
Cultural Loss Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"We're losing traditions of thought about the world that are very, very important, beautiful, inspiring, and so on and so forth."
"Globalization... it strips out the adventure and the uniqueness and the decentralization of The Human Experience."
"The material wealth and cultural suffering stripped from black people in the United States is incomparable to virtually any other American project."
"The wisdom of the older generations is often discarded and so is lost forever when they die. This is such a waste."
"We lose ideas that are specific to cultures when a language dies. We lose records of time periods and people. We lose stories that were important to them at that time and could still have meaning in our lives today."
"It's kind of sad to think that something that's been going on for thousands of years could come to an end soon due to corporate greed."
"We're all going to lose... all those wonderful things about our culture that we cherish."
"Losing an entire people is a real tragedy which should break our hearts."
"Just look at all that history turning it to dust right before your very eyes as if it doesn't matter."
"We are African people, robbed of our names, our languages, our cultures, our religions."
"It was an unparalleled loss to the cultural heritage of our nation."
"We've lost a lot that our elders used to have."
"We didn't forget, it was knocked out of us, beaten out of us."
"This was the end of thousands of years of accumulated knowledge."
"There has been an absolutely purposeful attempt to rid us, to strip us of our culture, of our heritage, of the things that made us who we are, to teach us that we're evil, that we're wrong."
"War not only kills men; it destroys history."
"One of the things we've lost as a country is this willingness to allow what you're calling pluralism."
"The destruction of Aleppo is as great a loss to human culture as the destruction of Paris and Rome."
"We've lost religion, we've lost our minds, and everybody wants to be like somebody else."
"Manual transmissions are unfortunately going away, and it's such a shame."
"The loss of indigenous food starts from the very beginning."
"The level of talent that left the planet in 2020 is both profound and saddening."
"One of the great tragedies of the human experience is the inability to read books and sew things."
"The loss of the Library is without a doubt a tragedy for humanity."
"It's amazing how much gets lost in just a couple generations."
"In whichever field these changes were taking hold, with industrialised techniques replacing traditional practices, something very precious was being lost."
"If we lose the city of Pompeii to a volcanic eruption or to some other form of devastation, what we lose is the greatest single place to walk into the past."
"There has been an absolutely purposeful attempt to rid us... of our culture of our heritage of the things that made us who we are."
"Its closure feels like Hong Kong has lost a part of itself."
"I mourn for the loss of this form of entertainment."
"We were strategically picked apart, our language taken away from us, history taken away from us."
"It just shows how we're losing a Canadian identity."
"We're losing the actual culture and passion and love of the artistic storytelling."
"The Earth will soon die and take arts, religion, and other beautiful ideas along with it if they give up."
"When you start to lose the culture, the law goes with it."
"There's experience being passed down, wisdom that's all lost today."
"Black were full swath brought over in a transatlantic slave trade and we lost our indigenous ties... But a lot of the white immigrants that came to this country came with those cultural ethnic heritages still intact."
"History is full of things like personal histories, languages, and even whole technologies and techniques that we no longer remember."
"What is it that you fear we will lose if people stop believing in God?"
"Where today are the Pequot, where are the Narragansett, the Mahican, the Wampanoag, and other powerful tribes of our people? They have vanished before the avarice and oppression of the white man."
"Gentrification gets rid of the people who give all the flavor to the neighborhoods and the city."
"That's the attitude of the old days and that's what's being lost now."
"Wouldn't it be great if Robin Williams was still around? What a shame and an incredible talent that we lost too soon."
"The destruction of a culture's autonomy and heritage, while common historically, is always tragic."
"The burning of our history, the Holocaust of lost knowledge."
"Unfortunately, most Americans whose families have immigrated from other countries several generations ago, they don't speak that native language anymore."
"I just want them to explore as many dimensions as possible because we had 10,000 instruments stolen from our people."
"You lose a hundred years worth of pop culture just because AI decided to erase it from our memories."
"And the world is lesser for it, I think we can all agree."
"It's a barbaric act... a hole in our hearts."
"Those who burn books today will be burning bodies tomorrow."
"Tolkien felt that his true culture had been crushed and forgotten."
"When builders came across the multi-million dollar graffiti art while refurbishing the hotel... they apply two layers of paint over the stencils, mistaking the paintings for rogue vandalism."
"I lost the ability to braid my daughter's Afro coily, kinky hair. I lost the ability to make certain foods that I grew up eating in West Africa, that required a certain amount of dexterity to eat."
"It's not very equitable, it's not for everybody. It's really just kind of catering to one group and you kind of lose a lot of the culture and things that made it what it is."
"Yeah, yeah, the culture, the culture definitely lost."
"All of the great Christian sites were lost, the libraries were lost, monasteries were shut down."
"When languages die, it's like a great disturbance in the force. There's something about the unity of all humans and the knowledge that we've spread around the world to share with one another is lost."
"There's something about humanity and the unity of all humans and the knowledge that we've spread around the world to share with one another is lost."
"Elvis Presley's death deprives our country of a part of itself."
"A lot of the bookshops have closed down which is a shame in many areas."
"...so much of the genius of African-American preaching goes to the grave..."
"Most Ainu villages retained autonomy on paper, but the aborigines of Hokkaido were now fully dependent on the Empire of the Rising Sun, and over the next two centuries, their land, way of life, and their culture would all slip out of their hands."
"Arkhangelsk is losing its history, its uniqueness and its identity."
"We don't know how much of our actual culture we lost, how much of our ideas were taken from us."
"The plight we abide in has almost wiped out the frontal lobe of our heritage."
"The language is going, and if the language goes, then so does our culture, everything that's wrapped up in the language, all its memories, all its meanings."
"It is this imbalance of power that exists within society that is driving the loss of cultural diversity."
"We are losing our way of samurai."
"When these languages go extinct, we close out windows into these insights and thought processes, and we lose these unique experiences and perspectives."
"Anyone who has lost the historical symbols and cannot be satisfied with substitutes is certainly in a very difficult position today."
"To lose the language is to lose the medium we have for conducting most of our ceremonies."
"We have been so robbed of the little bit of culture that we do remember."
"Japan earthquakes destroy a popular manga Museum."
"We went through some of the most brutal forms of slavery that literally stripped us away from the language of our ancestors, stripped us away from our culture, away from our land."
"Perhaps the greatest loss to our collective human knowledge and culture is the contents at the Library of Alexandria."
"Destruction of cultures... whole cultures are being destroyed."
"It's a real shame that we've lost so much of the traditional beauty that went hand in hand with chocolates."
"The social and cultural damage of the loss of around 4,000 rural jobs is immeasurable."
"...we're losing literature, we're losing the love of books and we're losing libraries as a center of the community..."
"If a violin ends up in a museum and it's not played at all, I would say that's the equivalent of taking the Mona Lisa and putting it in a closet where you can't see it at all."
"The disappearance of the monastic way of life left an absolute chasm in the spiritual and geographical and cultural heart of the country that they once served."
"Every time the Takers stamp out a Leaver culture, a wisdom ultimately tested since the birth of mankind disappears from the world beyond recall."
"War usually destroys culture, education system, traditions; it destroys everything."
"We get rid of so much culture from certain foods."
"The destruction of tens of thousands of ancient sites and artifacts when the Taliban reconquered Afghanistan."
"Not only are they content to take our kingdoms and our military glories from us, but the Romans are even going to take the glories of speaking philosophy and learning from the Greeks."
"The ongoing loss of our heritage pubs can represent a devastating loss to local communities."
"It was a developed civilised nation, the memory of which lives only on the mouldy papers."
"It's the unfortunate thing about what happened to China during the Communist Rule and up until now, but especially during Mao Zedong's era, is the total erasure of culture."
"Years of history and culture had been lost within minutes."
"We would lose a culture, we would lose a system that rivals any other in productivity as far as Fisheries are concerned."
"Modernization leads to homogeneity, the extinction of languages, people who have been wiped off the face of the earth, cultures that have been wiped off the face of the earth because of colonialism."