two talk to some people with some actual respect here."
"There are still going to be those who argue that unless you get a single-payer system, you're never going to get all the efficiencies."
"Trying to go to a resolution like a One World Currency, I don't think it will work."
"The question isn't whether there's a net worth black-white gap, there is. The question is what do we do about it today?"
"That's why it goes back to everything we've had when it comes to Medicare for all and student loan forgiveness."
"There is an honest, compassionate argument for protection of trans people... without creating the loophole for people who would exploit it."
"What is causing illegal immigration and how do we stop illegal immigration? That seems to be the goal."
"Biden hasn't added any new barriers, but is funding the repair of existing ones."
"It's time to put those labels to bed, talk about what we're actually going to do for the American people."
"These are our policies, these are our problems, and these are the things we're trying to fix."
"His perspectives on the issues like nuclear threats, border security, energy policy are vital contributions to the National conversation."
"And I think you can come up with the reasons for your policy positions and for supporting Joe Biden at the same time."
"We really need that public discussion much more."
"Once you have a can tell so I think some of that money might have been better suited to set up a way to maintain that mission for space at all and so I agree that I agree with the sentiment of that question."
"We should not start on these issues with a list of do's and don'ts."
"It's clear that there is a great deal of need for assistance."
"It needs the government to really start addressing this long term." - Ben Chu.
"Usually when we're talking in the realm of policy or we're telling people to do things we're working in the realm of prescriptive claims."
"It's not about gun control you need to focus on the human aspect first."
"It's certainly a very contentious and divisive debate."
"That's encouraging aspiration. What's so care workers so is that the answer for care workers?"
"We need to have a real serious conversation about gun reform which includes the passage of red flag laws and includes gun safety storage laws."
"I believe in basically the same position which is they should be legal, taxed and regulated."
"If the government regulates TOS on Facebook there are good and bad ways they can do it."
"This little guy right here is why I'm here, period. And what specific policy proposals, like, do you think are we're like what are we specifically advocating for?"
"There's no question that there is some amount of human activity... the question is what we are going to do about that." - Ben Shapiro
"The left needs to start talking about biotechnology in a really serious way."
"We cannot have a meaningful conversation about how to fix our immigration issues until that happens first." - Federal contractor
"It's impossible to talk about policy if you aren't firmly rooted in the basics of reality."
"On this one, I think her heart is certainly in the right place. And I think there are different ways to do different forms of safe harbors, but the precise form that she's proposed, I think is a great, great place to start a conversation."
"It is very difficult to win elections in India on a positive agenda." - "You should never talk about what you have already given."
"Build Back Better in its form that they had before was dead."
"Scorn for Trump as a human being largely springs from his persona, not his policy." - Ben Shapiro
"Before we even think about the issue of gun control, we need a national debate on doctor control. What we really need now is doctor control or Big Pharma control."
"This recon is 150 billion dollars for rent and other housing issues. Wow!"
"The kinds of changes that we're talking about... are not radical and they're not impractical."
"Late not yes not late yesterday but the day before which is now Tuesday the president had three meetings with the moderate Democrats."
"The practical question: What is more likely to protect kids at schools?"
"So I just say I mean I just want people to have open minds and have a very friendly debate about it because I think having a debate about a balanced debate about ideas and policies it's always a positive thing."
"These aren't partisan issues," said Press Secretary Jen Psaki. "We aren't looking to split up a package into two despite what you may have read this morning. We aren't planning to split the rescue plan into two."
"There is a real role for government because that is a case in which you're protecting third parties."
"There's good arguments as to why we need to figure out how to..."
"There's so much happening in this ecosystem, um, the BRICS nations, the battles we hear more and more talks about negative interest rates."
"You can argue about policy positions, you cannot argue about facts."
"Part of the discussion about reform of criminal justice policy has to be an acknowledgment that crime does occur."
"The ultimate goal is to have a discussion, to have reconciliation, and then also to put policies in place."
"Policy is supposed to answer some of these questions."
"How can history inform a discussion of US policy?"
"Every single conversation we should have in this place is about how individual policies and groups can change individual lives."
"The logic of thinking in terms of binding constraints actually provides a very useful way of framing a discussion over different recommendations."
"We've rushed ahead in the debate to questions of access and affordability when we should take a few steps back."
"The real problem is something else, and I want to do this to better equip all of us to engage in the policy discussions that lie ahead."
"It's now time to talk about policy, it's now time to bring the country together."