
Need Quotes

There are 2193 quotes

"Leadership that has integrity in a world where we are desperate for leadership."
"God, I literally need you right now. God, I need you right now. God, please."
"We all need both words because we need to be forgiven and we need to forgive."
"This is absolutely beautiful. This is exactly what we need."
"The world needs some good parties, in my opinion."
"Right now, we really need to have better diplomacy."
"It's essentially somebody saying a 'no' to you in a situation where you need them to say a 'yes' to you."
"Yhwach tells Hashwalth that he needs him, which lights up the young boy's eyes."
"New York City needs another forty-five thousand medical workers. Let's hope they get them."
"If our greatest need had been information, God would have sent an educator... but since our greatest need was forgiveness, He sent a Savior."
"We need a miracle. Do what You do. We need Your glory, God. Do what You do."
"I think a lot of what the world needs right now is inspiration."
"People don't need work; what they need is purpose."
"More than at any other time, we need divine favor upon our lives."
"When we deserve mercy the least is when we need it the most, and when we need it the most is when God most wants to give it."
"I just live by the philosophy that you don't take what you don't need."
"We want to ensure that assistance gets to the people who need it."
"Genuine change is what this country truly needs."
"We are in desperate need right now of inspiration."
"When I saw the growing need [and] lack of resources, I said, 'This might be it.'"
"I need you in my life, I want you in my life, and I want to be in your life in some way."
"Your attention's all I need, don't let it slip."
"What matters is that right now they need Jesus Christ."
"Americans are going to wake up, what they need now is leadership."
"The food allergy community is desperate for a treatment that's safe, easy, and effective."
"Laugh it out. Smile and laugh, there's more of that needed."
"Hopefully, we'll get people in the streets, that's what we need."
"Miracles come out of a moment of desperation, out of a strong need."
"For earth signs, security is a must-have in a relationship."
"China does not need us at all, we need them."
"I love you because I want you, yes I need you."
"There has never really been such a pressing need to prepare for an uncertain future."
"When something strange happens and no one knows why, you need a great detective."
"I just need Professor Knox to start doing anything. I need it."
"Lydia knows that people are so desperate and so in need."
"That's exactly what we needed, a burst of energy and momentum."
"There'll be enough for everyone's need but not for everyone's greed."
"Our greatest need was His greatest deed."
"Precision... it's the most precious thing that you have... that is the great need in the church today."
"We need Jesus, I think for real. Like if he came back now, it'd be great."
"They want to commit to you, they want you to be their person."
"Surely all of this points once more to the need for negotiations."
"With all of my heart and soul, I declare that I need you, Lord Jesus."
"I need your mercy. I need your strength. I need your favor and Grace."
"I really need this one, like really, really, really need this one."
"There's a difference between someone who deserves it the most and someone who needs it the most."
"I need... I need this. I have a hole in my chest and I need this."
"He is absolutely the friend that he needs in his life right now."
"Actual people who are suffering and truly need treatment."
"We all need restoration, we all need healing."
"They feel lost without you, they're needing you, so there's some codependency that they're feeling right now."
"The people are the root of the country and their hunger is no small matter."
"Inject it into my veins, I need this song, it just the Vibes are Immaculate."
"Around the globe, dogs are starving for both food and attention."
"We need her, and that'd be [ __ ] perfect. I would love that."
"It's like that's what I needed was Jesus. He was all that I needed."
"I really needed this. I've been stuck in my apartment for months. I needed this."
"I need you, like the winter needs the spring, like the summer needs the rain, I need you."
"Everybody needs a good fantasy during the day."
"I mean you never have enough compost, right?"
"They really came to the point where they thought that it needed more investigation."
"It was amazing, it was something I feel like I really needed."
"I need dude I need more ovens I definitely need more ovens."
"Organizations like the gentle barn need donations and need people to be aware."
"Who needs this to put on a little bit, who needs it?"
"What corrupts the most? Need corrupts the most."
"It's like 10,000 spoons, when all you need is a knife."
"Just keep doing what you're doing. We need more of this stuff in the world."
"But this was a step forward. He needed this. He got this."
"The very thing that you're doing, the very way that you're engaging, I think we need that right now."
"There's no such thing as closure. They need justice."
"Every book I write is a book I couldn’t find for myself."
"God wants to revive his children because there are those who need an Awakening and those who need Revival."
"How do you reach the ones who need it but can't afford it?"
"By offering his services to Rick, he's giving them something they need."
"Do you need to cry out to the Lord right now?"
"I need Jesus Christ in my life, His love, mercy, and presence."
"Are you oxygen? Because I need you in my life."
"Your journey is not done, this is just getting started and we need you."
"The ignorant needs obscurity, the ignorant needs mysteries, the ignorant needs fables."
"Change is possible right here, right now. Lord Jesus, I need you like I've never needed you before."
"The Earthen Ring needs you, and Azeroth needs us."
"He's also got a compulsion for crafting, okay we need this guy bad."
"Human beings have a universal need, a god-shaped vacuum in the heart."
"The best way to help is to ask what a person directly needs."
"I need this guy in my life, I need you in my life."
"Relevance I had it in the beginning I need it now more than ever."
"No one can apply for this house other than me. I need this house more than anyone else here!"
"I hope this continues to spread because that's what we need right now."
"Do you feel pissed off just like me? Touch it, taste it, we take a sip, we breathe it, we need it."
"When an alcoholic says they need a drink it's not because they're thirsty and when a fat person says I'm hungry it's not because their bodies need nutrition."
"This person really, really needs and wants your support."
"It's like the world needs a lot more love not more hate."
"She needs to be home with her family and her friends."
"We're gonna need a bigger space or more space, brother."
"This beautiful little creature he needs it so bad."
"They need a Christmas miracle, that's what they need."
"Your deepest need is to be reconciled to God."
"The world needs heroes, and Gotham is so corrupt now."
"We need a lot of really good-hearted brave people."
"Would you rescue me when I'm by myself? When I need your love, if I need your help?"
"What the world needs is a great big group, and I couldn't agree more."
"Manchester United needs a director of football. For years, the incompetence that runs above the manager to the very top is soul-destroying." - Mark
"Desperate people don't need rationality, they need purpose."
"If they don't even like you, they're gonna need you."
"What we need more than anything now, let's come together."
"The premise of who needs most is an infallible one."
"We are all starving for real, tangible connection."
"What you truly need is connecting to you at the heart level."
"The world needs you, needs your gift, needs your presence, the truth of who you are."
"The world is waking up; it needs more people like you."
"Somebody feels like they need you, they need you, they're awakening to this Divine calling that's why they feel like they're being divinely guided towards you."
"Anyone who's your friend only when they need something from you isn't a friend at all."
"We're going to need a bigger boat."
"I really don't have anywhere to go. Can I just stay here for tonight?"
"I don't want to do this without you. I can't do this without you. I don't want to know what it's like to do this without you."
"I really, really crave stability, yet I'm terrified by it, but I need it."
"Every addiction, no matter what it is, is done to fulfil a need that is not being met."
"I needed a goddamn cocktail; you are correct, it is Tuesday."
"Think about who could use it more than you."
"I could use a good tax accountant around here," he said.
"We need all the positivity we can get."
"God Almighty wants to revive his children because there are those who need an Awakening and there are those who need Revival."
"I need you, I need you right now."
"We need to feel that we're needed, that what we give matters to people."
"They need a miracle. They need a new hope."
"To maintain your independence, you must always be needed and wanted."
"I mean if this makes me really happy, I probably really needed this."
"I'm not sure if this is a mistake or not, but I feel like I need a camera that's like in between."
"We need Wesley, yes good, but too much drought left."
"I need salt. We need every freaking shaman to release us."
"This person isn't your usual type, but they are exactly what you need."
"I feel like we could all use a little bit more positivity."
"Many are living in temporary or overcrowded conditions, desperate for somewhere decent to live."
"What do you need right now that's actually going to help you?"
"Save them from pride that mistakes their abilities for possessions, and keep them humble enough to see their need of you."
"I'm in need of a savior but I'm not asking for favors."
"You are not in the way, I need your help."
"Everyone gets their powers when they really, really want them in a time of need or something."
"What we need money can't buy; we need you."
"You can always get what you want... but if you try, sometimes you'll get what you need."
"Abundance is having what you need when you need it."
"I feel we all needed this, and we all needed this right now."
"'No, exclaims Harry, 'This is what you need for?'"
"I sense your person really feels like they need you."
"How can we light a fire when we haven't got any?" Peter asked.
"You need better technology, like you need really intelligent technology."
"This person genuinely speaking, like they have the need to support."
"Thank goodness you're here Jumanji needs you."
"I needed to know that someone was listening."
"I'm sorry if you're sure you don't need me. I guess that's it."
"Love is a nourishment. We do need it."
"At this point, the world needs him more than ever."
"You wanted me to say, ‘I need you’? I need you! I need you, Q — I need you so bad!"
"I don't know if I necessarily needed it yesterday."
"A little nonsense is what I need now."
"I mean, she didn't say I deserve this, she said I need this."
"We need more of it we need so much more oh my goodness we need more."
"What makes the good news good is that it does indeed answer our greatest need."
"We all need external validation sometimes."
"It was so therapeutic and needed."
"The ask is not small because the need is great."
"Tell him that you need him. I need you."
"I need Rorschach, okay? I'm getting the team back together."
"The greatest need in the world was... the teaching and the ministry of the Holy Spirit."
"He's right, Zhao, the fire nation needs the moon too."
"Needing something equals lacking something."
"God is not attracted by worship. God is not attracted to you because you love Him. God does not need anything from anybody."
"Hold on, let me just... I think we're going to need more little hats."
"My skin needs all the help it can get right now."
"I need you in my life and I want to be someone you need as well."
"I'm having such a great night, and I truly needed a night like this."
"That's just what I need. Wait, how much?"
"People definitely need compassion, exactly."
"There's just one need, and that is to love."
"It's a deeply human thing. It's a need and it makes a difference."
"No place like home. You got what I need, no place like home."
"I'm going to take a break for Christmas because I think I very much need it."
"She finally found it, love was something that he needed in his life."
"Winter is here and I could use the extra traction."
"The candidate is taught to be on the lookout for people in need... to inculcate in your mind the habit of considering and reconsidering how you might truly assist those in need."
"There might be a reality called God's need of us."
"I genuinely really needed this and didn't know."
"500 bucks guys 500 we needed that so bad tonight"
"Their friendship was something she woke up each day needing, yearning for."
"A lot of women don't need men. A lot of men need a reason to be in a woman's life."
"What I need at this moment is an old-fashioned woman's hatbox," murmured Poirot to himself.
"Men are motivated when they feel needed."
"It's the most refreshing thing for someone to need you."
"When men are not feeling needed, it causes depression in men."
"I need you, yeah. And it might not be like a romantic situation, but she's still."
"Because we don't go straight for our need where we can actually get it, we enter into a situation that is incompatible with our need, and then we force everything to change so as to meet our need anyway, no matter the cost to anyone else involved."
"Your person feels very alone and lost in the world without you."
"One aid package will not be sufficient."
"We're going to need a universal hero."
"Everybody wants their lives to turn out happy. We want security, we want fulfillment, we want to stop being so alone. Most of all, of course, we want love. Everybody needs love."
"If I'm craving that, that means I need that. Something inside me needs that."
"Where is Charlotte when you need them?"
"Everybody needs somebody sometime."
"There's a need that the person has and the group is offering, it's Basic Marketing principle, they're offering a solution and they're doing it in a compelling way."