
Social Policy Quotes

There are 519 quotes

"When Franklin Delano Roosevelt established 65 as the retirement age, the average life expectancy in the United States was 63 years old. Today, the average life expectancy in the United States is close to 80."
"I am very pro-welfare and very pro the welfare state, and I think it is one of the greatest assets to a functioning society in a modern context."
"We want to... implement laws in such a way that they make people less likely to do things that cause harm."
"Lift up almost 1.5 million Canadians with disabilities out of poverty."
"The Great Society...[had] a huge focus on civil rights and the elimination of poverty."
"In 2018, the UK appointed a minister for loneliness, and there has been talks in other countries to follow suit."
"We should do everything we can in society in order to help people achieve the greatest amount of happiness."
"It's not a good system for capitalists, you know, shareholders, but for the population, it created a lot of wealth, very even income and wealth distribution, very high growth, and very rapidly raised quality of life."
"Americans are exceptional in that we're the only country that doesn't have a socialized health care system."
"The President fundamentally believes that having a humane and moral immigration system in place strengthens our country, strengthens our economy."
"Massive support for children and the people who take care of children is the best long-term investment."
"We resisted calls for a lockdown of our society because of the profound damage it would cause, especially for the poor and the vulnerable."
"Try to give people equal opportunities. So, for example, instead of basic income, what if we had a retraining program built into our basic social fabric?"
"I think defunding's necessary. It's necessary to begin to divert funding from police organizations to social services."
"We're talking about the largest investment in child care and early childhood education."
"The data unequivocally tells us fathers are vital, and yet laws and society undervalue their importance."
"We do allocate funding from wealthier neighborhoods to fix roads and schools in poorer neighborhoods because we want to make sure everyone has equal access."
"We have set a target of 70,000 affordable homes, 30% of which will be reserved for policemen and women, nurses, teachers, and civil servants."
"If you actually want to make poor people less vulnerable also to climate, but presumably also to all these other things, you lift them out of poverty. It's not rocket science."
"America welcomes immigrants. We want people to come here, despite where they came from or despite the circumstances that drove them to this country."
"It's not socialism; it's capitalism where income doesn't start at zero."
"Universal basic income is this idea that let's just give people lots of money, let's just give people a monthly stipend."
"I believe in lift up the floor and don't worry about the ceiling."
"Sam Altman on Universal Basic Income: 'I think it is a component of something we should pursue; it is not a full solution.'"
"Not everybody can work, but if people can work and want to work, they should be encouraged to do so."
"Public housing...a necessity to solve homelessness."
"This is a manufactured crisis. It didn't happen by accident. People paid for it."
"What's more important though is that homelessness isn't just low in Finland, it's actively going down."
"The solution is simple, this is what the solution is, it's the only thing that is: house keys."
"Housing first programs clearly require significant resources and funding, but it is not like our current approach is cheap."
"Finland ends homelessness and provides shelter for all in need."
"How do you end homelessness? You provide shelter for everyone. You give people homes."
"We must move beyond those band-aid solutions to a policy that seeks to end homelessness."
"We as a society will either pay the price tag now through legislation...or we will pay an immensely higher price tag later."
"We need to provide child care all across this country, available for every parent, available, affordable, high-quality."
"I firmly believe that the way to move forward is not with race-based quotas but by economically empowering all Americans."
"Universal basic income is a policy where every citizen in a country gets a certain amount of money to meet his or her basic needs, no questions asked."
"UBI, of course, isn't a silver bullet or an easy fix, but decades of data and experimentation show it has a lot of promise."
"In the land of the Red Dragon, the role of the state as guarantor of minimum social protection is a recent development and does not resemble either European or East Asian systems."
"We invest in our young people in jobs and education, not more jails and incarceration."
"Universal basic income is a policy where every member of a society gets a certain amount of money to meet your basic needs, no questions asked."
"Society has an interest in not having children live in poverty...we should have Universal upk and child care."
"I think we need a welfare state... that doesn't incentivize counterproductive behavior."
"A welfare system that doesn't punish those with disabilities but instead supports those with disabilities."
"Most Americans believe that government assistance should be short-term and aimed at quickly getting people back on their feet and on the road to being financially self-sufficient."
"Good job, Norway... your country is doing a good job."
"The National Disability Insurance Scheme is one of the greatest innovations in social policy this country has ever ambitiously embarked on."
"We beefed up unemployment insurance in a huge way that has never been done before."
"The right to shelter should be part of our public agenda. We need a program that assures people a safe and stable unit in which they can live."
"So my youngest Pax is in kindy and something really cool they do is provide 20 hours of free childcare for kids over the age of three for everybody."
"California will be providing free period products like tampons and pads in all public schools serving grades 6 through 12."
"The biggest difference between us and the rest of the world... is they guarantee every single citizen is entitled to primary care."
"What we have got to do is make sure that we have strong public educational systems free of charge to all, from Child Care all the way through graduate school. That is a human right."
"I think one of the most significant things we can do in the United States of America is reimagine our unemployment system."
"Investing in policing instead of the people is emphasizing chaos over community."
"We may need universal basic income in addition to retraining, reskilling, and education for those who are left behind."
"If it doesn't solve these five, it won't be a society."
"We don't need a crime bill, we need a hope bill."
"Reducing childhood poverty should be a bipartisan effort."
"The universal basic income... everyone in a society gets a certain amount of money free and clear to do whatever they want, no questions asked."
"The one great way to stop that: get this dividend into everyone's hands."
"We want policy that creates a black middle class."
"We should explore ideas like universal basic income to make sure that everyone has a cushion."
"Ultimately we will have to have some kind of universal basic income. I don't think we're gonna have a choice." - Elon Musk
"Abortion is an economic issue. Having it, yes, how many mouths you have to feed at your kitchen table is a kitchen table issue."
"Any bailout must go to the people, not corporations, not the pharmaceutical industry, but the people."
"The absence of federal paid leave policies has enormous social costs and economic costs to our society."
"In 2010, Iceland banned strip clubs, constituting the first such ban in a Western democratic country"
"Hurting the poorest people first is usually the worst way to go."
"A UBI might actually incentivize people to work."
"Prisoners are included to receive the $1400 stimulus check."
"We've got to deal with immigration, but show humanity."
"Spend less money on police to break up homeless and cameras and more on social workers to help them become productive members of society."
"We should explore ideas like universal basic income."
"Is it time for you and I to consider having universal basic income?"
"We're excited about the fact that they've raised minimum wage; they have increased opportunities when it comes to paid family leave; and that they are increasing salaries to over a million American workers." - Ms. Sanders
"If you want them to not have abortions then incentivizing them to have the baby is a really good way to reduce abortions."
"Policymakers should take responsibility to embrace ideas that not only prevent the deepening of inequality but also begin to compensate for the errors of the past."
"I think India should legalize civil unions for LGB as for the T group I hope we never get that stuff here in India too crazy."
"I'm cool with giving free money to people that are lazy yes I'm also cool with rewarding people that work hard but how do you then where does the money come from to pay the lazy people?"
"If your goal is actually to make life better for people and to solve the problem it's not gonna be solved by putting folks in jail who are dealing with addiction."
"The only viable approach to making welfare meaningful and effective is through universal programs."
"States can be Laboratories... figure out what do we do with these moms what do we do with these kids."
"How will you restore a society that ensures that its youngest citizens will be better off than their parents?"
"Housing for everybody? Crazy-ass idea. Housing for everybody."
"Andrew Yang argued that the inevitable rise of artificial intelligence would make it an opportune time to introduce a radical concept called universal basic income."
"We're going against poverty with everything, because wherever there's poverty, there is crime. It's a fact."
"Men are actually the minority, and if that's true, there shouldn't be programs benefiting women. There should, in fact, be programs benefiting men."
"By ensuring economic security, not to mention free housing, free health care, free college for everybody, even if you're not willing to work, you have just made it so that there is no incentive to work."
"Scandinavia and Canada are capitalist countries with a robust social safety net."
"If they're listening, three steps: provide shelters, affordable housing, and community service."
"The narcissist's solution to his dissonant thinking is psychotic."
"The conversation about universal basic income was getting traction before this hit, and now it would be turbocharged."
"We should really see housing as something... meets a human right."
"If you have policies that make sure that people feel secure in their own lives, then they're going to be less susceptible to scapegoating politics."
"It shouldn't take a pandemic to realize and reform our sick pay rules."
"We do need to be taxing the rich to properly fund our public services."
"Republican Senator Mitt Romney has now come out with his version of monthly cash payments for families."
"What I'm suggesting is I think good for the people who are suffering in this country and is good for the rest of the world."
"I think a really straightforward solution that people have been talking about more recently is the idea of a universal basic income."
"Protecting young girls and not allowing young men and men in general to go into a girl's locker room is just common sense."
"People now can understand these things, we can begin to argue for better policies."
"Focus on the why... allocate resources from police officers to reinvest in our communities."
"Vivek hit the nail on the head...the foundation of all conservative social policies."
"No one should have to pay more than 30% of their income to be able to live and have housing."
"It won't surprise you to learn that the U.S is the only industrialized nation on the planet that does not mandate some amount of paid parental leave."
"If you live in America, you should not go bankrupt paying a medical bill. All Americans should be able to see a doctor when they need to."
"You can't ask that generation to pay for the care of a generation who've not contributed through the tax system that isn't right."
"Any policy that will benefit black people will benefit all of society."
"Minnesota Democrats just passed guaranteed paid family and medical leave after winning full control of government."
"Universal Basic Income will guarantee every citizen a regular payment from the government."
"I also believe that if we did ban abortion, there needs to be better alternatives to promote adoption."
"We need nationalism in order to protect the people and take care of your own people first before you go out there in the world."
"If we made it easier on parents, especially new mothers, to actually raise their children, we would have much happier families."
"Child care costs are on average ten thousand dollars for every family."
"We should have ten dollars a day child care."
"Let's focus on policies that uplift people out of poverty and promote sustainable development."
"Defunding the police means shrinking the scope of police responsibilities."
"UBI should basically be about evening the bottom few rungs of economic viability."
"We need to help fund and fuel a transition to a different kind of economy that works for you and your family."
"Now, for 3 decades, we fought crime by building huge prisons."
"Imagine if as a parent you could look your kid in the eye and say your country loves you, your country values you, and your country is going to invest in you $1,000 a month starting at age 18."
"Think about Medicaid and US expanding it, think about health care for everybody, think about a decent education, think about the elimination of student loans."
"It's cheaper to send the young man to Yale than to jail."
"They said well, we can't let Nazis, right? We can't let Nazis be out there."
"The UBI pilot programs have gone really well."
"Social housing is about housing as a right for all, not just about making a small number of people wealthy."
"If you provide alternatives to people jobs other sort of alternatives they don't over indulge in drugs like this."
"Direct assistance to working people for every working family in this country that needs it."
"There needs to be some level of redistribution of wealth."
"Is the answer to their hopes and dreams just to increase their benefits?"
"I cannot support a pro-abortion politician because he builds social housing and because of the relative good I would have to accept the absolute evil." - Cardinal Gerhard Müller
"Our greatest primary task is to put people to work."
"We need a guaranteed minimum income in the United States of America. That is the most effective way for us to address racial inequality in a genuine way."
"Putting homeless people in houses is not a long-term solution and does not address what caused the homelessness in the first place."
"Insofar as there's a social credit system in China, that's a matter for China, self-evidently."
"We need people who are unapologetic about implementing policies related to the working-class issues."
"Both have what’s known as the Nordic model approach to prostitution."
"I'm never going to apologize for helping work in the middle class families as I recover from the pandemic."
"But, by the way, the simple fact 'I know I can turn back' gives me the confidence to want to take that step, because I know there’s always an exit door."
"Liberalism is what we are doing here these are the values that we support regardless of the contextual party politics of the day."
"We will accomplish more as a community in one generation than a thousand government policies will accomplish in 200 years."
"The entitlement programs will be cut by 50% over the next 20 years."
"Gaddafi's government attempted to provide free education, healthcare, and promised free housing for all his people."
"We need to demand policies that prevent guys like him from amassing so much money to begin with."
"I'm all for paid leave and I believe that people should have it."
"What's needed... we actually need to make the case for single-payer healthcare."
"Hillary has comprehensive policies to help people, her opponent has tweets, you decide."
"Fair housing for all is now a part of the American way of life."
"They saw what happened in America and decided to strengthen their abortion rights in their countries."
"We should pay people to stay out of jail because we spend so much when they're in jail."
"We're going to do the Finland model. Sorry you don't like it you can leave."
"You can definitely afford to give everyone healthcare in this country."
"We need to be a country that takes care of people."
"I passed criminal justice reform to give former prisoners a second chance at life."
"At first, nobody was safe from the razor except for priests and peasants."
"We need to make sure that child care is universal and urgent. We need to begin to help all families who are going to get benefits from this program immediately."
"It's their least radio-friendly release to date and, in my opinion, their best and most ambitious release since 'Viva La Vida.'"
"Once you actually do something for the average American, it's hard to take it back."
"We're fighting to ensure that working families have access to paid family leave, reducing the cost of childcare."
"We need to be building the kind of housing that people can really afford."
"You give homeless people homes, their life tends to turn around, and it's cheaper than just cycling them through criminal justice and all this crap."
"We should help the people that can't help themselves, but we don't need to help the people that can."
"I think long term that there will have to be universal basic income."
"It may be dubbed the cash for criminals in the media because they will pay certain people $300 a month to avoid gun incidents."
"You both recognize that paid parental leave is good for everyone."
"Preventing activity seen as socially harmful could be a restriction on people's freedoms."
"The bill contains work requirements that do not include Medicaid."
"Universal basic income proposes that the government give every adult citizen a set amount of money on a regular basis."
"The dirty little secret of the Swedish model is that we don't squeeze the rich we squeeze the poor."
"I will keep men out of women's sports okay simple"
"How can you possibly Implement policies that are going to work for Working Class People if you've never met one?"
"Massachusetts is the only state in the country with a right to shelter law, which guarantees homeless families access to emergency shelter."
"We shall not demand special gains or privileges for any one group or occupation."
"Class should be prioritized over race in determining disadvantage."
"There's a better way than welfare, there's a better way than living your life in dependency on the government."
"It's very interesting how social distancing has come in as a policy. Aquarius social Saturn limitation, so social distancing and Aquarius energy in itself can be quite cool in it's very social, very egalitarian, very humanitarian."
"Drug addicts should be in treatment, not jail."
"A minimum entry fee to keep the ruffians out. Madness. Such a Victorian concept."
"We need policies that really disrupt poverty and not accommodate it."
"There is no one who wants to abolish interracial marriages."
"It really is the child tax credit alone is like, you know, a universal benefit for parents."
"Maybe just maybe we might want to do what every other major country on earth does."
"The government just ended homelessness in London... kind of a big deal."
"Policy should allow you to [live where you want], even if you have a job that you're not making like 250,000 a year."
"Basically what's gonna happen in Australia at the end of the year when we're all gonna be let out of stage four lockdown."
"California seeks gender-neutral displays in large stores."
"It's like we're in a science experiment, right? We're constantly going, 'Oh, does this work? Does it not work?' And Colorado is the best example of this."
"Education is better than incarceration in many cases."
"You do universal pre-K, you do free child care. If you want to support working-class families, these measures would be enormous."
"A good general rule should be de-platform people for intolerant Behavior not intolerant ideas."
"Universal basic income... it should be supplemental on top of our current social safety net programs."
"It costs more money to jail a person who's chronically homeless than it does to put that person connect that person to a social worker and put them in a home."
"Defunding the police, holding the entire police structure responsible for the actions of certain officers is wrong."
"Are you gonna fund adoption clinics? Are you gonna fund and make it possible for low income or single moms?"
"Universal policies will disproportionately help those who have been disproportionately harmed."
"There needs to be a more permanent Universal and comprehensive program that benefits everybody."
"According to a 2021 Pew Research poll 91 percent of Americans are in favor of legalizing cannabis."
"A universal basic income appeals immeasurably across demographics."
"The policies of big government of handouts have been destroying the black family."