
Brevity Quotes

There are 1775 quotes

"A merry life and a short one. That's my motto."
"Life is short; you want to live it out. You want to be happy."
"Brevity is the soul of wit; long-windedness is the soul of online recipes."
"If it's taking you more than three or four pages to make your point in a letter of demand, you are making your point wrong."
"Divine revelations are generally brief, clear, and concise."
"Once again, the Spartan's reply contained just a single word: 'If.'"
"The saddest or scariest story ever written: 'For sale: baby shoes, never worn.'"
"Life is short, it's beautiful but it's short."
"They really did like it was a perfect length for a story that wasn't a long story but it was cool to like relive it all and remember how insane it all was."
"Life is too short to be forcing [] with fake ass [] friends."
"Man is like a breath, and his days are like a passing shadow."
"Embrace the experience that comes with life because that [__] is short."
"Life is short. It's the only thing that we're promised."
"In true Joe Pesci fashion, when his name was announced, he walked up on that stage and gave one of the shortest Oscar acceptance speeches ever."
"Life is too short not to live. Whatever your reason is, it's too short to let that."
"It takes skill to condense information into the smallest possible packet. Rambling is easy, focusing is hard."
"Because while life is long, it's also short."
"There's something special about a really great story told in 150 pages."
"This is not like the reconstruction book that I put out like a few. This is a relatively short book so I'm not asking you to read no I'm not asking you to read something that's exceedingly long."
"We all want to know how that happened, but guys I'm not gonna belabor the time."
"Better shorter and meaningful than long and meaningless because you die anyway. The trick is how did you fill the years that you had."
"You could explain that in 30 seconds, you don't need 10 minutes."
"Unfortunately, their run as a team was brief but bloody hell they got a lot done in a short amount of time."
"Out out brief candle life's but a walking shadow a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage."
"Life is way too short to just hold people, you know."
"These videos are all short and sweet, it's incredible to see the impact they can make."
"Life is short, and it is gone in an instant."
"It also really shows how much brevity advertisers generally do carry in this medium."
"Consciously designing your life... realizing how short it is."
"It's just there is a way to give good information without it seeming like you're padding the word count."
"Everything is short, you know that, don't mean everything is short."
"Life is too short to be all like, indulge me."
"Life is a precious thing and you're definitely here for a very short time."
"And that message, by the way, did not take her three minutes to spew out droning on and on and on."
"Freedom don't take that many words. Yes, you're right. The Constitution with all his amendments is like almost less than eight thousand."
"Remember, a short answer, a long answer is not tantamount to a wonderful answer. Sometimes the shorter the answer, the better because of silence." - Boy Abunda
"I'm gonna give you one nugget in one to three minutes or less."
"The Constitution of the United States remains one of the shortest in the world."
"Nobody just... He's so... He'd just be done."
"Seven songs is enough to get your point across and then everywhere people just forget the thing you did an hour ago."
"Shorter, more concise shows have a better chance of having a satisfying conclusion."
"It manages to avoid criticism because it's so short that it never gets old."
"Three years is not compared to the rest of your life, three years is like a flash in the pan, it's like a wink."
"Life is short and [ __ ] like that, yeah man, that was real [ __ ]."
"It's the perfect length for a heartstring puller of a moment."
"The only problem I have with most of these songs is that they end too short."
"Holy [__], they don't need to be long to be a banger. I'm so mad and so happy at the same time."
"Life's too short to pretty much make dumb decisions."
"The shortest game of the whole series and it ends up being a decisive victory."
"The more general it is, the shorter it can be. Get to the point quickly."
"Life at its best is very brief, like the falling of a leaf, like the binding of a sheaf, be in time."
"So with all that said, here’s all 51 seconds of my intro."
"Less is more. I strongly recommend that you keep your resume to just one page."
"Life's too short to deal with your bullshit."
"As a wise man once said, brevity is the soul of wit."
"I think the beautiful part is simplicity... In half a page you can define the whole language."
"That's some bad news, that's all I'm gonna say about that."
"Twitter is poetic; within 140 characters, how attitude can come through."
"Resident Evil 3 remake is enjoyable, but it's a severely short trek."
"Short and sweet and dirt cheap too, I strongly recommend it."
"They are all relatively pretty short but it's easy to get a ton of enjoyment out of them."
"Life is short, bro. Every opportunity you got in life is short."
"End your short as soon as possible prob I shouldn't slap the table but end your short don't don't let it drag on like it like once you've delivered the value end it like abruptly is better."
"Life is short, that's my philosophy exactly."
"The shortest War was between Britain and Zanzibar."
"His presence was short and sweet, and because of this, he’s a straight-up perfect character."
"These writers help to revolutionize moving away from long winding narratives."
"Cut to the chase. It kind of references like movies, right?"
"Life is too short, rinse away the toxicity of people."
"Right now is the time to act on your passions whether you still feel that passion or not."
"The ceremony is quick and concise, witnessed by every person in this village."
"Thanks, Geraldo. And that's it, that's the story."
"Life is very short, why waste it?" - "Life is so short, why waste it?"
"Life is short, enjoy it while you can." - "Life is short, enjoy it while you can."
"Not a lot of preliminaries, all right, thank you Clarence."
"The fact that this is just a 10 track 36 minute album makes it that much sweeter."
"If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter." - Pascal
"I love your writing style because you optimize for the quick read on the internet."
"The game is short. It's really short actually."
"I kind of dig the title, it's strong, it's short, I kind of like that it's short but it's strong, it's short it's descriptive so yeah."
"This game is short and the time to tell its narrative is also short."
"Remember, you will die. Life is short, but the craft is long."
"Life is short; it's nice to reflect on what makes it sweet."
"You're always going to be better off erring on the side of short."
"Life is short, and this movie is only 85 minutes long."
"It really speaks to the quality of the game that it says so much in that amount of time."
"Spider-Man and Captain Marvel's extremely short-lived love life perfectly captures the feeling of two mutually attracted people trying something new."
"Life is short. Are you willing to take that risk?"
"I mean, it's a short, sweet little easy pill to swallow and I thought it was pretty fantastic."
"Twitter is a platform that thrives on very short bursts of unnuanced statement."
"I was walking by all these cars... damn they're kind of short."
"Life is short and not every relationship is meant to work out right."
"Life is short and you only get one opportunity."
"Life is short, we don't have time for waste."
"Life is short. Why make it any longer than it has to be?"
"This person is gonna end up walking away... it's gonna be short-lived."
"His real talent as a short story writer is to create a whole universe within the space of a few pages."
"The less you say the more impact you will have."
"We don't need to go into all the details of it, I'm pretty sure most of you already know roughly what Center for American Progress is."
"Next time on Insulate, it's not gonna be a long story."
"That’s it. It’s short. Sweet. Full of creepy moments."
"Life is very brief. The Bible says it’s a tale that is told. It’s a weaver’s shuttle. It’s a flower that fades. It’s like the grass that withers."
"Life is brief, bright, beautiful, and yours to live."
"Life is too short to be miserable all the time."
"Now let's jump into today's 10-minute painting lesson."
"Live life is too short to not be happy."
"Life is too short to make excuses."
"Life is too short and I want to do what I want to do."
"Life is too short; you need to be happy."
"Life is super short to not take care of ourselves."
"I wish this was longer, eight songs, no misses at all."
"Life is short, you have to move on."
"Saying as much through your work in as few words as possible takes just as much and a great deal of consideration as more complex designs."
"No matter how long it is, life is too short."
"I'll be back in a bit, won't be that long."
"We only have this time and it can be short sometimes."
"The incident called the Anglo-Zanzibar war is considered to be the shortest war ever in world history, lasting a mere 38 minutes."
"People that are looking at your resume may not be looking at it for too long, so you want to make sure you're capturing all their attention as much as you can."
"Life is short, I try to be clear in what I say."
"Life's too short, don't be a dick."
"I'm going to try to make this not like six hours long."
"Silence forces you to be quiet and helps you get your message across in fewer words."
"It's okay to keep it short once in a while."
"Life is nasty, brutish, and short."
"Life just too damn short for that."
"It's gonna be shorter than usual, we're not gonna do a full recap of Raw and SmackDown."
"Sounds awesome, doesn't it? So good, yeah, woman of few words."
"Life is short but it's still longer than your attention span."
"What makes this scene so great is how little screen time it takes up coupled with how much weight it carries."
"Life can be short and unexpected."
"That's where we... They only got five seconds of the show they could put on there. To be honest, I think five seconds is what most people want. I mean, it's... I think that's maybe what it is."
"It's bittersweet because we get to watch... but at the same time I just feel like it was just... cut too short, you know what I'm saying?"
"...it's literally 10 seconds long."
"I think that's probably the end of the review. Do we have anything else to say? No, we don't."
"Life is too short, you know what I mean?"
"Life is sadly very short, so let's all just try and enjoy it."
"Create short form content. Short form content is more likely to go viral. In other words, a 10-minute video is probably not going to resonate with somebody."
"I did try to make the answers a little shorter than they usually would be I reigned in my natural inclinations just go on a great length on somewhat tangential topics."
"The day you were born and the day you die, what happens in between is so brief."
"It's not a very long book so chef's kiss I I don't know what else Amy mcne has written."
"Why make a 90-minute Plinkett video when seven minutes look at the same response just fine?"
"That was a lot of information for such a short amount of time."
"He set the world's record for the shortest poem: 'Me, we.'"
"Real simple, not gonna over talk it."
"That was fantastic, in two minutes too."
"You know, life is too short for bullet points."
"Life is short, man. Yeah, for sure, a hundred percent."
"But that's it for me, short and sweet today."
"A little story told quickly, in it."
"I'm a big fan of shorter books. I think there's something rather wonderful about a book that manages to pack all of its power into a relatively short number of pages."
"Fantasy stories don't need to be long to be fulfilling."
"Brevity is the essence of wit. No."
"Life is so dang short, man. Life is so short."
"Brevity is the essence of intelligence."
"PixFirste creates videos that are 4 seconds long, which is all we need to craft compelling and beautiful stories."
"I'm the Dude, so that's what you call me, you know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing."
"Let's take one minute. Don't pray a long prayer."
"The shortest version of every story is the best version of every story."
"It's just short and sweet and fun."
"I'm just gonna make a short video on this."
"Life's too short, it's too short, us."
"It wasn't too much. It was just the right amount of funny and straight to the point."
"Quotations from Hamlet: Brevity is the soul of wit."
"Less words and shorter sentences equal faster to read."
"The beauty of Vine is you have to tell a story generally a funny humorous light story and you've got 6 seconds to tell it."
"I know it sounds dumb but I love how rich that album is and how short it is. It is just like this big hit of sugar that shakes you up, and then it's over. Like, it just does its job nice and short to the point."
"It's very short but it is amazing in a way like me."
"A man of few words but important words."
"Life is too short. First of all, children are not here."
"Life is too short to be spent shredding inadequate words or reputations."
"But try and keep it short because as you can imagine if every story were about I don't know 10 minutes long narrating a 100 ghost story video would take an awfully long time."
"Okay, so then getting into my long story short."
"Long reads which means short answers but also means lots of details for Jerry."
"Guys, please keep those short. I know my responses sometimes seem a little short, that's because I'm answering so many."
"The whole idea is when you're passing somebody you're not doing it for long."
"Life's too short to hold onto this [ __ ]."
"Just tell your story and end it. That's how I wanna, I hate when they try too long to prolong it."
"Life is short, and in its brevity, there is great value."
"...life is just too dead dumb short, you know?"
"Focus on short form content that's easy to digest."
"Be strong, be firm, keep it short, keep it light."
"Their relationship was as short as it was intense, barely lasting a few months."
"If it's longer than the movie [ __ ] off."
"So, I tell many people: try to make your sentences less than 10 words and then stop."
"That was sweet, but that's really all that happens in this 20-minute special."
"The shortest story ever written was written by Ernest Hemingway. It's six words: 'Baby shoes, never worn for sale.'"
"All it took was two minutes of one story."
"You want to make it short, briefer, and more concrete."
"I'm going to make this introduction very short."
"I love the power of stories because you told me in a couple sentences."
"We need something short like two words."
"Be brief. Short snappy sentences. Objectively be accurate and be brief. That's the challenge."
"The crawl is such a hard thing because you have to be careful that you're not using too many words that people don't understand. It's like a poem."
"It's a very simple educational video which is entertaining and doesn't drag at all."
"It might sound like I'm praising Apple here for a second because I am but I promise I'll keep it short like usual."
"Some of the most important speeches are the shortest."
"Short to the point lessons... are the best."
"So did that little bit at the beginning and then it was Friday before I knew it and here I am now so yeah a nice short and sweet one for you all this week I hope you enjoyed it and I hope everyone's doing well this week."
"But in the interest of time, I'm going to stop right now."
"Put your best work forward, keep it short."