
Retirement Quotes

There are 4435 quotes

"When Franklin Delano Roosevelt established 65 as the retirement age, the average life expectancy in the United States was 63 years old. Today, the average life expectancy in the United States is close to 80."
"If Mickie James loses, she must retire from pro wrestling for good."
"You have officially decided to hang them up... and we couldn't be more proud of you."
"The reality was, it was more firm than it's ever been this year that I just don't think physically I can compete at the level that I want to anymore."
"Congratulations on your retirement, thank you for being the greatest teammate that I've ever played with."
"Congrats man, you deserve all the accolades. What an amazing career, now go enjoy being a dad and husband full time."
"Congratulations on your retirement from the NFL and your incredible football career."
"On the other side of I, I want to put Social Security on The Chopping Block. If anyone here tries to cut Social Security Medicare or raise your retirement age, I will stop you."
"Nearly 50% of retired Americans rely on Social Security for half of their income, while one in seven over the age of 65 rely on it for 90% of their income."
"You could definitely retire with like a million bucks, man."
"My main goal is being able to retire my parents."
"He just had something about him that just told me, 'I am going to make sure that you retire the right way.'"
"I cannot retire. I've never worked. It's, I think, my whole career, I've had fun doing what I was doing."
"One dollar invested for a 20-year-old can turn into 88 by the time they get to retirement."
"Retirement is part of the promise of life in the developed world. And if that promise isn't met, it's really going to affect everyone."
"The real issue here is that people can't afford to retire."
"We got to win a championship, and I'm gonna retire my own Jersey."
"Passive income is important because once you reach financial independence and you retire early, you have to do very little to no work in order to generate income in a stock portfolio."
"Instead of retiring to Miami Beach, he decided the only thing that mattered to him was building something to help those less fortunate."
"Do we have to wait 40 years to reach retirement? It just seems like such a long time."
"Because if it is actually the case, if we don't actually have to wait and work for 40+ years in order to reach retirement, then why would anyone do it?"
"It is also possible that our retirement years will not be fully healthy."
"Social Security is something everyone pays into, and when you hit a certain age, you start getting benefits from that."
"It's extremely important to save for retirement to maintain your standard of living that you've enjoyed throughout your life."
"When you retire, that means you're stopping from work, but you're not working, you're chasing your purpose on a daily basis."
"The F-22 may be slated for retirement, but it has no intention of going gently into that good night."
"Bulbul has finally decided to retire from the NBA. Wow, can we all just give a round of applause for Bulbul?"
"Schools don't teach us that there's a point in our lives where we do have the option of retiring as long as we were on the right path."
"This is going to be his last fight. I believe so if he's going out, I believe he's going to go out with a bang."
"Remove yourself from the crowd and storm-tossed more than your years deserve, withdraw at last to a more peaceful haven."
"I retired at 45 while a lot of my peers who made more money than me won't be done until they're 65."
"Retirement is a really weird concept. Personally, I hate the whole idea of traditional retirement, where you work from the age of 21 until 65 or 67, and then once you hit that age, then you can quit your job finally and then do nothing until you die."
"You're going to make enough money one day where you can retire early."
"Don't retire from your life; stay connected in some meaningful pursuit."
"I'm here to send you and your gang into retirement. Got any last words?"
"I want to give a shout out to two of the greatest who hung them up recently, the great Roger Federer and the great Serena Williams."
"Over the course of many decades, middle class Americans have been induced to believe that our current retirement system can provide the security and stability they need when they reach their golden years, but that couldn't be farther from the truth."
"Despite the ups and downs in the market, research shows that the average account balance of 401k participants who made consistent contributions from 2010 to 2018 saw a compound annual average growth of 13.9% over that time period."
"Is early retirement possible? Well, yeah, actually, but there's a pretty big asterisk that comes with that."
"The real reasons Americans retire in the Philippines."
"I knew I had a good retirement check coming every month, and we'd be able to just kick back, enjoy life, no more working midnights, live like a normal human being as we call it, and spend quality time with each other."
"We're living longer than ever before, which means our retirement planning has to evolve to match our increased life expectancy."
"Retirement isn't just financial; it's very emotional. Visualizing your retirement can help ease the transition when the time comes."
"After retiring, I think I kind of went down in the toilet... I might have been a bit miserable at work, but at least I was happy hustling."
"Once your passive income exceeds your living expenses, you're retired. You're financially independent."
"The majority of the baby boomers will turn 65 and we'll go into retirement. That has investment and tax applications, consumption and production implications."
"Tens of millions of baby boomers in America have insufficient savings to retire on or otherwise fund their living costs during their twilight years. This is a massive economic and humanitarian crisis in the making."
"To have a shot at something other than being old and poor in America, we're going to have to save ourselves and each other."
"If you delay your benefits from age 62 to 70, your benefit is going to be 77 percent higher."
"In the wake of Scott’s retirement announcement, the hashtag #ThankYouScott began to trend on Twitter. If that’s not proof that the majority of FNAF fans always stood with Scott, I don’t know what is."
"You've got to start thinking about your income, about your pension, about your investments. You've got to start rethinking everything."
"Getting old doesn't have to be depressing. These people have worked hard, and now they're playing hard."
"You work all your lives doing, doing, doing, and now it's my time."
"The retirement communities are picking up where the families are leaving off."
"Retirement does different things to different people."
"I'm starting to retire from the channels, and I'm finally prioritizing my health first."
"Dad retired after 42 years as a union pipefitter because that's what labor used to be; you take care of a family on those wages."
"We all retire, we're all vaccinated, we have a big vaccine party on a yacht somewhere, sponsored by Crypto Banter."
"I have never liked the word retirement. Maybe the best word to describe what I'm up to is evolution. I'm here to tell you that I'm evolving away from tennis, toward other things that are important to me."
"There is a huge retirement shortfall that we've never seen in our lifetime."
"David Silva has been a fantastic player, and it's a bit sad that a player that's been so good for the Premier League doesn't get the send-off that he does deserve."
"I don't have anything else to prove. I won like, I beat all the records. I didn't have the fire anymore. It's time for something new."
"People consider the right to retire with dignity to be really a fundamental right."
"After 28 years of non-stop work, Dougie is ready to retire."
"Everything I'm about to mention here is very realistic, anyone can work towards doing it, it's very easy to do, it's going to allow you to comfortably retire and maybe even afford an exotic car or two."
"Golden rule: if you save 10% of your income during your working years, you should have a comfortable financial life in retirement."
"It's not too late for us to get back on track, and if you're a younger person watching this video, understand that your actions today affect you down the road. Don't be one of those people who is complaining about not having enough retirement income when your retirement time comes."
"In Okinawa, there's not even a word for retirement; instead, there's one word that imbues your entire life, and that word is Ikigai."
"The game will miss you forever, but go enjoy the hell out of your life."
"Costa Rica offers retirees a peaceful life amidst lush rainforests, scenic mountains, and beautiful beaches."
"It offers a really nice lifestyle, and it is an optimal place to retire, especially if you are from North America."
"Some of you are headed toward early retirement or being able to like put away a stack of money or saving."
"I'm actually planning on retiring my husband from corporate life."
"I think the retirement for me would be writing because when you're not doing it for the money and the page views, that's when the gold comes out."
"The main benefit of investing: You will be a millionaire by the time you retire."
"All Might retired and ended his era as the world's greatest hero."
"Effectively be a retired guy at age 39 with a two-year-old and a six-year-old at home in a marriage that's like a solid B plus."
"The sea Diamond might now forever be known as how it affects lives today not for what it was sailing the Mediterranean but for what it is at the bottom."
"The golden years of their lives, which is so incredible, and it's about time that they can have those golden years again."
"Kobe Bryant has officially announced his retirement from the NBA at age 40, 21 years Pro."
"Kobe Bryant has retired from the NBA after 20 years."
"You can start with a few thousand dollars and you can get to retirement money from it."
"Saving for retirement is incredibly important for me."
"Unlike some former presidents, Bush seems to enjoy the rest and relaxation of being out of office."
"I think at the end of the day, when my career comes to a close and I decide to walk away from it all, I think I get to pack up with my integrity still intact."
"99% of people don't have a million dollars, which means they'll never retire. So if 99% of people fail at this, I know you might think you can do it yourself and that may be true but 99% of people are failing why not get help?"
"Retiring from being a superhero is not easy."
"Create that generational wealth you want or at least get that fund set up so you can retire yourself at a decent age."
"In 2016, Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus retired which magnificent performers, ending a 145 year tradition? They were the tremendous gooners."
"The most striking part of this is that at this point he is retired."
"While Triple H has made appearances on TVs since this match, it seems unlikely we'll see him wrestle again."
"The best way to build wealth is to invest in a 401k."
"Retirement means more time to do my own art... there's nothing more important than creating as much art as you possibly can before you croak."
"You get to keep more money in your pocket each and every year."
"By the time you're about to retire you would have hit that goal with almost no effort whatsoever."
"He took the savings and he also retired some officers."
"This way you can retire or have financial independence earlier."
"Let's talk about player retirements... retirement age closer to 40."
"Tengen, despite being one of the weakest hashira, retired from the Demon Slayer Corps, assured that the trainee he hated so much had grown strong enough to fill the void in his absence."
"The first generation that didn't have to retire to a factory or the field."
"Many seniors are forced to work beyond the retirement age to no fault of their own."
"It is very, very hard to outperform the growth of Social Security and the cost of living adjustment that gets built into it because that is a certainty."
"Your retirement and your kids' future are more important, so remember that."
"Anna lived the last fourteen years of her life quite happily and comfortably on her English estates."
"People who don't have jobs because they're old and retired, because their bodies create pain when they try to do labor."
"I will never retire. I will never retire. Buy the shirt right now. I will never retire."
"He announced his retirement at 29. He said I'm going to do one more and then I'm never going to fight again."
"Empowering Australian workers to save for their retirement is important."
"I'm glad that this was my last game." - David Silva
"Bird made the difficult decision to retire, ending his planned career on August 18, 1992."
"To make a long story short, I decided to retire from MMA in the UFC. It's been 12 years, 12 long years of me being the best fighter that I can be."
"I think it's incredibly troubling... the people that are going to get burned are going to be the people that have the 401k." - Host
"Khabib left on top, destroyed everyone in the division and walked away top dog."
"Everyone talks about how you should follow the four percent rule... you can retire wealthy."
"After 16 seasons Allen retired from the game with the most touchdowns by a running back in NFL history."
"I've never bought into the narrative that Daniel Cormier talked about retirement."
"When he was getting ready to retire, talking business and saying, 'Okay now you're on my turf. I'm gonna have to kick your ass and show you what it's all about, rookie.'"
"When you stop enjoying your craft is when you need to literally just hang it up."
"I think it was important to go out as a Giant... This was the right decision and I'm at peace with it."
"After the fall of Overwatch, Reinhardt declared that he would come out of retirement."
"Athletes die twice... You have to live that to relate to that."
"Financial Security and being able to retire."
"I have an announcement, I will soon retire, and my successor will be the one who has the most shares in my town."
"I retired like almost two years and as soon as I wake up Ankle knees as soon as you stop everything starts hurting."
"I could not think of a more perfect way for the perfect halfback to go out."
"Since he's retired, his content has been better, he seems more genuine, almost like he's doing it for fun."
"Good luck in retirement, Kimi, and enjoy your time with the family."
"I would love to just retire and be like, 'Hey son, can I just do five minutes in front of you?'"
"PewDiePie's retirement had come about only a year after hitting the 100 million subscriber Milestone."
"Don't retire, don't even think retire, refire."
"If you just use $5,500 per year from the age of 18, you will retire a millionaire."
"It's equally a mistake to put nothing off for the future. The people who put off investing in their retirement Futures usually significantly regret it down the road."
"The reason I can confidently say that this could be impacting 90% of you is because I looked my 401k investment options."
"He was very emotional calling it a career really had a very long speech and thank everyone you could imagine uh it was great to see a guy that emotional and he will be a Hall of Famer no doubt about it"
"Utilize retirement plans like IRAs to lower current tax bills."
"The idea of taking a lump sum, getting some condo on the Chicago River, and then living life like every day is summer vacation and I'm 12 years old again."
"I think maybe one of my biggest concerns in my career is just to figure out how to exit gracefully. I've watched people overstay their welcome and I just don't ever want to be that guy."
"If Travis Kelce plays his cards right he can retire from the NFL and be like I'm a Catman now I don't do anything I do nothing."
"If you keep investing then you'll retire in your dividend someday."
"Daniel Day-Lewis is retiring from acting... how sad is this?" - "Daniel Day-Lewis is retiring from acting... how sad is this?"
"Seeing how capable this new generation is made Master Roshi realize that finally maybe his job was done."
"It's always sad to see the players retire but it's a natural part of the ecosystem."
"No one wants to retire because of an injury. You want to make your own story and quit on your own terms."
"Vince Carter has retired from the NBA both in this game and in real life after 22 years pro at 43 years old."
"Athletes should not be told to retire, they should take their retirement when they're on top."
"An 80s sitcom featuring four retired friends who share a home in Miami."
"I keep telling myself I'm retired, so I'm opening a life enhancement center. I need to downsize, be more athletic, be the business card of this new business."
"At the end of the day, when I want to retire, everything I do today is gonna benefit me later. Do something today that your future self will thank you for."
"I could have kept playing I could have like limped along but that wasn't who I was you know I came to the league I said I had a couple goals I wanted to play for 10 years I want to have like 10 000 yards you know just be known to have that impact."
"He has beat the Venom in his signature match. I never thought I'd live to see the day when the Deadman is laid to rest."
"I knew I loved basketball when I played, I didn't realize how much I loved it till I retired."
"No matter how good you are at football, it comes to a point where you have to retire."
"You absolutely have to pay no taxes on that if you hold that money until the age of 59.5."
"You will end up with 3.2 million dollars that you don't have to pay any taxes on."
"Finally, I've retired after 44 years with the company."
"At least I went out with a bang, not a whimper."
"Teddy Bruschi is right, Belich should retire after this season no matter what the Patriots record is."
"You may resign, retire from the workforce altogether, or become self-employed."
"After more than 30 years of fighting against the political tide of the United States, Thompson is preparing to withdraw from the race once and for all."
"I thought he'd come back for one more year because simply because the only place that guy can be a dude is in the locker room."
"Retirement is the state at which you never need to work again and yet your money will last you the rest of your life."
"Quitting's not the same when you're on the top."
"I think it's time, it never felt more right to retire."
"Retired at the age of 24 obviously due to a lot of reasons."
"Retiring sucks. No one should retire. It's just about spending your life doing whatever the hell you want to do."
"If the federal government can't fix the shortage, it could result in benefit cuts up to 24% for retirees beginning in 2023."
"You could be a multi-millionaire by the time you retire."
"I like the idea of a character who's retired being able to rest."
"But on the flip side, I always love when an old man comes out of retirement one last time."
"Enjoying retirement and reflecting on his successful career in the entertainment industry."
"Silver emerges as a versatile element, a beacon guiding us toward a retirement that promises security and prosperity."
"The journey to a secure and prosperous retirement is a mosaic of informed choices and strategic investments."
"Ted Benna changed everything with the 401K plan."
"But it was time for me to be done, I don't think that I would have been able to give what I should give to a team if my heart truly wasn't in it, you know?"
"When the Brady retires, you'll see him on the Scottish hills in the distance, walking around."
"It's officially gonna do it for Ernie Johnson in his 19-year career."
"Woody's journey in this story is a metaphor for retirement after a lifetime of always being there for a child—how does one redefine their purpose without becoming obsolete?"
"Retirement has been harder than my entire career post bodybuilding."
"Is there any better way to go out than with a massive upset victory?"
"Being able to live a happy life is a lot more important than retire and go play golf at 70."
"When are you truly in retirement mode? It's when you can do anything you want, including things that don't make money."
"The less you spend, the faster you're going to retire."
"Just because you retire just because you're approaching retirement just because you cross that threshold into Financial Independence doesn't mean your money stops working."
"I'll retire you and then you can go and do something with basketball or something you really want to do."
"I feel like this is Kade's last year. Let's go out with a bang."
"He immediately retired from his job as a mechanic."
"The fastest aircraft on earth was retired... from operational military service."
"If you're 75 years old and you're retired already, you don't give a [__] about whether your grandchildren are gonna survive on this planet or not."
"The vast majority of millennials are financially screwed when it comes to retirement."
"Change the whole idea of retirement... Doing something that you love."
"This is a very respectable way for Ben to go out."
"I'm never going to be one of those people that's just like, 'Oh, I'm retired, I'm going to sit on the couch and enjoy my life.'"
"Aaron Donald will no longer feast on quarterbacks. One word: Legend."
"What an epic journey this was. I'm retiring from this life."
"Alonso retired; he was just tired of running around at the back."
"Andrew Luck confirmed the reports that he would be retiring from football."
"Your passion never wanes, maybe more so since retirement."
"Congratulations on a great career, Drew Brees. And hey, listen, always forget, retire!"
"You gotta really ask yourself: By what age do you want to have the option to work or not to work?"
"Love you guys madly, hope we can all retire before 2022."