
Complaint Quotes

There are 331 quotes

"If you're going to complain, I might as well be part of the solution, not the problem."
"Never complain about your situation, only take action."
"They don't give us enough credit for it. They really don't."
"You've literally put a bad taste in my mouth and I don't like it."
"I know you've been complaining, but you weren't ready."
"Adults complaining about having to do normal adult things."
"Welcome to my Estates. It sucks. I didn't ask for this."
"It cost me about a hundred dollars to fill up my car. Ridiculous."
"There are reasonable grounds to believe that the complaint relating to the urgent concern appears credible."
"Isaac! Why they gotta do you like this, bro?"
"You see all these orgs leaving Counter-Strike to begin with, and then we sit here and complain that all these orgs are leaving Counter-Strike."
"It just irked me a little bit that he's like, 'oh these guys [] greasing.' It's like I broke your foot just to [] live with it after seeing this."
"Whatever we feel, we should say. If we don't like something, we should complain bitterly."
"In April of 2018, 20 child advocacy groups filed a complaint."
"If you're complaining, do something about it."
"I may be the only one complaining about the noise, but everyone lives down the hall from you. I live right underneath you, so I'm your neighbor a floor below. Please, can you turn it down? If the neighbors say it's too loud, I'll think about it."
"These complaints seem to be politically motivated partisan hackery."
"Metro doesn't wait till he's washed up to start complaining about it. He complains now."
"Just because somebody is constantly complaining about their life doesn't mean they have a hard life."
"You complain about the sound equipment, you're refusing to wear your microphone."
"Blink fitness stole 500 bucks from you, man!"
"I complain about things and oh really we'll go from there."
"Japanese marketing firm Piano Inc. received a complaint from non-smoking staff..."
"I need to speak to the manager because this is the best soup I've ever had, why did your waiter come and pour it all over my lap?"
"The roads in the UK at the moment are terrible, there's potholes everywhere."
"They've really taken the joy out of sandwiches."
"You're not willing to complain against it, raise awareness. But if you are, there's just like a pinball in a pinball machine and you're getting smacked everywhere. It's a rough place to be playing defense your entire life."
"It's like a complaint about my neighbors, they're being noisy."
"What is it? Run, find a manager, demand free movie passes for life."
"It simply feels good to complain, even if complaining does nothing to alter the cause of our suffering."
"The big thing for everybody who likes to complain and dwell and be a victim. They need to realize that nobody cares." - GaryVee
"Our upstairs neighbors are the worst [ __ ] day people."
"When people bring a complaint they're looking for justice."
"The most common complaint is fatigue. I'm tired I have no energy."
"I'm not complaining, I'm not complaining."
"I insist we look into your complaint and take it seriously."
"Customers complained quite regularly that they couldn't gain access to the bathroom because it had suddenly been locked from the inside."
"The weather in Wales this week has been awful; it's done nothing but rain and rain and rain."
"He might complain in that race car but he never gives up."
"You need to do something about your front office manager; she is the rudest person I've ever dealt with."
"I hate Stephen Singer. Mother's Day is coming up."
"Work hard and quit bitching; you get what you earn."
"Crispy Cream, the [ __ ] for brains working at your Austin location, [ __ ] up my dozen!"
"Take it and throw it in the trash. Women don't complain, hey men don't."
"'When you file a complaint with the Department of Education, they let you determine what you think would be a fair compensation for the issue you're complaining about.'"
"This complaint was so far from the truth, I was actually laughing in front of my bosses who were stone-faced believing this woman."
"Sir, please stop yelling at my FDA about your missing luggage."
"If a woman got one weave in and you got the whole wig, don't complain about the weaving, complain about the weaving."
"I have no heat and it's Iowa and it's winter and it's cold."
"In heaven, there is no term 'complaint.'"
"Honestly it it's getting cold guys it is really getting cold here."
"I think this is bait and switch you can sue for bait and switch now can't you depends if so if somebody gives you bad bait you can take a switch to them."
"Anytime anybody has any kind of complaint, they have an open door."
"Why are we keeping this nasty tomato all on my skin?"
"Overall it has been the worst thing in the world. I can't really complain, but I just never really want to do it again."
"Well then, factoring another 49 seconds because all the airs come out as you've taken the pump off the valve. Yeah, no, that is awful."
"...she immediately just starts like kind of complaining about having to live with four new guys because they're stinky."
"Stop complaining and go do something about it."
"Hands down the biggest complaint I and many others have had about this season is the fact it feels too rushed."
"...that's my major thing so I took pictures and I took a video of the major defect that I have and that video is gonna be in the summary and I'll show you that in a little bit."
"I'm sorry to bother you, but I ordered my food 10 minutes ago and it still hasn't arrived."
"I'm sorry to say this, but the soup is cold."
"At the bottom of this discussion is often just a complaint about not liking the God who offends our sensitivities and does not comport with our imagination of what God ought to be like."
"Resentment and complaint are appropriate neither for oneself nor others."
"Everybody has an opinion, but there's some things that you don't need to be complaining about."
"We are not to be complainers or grumblers."
"Serious people don't complain about hard work."
"I know right? It just makes you want to whine about that."
"I started making thousands of dollars in airline refunds because they refused to give me tickets flying out of Charlotte, North Carolina."
"I'm alive bro it's hot but I see people complaining about the Heat"
"F Comcast. Do I have any attorney friends on here that want an easy case and want to get rich with me?"
"The pumps at gas stations are confusing, especially when you're in a hurry and on a budget. This is their fault and I want to sue their butts off."
"What you gonna say something to me now? Now give me a dang refund for my burnt pizza and I want gas money as well for driving over here."
"Become aligned with the present moment and refrain from complaining... very powerful spiritual practice."
"Shut up, you don't need to complain."
"I've had enough of this cold. I had pneumonia last winter, and if I get it again, it's goodbye to me."
"We are trapped!" they screamed. They shouted to Moses, "What have you done to us? You took us out of Egypt so that we could be killed in the desert."
"Americans, the only people who sit idling in their cars, waiting to buy a five dollar latte while bitching about gas costing four dollars."
"Look how burnt that is. McDonald's screwed up."
"Entitled parents complain about our electric fence then wind up admitting their kids are the neighborhood thieves."
"You know, for someone getting a bunch of free money, you really like to complain a lot."
"If you're not, if you don't do anything, you know, if everybody did nothing and just complained, we'd all be toast."
"Philip complained, telling people 'I am the only man in the country not allowed to give his name to his own children.'"
"I think humans naturally just want to complain all the time."
"Don't criticize, condemn, or complain."
"Middle-class whingers going on about [ __ ] tuition fees."
"This is not right. I got here before 8:30 and it's now almost 12:30. That's 4 hours, not 3."
"Why the hell do they charge so much?"
"I made a few written complaints, a few videos as evidence and sent them to the property manager."
"I reported the individual to the SRA, filled in a complaint form. They say this takes the minimum of 30 days for them to even acknowledge, but frankly, the woman I spoke to on the SRA helpline could not have cared less."
"If you go out if you're playing football and you complained about there being natural grass it's like hey the field is grass get used to it fella."
"It wouldn't be a Dance Mom's Christmas without someone complaining, right?"
"An entitled Karen demands a refund on her food claiming that it's incorrect despite the fact that there was nothing wrong with it."
"You're eating here for free, and you have the audacity to complain about the food when Grace is breaking her Nash in the kitchen? Big Nash!"
"...I think there is a time and place to complain about certain things, especially when you make millions of dollars you probably shouldn't be complaining to someone who doesn't..."
"You're allowed to say there's a problem with your bag and quality issues."
"It's ridiculous, I'm hiding from the Sun, it is so hot outside."
"Complain if your food is [ __ ], complain. If your food is [ __ ], complain."
"We have to pay, they use the word exorbitant five times."
"These guys here very unhelpful indeed."
"'It's bad enough to be eatin' bully beef, but carryin' it as well is rotten.'"
"...he does a lot more positively he doesn't even polish that often it's just he [ __ ] about it a lot when he does I hate it."
"This is ridiculous," I complain, but put mine on.
"YouTube stole that [__] from us bro."
"Listen, okay? Shut up! Goodness gracious. It's a whole YouTube. Why are you here then? I understand. Why did y'all be complaining like for real? I don't get it. But it's not gonna stop what we got going on."
"...if this error isn't corrected immediately, you risk losing me as a subscriber. Now, excuse me, because I have to get back to finishing my banana. I'm also about to peel another banana for my wife, too, because she hasn't eaten in so many hours."
"People love to complain, and I think even the people who are bitching and whining about them now probably don't even realize that it's happening."
"Most people will never become wealthy, and that's why most people continue to complain and hate the system."
"That's offensive! $18.50 for a steak with no size?"
"Target, we love you guys. We love shopping there, we love finding stuff doing hunts there, that's not gonna change. But that Target, that customer service was the worst store experience I've ever encountered in my entire life. That's saying something."
"Somebody also sat on my chair and broke it too."
"Clothes are just so expensive now for no reason"
"We're gonna make it something worth remember, you're not gonna complain about that are you?"
"A complaint can be genuine or it can be an excuse for inappropriate behavior."
"This seat should not have caused permanent damage."
"The post office did not listen or refuse to hear."
"Be a voice. It's really important. Most of us won't be a voice. Most of us won't complain. Most of us won't say what we want. We just won't go back."
"I was not doing this. This is why people are commenting. What are you complaining about? This is the game that matters."
"Karen complained about another neighbor's motorcycle... she has complained several times about the motorcycle and calls the cops frequently for dumb things."
"He complains about the decor, he complains about the lobster machine, he complains about the slow service, he complains about Greg, he complains about the coleslaw."
"Humans by our nature are much more motivated to complain about something and to actually like say that we're angry about it."
"Damn, just like this is a long intro. What the hell?"
"Behind every complaint is a hidden desire. What's the hidden desire? Tap into that."
"He just calls God out and he says, 'God, I don't like what's going on in my life. I'm tired of this, enough's enough. I need a change. Come on, you're treating me poorly.' And he complains. He does a Jeremiah."
"Why complain if you're not going to do something about it? Get up and take action to change your situation."
"I think it's abominable, in fact, I wish to register a complaint about them."
"It's her own choice to complain and not do something about it, whereas you made the decision to make a change to better yourself."
"Hank does sit in the corner office upstairs I sit with HR so I took the complaint and just [ ... ] power structure this is the power structure this is corruption all the way down."
"I've got a serious complaint... My Tootsie is bright blue! No, that can't be right, think again Head, think again!"
"Why didn't anyone, you know, speak up when we're getting our face painted?"
"Good morning, it's freaking freezing."
"This is like the original first world problem right here, man."
"Imagine shows are then gonna jail, you get the average personal rush having something to complain about."
"You've only provided us with one bed!"
"I was saying that I really find it annoying that there's no one to complain to about the weather as in like to write a strongly worded email and be like it's not fixable it's not fixed yeah"
"It's easier to complain than it is to do the work."
"You Koreans are always complaining."
"The only complaint I'll have today is when I did ask the front desk to get check out at 12 o'clock, the lady said no."
"...if you have a bad piece of chicken, take it back to your market and complain, and get all your friends to complain."
"Neighbors started complaining about loud banging coming from their apartment at night."
"So, you turn to Allah, and He says, 'I merely complain my sadness and my grief to Allah, and I know about Allah that which you do not know.'"
"God don't bless me, I can't complain. Why complain? You feel me?"
"So difficult to get, everybody was complaining."
"Instead of grumbling, humble yourself."
"We're gonna have to write a strongly worded letter to the folks at Wikipedia."
"Drivers are always griping about the grip, I don't know why that is."
"You got to be grateful, you need haters, what is you complaining about? What do you think a hater's job is to hate? So let them do their goddamn job, what you complaining about?"
"It puts things in perspective. People complain about the littlest things in life."
"I can't complain about the size too much because I know size and price are definitely gonna go hand in hand."
"Complaining cancels out the power of praise."
"This whole 'time' thing is not tight. It takes the fun out of everything."
"The worst bit of it is this bootleg tailgate."
"A tree would never complain about such things."
"I have definitely stayed in some worse places. This is absolutely outrageous."
"My only complaint with modern pro wrestling is that our job is to let the fans not care about what's happening backstage. They need to care about what's happening in the ring."
"Look at that damage on that wheel, not only is it crunched on this side right here it's also crunched down here."
"...they knew someone would be complaining."
"Seven hills this place is damp she heard her guard complain."
"This is disgraceful! I should have access to a laboratory. What about my civil rights?"
"Insult each other. This man sucks with his phone, doesn't answer. Biggest complaint right now, this man has me show up to record and he has me sit here for an hour while he's getting dressed."
"You take away your right to complain about your situation when you're not doing anything to get out of the situation."
"This drives me crazy every time I complain about it."
"Tables, what's with the [ __ ] table? You can't hold something for a day or two, put it on a tase. Hey, where's my table? I'm a baby in a crib."
"For a lot of people complaining about fake tailpipes, this is the car for you."
"This seat is awful. Can't believe how bad. It's going right in the garbage. Slowbacks will go in it."
"Honestly, that's kind of the only complaint I have about this Audi Q8."
"I think for $26, they should have carried us back to the car. So that is my one complaint about the restaurant."
"Complaint is the byproduct of low self-esteem."
"We're bikers, we're not [ __ ] boy scouts, so stop whining."
"Women complaining about how men are so rude."
"I paid nine dollars for this guys, nine dollars."
"I love it when people write in and complain to comedy clubs because if you're at home, you're on your couch, you've just finished your [expletive] chicken dippers, you're like, 'Oh, I didn't like that,' and you just like whinge."
"Why would you put this in the [expletive] game?"
"Girl, this ain't right. The butter is burnt."
"But now she's mad because it's hot in the office when she's in there."
"You can complain about stuff which you should do, but also you do stuff that's active and proactive."
"It's a huge deal to me because they charge you arm and a leg for this stuff."
"I've been to some grounds, but the toilets in that new stand are atrocious, mate."
"My mom is literally the worst person at washing my face."
"Does anybody else have trouble with the tightness of these dang ears in Disney?"
"I'm displaying him on my desk. Why were people complaining? Oh my God."
"Can people just [ __ ] like I don't know, find something else, man? Find something else to complain about."
"Chickenpox only come once in a lifetime, but being a whiny little brat lasts forever."
"They were like, 'Anyways, if we're gonna DQ you for the dumbest reasons, things that they did not need to say anything about.'"
"The investigation reached stage two, and the officers' initial doubt landed on Cherie and Russell, Ashley's parents, who had taken a while before finally filing a complaint."
"What do you want me to do? Like what am I crying to you for? I want to talk about solutions. I only want to complain. Like let's find a solution."
"Range moochers: that's a pretty considerable gun gripe."
"I guarantee you give it to me in 3 minutes if he calls down here with it your own policy you must give me a complaint for I was assaulted."
"This is a cry from the heart that Elijah, a Jew, an Israelite, is complaining about Israel to God and saying they've killed the prophets, they've destroyed the altars, and I'm alone left and they're coming to kill me."
"But you know Mean Girls is a whole different definition. A whole different complan. [C]omplaining [was] there. Complaining about like, I don't want to fight no more for real."
"My point is, tell me what's wrong with this, it's too tight. Am I bothering one of the uniforms? It's too tight. Oh yeah, I don't want to fit. Do y'all, come on, man."
"I'm sorry, can I speak to your supervisor? My attitude? What about your attitude?"
"We've lived through one of the smoothest, most pleasant times in history, and yet all we can do is complain."
"My audiobook was the number one audiobook for like seven months. Because, well, hold on, if you have a long ride, definitely treat yourself and buy that audiobook. It's way overpriced. I don't get a cent of it."
"Mr. Swan, what's your main complaint about Mrs. Swann?"
"Just go home. Literally, don't leave. Like, did y'all just, did you just wake up this morning and be like, 'I'm gonna go complain about something first thing I see'? I'm gonna complain about it. Let's go."
"There is absolutely no excuse. I would say the majority of people who are complaining about groceries and the price of inflation, listen, I get it. It's not right, but and it stinks, but that's just what we're stuck with."
"If I die from a stroke from the prices, you sue the hospital."
"Americans love to complain about the dumbest things."
"If you complain enough, you can get just about anything, that's it, perfect unethical life advice."