
Political Debate Quotes

There are 582 quotes

"I'll do what I have always done with leftist politicians: I will debate them on policy and on our records, then I'll trust that Albertans will decide which party better reflects their values and their priorities."
"For me, I expect that it doesn't devolve into the political jabs that we have seen in the last debates. The leaders of the party would ensure that they project a sense of leadership and hope for the Jamaican people."
"In recent years, the issue of border security has become a topic of intense debate and controversy in the United States."
"The first sign that socialism is on its way is that we're having this debate, that we have Bernie Sanders running and he has the name socialist and he doesn't give it up."
"Senator Alexander: Mr. President, if you're going to contradict me, I ought to have a chance to -- the Congressional Budget Office report says that premiums will rise in the individual market as a result of the Senate bill."
"If there was a significant amount of voter fraud, you would be an idiot to say that we don't need voter ID."
"Try to convince me that Israelis have more right in this land more than the Palestinians without using religion."
"When we're dealing with these societies and these high-ranking political and social figures, oftentimes they sit on the opposite side of the aisle from each other, arguing with each other."
"It's not actually the left talking about trans rights non-stop; it's Republicans who see an advantage in demagoguing this issue."
"It is important for us to have a full debate and a full airing of the use of War Powers in the United States."
"I am here to say that Congress should speak to it, we should debate it, we should have an actual conversation in this body on this floor when we're going to place our men and women in uniform in harm's way."
"The very corrosive impact of social media on our society... is incredibly dangerous. It has its great advantages... but at the same time, what has happened with social media in our political debate... makes me terribly sad."
"This bill is not about fighting COVID. It's about a chance in a partisan fashion to do things they couldn't do otherwise."
"Now is not the time for partisan ideological bickering."
"Debate it in the comment section, but these are my ideas if I were to become the president."
"Democrats are against voter ID... because mail-out ballots are deemed most ripe for fraud."
"The United States is on the precipice of losing its cherished freedoms, with censorship and cancellation of all those who bring views forward that differ from the accepted mainstream."
"You can make a very strong left-wing case for freedom of speech."
"The new patchwork of state and local policies designed to flatten the spread of coronavirus is inflaming old passions over some of the most contentious issues in politics."
"The pro-life issue does not have to be a partisan issue."
"Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets."
"The left is all about the cover-up game. The reason they want the 1619 project is slavery started in 1619."
"This is not about overturning an election, it's about making sure that we protect and preserve free and fair elections for all future American elections."
"It just takes a lot to make you think that one party thinks one way and not another party thinks another."
"Imagine if a moderator asked Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren what are the costs of not doing the green New Deal or Medicare for all."
"If America is having trouble financially, then why give billions of dollars to countries that don't even like us?"
"One of the most striking moments of the first GOP primary debate was when the moderators asked if the candidate will continue to support former President Trump even if he is convicted of any of the crimes."
"The Republican argument for impeachment boils down to their view that Secretary Mayorkas has intentionally caused the influx of immigrants over our Southern border."
"They've been trying to get rid of Social Security and Medicare for decades." - Discussion participant
"If push comes to shove... how many Americans do you think... would just give up their guns willingly?"
"It's the Democrats that handle the economy better than the Republicans."
"The Australian public debate, our policy debate, our political debate has literally told Australians for decades that the number one goal of economic management, the number one reason to be treasurer is to deliver a budget surplus."
"I think that's what an intellectual like you should be battling in your brain every day against the other side's argument."
"Abortion isn't a 50/50 issue anymore." - Politico article excerpt
"Kim Klasik wrecked on this. She absolutely wrecked. He had no response for her."
"This wasn't about left versus right. It wasn't about conservative versus liberal. It was about: Do facts matter?"
"There is a growing humanitarian and security crisis at the southern border."
"Black Star is Bowie looking back on his life."
"It's a big problem... border wall not gonna help that problem at all."
"The Democrats are pushing socialist government-run health care that bans private health insurance for 180 million Americans."
"Making a legitimate case for your political position is not virtue signaling."
"Don't fall for these sort of crocodile tears from people on the right who say they simply cannot engage with debate on the left because we use these mean names."
"He shifted the Overton window. We are now debating all the topics on Donald Trump’s turf."
"The federal government needs to answer the question of whether or not The Unborn have god-given and guaranteed rights."
"How did this become a political statement? This is common sense."
"We are here today not to defend the Constitution against the president United States but to defend the Constitution from the house managers."
"Debates can often be the lowest form of discourse... look at this debate not so much as a contest between two people but as a platform where ideas can be compared and contrasted."
"The core ideas of the American experiment are now under fire."
"Free speech is for the furthering of political and scientific ideas."
"I've heard the arguments from the right and they're static... and then look to the left and they say things like 'life doesn't begin until first breath.'"
"I welcome debates with liberals because it's made me much sharper in my views."
"The left is so upset about the supreme court... they want to expand it... they're trying to blow up the supreme court with this court packing scheme."
"What Republicans start to talk about the 25th Amendment, how dare they compare that to Donald Trump..."
"So right now they're trying to keep Tulsi out of the debate stage... because she's the one who speaks the strongest against our imperialism and she speaks up the strongest against the military-industrial complex."
"If there's a minimum age for voting, there should be a maximum age for voting."
"You can't have a serious debate with very unserious people." - Analysis on GOP tactics
"There's a deep eucharization. He's talking about how Ukrainian Ukraine, I thought he talked about deuteronomization as well."
"You can't simultaneously claim that you know the right is anti science and then when I'm only citing the science you claim it's a conservative position."
"Sugar does exactly the same thing so we know mechanically how that works."
"The Senate should reject this divisive and unconstitutional effort and allow the nation to move forward."
"Worlds colliding: debating the future of left-wing politics with Noam Chomsky."
"Barack Obama touches off a battle on the left by suggesting that the slogan 'defund the police' is actually a bad idea."
"Vivek helped himself the most because he went from an unknown to now someone who everybody's talking about. He had a good debate."
"I hadn't noticed that there had been a lack of debates. There's plenty of debate going on in the House of Commons."
"If not democracy, then what? That's the real danger."
"The left keeps saying... 'no evidence of widespread voter fraud.' Okay, well, whatever. There's evidence of voter fraud."
"I think a functioning society needs both those sides."
"Humanization of your opponents is in no way mutually exclusive with thinking they do harm to the world."
"What you're seeing is an argument between leftism and liberalism."
"You did vote four times to end protections for pre-existing conditions... Can you look down the camera and tell the people of this state why you voted four times to allow insurance companies to deny us health coverage?"
"Republicans have been on the offensive against concepts like critical race theory and white privilege concepts that they believe attack fundamental American values."
"Here's Bloomberg asking the most obvious question in human history and Bernie having no answer..."
"Bernie Sanders destroyed Hillary Clinton during this debate."
"We can disagree, we can debate vigorously, as Senator Harris and I have on this stage tonight. But when the debate is over, we come together as Americans."
"Bernie Sanders just dominated when it comes to health care."
"Bernie Sanders absolutely demonstrated that he has the capacity to withstand... he could absorb blows and also counter punch."
"The reality is that if Democrats want to keep saying this they can say it as much as they want it ain't true."
"He's denying scientific fact... denying that trans men exist." - Sajid Javid
"We lost the ability to argue for a lot of the things that we believe in liberalism."
"The report literally exonerates Trump in the sense that Bob Muller doesn't come to a conclusion on the question of obstruction."
"As long as we treat the climate crisis as a side topic or as a political issue among other political issues and so on and do not see it for as the emergency it is..."
"I've been a fan since I saw you debate Ben Shapiro. Any chance that you would debate Bill Maher? Sure, there's a zero percent chance Mr. freedom of speech would say yes to that."
"There's a world where both Witnesses both sides of the aisle are right to a certain degree."
"It's not like Democrats don't have an argument here."
"The hearing today is not about white nationalism or hate crimes; it's about fear-mongering, power, and control."
"So those two battling it out on foreign policy Trump and Biden could be very interesting to watch."
"You'll get the typical leftist response, but it's easily debunked."
"Gun ownership is still going up because democrats are still defunding police and democrat cities are in chaos."
"The number one argument the left makes is a character argument."
"They cannot actually go and have a reasonable debate on legislation because they are co-opted by the extremists in their party who threatened to primary them and have this just disgusting extremist strain and hold them hostage."
"To authorize the indictment of President Biden after he leaves office for mismanaging the border would be a shocking ruling."
"The frightening future he alleges for presidents seldom or ever prosecuted because they have to be impeached and convicted first is the one we have lived under. That is not a frightening future."
"That fight is not between the left and the right, that fight is between basically greed and humanity."
"Systemic policies that perpetrate racism and the conversation of systemic racism is absolute horse manure." - Ron DeSantis
"Do you want a six-week abortion ban or do you want access to reproductive health care?"
"Democrats want to take people's hard-earned wages and funnel them to an ever-expanding government."
"No government or politician should force a woman to carry out a pregnancy."
"The normal competent confident Democrat cleans the Maga guy's clock."
"What they're suggesting will destroy America's ability to defend itself. That it's okay to release classified information based on your political views. That the ends justify the means. It is not okay." - Lindsey Graham
"Forcing this stuff onto kids shouldn't be a political issue and your average person knows that."
"There was a much more powerful argument for standing for Texas than there was for the president."
"It's political reprisals that cost someone the most, you know, arguably one of the most important things in their lives."
"The left doesn't want to mention this because they don't want you to think about the fact that safety always comes with chains attached."
"You have to make one thing that I found is really effective is to make sure that people understand that the other side isn't really offering any good solutions."
"People are kind of going back and forth about this and they're just talking about the ridiculousness of trying to create some kind of totalitarian solution to something that is not really a big problem."
"Well, I mean, listen, I'm obviously a top-tier candidate. So, I did expect that I would be on the stage and take hits tonight."
"When it's a level playing field and we go out and compete and we're going to compete and we're going to have difference of opinions."
"No one has ever objected to having to prove who you are to vote."
"People want authenticity... debate about actual issues."
"Ask them if they like the socialist social security that is keeping their grandmother from sliding into homelessness and poverty."
"Under a Biden tax plan, who wins? Who loses? I actually think everybody loses."
"Almost all of you think Donald Trump is preferable on the economy after watching the debate tonight."
"I would be voting for Donald Trump based on the information that he was able to answer."
"I'm not interested in doing a virtual, I'm not Joe Biden, I'm not going to do a virtual debate."
"So where are the Trump supporters in your audience? Where is the robust debate? Where's the diversity of opinion?"
"Legitimate criticism of Israel's policies is protected by the values of free speech and democratic debate."
"The top Republican House member criticized an attempt by House Democrats to pressure television carriers to deplatform Fox News and two conservative news channels."
"Voter fraud is a thing, okay? It is to pretend that it does not exist and the possibility does not exist counters a significant number of cases."
"The assault on gun rights is the one area of the culture war where the left has consistently failed."
"The left is losing it. They are losing it because once you remove the constitutional right to abortion, this brings back into play The Rules of Nature."
"For too long have we in the democratic world dismissed morality or not taken it as a serious topic of debate. We need to talk about morality because it matters to people and because there is a price for freedom."
"Legislating pronouns is legislating thought."
"They've wasted time on stupid measures like this."
"So desperate to distract... Now you're trying to shift the focus by baselessly attacking Representative Bowman to score cheap political points." - "Ms. Ocasio-Cortez"
"What we are watching here is the proper exercise of those checks and balances."
"The reason why I think that the right wing has a better response to that is that all you can ever give is essentially your subjective opinion about these valued instructions."
"The statistical anomaly evidence is 10 times stronger in this election than it was in 2016, and the historical anomaly evidence is 20 times stronger."
"We're arguing for a Scandinavian type system. Norway Denmark Sweden. You want to argue against us, okay, argue against those systems. Argue against social democracy. Argue against what they have there."
"Presidential conduct, with both official and private character, is immune."
"I think it's ridiculous to be like, 'Oh, both sides' arguments are, 'Should presidents be above the law?'"
"This isn't left versus right. This is just about truth."
"You watch leftists' heads explode on a second. I thought you said you were a dot?"
"The biggest lie in America right now is we do not have the money."
"We should not allow them to be jeopardized with their quality of life while we argue over political stuff."
"What have we never had before? Unrequested mail-in ballots. That's never happened before."
"If he doesn't spend half his debate talking about how he can put America back on track with the economy, it is the only issue that he ranks higher on with audiences and voters."
"If somebody has potential ice Alzheimer's or dementia and you are ignoring it, then you are willing to put that man on a debate stage against Donald Trump."
"It's not social spending that's causing the federal deficit to soar; it's Republican tax cuts, especially on corporations and the wealthy." - Robert Reich
"The left has eroded the distinction between speech and action over the last thirty years."
"America's interests do not actually require us to greenlight the murder of dissidents."
"You want a constitution that unites us and political arguments that divide us."
"I challenge you to find any issue that 91% of Americans can agree on but yet Republicans will not come to the table for that simple basic common sense regulation on gun ownership."
"Anyone who does not support the implementation of at the very least a public option is pro-death."
"All January 6 prosecutions should now be paused for evidentiary hearings and investigations."
"I think what you're seeing on the other side is an attempt to hide, obfuscate, to sort of decode the facts. And I think that's really dangerous."
"Clifford, you've hit a nerve. Globalism may have its place, but not at the cost of our sovereignty."
"We're a secular nation and now... We've sidestepped away from that and make it seem as though this is simply a conversation about murder."
"How do you foster debate while shutting down the leading spokesman of one of the two major parties?"
"Arguing with the left is like trying to win a wrestling match against a very large slug. The difficulty is not that your opponent is strong and vigorous, but that he's slippery and slimy and difficult to get a grip on."
"Our preoccupation with the filibuster is totally legitimate."
"Obviously you want to ban all guns, you genuinely believe that the citizen is owned by the state."
"Bernie Sanders: 'There are some Democrats who want to lower the income eligibility for direct payments.'"
"Any time a political movement gets convinced that it is no longer involved in a political debate but a historic war between pure good and pure evil it starts to turn to authoritarian tactics to win."
"The insert X socialist country failed statement is a sad and petty non-argument used to end the dialogue before it even begins."
"The American people deserve to know the truth about the grave ramifications of passing this fiscally irresponsible liberal wish list."
"If the Left isn't about democracy, then what is it about?"
"The rule wasn't changed, the Federalists just made that up."
"Your party blocked criminal justice reform when barack and i were in the white house where were you."
"There's nobody making the case against the deal from a position where they're going to vote against it."
"One of the struggles that you are gonna be seeing in the Democratic Party is whether we go beyond identity politics."
"Val Demings was the winner of tonight's debate."
"Terry McAuliffe got mauled last night. He doubled and tripled down on parents not having a say in their kids' education."
"The biggest moment of the night last night bar none for both Harris and Biden was this exchange where Kamala Harris went after Joe Biden on the issue of race."
"This is not a both sides issue. This is all Republicans, Republican judges, Republican groups."
"I thought he [Pence] had command of the issues."
"He [Pence] didn't let her get him flustered, he kept his cool, he answered with facts."
"Opponents of Biden's gun reform agenda argue that the amendment guarantees an individual's right to possess firearms for self-defense and other lawful purposes."
"More reasons to hope student debt relief when he was contemplating it every elitist came out everyone in the establishment came out and said don't do it if you do it the sky will fall."
"Can we really say the Nordic countries are socialist?"
"Remember how Bernie wanted a poverty debate? Obviously, they didn't want that."
"When you have issues where there is quote-unquote police oppression... why does it become default this is not the fault of America?"
"Anyone who tells you socialism doesn't work doesn't know what they're talking about."
"Do we want Disney speaking out? Do we want our corporations to take on woke politics? Well, if you want that, then you don't want to participate in the sort of current version of capitalism we've got."
"Republicans when they say that Democrats want to defund the police... They're just quoting the Democrats' own words."
"It's a systemic American problem, not Democrat or Republican."
"You still are not going to acknowledge the fact that the defund the police concept was brought up by and constantly reaffirmed by some of the most powerful Democrats in America."
"Biden absolutely crushed the bumptious incumbent by never once making the sort of gaffe in the future that he has repeatedly made in the past."
"Biden delivered one of the greatest debate performances tomorrow that anyone could have imagined or is imagining right this moment."
"Contrast that with my opponent John Federman who on this debate stage said that he would demand federally mandated rules for all states."
"How kicking this back to giving the rights back to the states to determine their own abortion, how that is sexual fascism?"
"Everything that he said right there is actually not true at all. The entire reason that America was founded had to do with individual rights, not societal safety."
"You're right. If I got to show ID to get a shot that now Joe Biden says we got to have and I'll get fired if I don't, why do we act like it's such a big deal to show a photo ID to vote and to put people like Biden in office?"
"The charge of racism is used too casually in the United States."
"This debate is about you... it's about making sure that the sacrifices that you have made to fix our economy aren't wasted." - Nick Clegg
"I promised every American the latest vaccines will be available to them, and for free, and everywhere available."
"If you destroy the presidency and make it an errand boy for Congress, we're gonna be much weaker."
"Critical race theory is a threat to our country."
"It's a little ridiculous that the entire Canadian government is forcing the hand of law-abiding citizens to return their guns when they're not the problem."
"Blaming the problems of society on one set group like this whole critical race theory thing is doing."
"The campaign between Lincoln and Douglas was really heated but in this debate, Douglas started with a bunch of compliments to win over the crowd before switching to personal attacks."
"It's very clear, like I said, there's the memo, the Eastman memo, there's the receipts."
"They are still arguing that trickle-down economics, especially big tax cuts for the rich or for corporations, it unleashes America's dynamism and it fosters growth."
"Tulsi Gabbard brings the hammer about as hard as I have seen someone bring a hammer in a presidential debate since Chris Christie went after Marco Rubio. This is brutal."
"The overwhelming weight of political correctness, cancel culture, phenomenon is coming from the left."
"Our discourse is becoming increasingly intolerant of dissenting views."
"Attacks against Tulsi Gabbard from Ana Kasparian... completely and totally disingenuous."