
Hindsight Quotes

There are 2549 quotes

"I can think of many times when I should have quit and I didn’t know when to say when."
"One day, I hope that we will look back at this and shudder, and we will have a hard time comprehending the inhumanity of the statements."
"With the benefit of hindsight, we know exactly what they meant by this, of course."
"It's incredible to look at in retrospect and a little scary too."
"Hindsight's brilliant, and we look back and go, 'How could he have done that?' But also, that we need to be very careful of the law of unintended consequences."
"Things are often clearer in hindsight than when we're looking ahead. The recent past is clear, loaded with learnings from mistakes we make. The future is fuzzy, hopeful, and unknown."
"At some point, we will look back five, ten, fifteen years and we will say to ourselves, 'Wow, we fell for this hook, line, and sinker.'"
"I've learned a lot, and I'd like to do it a bit differently next time."
"I wish I wished to God Almighty that I had this when I was coming up."
"The trouble with hindsight is you know how the story ends, and so you look back for things that tell you that the story was bound to end this way. And that's not really how events unfold."
"Black Swan is actually a metaphor that describes an event that comes as a surprise, has a major effect, and is often inappropriately rationalized after the fact with the benefit of hindsight."
"In hindsight, it's much easier to spot the connections."
"The deepest lessons can be learned only in retrospect, once the storm has passed."
"You cannot connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward."
"Sure, in retrospect, it could have been a lot worse, and he was actually definitely above average."
"It's often very difficult at the time to understand why events, however horrible, happened."
"The reality is that sometimes you do not know until hindsight that what you heard was the voice of God."
"We did not take it as seriously right from the jump as we should have."
"If I had the wisdom, I would do things differently back then."
"One of the biggest tragedies, I think, for our societies is that it's only now, when it might be too late, that we are asking the questions we should have asked before day one."
"I'd love to, we'd all love to go back in life and have a few do-overs."
"Hindsight bias is a memory distorter. Memories of what you actually said or believed before the event are distorted to try and make your past opinions or beliefs more in line with what actually transpired."
"I think we will ultimately look back on this as one of the great follies and tragedies of our time."
"What makes it worse is that we know this could have been prevented."
"It's easy to look back and realize what a terrible mistake I've made."
"In an adjustment reaction, anything you do before the crisis hits is going to feel like an extreme overreaction, but in hindsight, you'll understand it was a complete underreaction."
"Something's going to happen, and you'll be able to connect the dots backwards and say, 'Well, that's why that happened.'"
"She's so good at reflecting on things and even applying hindsight to them."
"Humans over the decades have realized, gee, that wasn't necessarily the best design decision."
"If I had a time machine, if I could send a message back in time: listen to the man, buy a thousand bitcoins."
"Hindsight is 20/20. You did what you did based off of the information that you thought you had. So there's nothing to be mad at you for."
"It all made sense in the end, but in the moment you're like, 'Man, was that the right move?'"
"For this list, we're looking at historical blunders that have us slapping our foreheads in retrospect."
"People come out of imagining these scenarios fired up, super empowered."
"We followed Joe Rogan to the Ukraine, which was stupid in hindsight."
"The rise of Trump has kind of made it clear that oops, like the activists were actually right the whole time."
"Do you think if they could go back, they would have paid the ransom? I guarantee you they would."
"Even if I had to do it all over again, I would do it very differently."
"You are not god, you cannot understand what is best for your 20s without hindsight."
"You'll know the bottom is in after you miss it."
"We could have done this so differently... but here we are, what are we gonna do?"
"Imagine being the guy who said no to Iron Man."
"You can't fault your past self for not having the knowledge of your current self."
"If I could do it all again, I would do it differently."
"Hindsight, surely, is 20/20 for us looking back on it now and the improvements that could be- and were- made to Cameron's vision."
"Looking back on that time with her... I think she had a lot of confidence in her ability and didn't know what she was getting into."
"I feel like if I knew what I knew now, I still wouldn't have been ready."
"I could already be a billionaire if I had only bought it back then."
"I really should have... probably would have been a lot more smart."
"Four years later, well… not to brag, but we were right."
"Technical analysis works a hundred percent of the time in hindsight."
"Looking back on it... I would have saved myself the headache and just waited on the ground."
"In other words, this absolutely could have been avoided."
"You can only connect the dots looking backwards."
"It was painfully clear that this ordeal could have been entirely averted."
"Highlighting how it doesn't really make sense for a people to construct a massive city and then 100 years later realize that their entire sewage system needed to be reconstructed."
"At what point do we get to say, you know what, this was visible before and we are sick of having conversations after the fact?"
"If we knew then we would have made different choices and we would have dealt with the money different."
"You never know who you were with until you're no longer together."
"In retrospect, it's clear that we should have acted earlier."
"You'll look back and think, 'What was I worrying about?'"
"It's just wild... It just sucks that when you're in the moment you have the conviction to stand for your beliefs... and then years later after all the devastation... it's like, 'Whoops.'"
"By the time most people are watching this video, they'll be like, 'Oh man, what an opportunity!'"
"The question mark will be in hindsight should we have played a stronger side."
"Had I known the struggles that I would have gone through without knowing the result, I could have never started."
"If the bureau had stepped back, not focused on the endpoint, and taken in the whole picture during construction, then maybe they would have seen a dangerous situation they were creating."
"I now look at that and just go, 'What was I thinking? Living on the edge was a smart idea?'"
"If I knew the money I'm making now from trading, I'd work those 10 years at my job."
"Sometimes you make decisions that, you know, hindsight being 2020 maybe I wouldn't have done that."
"Remember folks, it just didn't have to be this way."
"If the U.S. government had just been content with what they had achieved with the I-69 over the last 50 years, they could have saved themselves a lot of embarrassment down the road… literally."
"At the end of the day, things could have been done better."
"It's very easy to look back now in hindsight and be like, 'Hey, I should have bought the dip.'"
"Preparing now with the benefit of hindsight is actually better."
"I wish I would have listened to you a long time ago."
"The beauty of economic happenings is that we can learn a lot in retrospect."
"Can you imagine if you'd made better decisions when you were 19 years old?"
"The people that come in at this point will say, 'Wow, I wish I got in down there.'"
"It's kind of funny that this wasn't found sooner, but as is the case with many large discoveries, they often seem obvious after the fact."
"You know, sometimes you go back three, five years later and realize that they dropped these great projects but no one noticed at the time."
"It was all there. You should have been able to predict it easily."
"It's a lot easier to say you would have bought Bitcoin down here than to actually do it."
"It's a pity extreme precautions weren't taken to prevent the outbreak in the first place."
"I wish I could have told my younger self to make the smarter move and just go for help."
"Hindsight is 20/20, focus on your next steps and decisions."
"When I look at the decisions that I made here, I really think that like even if hindsight was 2020, there's little of anything that I actually would have done differently."
"Most of those women I would be completely okay saying are going to wind up looking back on those years and regretting them they're going to feel like they didn't get anything out of it"
"I love that idea way more. I think a lot of companies, if they could have gone back in time, I think if they could have done that, it would really really really help."
"Hindsight's always 20/20 but looking back it's like well, no, obviously. Obviously, you're a part of that environment too."
"Hindsight's always 20/20. You just kind of got to embrace what you've got."
"Should have put it in reverse, but it wouldn't have mattered."
"You can say I told you so after the fact if you told me so."
"It's easy to look forward and say 'oh it would have changed everything' but we just don't know that." - Walter
"It's easy to be a Monday morning quarterback, it just is." - Walter
"When it comes to people saying we've bottomed, we won't know for like three months. Hindsight's always 20/20. And, you know, I see both sides of the argument."
"The dots don't necessarily connect forwards but they can connect looking backwards."
"It's almost like that was bound to happen the more popular it got. I didn't see it coming but now when you zoom out, you know, hindsight is 20 20."
"It's not going to be maybe until five ten years from now that you can be able to look back and say, 'God, made total sense. It was exactly what I needed at the time.'"
"Hindsight is 20/20, everybody. You don't know how you don't know, right?"
"Sometimes our parents did mean the best for us after all."
"I wish people would have listened to me a couple of weeks ago."
"Sanders would have won... he definitely would have won."
"If I could time travel, I'd go back 10 years and get in on the ground floor of bitcoin."
"There will come a day where we look back at neo and we're like dang should have bought more neo."
"You'll be able to look back on this time with no regrets."
"Essentially, we always succeed through failure."
"Would you take $100,000 wired to you right now or a coin flip for 10 million?"
"Oracular visions are only supposed to make sense in hindsight."
"Hindsight that's why they say hindsight's 20 20."
"President Obama told me... that's your biggest problem... I wish it was handled earlier."
"In retrospect I should have just called him a dumbass, could have done more with that."
"You should not regret that. You should not look back and go 'oh my God I cannot believe the harm that I did to my child by being worried about this.'"
"I wish I just was just like this is what I'm doing because honestly if I look at it now I would have had way more success."
"In hindsight, 2020, of course it was Catch and Release."
"It's hard to say if sharing this plan with you all along would have been the right move."
"One day we will leave this band and people will look back... wish they had bought more bitcoin down here."
"The gift of retrospect is a beautiful thing."
"Sometimes we can't see it right away because it doesn't make sense to us but when we look back we can see okay this is why it happened it all makes sense now."
"And this could have been so easily prevented."
"A lot of good ideas seem obvious in retrospect."
"We're gonna really regret not having prepared for this pandemic in advance."
"I think it would have been a good idea to review my studying methods much sooner and more often than I did."
"I see now, hindsight is always 2020, they say."
"It's almost like if you gave any gun owner a time machine they could go back 10 years, 20 years and find thousands of dollars worth of stuff they had kind of ignored back then, they took for granted."
"I'd do it all again as long as I knew it led to you."
"We know looking back that it was happening in the background."
"From jump, when my homegirl told me about how y'all got into it back in the day, I should have known not to mess with you."
"Faith is believing in advance what will only make sense in reverse."
"Black Swan events are characterized by their extreme Rarity, severe impact, and the widespread insistence that they were obvious in hindsight."
"Hindsight is 20/20, but criticism is necessary."
"In hindsight, that was not a smart decision."
"If I know what I know now, I would have had a kid 10 years ago."
"Hindsight is 2020 and sometimes we not getting that hindsight because we looking at that foresight."
"And we can all agree looking back when something bad happens, we look back at what could have prevented it."
"Every fiber in my being tells me it's just simple, it'll be so simple when we look back."
"We live life forward, but we understand it backward."
"We didn't have to do it this way, but we did."
"It felt ruthless at the time, but if you really look back on it, it was all pretty reasonable."
"What do you wish you knew 10 years ago? 10 years ago I wish I knew how fun YouTube would be."
"I wish that I had been doing the work that you're doing right now prior to that."
"No one's willing to take accountability for this. No one's gonna go, 'Hey, we messed up, we should have seen this in '14, we should have done more.'"
"Lesson learned: always do the things they could have done when they were ahead."
"But there’s a peculiar quirk that’s easier to spot in hindsight."
"The entirety of what unfolded was just not only unnecessary but in it was completely avoidable."
"Bad trends never look bad at the time but then hindsight comes around and smacks us across the face."
"I wish I could go back and tell myself, maybe don't do that, because that's really unnecessary."
"Of course, the way it all played out, had we known that this would be the impact, of course we all stop and shake your hand."
"I'm really concerned about will you get someone like you know I guess now we all kind of look back we fully on George Bush number two."
"Nobody winds up on their deathbed wishing they checked in more code."
"Wars are tragic, and in hindsight, many of the wars of history could have readily been avoided."
"I feel like if I knew what I know now back then I maybe would have made different decisions."
"So, anybody reporting, even if I have a million disagreements with people who picked Hillary over Bernie in 2016, they still were more right about the future and the damage Trump could do to the country than Jimmy was."
"Chances are it will make sense in hindsight..."
"Yo, I didn't think I'm gonna look back and be like, 'See, I knew that.'"
"Why didn't we look at the tithe map earlier? Because we're bloody stupid."
"We were so suspicious about how much they caught us earlier."
"They wish they would have valued you back then."
"It’s really frustrating to look back on it and think you’ve not been doing it to the best of your absolute ability, but again, hindsight’s a wonderful thing."
"The thing that would have made the difference is what happened in Utah."
"My view is that we should have stopped this a long time ago."
"You know how you go through something and you think it's the worst thing in the world but once you heal from it you kind of laugh at yourself like damn [] you nuts like you [] crazy like you know what I mean."
"I'm not one for 'I told you so,' but you could have been blocks away by now."
"It's wild to look back in hindsight and piece a lot of these things together."
"With hindsight, to be able to look back on our lives over this last year and say I learned and I grew."
"You're gonna look back at this time, you'll be like, 'How foolish was I?'"
"To all of the Biden fans that still remain we told you so."
"Comey: I was sure Clinton would win election when I reopened email inquiry."
"Maybe I could have prevented what had happened. I don't know. They say you can't blame yourself, but I do."
"If we had had more prominent Republicans saying these things in March instead of '15 cases will soon be zero,' we would be much better off right now."
"2020 hindsight it's always good. It's a good thing in theory but no one has it."
"Eventually these people are going to grow up and realize what idiots they'd been."
"Was the decision wrong at the time it was made, regardless of the outcome?"
"Every single piece of this story... could have been avoided."
"If the advice of people like yourself... had been listened to... we would have still suffered a disaster."
"Don't discount anything because all of a sudden if you discount it, you may realize, 'Oh, I discounted that two months ago.'"
"Graves are filled with after-the-fact wisdom."
"One day you'll look back and think, 'Really?' And when that day does arrive, drinks are on me."
"If I could do it again, I'd wake up early and be fighting these bastards from the start."
"Learn from the past and make better decisions today because hindsight always gives us 20/20 vision."
"Like a lot of investors, I wish I could get back in that DeLorean, go back in time knowing what I do now, and start investing all over again."
"The failures, the challenges were part of it, part of the success. You don't see that at the time, but looking back, it's freaking obvious."
"If only I knew everything that I know now then I could start living your life."
"Looking back we are all geniuses with the benefit of hindsight."
"If I had been fortunate enough to read what I'm about to write 30 years ago, my life would be very, very different."
"It's easy to see them in retrospect, it's easy to see them in other people, but most of us only see them after we've paid the price for not seeing them in the first place."
"I wish I'd have learned some of these lessons sooner."
"Some things become clear in hindsight."
"You can't connect the dots looking forward; only back."
"We had all these amazing moments together and we didn't appreciate them while we had them."
"I'm going to look back on all these moments in my life and be like, 'Wow, she doesn't know it's coming'."
"We often take for granted the people what we got until we can't see them."
"They're gaining a lot of wisdom through hindsight in their experiences."
"It's too bad if only we could know we're in the good old days while we're in them."
"But the second instinct had been right. It would have been better for him to have stayed in the shelter of the kind darkness."
"Three things I wish I knew as a graphic designer."
"If I had to go back and do everything all over again and fix anything, I wouldn't. I would do exactly the same way."
"If you could go back and do something in your life differently, what would it be?"
"If I had only known about that when I worked on this truck, life would have been a lot easier."
"The second we kissed, I was like, 'Eve, you are actually the most stupid person in the history of this whole world. Of course, you like him.'"
"I was an idiot for not jamming these when you guys were like, that fire."