
Infrastructure Development Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"We're leading the country in job creation, venture capital investment, and we're building important infrastructure like the Red Deer hospital and the Standalone staller."
"The infrastructure here is great, and what might even be better is the city's commitment to continue building more great infrastructure so they can provide safe and comfortable rides for everyone."
"We are announcing roughly $8,000,000,000 in loan guarantees to break ground on the first new nuclear plant in our country in three decades."
"We're getting to see the evolution of decentralized systems and decentralized infrastructure in my opinion."
"Neoen now has four sites in operation or under construction in Australia with almost 1.3 gigawatt-hours of battery storage."
"It's also an exciting place for where fiber and cable are impossible."
"As the moon is the closest world on which we can inhabit, it will provide us with invaluable experiences that will lay the groundwork and the infrastructure needed to further space exploration out to Mars and beyond."
"With all these features and advantages, the TRX RH70 has become an important industry component, making a significant contribution to global infrastructure development and resource extraction."
"Excited to share your wisdom and vision with the world... excited for what you're creating as a fundamental platform and infrastructure for Humanity."
"What if we start building infrastructure where people can see bigger perspectives because they get the information they need?"
"Tesla has nearly 2,000 supercharger stations all around the world."
"We're going to put 500,000 charging stations on all of the highways that we're going to be building in the future."
"One of the new roads in the megaproject that's already completed is a $2B expressway that slashed the travel time between Delhi to Agra by up to four hours."
"Currently, SpaceX plans to send cargo flights to Mars as early as 2022 to confirm water sources and install power and life support infrastructure."
"We need more nuclear power plants, not just more but bigger ones."
"From 25 to 75 flight routes, UP's air connectivity transformed."
"UP will have 3,000 km of high-quality expressways soon."
"But China through Belt and Road initiative is trying to do that."
"More than 200 version 3 supercharger stalls are coming to the LA metro area in 2021." - Nathan Bailey
"Morocco's commitment to aiding brother Sahel States, extending access to its infrastructure roads and ports for Mutual Prosperity."
"BP plans to grow its EV charging business from the current 11,000 stations to 70,000 charging points by 2030."
"China has built 37,000 kilometers of High-Speed Rail in the last 10 years, while the United States has built zero."
"I want to have a base on the east of Africa and a base on the west of Africa."
"Ultimately, the only time we're going to get the real public health gains... is when there is infrastructure set up so that people find it easy to make those choices."
"President Tror's commitment to modernizing Burkina Faso's infrastructure includes extensive road construction and rehabilitation projects."
"The Wagadugu high-speed train project aims to revolutionize transportation connectivity between Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast."
"Creating these and other Transportation networks is a crucial first step after that improving and integrating them paves the way for expansion."
"When a new motorway was being built here in central Poland, archaeologists made an unparalleled discovery."
"It's continually exciting to see how much Tesla's charging infrastructure is expanding."
"I'm happy to hear that the federal government wants to spend billions on EV charging."
"Commercial flights could start, and St Helena would achieve its decades long ambition of having an air link to the outside world."
"Shrink your armies, build more buildings, that's all I have to say about that."
"The networks that they created and the national unity and infrastructure."
"5G: Huge potential in infrastructure, manufacturing, and research."
"The trans Saharan gas pipeline emerges as a viable option... it's crucial to understand."
"Elon Musk's boring company gets the green line for a Las Vegas tunnel system."
"Time for my favorite focus in all of Hearts of Iron 4: continue the Bazinga Works infrastructure."
"Germany's High-Speed Rail a network that is a work in progress... and huge potential for the future."
"The stories about the railway built by the Chinese for Africa are still inspiring."
"We've added a brand new highway here that goes underground."
"There's some pretty big core feature infrastructure that is being put on Chat GPT, which is interesting."
"The very first thing we need to do is work on our train lines."
"You are in a position where you can make more [military factories] relatively quick as long as there's not some sort of economic disaster."
"Usually you're going to want to build a few more civilian factories."
"An unexpected consequence of the mass acquisition of autonomous combat UCAVs could be the triggering of a large construction and infrastructural program."
"US President Joe Biden signed the long-awaited infrastructure bill into law."
"I think if we build it they will come and I think if we build the capacity and the infrastructure that's badly needed it will be rewarded it will be needed."
"The 1 trillion infrastructure bill is about to be passed by the US Senate."
"Tesla's huge advantage over other electric car makers is their expanding supercharger network."
"China's Belt and Road Initiative aims to transform the economic landscape of Central Asia, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia."
"There's an argument for it... need to build out the green transition."
"When you build the public good sector, you improve public schools, create public transportation, build a public health system, and provide universally free higher education."
"Why don't we hang on sale? I mean, let me just say we needed... Oh, actually no, no, no, we need to go to work because we need to change the police station to the one I built in. Let's build a cop shop."
"We have the engineering capacity, but do we have the will to do it?"
"This would be the Ryfast connecting the city of Stavenger to the district of Strand."
"This is without a doubt, the largest infrastructure project of the century."
"We're building the most inclusive monetary infrastructure."
"Anything that builds U.S. infrastructure I agree with."
"You are the builder president. You are helping to build that coastal spine that will protect Texas."
"China's belt and road initiative... secures links between China and some 65 other countries."
"The growth of the railway network transformed the landscape of Britain."
"Countries are looking for China because China offers expertise in building infrastructure and loans at very good conditions."
"Eminent domain is very interesting but without eminent domain you wouldn't have any highways."
"The Belt and Road Initiative promotes infrastructure connectivity across Eurasia and East Africa."
"Wanting to own the entire infrastructure got me into the whole like programming stuff and everything."
"Your ability to delegate and build infrastructure are crucial for scaling a business."
"You build a road everywhere. So, you let the creativity and imagination of all those who have ever looked up say, 'This is what I want to do.'"
"That's scary, all the more reason to continue getting things like the Butcher and this vegetable processing plant up and running."
"I am fully committed to passing a bipartisan infrastructure bill."
"There's finally a package that's going to address it."
"The reason that we're still online today while others are not is because we built our own servers. We actually own our own servers and we've been building out our infrastructure for about two years now."
"Both physical infrastructure and human infrastructure are equally important."
"President Biden tweeted out, 'In building our EV charging Network, we have to ensure that as many Chargers work for as many drivers as possible.'"
"Let's get the ball rolling though and get rural broadband to where it needs to be."
"We're getting the wall built we've already started it one point six billion dollars we're getting the wall it's already begun and it's beautiful"
"It's time to stop talking about infrastructure and to finally start building an infrastructure."
"There is a kind of a time lag between public investment in highway infrastructure versus transit infrastructure in our nation."
"The lower you can lower the cost and the best that you can build up the infrastructure the more effective that you can be in attracting other businesses."
"China's rise across the region is not marked by invasions and networks of military bases, but by High-Speed Rail lines, ports, power plants, factories, and roadways."
"Now China is moving through with their initiatives to build out all of their infrastructure across all of Asia and Africa and we're just like sitting here like twiddling our thumbs."
"The challenge: Building the dam and mitigating environmental impacts."
"Unprecedented growth for an open public charging network."
"It's kind of starting to look like a mini highway."
"We're going to have to invest as I suggested throughout the campaign in infrastructure and healthcare and a whole range of things that are going to generate good paying jobs that will allow us to grow the economy."
"Most of the public works projects were at least suggested by someone."
"New Roads in the Badlands have also been spotted."
"My empire is getting big and are you not building roads? Why aren't you building roads? Your one job is to build a road. Build roads, please."
"The tunnels opened for service in 1910 when the New York Tunnel Extension to New York Penn Station opened."
"Joe will rebuild our crumbling infrastructure and fight the threat of climate change."
"Build infrastructure. Put your money into tangible things that matter."
"They've passed three stimulus packages here over the course of the last 18 months or so but they've been trying to pass a physical infrastructure package for years."
"Surplus power recommended: let's build some more solar panels."
"Build more superchargers, build more service stations, and make better cars that don't need service."
"The government of Ireland has published its first ever national electric vehicle charging infrastructure strategy."
"Tesla has filed for approval of the first phase with the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation."
"The more bridges they have, the better it is for the whole ecosystem."
"There is an entire framework being built under the noses of everyone in crypto right now."
"The final conclusion stated that the proposal for a new Northwest Runway at Heathrow Airport... presents the strongest case."
"SpaceX is now getting a second launch pad at Vandenberg Space Force Base after approval was granted to lease Space Launch Complex 6."
"If we wish to finish the railroad, it is certainly better to suit the greatest possible number, always with the understanding that the minority has all possible opportunity to advocate its ideas."
"We build the schools, then we pass out the pencils."
"It allowed me to build the infrastructure slowly and steadily and properly."
"We are today creating 32 km of highways, expressway as you call, on a single day."
"The Barbados Coastal Resiliency Project... will build integrated infrastructure such as breakwaters, drainage works, walkways, boardwalks, and groins to reduce climate risk and erosion along the country's coasts."
"Congratulations on the selection of Tucker County, West Virginia, as the location of the new Hyperloop Certification Center."
"The business of banking in Dublin was especially booming; the city had to respond with better infrastructure."
"BIM connects the AEC professionals so they can more efficiently design, build, and operate buildings and infrastructures."
"The construction was part of the federal aid Highway Act of 1956 aimed at constructing thousands of miles of interstate highways to connect all big cities in America."
"The Seto Ohashi Bridge plays a vital role in connecting the regions and promoting economic development."
"What if Canada's Texas had high-speed rail between its biggest cities before Texas? The race is on."
"Our roads and highways are built to meet our needs, to accommodate our patterns of living, and must continually be improved or expanded to keep pace with our population growth and mobility."
"We're working on a lot of the basic infrastructure that you will need when you are trying to prepare a training pipeline to execute on device."
"What's unique about One Belt One Road is the fact that it specifically built infrastructure."
"The US needs to and should focus on building lots of subways and lots of electric regional rail."
"This mission will lay the foundational infrastructure for Mars Base Alpha, which will become the first human settlement on a planet beyond Earth."
"This deal is going to create good-paying union jobs building roads and bridges; working on rail; building unprecedented infrastructure for electric vehicles; replacing poisonous lead water pipes that are hurting our children."
"The Canadian Pacific Railway is about to be completed, the fulfillment of Sir John A. MacDonald's policy to build a railroad from the Atlantic to the Pacific."