
Legend Quotes

There are 3915 quotes

"It's a legend filled with murder, mystery, and buried treasure, involving a secret powerful enough to rewrite history and change the world."
"His legend has spread far and wide; he is known even in Lordran."
"This man knew that we didn't have a drive around or our car to get around. He drove us around, bro. Anytime we needed somebody, he [Justin] to pick us up. So, this man's a legend, man."
"The great mother legend says her soul continues to pass through the generations of tigers that come after her."
"It's a very cool cyclops mon; it looks like we have our legend of Pokemon Wisdom."
"The Holy Grail, a legendary chalice, has captivated the imaginations of people for centuries with its promise of eternal life."
"Ice Cube, a legend in three games. Yes, a legend of four games actually."
"Who was this elusive character descending from Cain? Legend suggests he journeyed beyond earthly bounds, traversing celestial realms without fear."
"We just convinced Azy to go and betray his alliance, which in turn got him killed. Azy, you are officially a legend."
"You become an idea, then you become something else entirely, a legend, Mr. Wayne."
"A figure of myth and legend that needs no introduction."
"Cap is a living legend. He's been around for a real long time. Multiple time world champ. I mean, he's done it all."
"The courageous sled dog teams were able to save the children of Nome, with Balto becoming a hero, an icon, and a legend."
"The Bloodstone Emperor... proclaimed himself the Bloodstone Emperor and began a reign of terror. He practiced dark arts, torture, and necromancy, enslaved his people, took a tiger woman for his bride, feasted on the flesh of humans, and cast down the true gods to worship a black stone that had fallen from the sky."
"By the time the trove was discovered, it had achieved the status of legend."
"Here underneath this little stone lies Robert, Earl of Huntingdon; No archer was as good as he, And people called him Robin Hood. Such outlaws as he and his men Will England never see again."
"Henry Stickmin, the man, the myth, the absolute legend."
"Legend has it there's a way to actually escape the digital circus."
"Sergio Olivia was so legendary that people didn't actually think his body was real."
"An African legend claims that an Ethiopian goat herder named Kaldi discovered the caffeinating qualities of coffee beans when he noticed his goats becoming extremely energetic after eating the berries from their trees."
"With the stakes as high as the casualties, the conflict on this rocky mound has transcended its place in history to become myth and transformed its victories into legends."
"There's a thin line between a fool and a legend."
"The greatest legend who walked the lands between gently cradles him and puts his son to a well-deserved rest."
"You guys remember Kaz, right? He's a legend, obviously."
"The apex games was founded by the man the myth the legend himself mr cuban blisk"
"These were the real men and women of Arthur's Britain."
"Naruto practically became a legend after defeating Pain."
"Stories of Ganon had passed from generation to generation in the form of legends and fairy tales, but there was also a prophecy."
"The Witch's Ball: What's a scary legend without some witches?"
"Nicholas Cage is a legend. There is no other way to describe this man."
"History will be written and legends will be born, some of them predictable and some of them lasso."
"There are worlds to be saved, heroes to be made, and legends to become."
"Jenny may be the single greatest human being to have ever lived. What a legend!"
"In 1958, a bulldozer operator in Bluff Creek, California discovered 16 16-inch human-like footprints near his equipment... And the legend of Bigfoot was born."
"He's an absolute legend when it comes to the Draven in the bottom line."
"In legends, they say that ultra instinct is the ultimate fighting technique."
"To find the Grail, you must look to the stars."
"In that almost unimaginable period of darkness and desperation, the legends of King Arthur emerge."
"Andy Kaufman's considered one of the all-time comedic legends in America."
"The Bermuda Triangle: one of the most mysterious spots on the planet, a place so strange sailors have been avoiding it for centuries."
"But if you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal... then you become something else entirely, which is legend."
"To say that we lost a legend is an understatement."
"If you want to become a legend in Night City, you are going to the afterlife."
"Remembering a legend about the 36 souls who hold the divine light, resonating with my Hebrew name, 'Maya,' meaning 'bringer of the light.'"
"Her memory will be adorned by myth and fable and legend."
"Miss Lauren Hill is nothing short of a musical gem set from God himself, and she is a true living legend."
"Legend, a legend. He did it first, bounce back, beat the system."
"I'm at the point now where I'm cool with saying he's a legend."
"The Zelda timeline is almost as legendary as the titular character."
"He brought quite a bit of trouble to those around him on the road to becoming a legend."
"He was a true historical man whose life is even more fascinating than the legend."
"The legend of King Arthur: a mirror of the quest for perfection that human beings tend to strive towards."
"An entire unit proved worthy of its own legend."
"Ultimately the legend of the Jomsvikings would live on."
"Her story became the stuff of legends just like her."
"Brian's son, Róchan, sitting atop a white horse and wielding a sword in each hand, is said to have slain 100 men by his own blows."
"I want you to know that you are, I want to say it to you personally, you are a legend."
"Thierry Henry is a hundred percent a Premier League legend."
"Odysseus' long journey, his odyssey, is at its end, but his legend will endure."
"It's as if the legends returned just so history could be captured properly."
"Robert Johnson's legend lives on, fueled by rumors of a pact with the devil."
"The real scientific explanation of chupacabras might be even creepier than the legend."
"He's become a legend for stopping the fight."
"Roy's blazing lion design is reminiscent of ancient legends."
"Composer Nobuo Uematsu was considered a legend in the realm of video game music."
"The man in that documentary, that is featured, is an absolute living legend in the climbing world."
"I'm so proud of black pink for being like this, almost solidifying them as legends."
"But death was not the end of Vlad Dracula because if there's one truth about human culture, it's this: when history doesn't provide a fitting end to a historical life, legends are going to step in to finish the job."
"Moonshaft was called one of the biggest mysteries ever." - Jacques Bergie
"Richard became more than a king, he became a legend."
"Hawk is a [ __ ] legend, his character is just brilliant."
"Richard the third... far from being the monster of popular legend."
"No manager is comparable to Sir Alex Ferguson."
"That's what makes a legend, just being able to take your bodybuilding and become even broader with it."
"According to the legend, this female pope known as Pope Joan for all time was born in Mainz Germany and traveled to Athens as a young lady with a boyfriend."
"This guy is a legend just an absolute legend of a man."
"What makes a car culture Legend? Authenticity."
"It was poetry that this super saiyan emerged in a thousand years to actually defeat the tyrant that ended their race."
"The urban legend of Annie Palmer is that she was a witch and she would use dark magic to kill her victims."
"Mash's power isn't magical... they think he is something out of a fairy tale."
"Ser Arthur Dayne died the greatest knight who ever lived."
"Well, legend has it that the place is haunted by an evil spirit."
"Destiny has always told us that we are becoming legend, but for the first time Splicer made us ask what kind of legend is that."
"Act 2 humanizes the legend in all its ugliness."
"The Doom Slayer, revered as a God among men and feared by all, especially if you happen to be a spawn from Hell itself."
"His name now legendary as a man who remained undefeated despite constantly being outnumbered."
"History will enshroud them and legend in our time."
"Epic battle of which there's still Legend amongst the Bears."
"Atlantis is wrapped in myths and its very existence is a legend whose truth is still up for debate."
"It was at once a sign of mortality and simultaneously the stuff of immortals."
"Number 5: Jose Aldo. Yo, Jose Aldo is a legend, mate."
"You just killed the man, the legend, Kool Dee Walker."
"Ruth's called shot, where he not just chose the pitches and with which he was going to hit out of the park, but where he pointed to the spot where he was going to hit it, this was clearly a story destined for immortality."
"Barry bonds will forever be one of baseball's greatest legends."
"Is there any truth behind the legend of the vampire?"
"The Mothman Legend really took flight in November 1966 when several residents of Point Pleasant reported sightings of this unusual creature."
"The legend of the Jersey Devil has been around for centuries and has its roots in local folklore."
"Raphael, the man, the myth, the legend... only character to officially beat the main character Yugi."
"Rogal Dorn's greatest son, the warrior, the hero, the legend, the First Templar Sigismund."
"Maybe one day we will finally find out the truth behind the legend."
"Few have achieved true greatness becoming legends."
"Considered until a few years ago as a legend, this enigmatic place exists."
"It truly reminds me of the legendary hero of oath."
"While the story of the bull of the parson may be just another of Dartmoor's many legends it does hint at a deeper meaning."
"Enchanting legends, the bard and dragon were."
"I love seeing the legend stuff push its way in."
"Undertaker's WrestleMania streak grew to mythic proportions."
"Secrets whispered from Mesha Mountain, promising to reveal a story lost in time."
"Chuck Norris facts made him more than immortal, more than a legend, more than a joke."
"He is an absolute legend, the godfather of cave diving."
"The sword of Roland, Durandal, is the legendary sword of Roland."
"Because a legend is an energy that never dies."
"The ghoul is a legend distinct among his kind for his cleverness and cunning."
"It's taken on a near mythical status six years later."
"The Philosopher's Stone is truly the stuff of Legend."
"Who is the biggest legend from your country?"
"There's an old wasteland legend that says somewhere out there, there's a fabulous treasure from before the war." - Malcolm
"Zion is absolutely incredible, and his name will be mentioned among the legends of the sport."
"A legend survives when it is able to adapt to the current cultural moment."
"Legends are made from iron and sweat, mind and muscle, blood and vision, and victory."
"Paul McCartney's contribution to modern music... you shouldn't really use the word genius but..."
"It's one of the great rock and roll stories of all time."
"The incident quickly grew into Legend amongst the students."
"The raid had been devastating though naturally the voyage seems to have taken on a truly epic quality in the minds of succeeding generations."
"That's the legend and the reality of Cody Paul."
"Legend says this tomb holds a treasure that bestows great power."
"This is where mortals become gods, gods become legends, and legends, they never die."
"Capitalize on all of the lore that surrounded him in a big way."
"He just pulled a magic sword out of a stone."
"I've often made the comparison that Michael Jordan is the black Paul Bunyan, the myth, the fairy tale, it just grows."
"The flatwood monster's legacy immortalized in music."
"Lawrence of Arabia remains a legendary figure in military history."
"Hyrule is a land eternally bound to a cycle of destruction and rebirth."
"If no one's told you today you're an absolute legend."
"Robin Williams will go down as a legend and one of the most creative and funny people to ever live."
"Of all the legends I've ever made videos about, there has always been one that even when compared to others stands on a league of his own."
"Come away with me and be the legend you were meant to be."
"There are ways to fix this but you have to be the person to take that first step."
"This dude actually went through with it what a legend."
"This thing is going to be the ghost of Lake Shore City."
"Legend has it wherever Gordon goes, a table and grill automatically spawn."
"In the land of Hyrule there echoes a legend, a legend held dearly by the royal family that tells of a boy... battling evil and saving Hyrule."
"Chris Jericho is a legend, a first ballot hall of famer, probably the greatest professional wrestler of all time."
"Andre Bender: if he doesn't become a legend, I'll be pretty disappointed."
"Judy Garland is, and I think always will be, a legend."
"From now on, there will be another legend in the martial world, The handsome boy who travels the world with his hair!"
"He was said to be able to fly and he was the emperor of the entire Pacific."
"He was crowned as 'the once and future king.'"
"Their fight for survival against the US Army at Little Bighorn created a legend yet ultimately led to their final defeat."
"Minecraft Legends is quite literally a legend."
"Some iterations of the tale claim that he had a hook for a hand."
"Was King Arthur real? Historians have pondered for decades."
"Ronaldo's a legend. Ronaldo's one of the greatest players ever."
"Legend had made me a ghost in my own Lifetime."
"Legend also has it that one navy fleet sent to destroy her retreated upon first sight of her ships."
"The fact that Gacy had this other persona... raises Gacy to the level of a mythic American monster."
"Anderson Silva solidified himself as an MMA legend."
"Four world titles, a modern F1 legend."
"Shibai obtained what one would call godhood, becoming the legendary Otsutsuki god."
"Only he who is pure of heart can take the sword from the stone."
"Dolly Parton is just Dolly Parton. Dolly's a legend."
"Then again, maybe the legend of the K5 Gixxer has some truth to it."
"That Bell figures in old legends from the Johto region, it's pretty nice to have."
"A legend is an old well-known story, often about brave people, adventures, or magical events."
"Bruce Lee, some call him the king of kung fu, even Joe Lewis called him the greatest martial artist of all time."
"He's one of the greatest rock and roll legends of all time."
"This guy's a freaking legend, no wonder we love Caesar."
"Fedor Emelianenko: a true legend of the sport."
"As far as they're concerned, the so-called devil's footprint is a sure sign that something ungodly once existed here."
"This could even become a legend."
"The legendary Japanese sword, Kusanagi - a mythical weapon that nobody alive today has ever seen."
"In Japanese lore, Susanu, the god of sea and storms, attacked the serpent hoping to easily defeat the creature."
"The purple death, able to create massive sea quakes so big that Vikings believed it brought Ragnarok."
"The feats on the basketball court are simply the stuff of legend."
"Reba McIntyre isn't just a country music legend, she's also a shining example of kindness and support for those who need it most."
"I call this one 'The legend will never die'."
"legends of the Sunken Treasures kept this team of divers awake"
"According to legend, the Grail possesses miraculous powers."
"Legend has it that there was once a mighty kingdom called Cantre'r Gwaelod in this part of the world, but the kingdom sank into the sea."
"The story of Atlantis is thousands of years old, described as a city inhabited by a great and highly advanced civilization."
"Legend had it that once upon a time there was a beautiful moon Queen who lived in the mystic forest by chance she met and fell in love with the king of the light Kingdom."
"The legend says if two people's heart colors mix together, that means they're soulmates."
"He's a legend. He's one of the goats."
"Bruno Mars should be considered legendary status."
"We shook hands with him, eager to clasp the hand of a legend."
"History became legend, legend became myth."
"Greek literature and legend consoled me in my school days."
"It's beautiful, stunning, you know she's an icon, she's a legend, she is the moment."
"Keanu Reeves is an absolute legend."
"House Stark is the stuff of legend in the North and throughout the Seven Kingdoms."
"House Tyrell trace our descent to Garth Greenhand, the legendary first king of the Reach."
"The philosopher stone is a universal medicine that can cure any disease."
"Barristan the Bold is widely recognised as the greatest knight alive, a living legend."
"Broly, the Legendary Super Saiyan, he gets an obvious 12 out of 10."
"In front of him stands his worst nightmares: two of the legendary Super Saiyans."
"Could a descendant of the long extinct plesiosaur really be the source of the legend?"
"This is the stuff in which legends are born."
"But most of us know it as the Bermuda Triangle."
"For a thousand years, there have been claims that this vast lake hides a strange and terrible secret: the fabled Loch Ness Monster."
"The Sasquatch is a biped standing 8 ft tall, its body completely covered with long black hair."