
Regional Politics Quotes

There are 117 quotes

"I'll do what I have always done with leftist politicians: I will debate them on policy and on our records, then I'll trust that Albertans will decide which party better reflects their values and their priorities."
"Virginia is the last bastion of voting of abortion protections in the south."
"One regime was embarrassed about it and wants to move ahead, and one regime was glorifying it and wants to take us all back. That's a real big difference in the region."
"No one wants instability inside their own regions, let alone people going rogue."
"Nagas are not Indians, their territory is not part of the Indian Union."
"Putin wants to recreate the Russian empire, he believes these countries have no right to exist in the first place."
"South America realizes drastic changes in borders were too much; stability returns after minor adjustments."
"If Texas was behaving in this sort of way, the U.S government would have sent in the feds by now."
"Effectively, Mongolia has no other choice but to tread very lightly in the years ahead as they continue balancing between the bear to their north and the dragon to their south."
"Ethiopia is in a complex domestic situation with major implications for the greater Horn of Africa region."
"Louisiana can do more than its share to set the stage for a great victory for America in 2020."
"I think they've really failed on this cutting the monoclonal antibodies went over like a lead balloon in Florida."
"Justice is kind of slow and steady as she goes down in Georgia."
"That's the real reason why Patrick Brown stepped down as leader of the Ontario PC Party."
"Socialist Pedro Castillo was sworn in as president yesterday, marking a massive victory for leftist politics in the region."
"Even the governors may not be able to come out openly and do this, but the Yoruba will rise."
"Ukraine proved its dominance in the region to everyone."
"From their perch in Moscow, the folks at Yes California said they explicitly support and encourage Californians to stand up and take direct action."
"The change in Kashmir is evident through the freedom of girls to pursue their aspirations."
"California is savable because the people want the change."
"We shouldn't be on two sides... let's work together for the best of Scotland."
"In Pennsylvania we value real Freedom, the kind of real Freedom that allows women to make decisions over their own bodies, the kind of Freedom that allows people to marry who they love."
"The Levant is now our clay and Egypt is in disarray."
"We’ve seen that nowadays there’s little room for hope in Honduras and that El Salvador could be facing a great opportunity for real change."
"I'm talking about people that represent and run in the reddest parts of the country."
"Trump was proven right about Biden on that issue he potentially could make the state closer."
"We do see a rising movement in this nation that happened in Virginia, and I think on May 17th in Pennsylvania, you're going to see it happen here."
"My goal in the multiplayer today was to start as New South Wales and Federate Australia."
"There's nothing less authoritarian than freeing the American South from the tyrannical yoke of their oppressive leaders."
"The United States should be engaging more with our friends and partners in the region, including Taiwan."
"It's very very important for the voters in Georgia to take that into account when they vote in January."
"Look at California like we look at Texas... You think that you just imagine Governor Abbott... they want to get rid of Governor Abbott."
"Black voters are going to be critical all across this country but especially here in the area of Dallas Fort Worth."
"If we can stop these laws here in Georgia... we can do so much not only to protect the women of Georgia but to protect women in the South."
"Let the people of the region decide what they want. Don't dictate on them based on foreign recipes and interests."
"The Chinese people aren't suited for democracy? Taiwan and Hong Kong prove them wrong."
"This is the year of seeing a red wave blowout in Minnesota."
"So if you're in a deeply red state, there's still hope. Georgia flipped!"
"The battle brewing with Texas is playing a massive part in how voters are leaning on the immigration issue."
"Texans need to stand up and take action to protect gun rights."
"China's dependence on Middle East for oil and gas has elevated the region's strategic significance."
"I think that is a game changer for Tamil Nadu politics."
"DMK has always profited by hobnobbing with secessionist forces."
"Whether there's disintegration or unity in the Horn of Africa will determine a lot about the nature of the continent, the region, and the globe moving forward."
"If this happens on June 4th, we are in for a major transformation in Tamil Nadu."
"Nobody's going to trust DMK on this... Nobody's going to trust DMK at this point in time."
"A big achievement at this point in time... Showing their spine in Tamil Nadu."
"For anyone who knows a bit about Xinjiang and is a bit intellectually honest, it's frankly an insane thing to believe."
"Texas is our chance to change what's politically possible in this country."
"What's happening in the region no longer stands."
"Authoritarianism is rising in the red States of America."
"The great majority of Crimean inhabitants support Ukraine, opposing the invading Russian army by organizing resistance groups among themselves."
"Can Beto convince Democrats that there's a chance he can turn Texas blue? Duh, totally."
"The days of Ottawa telling westerners to pay up and shut up will be over."
"I feel it in the Midwest. The Midwest for the mid-terms."
"Every penny that comes from the Nigeria region no longer goes to anywhere. That would be a new country, wouldn't it?"
"The Brahmin hatred shown in Tamil Nadu is now being shown in Uttar Pradesh and it's also shown up in the United States."
"The worst kind of foul politics is being discussed in Tamil Nadu."
"The tension in Killeen and grad could threaten to fuel demands for Moscow to leave its orbit altogether."
"It's good to see some Wulu current governor absolutely mending fences with him."
"Strong, clear advocacy for working-class Americans isn't just for the Bronx."
"Hammerfell has the whole independence thing which would be fresh."
"The Ukrainian Army was increasing its regional dominance."
"California can turn red again, one little step at a time."
"I guess if I could snap my fingers I would make Puerto Rico an independent nation."
"Supreme Court just gave away half of Oklahoma."
"Politics is moving away from Westminster; people want politics in their own regions, nations, and workplaces."
"My family in east Ukraine, they were extremely upset with the Putin administration for not doing anything in 2014, 2015, to help them when their government was overthrown by an openly foreign-backed coup."
"The inclusion of Abrams Tanks in Ukraine's military arsenal represents a remarkable shift in the balance of power in the region."
"Race is an issue now, not just in this Wisconsin race, but also in several other races."
"If any southerner is still sleeping, if any southerner I see dreaming of 2023, I think it's the most foolish man or foolish woman at academics."
"Tamil Nadu politics is reaching a decisive phase. This is the rise of BJP, the end of ADMK, and the start of alternative politics."
"I believe that means I'm acting Premier in Alberta."
"They put Jeroboam on the throne in the north and Rehoboam is the king in Judah in the south at the same time."
"No man, no matter where you are around the country, you need to pay attention to what's going on in the state of Texas."
"I'm Trixie Mattel, and I would like people in Texas to be able to get abortions."
"Silicon Valley has shifted to a pretty hard left."
"Without Donald Trump, the Republican Party would be lost in this region."
"Despite their political opposition to secession, Jones County responded with enthusiasm when the Civil War began."
"Tamil Nadu politics is taking a very interesting turn MK Stalin is a little rattled with the BJP's growth is a very practical issue."
"I think in terms of what ECOWAS is trying to do, the delegation returned to ECOWAS headquarters this morning in Abuja without any significant progress."
"So who exactly had sovereignty over North Borneo? Was it Sulu? Was it Brunei? Or what about Sabah's indigenous people?"
"They've been re-cycling that playbook in Georgia and other places."
"It takes guts to run as an anti-zionist Jewish woman in South Florida against a Jewish incumbent."
"Nationalism versus Dravidianism is the political dialogue for 2024."
"The Horn of Africa's challenges extend beyond the Ethiopia-Somali land port deal."
"A small movement called Texan has arisen in Texas, advocating for more decentralization."
"Southern Republicans are insisting that you visit their region extensively."
"This agreement has been the bedrock of peace, stability, and prosperity for all the people of Northern Ireland."
"The mission to help you liberate California from communist rule begins at noon on inauguration day 2025."
"The majority of Ethiopians and Eritreans appear to be welcoming this peace deal."
"People rising up in Michigan against authoritarian measures; peaceful protest is necessary."
"I'm happy he's one of those that have made history by making sure power shifts to the South."
"That's so [ __ ] up because that's a barn that it like that's a red State reimburse you the most that's a republican stronghold."
"There's no room for Democrats in places like Florida anymore, the landscape has changed."
"Freedom's light will go out in Alberta if the UCP and Danielle Smith do not win on Monday."
"Yesterday sent a message not just across the Commonwealth of Virginia but across the nation."
"Betrayal by these people... many of these people were actually representing not only the will of their constituents... especially if you live in New Jersey."
"Taiwan is also very much interested in FIBE and they are seeking some collaboration with quad."
"The desperation in some ways for the Balkans and for Hungary."
"Iran doesn't need nuclear weapons to be a powerhouse in the region."
"Afghanistan today is such an active player when it comes to regional politics, engagement, and economic cooperation."
"The peoples of the Western and the eastern side of the Red Sea are connected culturally, politically, and security-wise."
"The nationalist parties emerging in a clear second place both in Wales and in Scotland now the major rivals to Labour."