
Freedom Of Press Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"To the extent that it's in my control, no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know."
"You can't have a fair democracy without freedom of the press."
"The First Amendment press freedom protects an activity available to everyone."
"Having strong journalism and freedom of the press is essential for democracy."
"Chinese agents...entered the Epoch Times in Hong Kong...and torched the printing press."
"If there are no Snowdens, if there are no Mannings, if there are no Assanges, there will be no free press."
"I mean, it's important to have the journalists being able to gather and report on that information."
"Suspending the Twitter account of a major news Organization for publishing a truthful story was obviously incredibly inappropriate." - Elon Musk
"The Justice Department's attempt to rewrite their core constitutional protection is a threat to every person or entity who publishes information."
"We think it's unwarranted. He was there in the capacity as a journalist, exercising his first amendment right."
"We're becoming like a socialist or a communist state. We no longer have a press. The press is absolutely the enemy of the people."
"If it's a crime to be sent a document which may or may not be stolen then you might as well jail all the journalists in America."
"Imagine the outcry if the Department of Justice had done something like this to the New York Times or to CNN."
"The free press is dead, free speech is dying. It's almost dead. We can still speak up to certain degrees, but I would say at this point free speech has been completely crushed."
"Journalists have a right to publish documents even if those documents were stolen."
"Anybody that disseminates information to the public is the press."
"Anybody that picks up a camera... is the press."
"One of the key differences between us and those adversaries is the fact that they shut down newspapers, broadcast stations, and social media platforms. We do not." - Representative Jim Himes
"You either respect a free and independent media or you don't."
"I had to fight for my right to freedom of press and freedom of speech when Judge Keith Kelly unlawfully ordered me to remove the video from the internet."
"This is America, it's about accountability and freedom of the press."
"I'm here under the freedom of the press, the First Amendment."
"The freedom of the press shall not be infringed. It's in the First Amendment, Bill of Rights."
"The transparent house really has visitors scratching their heads."
"This involves the freedom of the press, and I think everyone in the nation needs to be informed about it."
"I don't need to show you my press credentials. It's the First Amendment, freedom of press."
"What law is it recording in public, man? What law is that?"
"There is no law against filming in a public area, man. It's called freedom of press, man. Have you ever heard of it before?"
"Okay, there is no law against filming in a public area, man. It's called freedom of press, man. Have you ever heard of it before?"
"We are guaranteed a free press. We're not guaranteed free health care, free cars, free land."
"When the President of the United States says that he wants to open up libel laws in order to sue members of the press for saying bad things about him, that screams unhealthy to me."
"We don't actually have a press secretary, do we? We don't actually have a free press in America. We have a praetorian guard whose job it is not to speak truth to power but to speak power to truth."
"Freedom of the press, ma'am. The First Amendment."
"Julian Assange did not accept that and the charges against him reduced to an allegation to commit the crime of journalism in the first degree."
"If you care about this country and a free press, today should have sickened you."
"He's done what every publisher has done, he's done what the Pentagon, what the Washington Post did with the Pentagon Papers."
"If Assange's publishing of classified information runs afoul of the law, so does the work of just about every single serious press outlet." - Chris Hayes
"The ongoing U.S extradition case against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is disturbing and has worrying implications for all journalists." - Alan Rushbridger
"A free press is a foundation for any democracy."
"It's outrageous that the government is demanding she hand over her editorial notes."
"I've been told that slaying dragons will get you burned, but in light of today's victory and the importance of doing what is needed for a free and honest press, it's a worthwhile price to pay."
"Sony threatening freedom of the press, attacking our freedoms and liberties."
"Democracy is under threat in India, press Freedom has gone shooting down."
"A court has formally approved the extradition of Julian Assange to the United States on espionage charges."
"What he did is literally what every journalist is supposed to do."
"You have freedom of press and he's trying to limit freedom of press. That's a problem."
"Democracy dies in darkness." - Michael Knowles
"Assange's extradition seriously damages journalism."
"Democracy dies in the darkness. That is the deep shade of Taylor Lorenz's doxing Libs of TikTok."
"You guys won't jump on them and say they can't record because they have a First Amendment right as well."
"Julian Assange is the most important publisher and journalist in a generation."
"Our Liberty depends on the freedom of the press." - Thomas Jefferson
"From one Serena Shim Award winner to another, long live free journalism and broadcasting in the world."
"If you publish something that embarrasses the powers that be, they will come for you. The only reason why Julian Assange is being persecuted..."
"The purpose of the freedom of the press is to hold corrupt government accountable."
"Everything that happens to Julian Assange could not be more important for journalism."
"The First Amendment protects the freedom to use a printing press to print and disseminate information."
"It's just thinking is okay I'm just going to ignore the insults because I don't think it really gets us anywhere and it's not about you it's about actually having journalism back on TV..."
"Facebook would censor a live broadcast from an independent journalist."
"The idea that the press should not witness what is going on, to me, in a free society, at a university which is supposed to be fostering free speech, shutting out the media... what is the concern that people will witness what is happening?"
"Journalism is a very important thing for democracy."
"It's covered under freedom of press to document, disseminate to our audience. I don't care."
"Freedom of the press Randy is just as important as freedom of religion."
"Freedom of press should be respected."
"Nothing's riding on this except the First Amendment the Constitution freedom of the press and maybe the future of the country not that any of that matters but if you guys [ __ ] up again I'm gonna get mad inspirational."
"A free press is the cornerstone of a free world."
"Frontier journalism was a bitter struggle against Lawless men who used horse whips fists and guns to keep the facts from being printed."
"Turkey consistently ranks at or near the top among nations that imprison journalists for their reporting."
"The Constitution protects freedom of the press; it is our first amendment to the Constitution because I believe it's our most important Amendment."
"A journalist being arrested for doing journalism is a much bigger deal than you being stuck in traffic for five hours."
"Not one case against the media was ever instituted by my government."
"There is a heavy presumption against government claims of prior restraint."
"We have freedom of press in this country, First Amendment right."
"The overall understanding is that press freedom is one of the First Amendment freedoms that undergird our democracy."
"We have the First Amendment right to freedom of the press."
"I have the First Amendment freedom of press."
"I'm doing their duty to uphold freedom of the press, so unless you're going to rewrite the Constitution..."
"You cannot use the court systems to silence journalism."
"We do have a free press. The First Amendment of the Constitution is like the building block to the United States."
"Once you've attacked a free press, once you've attacked the courts, what's your next attack point? It's going to be a university."
"The court must attempt to balance the sixth amendment right to a fair trial and the First Amendment rights free speech and press."
"The trial of John Peter Zenger helped promote the idea of freedom of the press."
"The freedom of the press is one of the most important things in our country that allows us to participate meaningfully in what's happening here."
"This really is an attack on the press, an assault on the First Amendment itself."