
Societal Collapse Quotes

There are 174 quotes

"Leave the World Behind could it happen in real life? The three steps to disaster are so real: isolation, synchronized chaos, and Civil War."
"So, that's how it ended last time. Except this time, it won't just be barbarians; it'll be the planet itself that's on fire."
"When people do abdicate their responsibility en masse, things turn into hell very, very rapidly."
"Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand."
"OnlyFans is the harbinger of our imminent societal collapse because great civilizations collapse when the economy serves not to elevate but to denigrate the population."
"I hope that people are scared because being scared motivates people. This is how countries fall apart."
"We live in an era where trust has completely collapsed between the American people and very nearly every single institution that you can think to name."
"While historians, anthropologists, and others still debate about precisely why civilization collapses occur, there are multiple quite obvious and fundamental factors that are believed to be just as devastating for a modern civilization as it would be and was for ancient ones."
"You have a complete implosion of the Western elites."
"Gentlemen, prepare. Get your provisions, sit back, and watch the carnage. Winter is coming."
"Civilization unraveling, unrestrained violence and destruction."
"Everything falls apart, the center cannot hold."
"An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again, but one which crumbles from within, that's dead forever."
"New Zealand rated best place to survive global societal collapse."
"When a mass psychosis occurs the results are devastating."
"If you can't preserve the family... your Society is going to collapse within a generation."
"This is an absolute controlled demolition of our society, economy, way of life."
"The Legion's only commodity is slaves... that kind of society can only be held up for so long."
"It's a series of collapses... it will affect one large group of people... then those people will migrate."
"The collapse of government on a regional, state, and national level will lead to dissolution and chaos."
"So a common answer to the Fermi Paradox is that advanced civilization arise a lot but tend to collapse."
"Society will collapse very quickly in my opinion if the power grid were to fail."
"This is what autocrats do. This is what happens in countries before a collapse. It unnerves me."
"The Joker is a warning, a warning of how a modern Western Society will collapse."
"Primo Levi... understood... fragile social systems... collapse... become strangers to ourselves."
"Consider options for self-defense in case of societal collapse."
"If we can't address the vast disparities in wealth and power, it's over."
"But is it possible that everything you're giving up will just result in further collapse?"
"The dissolution of society depicted in The Road is probably the most potentially accurate Grim."
"When a nation loses faith in each other, the nation collapses."
"What I really like about zombies is that the concept turns civilization upside down."
"Maybe after all of this stuff collapses we can learn our lesson and not fall into these same traps of thinking that we have to construct a giant world government that enslaves everybody."
"In eras of apocalypse, one frequently finds psychopaths gleefully contemplating the ruination of institutions and contributing to the demise of their own civilization."
"The ultimate luxury, the ultimate heritage that we have been passed down by our forefathers and foremothers is equality under the law. When that is gone, you are just in anarchy."
"Eventually society will self-destruct... it can't sustain itself."
"If we lose our Free Speech, freedom dies... we're going to end up as slaves or worse."
"If society were to collapse tomorrow, the power vacuum will be inevitably filled by somebody."
"I don’t expect that we’re going to avoid collapse. I’m not sure what it would look like. I simply don’t know… it’s not knowable."
"Civilization is like an airplane; it only stays aloft if it's moving forward. As soon as progress ceases, that plane's going down."
"When you have a society that has completely lost faith in the justice system, completely lost any faith that there is a system in place for enacting and exacting justice, well then you have the collapse of society."
"If we fool ourselves into believing that we're immune, we may go on to create so many crises of our own that we bring about the collapse of our own systems."
"Civilizations don't die from murder, they die from suicide."
"So maybe it will work, I don't know. Or maybe the end result will always be collapse because if they keep pushing people to each other's throats, eventually the system breaks and everyone fights each other."
"Only spirituality will save this world, the simple idea, a spiritual way where you become a better person personally."
"Society crumbles around you, don't let it be because you consented."
"I think like the Soviet Union, it's just gonna die of its own absurdity."
"The country is falling apart, my friends. It's that simple."
"New London is collapsing, and we don't have much time to reach a decision before we do it. We can consult with the other settlements, and we should listen to our people."
"The new world isn't built through running away from burning buildings and the crashing Babylonian system."
"If society crumbles, Colleen and Scott plan on being a resource for others."
"Every civilization inevitably does collapse but the question is when and why and how."
"We are losing our self and when you lose the world, you lose culture, society, tribe, and family. You can't survive; you got nothing."
"Our job is to stand up for righteousness regardless of what's going on, ship going down or not."
"We are either in a mass Awakening event or a total collapse of society."
"No economy in the history of the world has ever sustained a constant rate of growth. Recessions, depressions, and complete economic collapse is inevitable in even the most advanced societies."
"Could you imagine if government subsidies get shut off it could you imagine when a economic collapse takes place in America and people aren't eating could you imagine the violence you're going to see here in America."
"Civilization will collapse if they continue to cut off resources."
"Why is this a possible warning sign a nation may be on the brink of collapse? It's in the results stemming from the destruction of natural habitats and resource depletion."
"We're in a time right now the reason why all is being revealed because this is the collapse of Babylon. So we got to see everything that they was hiding as the ship go down."
"The collapse of any great order brings with it new potential."
"Are we going to give people the power, or are we going to try and hold onto it as society falls around us?"
"Rome's rise and fall is a sobering reminder of the fragility of even humanity's greatest societies."
"The notion that the United States is going to collapse is not the least bit outlandish."
"Tolerance for the Intolerable is the path to certain destruction. It has to end."
"We see two different worlds: one where we plan for a peaceful future and one where everything collapses. We have to prepare for both."
"That's what happens when you watch a societal function break down in front of your [__] eyes."
"The walls crumbling faster than all the rest of it."
"I do think we should prepare for winter because... if this kind of ideology succeeds in mainstreaming... we need to at the very least get ready for the collapse of civilization."
"What in the world can happen so extreme that the rest of our society could totally fall apart into immorality?"
"When you erode justice and the rule of law, the entire system starts to fall apart."
"I think everything happening, the power structure right now, shows they're collapsing. And so, if I'm seen as a bulwark against that, I love it. It's a blessing."
"I foresee massive unimaginable change in the future either creativity will reign with sulfur inventing machines spiraling into transcendental super intelligence or civilization collapses and living itself."
"If we sit back and let the system crumble, people will starve. Governments are crumbling, and people are fed up."
"The jewel of the empire had become hell on earth."
"Especially for you young people out there, all the collapse that you are seeing right now."
"Values anti-realism will lead to the collapse of civilization as we know it."
"The collapse of a civilization is not just the replacement of rulers or institutions with new rulers and new institutions. It is the destruction of a whole way of life and the painful and sometimes pathetic attempts of rebuilding amid the ruins."
"Abortion guarantees the collapse of America."
"All of the promises that the Left told us, now are shattered. People are starving to death." - Glenn Beck
"What happens when large portions of this country get everything they have taken from them and have nothing else to lose?"
"Neighbors turned on neighbors, town turned on town, and from this new inhospitable climate emerged the wasteland's first Raider gangs."
"With the Visigothic kingdom so reliant on the military dominance of its ruling minority and commanding little loyalty from its subjects, this single crushing defeat effectively spelled its end."
"We're looking at the complete breakdown of society."
"America is collapsing because we've broken the natural moral law."
"All these technological advancements may have inadvertently caused the collapse of many societies."
"When this empire falls, who will champion the cause of the people?"
"If it continues to get worse and the salaries don't rise with it, then it will be a collapse."
"Total collapse is coming, and the state of the dollar won't matter."
"The chilling reality we must confront is that any one of these are a combination of them could trigger an extreme irrevocable collapse of everything we know."
"Millions of people killed because they endorsed authoritarianism and they had to wait so long until the thing came apart and it did come apart."
"Your ummah shall not be destroyed by plague, famine, or an external enemy, but by fighting from within."
"You can be in your complete sovereignty while the world crumbles around you."
"How can you be so damn vain in a society that's falling apart before your eyes?"
"Civilizations don't die by murder they die by Suicide."
"The actual collapse probably took generations with sites being abandoned over a period of decades before the way of life finally came to an end."
"So, you can kiss bye-bye to most of the things you take for granted – no internet, social media, YouTube, mapping direction on your phone, or GPS tracker."
"I think everything has to do with the plasma apocalypse, basically."
"You want socialism and it collapses, you better hope there's a benevolent dictator."
"The longer collapse is delayed, the more abrupt and catastrophic it will be."
"The system never formed itself... it's always been in the state of collapse."
"It's really about a father and his proxy daughter trying to survive in a world where civilization is being stripped away piece by piece."
"When everything falls and all those lies and manipulations crumble, the last thing standing will be the truth."
"Collapse has happened to every Empire in human history."
"Virtually all civilizations have suffered such a fate regardless of their size or complexity."
"I think we're gonna see the complete collapse of the empire... US is going to be a shell of what it is."
"The world is on the verge of a crumbling society."
"Collapse won't look like the way people imagine in terms of cities burning or something, but it's just a slow checking out of people from the mass narrative."
"We're at that point where I don't think laws that are anti-human are going to really be enforceable as all the [__] falls apart."
"A few weeks after a grid down scenario, there will be hundreds of millions of starving people wandering around the country desperately fighting over every last scrap of food."
"Bitcoin doesn't go to zero because society collapses."
"Empires don't collapse from the outside; they collapse from the inside due to tensions within the citizens, especially the poor people."
"As society continues to crumble, man turns on man, and it's really a giant domino effect to a darker world."
"If you are wealthy and you're listening to this and you're worried about societal collapse, don't go and try to hide from it."
"When you reach that point, then it’s basically over. The democratic experiment is over."
"I'm really excited for people to try this out and quite frankly we're going to be pushed by a collapsing society into that being the only way people can afford to live anymore so like it or not it's happening."
"Society absolutely crumbling, trusted heroes eroding, Shigaraki slowly being perfected with All For One taking hold, and Midori out of UA. Things can only go from here, right?"
"Notable and beloved stories in the zombie cannon examining the human condition when society crumbles and everyone's fending for themselves."
"The war could end only for Humanity to be destroyed from within."
"Caught in a war waged not yet with conventional armies but with an insidious enemy hidden within the very fabric of its civilization, panic and desperation grips the planet as Society crumbles into anarchy."
"Highly developed societies collapsed and never recovered."
"No civilization ever gets wiped out from one cause... it's all coming together, they can't recover."
"Dragons don't always hoard gold because they're greedy, they hoard gold because gold is the thing that you need to give to your retainers. If a king starts hoarding gold, society starts to collapse."
"A society collapses when the people in charge stop giving a [__] about the people living in said society."
"Every civilization that moves away from certain values and principles collapses."
"The collapse and fall into chaos of civilizations due to natural disasters, droughts, and mass migrations."
"There'll be a complete collapse of everything electrical in the world. No banking, no military, no police, no communications, no automobiles."
"I'm worried about the climate breakdown leading to a social breakdown, ending up in a mad max world."
"The final Dogma could lead to the dissolution of cultural and religious diversity, imposition of a single moral code, and collapse of societal norms."
"...the evolution of complexity in human societies and a collapse is the rapid simplification of a society..."
"Calhoun's work became used as an animal model of societal collapse and his study has become a touchstone of urban sociology."
"It's about the breakdown of civilization and the destruction of what's been built up by humanity over the last few thousand years."
"We're in a crisis of meaning... there's been a collapse."
"These are descriptions of a society in complete collapse."
"Societal collapse can typically be cast in terms of energy; when energy expenditure begins to outweigh energy return, that's when collapse ensues."
"The theory that they created their own demise is certainly a captivating theory."
"It's about the Earth getting knocked off its axis, so the temperature rises, days last longer, and it just basically ruins society."
"It is known that for the death of a people, the death of a forest has preceded it."
"The post-apocalyptic aesthetic revolves around what life would look like after total societal collapse."
"After the fall of the Second Empire, the continent descended into an age of primitive barbarism, becoming a dystopian, post apocalyptic wasteland."
"We're heading towards the collapse, and I don't think it can be stopped at this point."
"The world has become a paradise for the lawless; when order collapses, the dark side of human nature will be revealed."
"With humanity facing both villainous magical forces and civil unrest, society was beginning to crumble."
"Collapse rather than decline is what you need to worry about."