
Spiritual Evolution Quotes

There are 175 quotes

"The universe is learning how to love itself. That's all that's happening. God is training itself to love itself with the ultimate conclusion being that once God has fully trained itself to love itself, it becomes its highest form, which is just love and God."
"This is the age of light. You've been training for this for lifetimes."
"The fourth density is what we're moving towards, and that is the cycle of love or understanding."
"Only those who learn to live in peace will pass to the higher realms of spiritual evolution."
"That process of head heart integration, Mind Body Spirit unification, I think is ultimately the evolution point of where we're headed as a human species."
"Instead of perceiving your reality as being third dimensional with fourth dimensional overlays, the fourth dimension becomes your primary reality."
"Uranus is always trying to move us to a higher state of being."
"Heart awakening worldwide becoming more powerful."
"We're stepping much more fully into our divinity, much more fully into our multi-dimensionality."
"We're becoming the light body, we're losing density."
"Humanity is facing a choice between moving forward in spiritual evolution or being chained to an artificial evolutionary track."
"This transition into the era of love and understanding."
"Ready or not, here it comes. Conscious evolution is happening."
"We are moving into this new age of consciousness."
"Purification is an ongoing process; it never ceases as evolution never halts."
"If enough of us can hold the frequency, we can help the whole of humanity jump through this timeline loop."
"This is the Consciousness shift we're talking about."
"Transformation is the very essence and definition of salvation."
"Evolution is God's desire. When we align with evolution, this is aligning with God's plan."
"They are allowing these abilities to come back, the psychic abilities to return and become amplified."
"People are moving into higher timelines physically; the paradigms will be shifting."
"The new Earth is created inside of you before it's created outside of you."
"Enlightenment could be seen as a kind of gradual process of crossing over from a personal sense of self to an impersonal sense of self."
"The will is the single measure of the rate and fastidiousness of the activation and balancing of the various energy centers... from the simple utilization of catalyst for evolution to the opening of the gateway to intelligent Infinity."
"2021 was actually the year when we started to separate these two worlds, the karmic story you were born to from the story you're born to live."
"Without Venus' energy, Earth would have no upwards Evolution."
"We're moving from third density to fourth density, where reality becomes much more magical."
"Eventually you won't need to Incarnate down there anymore because you'll remember who you are."
"The goal for all planetary evolution is to transform the lower nature of matter into a reflection of the higher light of the soul."
"The universe wants us to evolve and grow and expand. The whole reason we're here is to have more, be more, know more."
"Humanity's shift into unity consciousness is succeeding beyond the greatest expectations of heaven."
"Remember we are all here to evolve in love and spirituality."
"We are here to have conscious evolution, and that is exactly like how Evolution pushes forward is through Consciousness."
"We're moving into a higher Dimension higher Consciousness with love."
"The Chaser stops chasing, the runner starts to spiritually evolve."
"Separation for balance, allowing both twins to evolve spiritually."
"The critical aspect of this particular documentary is making the link between encountering extraterrestrial beings and the spiritual evolution of our human family."
"We are becoming love; we're supposed to evolve our consciousness."
"We're here to shift the collective from 3D to 5D. That's why we're here. And the way we do it is very unique, we each have our own way of doing it."
"We have been able to raise our consciousness sufficiently to create new timelines, higher timelines. We are continuing to do that all the time."
"The game is to experience Soul evolution in all its glory and all its darkness, and all of the first experience. It's all the story, and it's so beautiful and it's real."
"We have hundreds of thousands of years of development yet before we become angelic beings."
"The splitting of worlds: Some are ready to vibrate at a higher level, creating different versions of reality."
"We've really been in some deep themes in this lifetime that are ultimately supporting us in our souls' growth and evolution."
"I do believe that we are ascending ourselves into a new vibrational frequency."
"If you don't learn your lessons in the third dimension, you ascend into the fourth."
"Humanity has had the opportunity to step into our ascension process in a more whole and complete way."
"It's the end of sitting at the feet of a spiritual guru."
"It removes superstition and elevates society."
"Everybody becomes their own guru, and the spiritual teacher's role changes."
"The transformation was not just an intellectual one, it was deeply emotional and spiritual as well."
"We all incarnate through hundreds and thousands of lifetimes... the school of the third dimension."
"We are becoming more light beings as we move forwards."
"Once you transform earth and move into the golden age, it will alter the rest of the universe. It will take one or two thousand years for you to know the change that will move over the whole universe."
"There's nowhere to go, we're eventually gonna move into unity consciousness."
"We are being freed from the 3D Old Earth energy and we are moving into the Age of Aquarius."
"Humanity must level up their consciousness for long-term sustainable change."
"At this time, if this event occurs over a couple of years, the higher the lights you can attain in your body, the higher the level of heaven you can attain."
"That's where the opportunity is, my friends."
"The obsolete patterns of separation and duality from the old Earth have been dismantled."
"At the pinnacle of my evolution, I become love."
"The transformations and the ascensions never stop, you just keep getting higher and higher."
"Reincarnation is both about evolution and remembering our divine essence."
"We are going to see our multi-dimensionality emerging."
"We are going to become much more aware that we are multi-dimensional beings."
"Humanity and angels alike are on an evolutionary path, evolving back to higher planes."
"Don’t worry, this is only temporary, and according to the Angels its helping us to speed up our timeline for evolving into a higher level of consciousness that better understands and operates from our oneness with one another."
"We evolve through an inner process of transmutation... how we evolve."
"We're gonna see the Consciousness piece pick up more... Consciousness, the psychic piece, the experiencer piece."
"We're moving into a higher vibrational reality founded on unconditional love."
"The planet is ascending... Every universe has a Creator son."
"By raising the entire frequency of the planet... this will change the way people think."
"We may as well align it with the evolutionary Essence in the cosmos, which is Christ."
"There is a new world and a new reality being created right now, and the beings that elevate their Consciousness to a higher level will be able to experience heaven on Earth."
"As we move through an ascension process collectively, we move back into a new Lemuria."
"You have been around many lifetimes and have chosen to be reborn to evolve."
"Golden consciousness moves along this new earth trajectory carried contained and radiated by ever more individuals."
"Jesus was a very righteous human being who became the Son of God."
"All is quantumly shifting now to get up to speed with the light codes of the greater galaxy and infinite expanse of the all that is."
"We're going from third-dimensional density into fourth, fifth, and higher."
"Humanity is really going to rise up in that higher level of Consciousness."
"5D Earth is like stepping through a magical mirror into a new reality."
"I do truly believe that at one time in the future religion will fall away and through spirituality and true unconditional love for everyone will rise above all."
"Humanity is going through great shifts, the Ascension is happening."
"Just by seeing it from that through that lens we can upgrade to a newer template to a newer divine our new DNA."
"We are not involved in an abstract struggle to understand good and evil. We are rather ethical beings, spiritual entities who by being attracted to the polarity of our choice are assisting and accelerating our spiritual evolution."
"We're talking about the fourth density Earth, okay? We're talking about the higher Earth, the higher world."
"There is looking to be something like that of a mass Awakening to come together."
"Humanity is gradually moving towards higher love and higher consciousness."
"The human collective is shifting, integrating into higher states of consciousness."
"The Twin Flame is actually an activation relationship where it helps you spiritually evolve."
"Spirituality is definitely replacing religion each and every day."
"Advaita says, yes, you go from lifetime to lifetime. Then you attain spiritual evolution and you realize who you are and then you are free of this cycle."
"This connection is about spiritual evolution and healing."
"We're moving from the third to the fifth dimension together."
"When one tries to rise above nature, one is liable to fall below it. The highest type of man may revert to the animal if he leaves the straight road of destiny."
"Consider, Watson, that the material, the sensual, the worldly, would all prolong their worthless lives. The spiritual would not avoid the call to something higher. It would be the survival of the least fit."
"You've inspired this person to evolve spiritually."
"The more sentient or evolved souls are coming in, they're going to be the teachers of the new Earth."
"God will take something you used to enjoy and, through a set of circumstances and situations, snatch that thing from you, and you don't even want it no more. In fact, you will come out of a place of pleasure into a place of disgust."
"You've been questioning whether you've been evolving spiritually, but you really have. Get ready to harness your power and see the Divine in yourself and others."
"The age of Pisces kicked off a new cycle of understanding. A blueprint for future ages."
"Each lifetime is like a chapter in a book with its own set of characters, settings, and plots all designed to contribute to the Soul's larger story."
"it sees the low vibration and it blocks it it rejects it you know we're not we we're not ready so we come back samsara samsara samsara reincarnation until we get that to that level where we are actually consciously aware and know that there is more."
"The secret doctrine teaches the progressive development of everything, worlds as well as atoms."
"The real game is spiritual evolution, and that's why you will constantly attract... the people and circumstances to trigger that part of you."
"The spiritual evolution: rediscovering the greatest story ever told."
"Becoming an ascended Master means you are one of the most mature beings in the universe. It's not just a cool thing; you are serving billions of souls."
"It's just a revelation of my soul and evolution my spirit to rethink what I believe why believe it how those beliefs add to subtract from the quality of my life and the lives of those around me who are influenced."
"Your ancestors are proud of you for overcoming your shadow and continuously striving to evolve spiritually. Your strength and resilience are admirable."
"Therefore, we are nothing but created gods coming to be, becoming god in god."
"This is about evolving spiritually and spiritual wisdom."
"As a star seed, the path forward beckons not merely as a route to Traverse but as a Living testament to the evolution of your soul."
"I express my gratitude for my body, for myself, for the opportunity to continue my evolution as a multi-dimensional being in this realm."
"These aspects find us in order for us to grow our souls and to evolve and to eventually become enlightened."
"The goal is evolution of your own mind towards what some people believe is called God or the higher power."
"He linked it to the spiritual evolution of humanity."
"We all incarnate with the intention to evolve."
"Our primitive ancestors gradually passed from the worship of nature to the worship of spirits, from the recognition of visible forces to the acceptance of invisible causes behind these forces."
"...the meaning of life is that the Spiritual Beings to whom we look up as Divine beings shall gradually bring Humanity to the stage where it participates in the evolution of existence..."
"The spiritual gravity of love becomes so great that entities slowly begin to join with one another to form a larger entity called a social memory complex."
"When your soul gets to a certain level of understanding, it doesn't need to come back down here for the lessons anymore."
"More and more fully realize or express that intelligence that God is, until the point where they come to recognize that they are that intelligence."
"...a much brighter and more powerful Consciousness than that which prevails while we are in our physical body comes about between death and a new birth."
"...the world in which we live will follow its proper Evolution if human beings place themselves in the service of Christ."
"It is our task to work together on the perfecting of the earth because, according to the cosmic plan, this earth is not to remain as it is; it is to become a higher world."
"He is being changed from a mortal creature to a Divine Being."
"You are working upon your evolution, and from third density forward all evolution is spiritual."
"What if the qualities that we associate with spirit gradually evolved over an immensely long period of time?"
"The true power of our spiritual evolution lies not in the validation from the world around us, but from the deep, unshakable knowing within."
"The very fact that people will gain little pleasure from their evolution on the physical plane in future will increasingly lead them to see that further evolution must instead emerge from spiritual powers."
"A healthy body is probably the number one most important catalyst for spiritual evolution."
"True spiritual evolution is a matter of expanding one's range of influence, one's range of experience, to incorporate the full range of reality from unmanifest to manifest."
"We do not wish to return to animal forms; we wish to develop towards real human, Divine human, and then Divine Angelic human."
"The being that you are is about to transform to integrate itself in a higher plane."
"The plan of the higher worlds for world development is to guide evolution toward a modern spiritual life which will forge the future."
"Its will is for the divinization of life, the expression through it of a higher truth, its dedication to the divine and the eternal."
"Spirituality evolved until the birth of modern science; spirituality itself had led to the investigation to the meaning of life which led to scientific progress."
"The racial angels, when properly evolved, earn a seat at the sidereal round table."
"We all have Darkness and Light Within us, it's just the more spiritually evolved you are, you choose the light, you make good decisions."
"Ultimately, this Love 2.0 is what will bring consciousness and energy together."
"This is a spiritual evolution revolution."
"The journey of a Chela is a testament to the human potential for spiritual evolution and the quest for higher truth."
"The life divine is if we progressed, if we evolved in consciousness to the point that we could experience that and at the same time lead our lives."
"Society couldn't develop unless the individual went on that journey of spiritual evolution."
"You're evolving spiritually, your frequency is shifting."
"We are now getting ready to ascend back to our original form, which is Celestial, pure Angelic humanoid."
"The whole purpose of being a human being is to evolve spiritually, to evolve consciously, and to walk in love and light."
"The mind/body/spirit complex of third density has perhaps 100 times as intensive a program of catalytic action from which to distill distortions and learn teachings than any other of the densities."
"Overall, soulmates are here to help us evolve spiritually and vice versa."
"We are weaving with the light to become homoluminous, moving towards the light body."
"This tells me that this person changed, there is something about their spirituality that is evolving."
"You're going through a period of spiritual evolution, and you're changing your journey, and it's going to heighten your vibrations to be in a more positive frequency to attract more abundance."
"You've seen the signs that you are being changed and transformed."