
Nationalism Quotes

There are 1837 quotes

"This is America. We earned that right. You're right. I don't know why we had to call it New York. We could have just called it something new. But no, we had to be lazy. Gosh-darn America. Come on, you're better than that."
"We always have to challenge supremacy, not just white supremacy, but any form of ethnic nationalism that claims one group is more supreme than others."
"The Taiwanese are not only rejecting being part of the People's Republic of China but also the idea that Taiwan is the Republic of China. In other words, Taiwan is Taiwan."
"Virtue is found in the soil, and Joan of Arc who's a peasant girl... becomes a symbol of not only of sort this nationalism but becomes virtue in herself of being attached to the soil."
"Nationalism is not a good thing. Patriotism is a good thing."
"If you're just proud because you're an American and that's all you have to offer, that's not being a patriot, that is being a nationalist."
"Normally when people say patriotism in the United States, it doesn't just mean that they're proud of the flag or they're proud of the American military."
"Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism when hate for people other than your own comes first."
"I am so proud to be Mexican that I have had people tell me why you're not proud to be an American. Bitch, the fuck I am but like I can be proud to be both."
"In the 21st century, good nationalists must also be globalists."
"Nationalism is the politicization of patriotism."
"A nationalist government is a government that cares first and foremost and advocates for the people that are citizens of its country."
"America is by far the greatest country in the world, and the greatest honor that somebody can have is to become an American citizen."
"If the idea of America doesn't work, what's option two to America?"
"I want my economy back. I want our national security back. I want our tax money to stay here."
"No people on Earth will ever accept being driven from their homes, ethnically cleansed, occupied, and deprived of the right to national self-determination."
"Being a true nationalist means protecting America's interests, which means being muscular on the world stage."
"Never conflate China as a national entity with its current politics, never conflate the Chinese people with the politics of right now."
"The American nation is in a lot of senses a sort of extended family for a lot of people."
"America First crosses racial lines... it is the most uniting message."
"There's no such thing as the Russian dream or the Japanese dream or the Chinese dream; there's only the American dream."
"The nationalism and liberalism can be allies if you understand nationalism not as hatred of foreigners or hatred of minorities but as loving your compatriots and taking care of them."
"Stop making this a left-right thing; this is an American thing."
"The greatest lottery of all time is being born in America."
"National Socialism allows people to earn a living, but they're all working towards a higher cause: the race and the community, and the race and the state come first."
"It's time for Africans to make Africa home again."
"You can't escape the long-cultured arm of Great Britain, you revolutionary turds."
"Ireland was united for most of its history. It's only partitioned for 100 years. We were the Irish Republican Army, not the United Ireland Army."
"We will build a future where America remains the greatest country ever to exist in the history of the world."
"I'm a big advocate for a liberal society. I think that when people start to advocate for positions that try to get people to coalesce around these concepts of like race or these highly nationalistic identities, they oftentimes misdiagnose the problems that we have today."
"I think that fascism is broadly defined as being highly nationalistic, very much oriented around a populist figure, very much oriented around a 'for the people, for your country' type of ideology, and it's always authoritarian in nature."
"The people wanted their country back. They wanted, again, the rule of law; they wanted immigration to be enforced so that they would again have borders. Without borders, you cannot have a nation."
"America was the rogue state of the world. They wanted to be told that America was the exceptional nation again."
"The future of American conservatism is nationalism; it is putting America first and putting the American family first."
"The America First agenda doesn't make you a racist or a xenophobe when you just want to secure your borders, protect your children."
"We're prioritizing America over foreigners, American energy over foreign oil, our borders over Ukrainian borders, our veterans over illegals, and our children over teachers."
"Nationalism is a bit different because all social classes are involved here because the whole premise of nationalism is that nationality transcends class structures."
"America is the greatest nation on God's green earth."
"Our young people will then go into the army, and we'll build the Land of Israel, and in the end, Messiah will come and rebuild the holy temple."
"The constitution doesn't recognize any single ethnicity or race as the only holders of the country."
"Nationalism was born after the Civil War. Before, people referred to themselves as the state they were from, not the United States of America."
"Nationalism has a habit of thriving on conflict. And often, the project of creating a nation-state goes hand-in-hand with preventing others from doing the same."
"Nationalism is neither an inherently right-wing nor an inherently left-wing philosophy. It is simply a philosophy that says that the most important thing in politics is protecting the nation."
"You have to be able to look at the national borders and say yes, these people living in here have enough in common and are united by enough of a shared national purpose to need their own citizenship and government and flag and all the rest."
"Nationalism, the most important global phenomenon of the nineteenth century."
"Nationalist leaders... are seeing a lot more success."
"Brexit... is part of a global philosophical project to roll back grand international institutions and restore the nation-state."
"If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under."
"When it comes to the country, whether it's in sports or cooking, Nigerians come together. They don't know where you come from; they don't want to know your religion; they just want to project their country."
"We have some a lot of problems in Ukraine, but it's our problems. We'll solve them by ourselves, not by Russians."
"Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo."
"The bare minimum and most common feature in all of fascism is powerful and continuing nationalism."
"The American dream or some other positive vision of what it means to be an American embodied by a band or the symbol of a flag, or is it a set of ideals that mean more than that?"
"This nation belongs to you. That's who it belongs to."
"It shouldn't be that hard to say, look if you want to come to Australia, you want to become part of Australia, you've got something to give to this country, and you will give to this country and you want to be part of it, fantastic."
"Our truth is that it's our land, our country, our children, and we will defend all of this."
"Victory is not winning for our party, victory is winning for our country."
"We're all Americans and because we're all Americans, we know that America has a bunch of problems."
"Nationalism is vilified globally, not because it's inherently bad, but because it challenges the move towards a global economy."
"'Just because we were born there doesn't mean we'll remain there. Canadians shouldn't feel they own us.'"
"We will never be able to understand finance, economics, or politics, we will never, for instance, be able to understand the rise of what I call the nationalist international."
"I want to put the ‘made in Korea’ mark on stem cells."
"At the heart of criticism is a desire to see change. At the heart of criticism is a passion for this nation."
"We need internationalism not nationalism, cosmopolitanism not chauvinism. The sharing of cultures, not the worshipping of icons."
"Nationalism and globalism can go together...your national interests should make you cooperate."
"If there is anything to take from Germany's long and multi-faceted history it’s that right-wing Nationalist movements, only ever lead their countries into misery and destruction."
"These far-right candidates are using the rhetoric of nationalism, the exact same thing Donald Trump uses."
"This is a fight for our home, for our ideals as a nation, and for our right to exist as a Jewish democratic society in our country, in our homeland."
"A huge heart of winter, the motherland rises up to protect."
"I believe Australia is the greatest country on earth."
"There has been a malaise across the West and this is why Trump's rampant patriotism has been such a welcome and refreshing change."
"Border control is the reasonable stance; it is possible to have border control without being a white nationalist."
"As Americans give carte blanche to a bunch of powerful businesses to pollute our air and our water, to me America First means that you actually have to want this to be a beautiful place."
"The ability to land a manned craft on the moon was viewed as being both a technical and national accomplishment."
"We're going to win this election because we have no choice. If we lose the election, we're not going to have a country left."
"We want control over our own lives, our own communities, and the nation itself."
"If I was a German, I think a German would say my country is just as good as the US."
"It is time to show the whole world that America is back bigger and better and stronger than ever before."
"He is literally the son of immigrants. Oh my god, he's not white. Well, he can't possibly be a white nationalist then."
"Patriotism on both sides of the Border might have wound up different."
"Humanity is bigger than the boundaries of a nation."
"Ethiopia is the mother of Africa. Ethiopians are one people."
"American data stored on American soil by an American company overseen by American Personnel."
"In terms of Confucianism, one of the elements of Xi Jinping has been not just the nationalism in a foreign policy front, but a cultural nationalism, and the Communist Party as being the bearer of Chinese cultural traditions."
"With the passing of the second Elizabethan age, we usher in a new era in the magnificent history of our great country."
"We are one United team, one United people, and one United States of America."
"Nationalism and autocracy, these are losers' philosophies."
"They hate the United States of America. They worship Vladimir Putin. They are fascists. They are traitors."
"Nations will convert, England will cease being Anglican and will return to the Roman Catholic Church."
"I'd rather live in a nation where there is one common culture than a nation where everybody you interact with on the street could have different cultures."
"The American people need to put America First."
"So when you say nationalism, if it means keep out immigrants, then I totally disagree because I think America is a country of immigrants."
"To be a good nationalist, you also have to be a globalist. There is no contradiction."
"The U.S is a Christian Nation is a lie, a fairly hateful one."
"Dear God, grant us the wisdom to see it and to save our country from it."
"The coronavirus shows the importance of bringing manufacturing back to America."
"There is nothing stronger, more powerful, and more reliable than our Unity. There is nothing in the world stronger than our love for the motherland, for Russia, for our Valiant Armed Forces, for victory. Hooray!"
"Fascism is a phenomenon of the left. It's a marriage of nationalism and socialism."
"We've built the greatest economy in the world."
"We love to wave 'em. We love to look at 'em. Sometimes we even pledge allegiance to them and let them guide our life. We worship it, technically."
"When America's tested, America rises to the occasion."
"We're the greatest country in the world." - Jank
"My fervent prayer for our country is that after all we've been through, we'll come together as one people, one nation, one America."
"America has the potential to actually be the greatest country that ever [ __ ] existed."
"America is a very unique and exceptional place."
"Nationalism is dangerous, patriotism, there's nothing wrong with patriotism."
"When the United States is perceived as weak, enemies advance."
"This is Russia standing up for itself. You can't push us around anymore."
"It is time for a change in America and I will bring that change to the greatest nation on God's green earth."
"Greatest country in the world, greatest country in the world."
"You're the voice of American exceptionalism. We should be proud of that. The world needs VOA's clarion call for freedom now more than ever."
"It's better for individual people when people live in smaller countries."
"Victory created the occasion for an intense nationalism."
"America is stronger than ever before because we are proudly putting, for the first time in a long time, we are putting America first."
"Every country needs its symbols, its totems, its history."
"Why would god allow man to bring sin into the world?"
"A revelation of god in an incontrovertible form does not in any way negate our free choice."
"White Christian nationalism has become a serious threat to American democracy."
"We want American energy dominance instead of relying on foreign countries."
"Trump was pro-energy production, pro-America."
"Russia's invasion of Ukraine is the end of an era...the whole world is reverting back to nationalism and national trading blocks."
"Joe Biden's policy is China first. My policy is very simple: America first."
"Let's cut the red tape, let's make America great again."
"Nationalism is about putting your country first and doing what's right for the citizens of your country."
"I want this United Kingdom to emerge from this period of change stronger, fairer, more United, and more outward looking than ever before."
"Nationalism is often blamed for wars and so forth, but it's also one of the best things that humans ever manage to come up with because it does enable millions of strangers to cooperate effectively."
"We will make America strong again. We will make America wealthy again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. And we we'll make America great again."
"Throughout the 19th century, the world became smaller, but everything became bigger: ethnic groups divided for centuries were united into modern nation states."
"The nation-state was God's idea. It seeks to transcend The Dilemma of Empire and Anarchy by retaining what is most vital in each while discarding what makes each of them most dangerous."
"You have to be the change you wish to be within your own country."
"Don't worry about it. Over the next four years, we'll be making America into the manufacturing superpower of the world."
"Together we are taking back our country. We are returning power to you, the American people."
"We need to keep re-emphasizing that and I always come back to our Britishness."
"He puts his own country first, he protects his own people, he looks out for their security and their well-being."
"Under the Trump Administration, we will once again protect American jobs, American workers, American wages, American borders."
"Nationalism began to rise throughout Europe, challenging absolute monarchies."
"What makes a country great is culture. It's culture, let me give you an example..."
"The Proclamation of the Irish Republic is a hugely important document to the history of Ireland and to the Irish people."
"We are all equal. We are one team and one people proudly saluting one great American flag."
"Some players are just inexorably tethered to their national team careers."
"We will expel the warmongers from our government and we will drive out the globalists. We will cast out the Communists, Marxists, and fascists."
"We are going to make this country great again."
"What if we actually made it mainstream to be proud of this country again? You know that moment when George Bush was standing there in the rubble of 9/11, you feel it, you feel like it was okay to be American again."
"Maybe that will inspire a bunch of non-traditional republicans to iran probably like you to be like America first let's fix this country let's do better."
"It's our strategic petroleum reserve... it's not the world's... it's not China's... and that's the problem."
"If you actually want to save the country, get married and have five kids, you actually are serving your country if you do that."
"I like nations. I like borders. I like the people making their own laws."
"It's a National Health Service, not an International Health Service."
"I think that it's important to put America first, that should lift anybody's support."
"It's time to restore America to what America is supposed to be, land of the free, home of the brave."
"Stay informed, stay vigilant, and most importantly stay true to the principles that make our nation great."
"But now, we are finally protecting our nation, rebuilding our cities, bringing our jobs, our factories, our troops back home to the USA."
"Together, we will make America strong again. We will make America wealthy again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. We will make America great again."
"Italy has been returned to the fold, long live the empire!"
"America is essentially on the path towards being fulfilling its promise because it is the greatest nation on earth to ever exist."
"God's hand is on this nation on the right and the left and he will get his wall built."
"America is still the shining city on the hill."
"The perspective that most Americans have is that we are the greatest country in the world everybody else is poor everybody else is corrupt Which is far from the truth."
"The future belongs to Patriots, the future belongs to sovereign and independent nations."
"If you want freedom, take pride in your country."
"The future belongs to sovereign and independent nations."
"The true good of the nation can only be pursued by those who love it."
"Honestly every race of every nationality comes together and fights under one flag and that is America the flag of freedom."
"No one chooses their country of birth. True, so it's foolish to be proud of it."
"Nationalism is not a hateful philosophy but it's a philosophy that is based around love of your country and your fellow countrymen."
"Make America great again because America was already great."
"We are in the battle for the soul of this nation."
"We are the pro-america party, not the pro-china party."
"Our country is special. It will always be special. It will be greater than ever before."
"We will preserve our heritage, we will defend our liberty, we will reclaim our destiny."
"No one believes in and speaks more passionately of us as a country of possibilities than our president."
"Nationalism, populism, and traditionalism are rising."
"We will protect our people and our statehood from any threats including internal betrayal."
"Ultimately we will win put America first and make America great again."
"You don't get to benefit from that goodwill and then say, 'Oh, but we're international.' No, no. America first."
"Being a patriot means something very specific."
"We gotta get back to one nation under God, period. End of story. Nothing else matters."
"We are not to wrap the gospel in an American flag."
"American companies should see themselves as Americans first."
"Are we going to just let this country sink slowly like the sun in the west at evening tide and say we can't compete anymore?"
"I am for you, Israel, even though all the other nations in the world aren't."
"That is what American exceptionalism is all about."
"What happened to the men? What happened to the big dogs? What happened to 'I slap you if you say something crazy to me'? We got people apologizing for being American!"
"The commitment and the patriotism of the Ukrainian people."
"There's no one who can stop this great country from going ahead."
"You have to be proud of the fundamental principles of the country if you wish to live in that country."
"The key to this benign or good nationalism is citizenship."
"Nationalism is actually a cheap form of patriotism."
"The only reason Ukraine still exists is because Ukrainians are literally ready to die for their freedom."
"Some people get really emotionally attached to the red, white, and blue American nationalism storyline."
"It is fundamentally un-American and it is a fundamental threat to our republic."
"If you want a great country, it has to be based on manufacturing. You gotta keep those jobs for your people."
"We will make America wealthy, strong, proud, safe, and great again."
"Remember this as long as you live: Whenever you meet up with anyone who's trying to cause trouble between people... he's a rotten American himself. Not only a rotten American, but a rotten human being. Don't ever forget that!"
"The final clip: 'Glory to Ukraine, glory to the heroes.'"
"We are the best, we are the freest, we are the best at being free."
"I think we have the enthusiasm, I think we have the courage, I think we have the strength of a nation to do something."
"Our manufacturing future, our economic future, our solutions to the climate crisis - they're all going to be made in America."
"Right now, it's about putting America first."