
Social Unity Quotes

There are 304 quotes

"I believe that we should have a country where the American dream is possible and that we don't have this tent of anger and division."
"None of this, however, will be possible without political consensus on a way forward for Somalia, a consensus that addresses underlying divisions in Somali society and puts an end to political leveraging of Somalia's security personnel and resources."
"If you have to work for a living, then you're working class...the sooner we realize most of us are in the same boat and we have more to gain from solidarity than division, the better off our country will be."
"The pursuit of a genuinely common good requires us to find common purpose across our differences, grounding our society in a set of shared values and commitments."
"Having or not having children is an issue for all women, regardless of whether they went to college, and the birth control movement brought upper, middle, and lower class women together in ways that other social movements never did."
"Nationalism is a bit different because all social classes are involved here because the whole premise of nationalism is that nationality transcends class structures."
"Music is something that bonds people together quickly, regardless of their social roles or pre-existing relationships."
"This polarization cannot be; we cannot continue this way."
"Until we get a far more courageous empathy for one another in this country."
"We can live together, coexisting in different religious beliefs but still loving one another and pursuing the good of the nation."
"I think comedy brings people together a lot more than it drives them apart."
"Let's look at what we have in common, rather than obsessing over our differences."
"We all have to be together to pick ourselves up, and I don't mean through government. I mean through shared values and shared community."
"Uniting a multiracial working class coalition around social democracy is incredibly important and very heartening to hear."
"The most powerful way to push back against this is to emphasize our common humanity."
"If we collectively focus on a bigger enemy like climate change, we'd be much more accepting of each other."
"If we can't all be on the same side on this stuff then we're done as a country."
"What unites people? Armies? Gold? Flags? Stories."
"Is it wrong to say you can't be friends with white people? And the answer is of course yes, they're not all the same."
"When people hang out with each other, you break down barriers."
"Universal programs could represent a key avenue for a better politics, fostering class solidarity and democracy."
"It's kind of coming together in a circle, and they might actually meet each other and make a cohesive force of anti-establishmentness saying, 'Enough is enough.'"
"Black people and white people getting along despite political differences."
"Stop the politics, man. It's getting in the way of these human values that connect us all."
"Banding together is like a human union calling for dignity and taking care of each other."
"Bread and butter has been bringing families and enemies together since the beginning of time."
"We should try to bridge the divide right now and come together."
"We are all more alike than we are different."
"Everyone's just trying to do the same thing, take care of themselves and their family."
"I think it's very important to bridge the divide."
"It's bringing people together in a more human way."
"He's true to his calling, bringing people together from every race, gender, sexual orientation, region, and national identity."
"The woke left and the right actually agree on so much."
"There's power in numbers, and it's power in congregation."
"A reminder that we can forge a more perfect union, one act of kindness at a time."
"The most important thing that we can all do... is that we learn to listen to one another."
"We all want the same damn thing... at the end of the day we all want the same thing."
"God is addressing to all of humanity and God is saying that all mankind, oh humanity, I have created you from one single male and one single female and made you into nations and peoples and tribes that you get to know each other."
"Stop with the labels and stop with the division and stop with who's in who which camp."
"The real solution to these problems is to gradually rebuild a shared vision of American identity."
"The less we see each other as fellow humans, that actually have more in common than we do differences."
"Creating solidarity between races and among class is really one of the only things that we can do."
"The point is what lies on the other side of the fight - the hope of an American experience defined by belonging."
"Isn't that the point to like bring people together make people feel less alone?"
"We need to show love and unity toward each other. We have lost that in society."
"There's a need for shared truth and shared reality."
"Humanity is all about food. It sustains us and brings us together."
"I think if Americans would love their neighbor like they like to be loved themselves, a lot of the division in our society would end."
"We gotta start talking to each other, we've got to start lifting each other up, we got to start holding each other accountable."
"We have to figure out how do we love the people who voted for Brexit and Trump."
"Black lives do mat along with every other life that matters."
"Why can't we get along and find our common ground?"
"Workers Strike Back will be a united, multi-racial, multi-gendered movement of working people."
"It's quite hopeful that the fact that so many people were able to rally around this history is awareness. History is acceptance."
"It's creating a community to stand up to corruption and the crooked free market. It's incredibly beautiful to see all kinds of people come together because of that."
"You want a constitution that unites us and political arguments that divide us."
"Men and women together could also be healing."
"We live in the real world and we are brought together by things that we can all relate to, not by what you're putting out which is trying once again to cause more division."
"We want to come in a community like we in the community."
"It's meant to get us all to fight with each other. So if you stop watching it, you realize it's a beautiful world out there."
"Collective memory is what we need for social cohesion... now more important than ever."
"We've got to find commonality; we can have disagreements, but we've got to stop making each other enemies."
"It's just such a powerful... it's about all of us being together around a metaphorical campfire telling a story and we need that and we can't forget it."
"Recognize that divided we will not be able to deal with it, united we might have a chance."
"Recognizing and standing against such divisive actions is crucial."
"You are instrumental in helping the blending of humanity, of humanity finding a place of love, of connection, of wholeness."
"Class is different—it's the basis upon which you can bring people together regardless of all the other stuff."
"It's the institution in our society that I still think to this day works incredibly well at taking people from our incredibly rich and varied country and actually combining them into a common unit, common purpose."
"Joe Biden cannot give the unity speech. Killer Mike could give the unity speech. I could give the unity speech. You guys could give the unity speech."
"Now more than ever we need unity... now more than ever we need to recognize what is being done to us."
"When White America working class and Black America working class decides to work together, there's no demographic that can stop us."
"More we have in common across humanity than we have differences."
"We pray dear God that you allow this community to heal Kenosha, that you bring us back together, that you tear down the walls that separate us because of race and other issues."
"We pray dear God that you allow this community to work together as so many have said today. We need to rebuild, we need to reconstruct."
"We as a people can stand and build together."
"We are unified not in the desire to oppose a single group or to build a single world but rather to live lives of our own choosing."
"When the individual is finally respected... it brings people together."
"Art is a great barrier breaker, it's a great icebreaker."
"You know we're all going through the same thing as just human beings regardless of religion ethnicity and race you know so it's crazy man."
"We're all much more similar than we are different."
"Moral progress involves us including more people in our group and breaking down the in-group out-group barriers."
"We found our common humanity...people who don't look or sound like us or believe the same things we do."
"Music is the thing that can really bring people together."
"I honestly believe it's the one thing that everyone can come together with."
"It's time for us to fight back as a community."
"Black men, black women are not your enemy. Each one of us gonna have to fix it on our own."
"Grace and peace family. I Salam alaikum Shalom my ID Hotel namaste free the land beloved."
"A lot of the people that are at each other's throats in this country have way more in common than they think they do."
"We're all just on this little bloody planet, connected."
"Working people are being destroyed, and we as working people need to unite beyond black and white and beyond left and right."
"We need to rise up working people need to unite we need to go beyond this black white black and white nonsense."
"Let's get the soul back by expressing things that we all agree to."
"Whether you're Christian or Jew or Muslim, whatever, I think you look at this and say they're coming for me next, we gotta stand up."
"There's almost like a systematized piece as well to like, 'Don't let them come together because united, look at what they could do.'"
"We have to do the work. This moment requires unity."
"A multi-racial working-class coalition is the path forward."
"It's about all of us fighting; it's all of us."
"The heightened sense of nationalistic pride and competitive nature that comes from an international competition can be used to unify and stir up a nation's populace." - From the video.
"The secret of their success lay in their nautical technology and unique social cohesion."
"It’s a time to embrace the fact that there’s no us and them, but only us, and that’s what we have."
"By providing immunity certification in this way, the polarization between natural and vaccine-induced immune camps will be bridged at least to some extent."
"We cannot let violence and looting divide us as an American people."
"It's not a zero-sum game. Stop the tribalism."
"While everyone has surface-level differences like race, gender, wealth, beliefs, whatever, we are all united in suffering. Everybody hurts, and the sooner we can get that through our heads, the sooner we can all heal together."
"We are not too big to fail to the central bankers, to the bankers, to the Jamie Diamonds of this world. We are just the right size because what are we gonna do if they can divide us?"
"Our job is to build on our common humanity and oppose all forces that try to divide us."
"People affected by this kind of disaster still fight back. We unite together and help each other."
"We're more united than divided, and it's within our power to choose unity."
"It's bringing people together that wouldn't have otherwise come together that have shared values." - Hermela Aragawi
"We're all born individuals, and if we can start seeing each other that way, we'll all be a lot better off."
"Americans are not as divided as anger-tainment would have us believe."
"A story is a way of organizing value judgments and uniting people socially and psychologically."
"Can they not come together for something positive, something that is creative, something that can create harmony in society?"
"The reality is you have a hell of a lot more in common with those black and brown people you despise then you think you do."
"Hopefully, we can all come together and make the world a better place."
"We embrace differences... Unity in diversity."
"It's not left and right, it's not black and white, it's about the forces of power profit and control versus the forces of truth, freedom, and health."
"Community matters; during World War II, communities came together to support each other through rationing, Victory Gardens, and neighborhood watch."
"It's very vital that we create a cohesive community."
"We are stronger together than we all thought. Kindness has a ripple effect."
"What ties us together on an individual basis is culture after all."
"It matters that we try. It's not okay that we stay in our little silos and say, 'Well, you people go over there and you people go over there.' No, there's no 'you people.' It's 'my people.'"
"The personal is what brings people together and the political drives them apart."
"Everyone comes together in the end to dunk on the weird right-wing weirdos."
"Team humanity needs a unified locker room, and that can't happen if we're getting called for technical fouls on social media."
"Supporting one another looks like a unified effort."
"I think the one good thing Hollywood can do is make a good story that brings people together."
"The things that we have in common are extremely important."
"In times like these, it's so important we stay together and reach out to those who need a little help because together we have the power to do that."
"I kind of want to stay on this track where I'm bringing awareness to mental health anxiety and depression. I feel like it's not talked about. I feel like there's bad stigmas."
"It's okay to just not really care if people think you're a good person."
"We have to stop competing against each other and stop hating one another."
"You're safer when you're part of a good community than when you're isolated."
"I don't care anything about race, what are your values are you on my side and color is not determining that."
"We need to find a way for all Christians, Christian Americans, to stand together."
"The problem is that people aren't all getting together on this, there's disconformity."
"History belongs to everyone is everyone's story no matter where you damn well come from We Are All One race open dialogue regarding real evidence and our true history would bring us closer as a people."
"We're gonna need each other folks, like never before."
"So remember through it all through all the chaos there are more of us than there are of them I know you've heard that before but it's a cliche because it is true."
"I would just say, um, to the black community and just our, just black people in general, man, we got to show each other a lot more love and support."
"Change the Western culture and then the workers would unite."
"How important is that right now have a place where people can try to come together?"
"It's important that we the people stick together."
"Unity is more powerful than a hydrogen or an atomic bomb."
"We want to bridge that gap, yeah, and that's why we're here."
"What I want to see happen... is that if Humanity could get past all of the strife and divisions and manipulations..."
"Join organizations that are working towards building the political program necessary to unite the working class under a single banner."
"The parade is good. The parade is the embodiment of a community."
"We have to stop this one ethnic group to be labeled as an enemy of the others."
"Appreciate the content, please hit the like button."
"It's a very special culture, special community of people."
"Trust deficit has become very high in Manipur. Let's become an inclusive community by respecting identity without letting it divide us."
"Unity against these hedge funds has even built a bit of a bridge across the political divide in the USA."
"Stay away from crazy costumes that make the whole world think, ask for the truth, ask for God, and love each other, will ya?"
"Having a thing that brings people together is important."
"Society is fragmented and full of conflict. The fantasy: people can come together in a mystical union of souls."
"That's what we need to hear, black men supporting black women and black women supporting black men."
"How do we find ways to bring people together?"
"They were attacking all of us, they were telling all these people that we don't care about them and we do."
"I think we can all work together to get health care for everybody."
"It links you not only to people who are different from you, it also links you to people throughout history and time."
"Can we use this opportunity for education, can we use this for constructive dialogue that we might come together to lend understanding to those who have no understanding?"
"Let's stop the division, the hatred, and insanity."
"We all are more alike than we are different."
"After so many years, it was important to stay together."
"Football has the power to unite us, to bring positive development, and to promote good physical health."
"I love being black and I love my black people no matter how ever you feel we just need to be a better job by supporting each other."
"We need unity... we need to treat each other with respect, kindness, and dignity."
"Real anti-racism is brotherhood across all lines."
"The truckers have shown us that we aren't actually all that divided."
"Local communities coming together is crucial."
"We have an opportunity to build a multi-ethnic working-class majority."
"Religions fulfill a very important role... religion meaning of the term religion is to bind people together."
"Human tribalism seeks unity in teams, beliefs, or tribes."
"We need to regain our humanity and empathy for each other's positions."
"Can't we all just get along and unite over our shared back pain?"
"We will come together as a society and we will destroy racism."
"The right answer isn't to cancel wokeness in return. It is to dilute it to irrelevance by reviving a shared sense of American identity."
"I don't think we need any more Rhetoric or commentary to drive people further apart. I'm really excited... to bring people closer together."
"We are here to make sure we recognize all the power we have when we come together."
"If we are prepared to stand together, last that I heard the 1% may be very powerful, but they're a hell of a lot more people in the 99% than in the 1%."
"A lot of us actually want the same things, maybe we just think about different ways to accomplish those same goals."
"Democracy is about everyone, regardless of racial, ethnic background, your religious affiliation, this issue is about everyone, all Americans, about maintaining democracy."
"This movement truly is worldwide and it's incredible to see it bring different countries bring different people from all walks of life together for a common goal."
"When you take those things away from us that keep us together, then nobody's willing to go, you know, I know they've got some messed up policies, but they're my brother, they're my sister, they're my fellow Americans."
"Unity is the key to progress, regardless of the background."
"Having a common enemy is the easiest way to unite people."
"We have to bring people of all races together we have to secure their economic rights if we're really ever going to be whole as a nation."
"We're all human beings, and they propagate all these identities—left, right, black, white, gay, straight—to prevent unity."
"Society needs to come back together, and this division has to stop."
"They unite behind one phrase, 'Respect Existence'."
"We need to come together even despite our different belief systems."
"This world requires empathy in order for us to come together and challenge these powers that be."
"We all wanna Live Forever, we all Wanna Be Friends, all in the same boat."
"Sports transcend race, wealth, it transcends all of that. You get to know and appreciate what someone else may bring when you're in a locker room with 50 guys. You don't think race because you're all the same at that point." - Tom Brady
"You did do something for us during the pandemic, it was pure entertainment, it was unity."
"Faith, family, and extended folk have proved to be means by which the proletariat are united and moralized against capitalism."
"Unity in a free country must be on a voluntary basis."
"It's amazing to see how we've been able to bring people together Freedom loving people their family my family has gotten much bigger."
"Let's get into part two and give respect and power to the people that's here also."