
Unexpectedness Quotes

There are 290 quotes

"Love can find you in the most unexpected ways."
"The content of reality can be weirder than you ever expected, and actually, that makes perfect sense."
"It's definitely the most unexpected trailer you could probably come up with."
"I didn't know that the goddess eats rice, too."
"Expecting a somber speech, the audience erupted into a fit of laughter when Lederman donned a comically large cowboy hat."
"Every image of what it's like is foolish... this world was a surprise so why shouldn't the next world be a surprise."
"Wow… it’s… it’s so violently tragic out of nowhere."
"Sometimes life-changing opportunities come unexpectedly, like a chance encounter or a simple question."
"The unexpectedness of happiness is remarkable."
"Sometimes, the truth can be stranger than fiction."
"The devil ain't gonna call you and make a reservation!"
"It happens most often when you least expect it."
"There's just something so [__] hilarious about that."
"Most people that die, they don't plan to die."
"This movie isn't known for being subtle, so when a line like that comes into play it just blindsides you."
"You're gonna be offered love unexpectedly, like in the most unexpected mushy-gushy way."
"The thing I've always tried to do is surprise people to present them with something they didn't expect."
"Hidden bonus option: chaos goose. Oh my gosh, peace was never an option."
"As colorful and innocent as it appears on the surface, things can unexpectedly spiral into very dark places."
"The United States Supreme Court just handed us... an historic and somewhat unexpected judicial victory."
"Always whack a coffin before you bury it, you never know what's going on inside."
"Funny comes from the unexpected, uncomfortable, and truth."
"Imagine having a conversation and a complete stranger walks in between you... hello!"
"It just seems like quite a strange addition for me."
"Kristen, go ahead and get pregnant. Ready or not, here I come, I'm pregnant."
"Whether it's music or art or even in conversation or story, it's the surprise that makes it interesting."
"You're gonna have an unexpected love when you least expect it."
"Creativity always comes as a surprise to us."
"I mean, you can't make this stuff up. It's almost seems like it's only something you could make up."
"The scriptures and the prophecies say that Jesus is coming like a thief in the night."
"We will now show you the power of a fully operational moist coitus."
"Who could have guessed that cats would be bad at firefighting?"
"I need something more crazy, like a surprise birthday gift."
"The ironic thing though is, this practically entire route was filled with, uh, featus. Like, that's cracked."
"I'm always reminded of what Jesus said: 'Behold, I come at an hour you expect not.'"
"Nothing is more eerie than abandoned objects that appear out of place."
"A hero can take many forms, even in the most unexpected places."
"You never know until you watch an anthropomorphized hot dog and an anthropomorphized hot dog bun flirt."
"That was the most bizarre start to you HD, oh yeah I'm already disoriented."
"Imagine being born, your mom's asleep, and you're just like, 'Well.'"
"The Brilliance of Kendrick Lamar's Artistry where he's giving you something unexpected."
"You are an amazing soul who can change and transform in ways that people least expect."
"Creativity lives where you least expect it."
"You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses, would you? You hit a guy with glasses. That's... well played."
"Love comes when you ain't looking for it."
"Don't be looking for it, not like you are, and that's when it'll come."
"Even in the most unexpected places, you can find your purpose."
"Totally out of left field, you didn't see this one coming."
"I wasn't expecting anything that quick."
"We rejoice when you find love. Love comes in unexpected ways."
"Did it really pop out of the blue?"
"And then all of a sudden on the screen it says Michael Buffer."
"Suddenly while being examined, Patchface burst up and began breathing once again."
"I honestly Chuck Norris never even crossed my mind."
"No one expects the douchebag inquisition."
"You can trust this person. They could come into your life in an unexpected, out of the blue way."
"I may not be able to carry that ring Mr. Frodo, but I can carry you. I'll give you an orgasm, I will make you come. I may not be able to throw that ring into Mount Doom, but I'll make you come Mr. F, I'll make you come."
"It's gonna be an insane thing that no one expected."
"Nobody expected this, really. Nobody expected this."
"... you're going to have a choice here but I actually just feel like somebody is just going to blow all your options out of the water."
"Sometimes Jesus loves you so much that he just shows up and you didn't even know you needed him."
"Your soulmates did not expect your evolution. They did not expect your evolution."
"Sometimes the best love stories don't start out where two people are madly in love."
"It was a very positive and almost ecstatic experience that he didn't expect to feel."
"I didn't know it was going to be like this, this is really wild."
"It's always the one you don't see, the one you're not expecting, and he was not expecting that."
"That got so much deeper than I thought it would."
"Surprise is really key to progress."
"Unexpected but absolutely incredible."
"There's a victory here over a situation that some of you may not see coming."
"For a large chunk of the movie we have the scrolls... but then he starts drinking a milkshake."
"The fate of the world hangs by a thread, and then you saved the day with the toy robot the size of my thumb."
"Victory, I seriously thought we'd have to drive the remaining three and a half hours with the top down."
"If it happened so fast, it came from Left Field."
"I just didn't expect it to go this wild."
"Love happens when one least expects it."
"Sometimes the greatest leaps forward come from the most unexpected places."
"I loved it so much. I think personally, as a fan, and as a movie watcher, and then as, I think, if I was to put on a younger set of eyes and watched this as a kid, I think it's so cool and again unexpected."
"Winners uh screw the prom queen on losers like uh try or something, so I can't I have to look it up again but that was the funniest line it was just so uncalled for out of nowhere."
"I never expected any of this to happen so I feel like every time it did it was just genuinely like the biggest shock in the world."
"You never think would you expect you to be 6'4 or you didn't expect you be so happy."
"I never asked for this. I never asked to be in the game."
"There were moments of humor throughout this that were very, very unexpected."
"It's like this movie is not a Jack Sparrow movie but instead some entirely other movie that lures him in and then forces him to be a part of it."
"Please don't hurt me, it's not me you should be afraid of, it's the bunnies."
"This movie was able to do something I wasn't expecting in the slightest."
"It wasn't supposed to be an album."
"That's like the dark knight but with dragons."
"Nobody ever robs restaurants. They're not expecting to get robbed."
"I want to do something unique, something different, something unexpected."
"Thank you for the information; I did not expect that in your pigsty."
"Nothing could have prepared you for when it actually happened."
"There's only one thing better than finding treasure and that's finding treasure when you're not expecting to find it."
"It started raining and I was like oh man this is going to be a nightmare but that was actually really easy."
"Wow, Clover, I never thought you'd be running away from a homecoming float."
"Manila's punchlines were so unexpected, mostly because no one is quite like her."
"You never know when it's coming, but it's the greatest feeling. You can't plan for it."
"It's like someone big, and then out pops Alex Brightman."
"That's completely unexpected and kind of amazing."
"Something completely mindblowing and completely unexpected and completely unplanned."
"She never wondered that someone like Jeanette would be her teacher."
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Bristol Motor Speedway here in Bristol, Tennessee, and you may be wondering Heavy D, you're not fast at anything. What are you doing at Bristol Motor Speedway in a fire suit? I'll tell ya, I'm about to race."
"That was unexpected, engaging, captivating, and atypical."
"And yet here we all are with goats."
"Evil doesn't come in the expected package."
"The accelerating progress has been so unexpected, so completely caught me off guard, not only myself but many, many people. There is a certain kind of terror of an oncoming tsunami that is going to catch all of humanity off guard."
"Tragedy often strikes unexpectedly."
"These are in Distortion and all kinds of wacky that you wouldn't expect to hear in a Bluegrass setting. That's the fun part, man. Absolutely, yeah."
"You will be surprised with how the universe will put things around you or people around you. Unexpected situations around you."
"The Brotherhood of Steel, who would have thought?"
"God loves to confound the somebodies by choosing a nobody."
"Big things tend to come in small packages."
"I thought I had enough time to get the dog, get in the car, and drive away. I didn't have a minute. I had maybe 30 seconds."
"That child yearns for the mines is probably the stupidest thing I've heard in a while, but frankly, it's absolutely [__] and I kind of love it."
"It's actually really genuinely surprising me."
"I'm feeling so grateful to be able to do this project. It's nothing that I expected, but it's way more interesting and exciting than I ever thought it could be."
"I was so high and I and I did not smoke, I didn't smoke at all I was high for the rest of the day."
"The tough biker has a soppy side."
"Truth is truly stranger than fiction."
"I got fixed in the midst of that, it was so crazy."
"I'm surprised and it was long enough this way and this way."
"Are you kidding? That's unexpected."
"Uh-uh, be the worst thing 'cause it hit you out the blue."
"But I didn't know...I didn't expect it to hit me as hard as this one has hit me"
"It's just like, 'Oh, it opened up underneath me, I have wings, round I'm gonna fly away.'"
"It's completely bizarre, offputting, and unexpected."
"The owls are not what they seem moment starts right at the beginning."
"This story just came out of nowhere, I truly wasn't expecting any of this."
"It was shocking to me, honestly, it was shocking."
"Crocodiles don't eat berries, we eat little boys and girls."
"The how is always way more magical and way more unexpected than anything I could have thought of."
"Their story is a reminder that sometimes fortune favors the bold in the most unexpected ways."
"It's okay, that's kind of like a funkiness I wasn't expecting."
"No one figured the purple to be here in the first place."
"This is literally the most unexpected problem that I have ever experienced in my 37 years of building."
"I started well, I arrived on top and I had a big battles. Very nice race and I didn't expect the Roger pass me in the last corner."
"God chooses unexpected people to accomplish his purposes."
"This shocked them; it caught them off guard."
"Yeah perfectly, no one's expecting Team Rocket to show up at the Olympics."
"I thought that was like the best, it was the best moment, that was the funniest moment, like, that I've never laughed so hard in One Piece, that was pretty funny to me, like that was unexpected, that was super funny."
"But Jesus comes to the homes of maybe the least of these. He didn't show up at the home where maybe the religious leaders would have expected."
"That happened way quicker than I thought it was going to."
"I do see maybe your wishes being fulfilled here, this person just expressing themselves in a way that is unexpected for you guys."
"You're growing up, Naruto, like I never would have expected this sort of mature response."
"They didn’t count on an interplanetary party crasher sliding into their DMs."
"When you start putting your energy or yourself in the most unexpected places, that's where you'll find belonging."
"This is like if the original Star Wars trilogy had ended with The Empire Strikes Back - just gut punch after gut punch."
"This sidelines ended up way more sick than I ever anticipated."
"That is rather caught me by surprise, rather stonking indeed."
"This was like the surprise of the year for me."
"Sometimes love finds you in the most unexpected places."
"Tough Christmas has literally come early this year."
"Nobody ever died from a fire extinguisher, but every time one went off, it was hilarious."
"That surprises me. I did not expect it to be this different. I didn't either."
"Seriously, how could you get this music so wrong? Since when has anyone associated Godzilla with a saxophone?"
"It's so strange, so surreal, but that is something I never expected to see."
"I'm in awe because I didn't expect that at all."
"At least for us... I think it was better that we got pregnant unexpectedly."
"It's like a Sundance movie, but then all of a sudden we're in the ring for two rounds with one of the great sports scenes anyone's ever filmed."
"It felt less like the ending we were all hoping for and more like the beginning of some weird new normal that none of us had expected."
"I always find use for them, I didn't know I was going to get this many."
"That's how the sneakiness of this event creeps up on you."
"Little Britain became so much bigger than we ever thought it would do."
"The project turned into quite a bit more than what I had anticipated."
"Who knew a Terminator would have his own Magic Mike moment?"
"Sure enough, useless things can come in handy sometimes."
"But I'm also not somebody that expects things like this to happen to me."
"He's a bear, yeah, but he wore a shirt."
"Second chances, you wouldn't think that."
"The theme of the Salter is the kingship of God, the theme of the book of the 12 is responsiveness... to give this interesting example of people unexpectedly responding."
"It's a very odd, very unexpected discovery."
"As crazy as it sounds, something about this is familiar."
"The funny thing about such unexpected encounters... one moment you're the Watcher, The Observer, the protector and the next you're nothing but a confused curious bystander trying to make sense of the strange hand you've been dealt."
"The fact is, truth is stranger than fiction."
"Thank you for the Super Chat. Jack is hoping lasagna leaves with sheep."
"There's a solution to every problem, but sometimes the solution isn't where people would ordinarily expect it to be."
"It's a lot bigger on the inside than it looks."
"Then it felt like something just jumped up and bit me."
"It comes only at the time that it wants, and the person you fall in love with might be the least expected person."
"Police dog fired for being too friendly."
"It's like an overwhelming sense of joy, happiness, but not in a way you would think."
"I'm not dead. I was sure I was dead. This is a nice surprise."
"When life deals you melons, look what happened."
"I'm sorry, Oliver, it just happened. We're in love."
"The Uncanny is not something strange or foreign, but something closer to home, something familiar that's not where we expect it to be."
"I have lived long enough to tell you by experience that I've had things happen to me unexpectedly."
"When you lose someone suddenly and unexpectedly, it hurts differently."
"The shocking thing about sudden unexpected cardiac arrest is not the actual mechanism but more so that it affects healthy patients."
"The whole theme of this trip has been adventures in curveballs and things that don't go as planned, but you know, that's just how life goes."
"Can you imagine a more ridiculous way of dying than being stabbed to death by an icicle?"
"I always liked the idea that this bodybuilding, like crazy Austrian man, is also just getting involved in silly hijinks in his day-to-day."
"Empathy, courage, kindness, humility, like love, come from the most unusual and unexpected places."
"Often times, the things that stick with a person can be things the creator didn't even think twice about."
"That's the interesting thing about making these sort of collages; it takes off in a way you just don't expect."
"Seals are specialists in being where they are least expected."
"I remember just buying some work clothes, ready for my shift at work, not knowing that shutdown was going to happen and coronavirus was going to take over the world."
"Can you imagine you invite someone home and then when they come to your house, you've left the house?"
"It's like a joy I didn't ever think was possible."
"He propels you in some unexpected new direction."
"It's weird to see a giant wolf in a dark, ominous forest and imagine that in two hours he'll be in the kitchen wearing an apron that says 'Kiss the Cook' while he makes his famous jalapeño poppers for game night."