
Cosmic Order Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"I want to encourage trust in yourself and your abilities, trust in the universe and the cosmic plan."
"The universe itself is working with us, it ain't nothing you can do but submit."
"God is reality, the cosmos makes better sense with him moving in as a construct."
"It just cannot be what the divine field wants to have happen in this universe."
"The preservation of the World by God then is precisely the Restraint of Supernatural and human Evil Within the cosmos."
"Even the most hardline atheist has to grapple with the fact that out of a roiling stew of nothingness, orderly existence arises."
"Trust the universe that what's not working out for you is truly serving you."
"Synchronicity is the universe showing its magic, meaningful coincidences."
"Synchronicity is a natural thing collapsing us to understand how to connect with universal order."
"The whole purpose of Christmas is the redemption of the cosmic order."
"Of the three alternatives before us - physical necessity, chance, or design - the most plausible as an explanation of the cosmic fine-tuning is design."
"The universe has a plan; there's something bigger unfolding."
"The universe doesn't make mistakes; it makes constellations."
"Both cars and humans power themselves by tapping into the great cosmic flow from order to disorder."
"The Universe does not only provide a solution for any problem or issue... it is always preempting what is needing and creating a solution."
"Order is essentially structure, giving life structure as the greater will did when it fractured the one great."
"Christ not only reconciles all of dispersed discrete human nature that was fragmented from the fall, but he says all of cosmic reality is restored in the Incarnation."
"Every system of the universe is gonna come into divine alignment."
"The universe does not make mistakes when it comes to energetic placement."
"It's a testament to the reality that the universe could not have been a random generation."
"The idea of the New Earth is not some crazy magical thing that happens, it is something that is reflected in nature and in space all around us."
"When you want something, the whole universe conspires to help you achieve it."
"Order and beauty, two meanings, unlike English words. The cosmos, inherently beautiful, humankind to make it beautiful."
"This truth of the universe... it's the way it's meant to be... it's a natural law of the universe."
"The universe is designed to respond to the fruit of the spirit: love, joy, peace."
"By recognizing the chosen ones and acknowledging their inherent Divinity, individuals align themselves with the cosmic order."
"The akashic records control the entire multiverse."
"The natural order isn't the only one. I've seen multitudes. They're all beautiful and they're all different."
"In spite of pain, in spite of death, in spite of horror, the universe is in some mysterious sense all right."
"Neither does the sun overtake the moon, nor the moon overtake the sun. Neither does the day come after the night, nor the night overtake the day."
John talks about something called "the Word," a spiritual Cosmic order or structure behind the material universe.
"Jesus holds everything together from The Majestic to the microscopic and everything in between."
"The universe has always delivered."
"The universe functions like a clock. To everything, there is a season and a time to every purpose under Heaven."
"The universe just connects things sometimes."
"So this existence of everything, you have law, you have energy, you have meaningful creation, so that means that ability is working behind from this universe to create laws itself."
"Your life is so significant that you are part of a Celestial Eternal construct that predates Time and outlives Eternity."
"Suddenly, he glimpsed there must be a home and order and meaning in the universe."
"Recognize the universe isn't punishing you."
"The entire universe whirls around on its path because of the presence of God."
"Kalnahat, also known as She of Raven Wings, understands the value of deceit more so than any other archon in Heaven, but when she gives her word, it is as iron clad as any in the cosmos."
"You alone are the guiding power of the universe, and without you, nothing emerges into the shining sunlit world to grow in joy and in loveliness."
"archons understand that when chaos and evil threaten to take over the Multiverse individual desires should be set aside for the greater good."
"The Furies were goddesses of vengeance who punished men and women who defied the natural order of the cosmos."
"The light would be called day, and the Darkness would be called night."
"Nor is it to be thought that man is either the oldest or the last of Earth's masters."
"Perfect beauty is aligned with the cosmic order."
"Egyptians believed that a person needed to live in harmony with the cosmic order."
"They work to ensure the proper flow of souls throughout the plains, the vital heartbeat of the Multiverse itself."
"The great clock of the universe keeps good time, and the whole machinery of Providence moves with an unerring punctuality."
"The universe always has the perfect plan for our life."
"We are all children of one divine order, we are all parts of one vast hierarchy that inhabit space."
"There is an order to things, Arthur, a balance imposed by Ishap, the one above all."
"I humbly petition that I may perceive the fullness of nature and partake thereof, ever consistent with the cosmic good."
"He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of His great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing."
"Human beings are bound to come into collision with the cosmic order if they allow judgments that apply to the physical plane to hold good for the higher worlds as well."
"The net of heaven is vast, wide meshed, yet misses nothing."
"Everything must be what it claimed to be because Saturn and Uranus doesn't sit around play these games with us."
"There is no song that any entity can dance to that is not part of the grand song of the one infinite creation."
"The sphere of being, life, and truth is regulated by Rita."
"The universe is in flux, there's a balance between light and dark, one cannot exist without the other."
"The temples were links between heaven and earth, the lenses that pulled the universe into focus."
"We are all children of one divine order, parts of one vast hierarchy that inhabit space."
"Zeno sees that the Supreme Kai's and the god of destructions have a job, and their job is to maintain a certain level of balance and stuff on the in the universe."
"Abundance, material as well as spiritual, is a structural expression of 'rita,' cosmic law or natural righteousness."
"Everything created is based upon order; law rules the space where the infinite dwells."
"Shiva is the god of destruction, actually means this exactly; he's the one who causes change both at the minute level to you as well as the cosmic level when the universe has to change."
"All rhythms of life seek harmony by the nature of the cosmic pattern underlying everything."
"He upholds the universe by the power of His word."
"Justice will come to you, but you need to allow the universe to do its work."
"Logos is the order of the universe... he is the personification of that order."
"You do not know how precious are, in the eyes of the son, the souls he can use to orchestrate the symphony of the universe."
"Creation is the result of wisdom and order flowing from God to make this universe what it is."
"The planet is spinning on time, everything in the solar system is going on course, the whole cosmos is in perfect order, but you have one nasty little thought crawling in your head and it's a bad day."
"Control the planets in the heavens and the Spirit guides around you, conspiring to give you more control."
"Saturn relates to order and to the fact that there is order in this universe."
"If you are aligned with this cosmic order, you're going to feel good, it's going to work for you."
"When yin and yang combine into one, the celestial order is clearly revealed."
"The recycling of life's greatest elements as they all fit into the grand divine plan."
"...every single breath that you take, every action that you take, every thought you have is the entire universe doing its best in this Cosmic Symphony harmonizing itself to make this particular moment a precise and absolute perfection."
"Night and day rule from their two thrones."
"There is a God in heaven who regulates times and seasons."
"Your actions are automatically in harmony with the cosmic laws of natural balance that apply to the entire universe and all human beings."
"Believe in yourself, let go, and let the universe do what it's doing."
"Everything happens for a reason, and the universe doesn't make mistakes."
"Imagine if ancient cultures were onto something profound; what if they sensed a cosmic harmony that resonates through all creation?"
"You've been doing what the universe has asked you to do."
"There is an ordered universe around us."
"Have patience; something is really happening in divine order."
"Trust yourself, trust the universe."
"That [ __ ] was written in the stars, period."
"Everything is in divine order. Everything is right where it needs to be in the process of your soul expanding."
"Sometimes you gotta let things be and allow the universe to resolve them."
"The concept of Dharma is really more intimately related to the sense of acting in accord with cosmic order."