
Libertarianism Quotes

There are 184 quotes

"I'm a libertarian in this respect, which means in exactly the same situation, at least two different alternative futures are possible."
"Libertarianism is centered around the principles of non-aggression and property rights."
"Countries and people, to me, are different things. As a libertarian, I prefer smaller organizations, co-ops, credit unions, people voluntarily joining communes, families."
"Why you hate America? No, how did the cigarette become a Libertarian symbol of individual liberty and personal responsibility?"
"The only real libertarian is one who believes they are not the only real libertarian."
"A Libertarian party that respects the rights of the individual, that enshrines the rights of the individual, guarantees them within the confines of the law, and recognizes they have to be threatening to those that would seek to destroy and steal the power from the people."
"The individual is the smallest minority and people have these rights and here's the Bill of Rights and we're going to war with Britain to secure them."
"I'm a libertarian. Do whatever it is that you want to do."
"I'm on the left libertarian quadrant of the political spectrum. I want everyone the freedom to pursue life, liberty, and happiness so long as they aren't infringing the rights of others."
"I think that if I take a moment to really evaluate, I'm probably a liberal, if not at least a libertarian."
"Valve is making an obviously pro-consumer and libertarian move in what they allow in the store."
"I firmly believe that libertarianism is excusable up until you work your first job. The moment you get a paycheck after working for eight hours a day, five days a week, two weeks in a row, and you look at that paycheck... the idea that the thing limiting you from doing what you want is rules, as opposed to the absence of resources which allow you to achieve what you want, is ridiculous."
"The battle for freedom now is between the authoritarians and the libertarian."
"I'm a libertarian at heart... it's about freedom and it's about freedom of choice for the individual, while still maintaining a community."
"Government is too big, too bossy, too nosy, and way too intrusive, and worst of all, it hurts those it tries to help." - Dr. Joe Jorgensen
"Freedom is our best option. Government is not the answer, no matter what the question is." - John Mons
"Our message to the government is simple it's time to meet peaceful people alone if you believe the government is so damn essential we have to go"
"Bioshock: critique of objectivist hyper-libertarianism."
"That's the great thing about being a Libertarian when you're a Libertarian you let people do the things that they want to do."
"Libertarianism places a very high threshold on when violence is acceptable."
"The beating heart of the Republican Party is libertarian ideology."
"Libertarianism historically hasn't been fronted very aggressively by the most moneyed classes in society because this wouldn't be good for corporations either."
"Libertarianism is the strongest sense of please do what you want, try not to hurt me."
"Libertarianism is simply the rejection of the use of force."
"The libertarian ideology has been pulling mainstream politics to the right."
"Libertarianism means liberal. Libertarian simply means I'm fiscally conservative and I'm socially liberal."
"Libertarianism is the unrestricted respect for the life project of others based on the principle of non-aggression in defense of the right to life, liberty, and property."
"Libertarianism is going to keep growing because it's the only system that makes sense."
"The market will fix everything and should fix everything."
"I'm a libertarian. I believe the government that governs best governs least."
"The best government is one small enough that they can't affect you in every way."
"I've become more libertarian... less friendly toward government intrusion."
"The best way to know that you're an actual libertarian is another libertarian says you're not a real libertarian. That's right."
"I am all for live and let live and for individual action as opposed to state coercion."
"We don't need a bunch of government bureaucrats telling us what shall not be infringed means in our constitutional rights."
"I'm a libertarian who does not give a shit about who you are or what you do it's none of my business as long as you stay off my lawn."
"And the idea that the Confederate States of America had in any sense a libertarian form of government is frankly laughable."
"My view is government is there to protect individual rights. Otherwise, leave you alone."
"A government that protects individual rights properly is a government that leaves you alone to live your life as you see fit."
"Trust is for naive people. On the government, we don't trust; we keep them limited and constrained in power."
"Part of being a libertarian, just holding that ideology, a lot of people make memes about this [ __ ], but honestly the core of libertarianism is this sense of like, 'Leave me the [ __ ] alone.'"
"Freedom isn't freedom, freedom is my ideas... libertarian."
"Libertarianism has one fundamental principle: non-aggression."
"Americans, I know, I'm very American in that sense. This country is literally founded on 'you can't tell me what to do, don't tread on me.'"
"If you're not a libertarian, you're not paying attention because the market has worked and brilliantly."
"I think at the end of this, if you're not a libertarian, you're not paying attention because the market has worked and brilliantly."
"It's very, very easy to be a libertarian when you're wealthy... that's easy."
"I'm not a big fan of Amazon, but let me ask you this: how do you juxtapose libertarianism with the idea of liberty?"
"I don't think there's no right or wrong answer for this."
"The libertarian party is on your side, that you know best what's best for you not the politicians and special interests in Washington."
"The libertarian party will be around for a while and our ideas will endure."
"I don't go with pragmatic arguments at all. My whole take on libertarianism is simply that I don't know what's best for other people."
"Bitcoin is a libertarian idea and I think it's an individualism movement."
"The goal ought to be as voluntary a society as possible."
"Libertarians are supposed to believe in limited government."
"Decentralization is the future for all of this right, and that's much more of a libertarian sort of bottom-up way of looking at the internet rather than these big companies telling us what to do."
"People should be able to do whatever they like as long as it doesn't hurt anybody."
"Libertarians is predicated on two things: the non-aggression principle and private property rights."
"Let's be libertarians...let's let people do what people are gonna do."
"Libertarian ideology in essence is: don't hurt people, don't take their stuff, you can do whatever you want to do in your space."
"I'm not a liberal either and like many of my viewers I am politically homeless I suppose I'm the closest to libertarian."
"Libertarianism and populism are inseparable."
"The only answer is to drastically reduce the size and scope of government. That's the solution."
"Libertarians have something important to offer in an important insight to offer."
"Libertarians, the crypto libertarians might save us after all."
"It's frustrating to me because I believe in the power of the individual. I'm a libertarian in many respects like that. I believe that people can make intelligent decisions and be the driving force of influence in a positive way in their own lives."
"Where would we be without Murray Rothbard? Would we have the hardcore anti-war anti-intervention strain in this movement? I think it's doubtful if it hadn't been for Rothbart."
"People should be able to live without interference from the government."
"Let people make decisions for themselves. Government just needs to get out of the way."
"My favorite part about the show is how they're all Libertarians but really that just means they read Ayn Rand."
"Government should be small enough to drown in the bathtub."
"Murray Rothbard the anarco capitalist was born."
"The basis of libertarianism... peaceful cooperation between people."
"Libertarianism is you can be as liberal or as conservative as you want to be just don't force your views on others."
"I just want to govern the government and leave the people alone."
"The libertarian position always stakes out a pretty unique position about personal responsibility and personal freedom."
"You've been bamboozled, Rothbard says, and it's the role of the libertarian thinker to de-bamboozle society."
"And in reaching out to the public, I can tell you, there is no better de-bamboozling institution, anywhere in the world, than the Mises Institute."
"Sound money, limited government, individual freedom... might be the thing that wins in the end."
"I woke up that morning, I thought we were going to have like this interesting debate and it devolved into craziness."
"The best thing about libertarians is that we are... better liberals than the liberals and better conservatives than the conservatives."
"You can generate enthusiasm and interest... by preaching a pure libertarian message."
"Libertarianism means you make a small government and if the government is small who's going to do the planning because every economy's plan."
"Child brides are like literally ninety percent of why people become libertarian."
"A statist is someone who wants to give more power to the government and take power away from the people."
"The only kind of socialism... is one or another variety of libertarian socialism."
"I think one of the greatest services of Hoppe and 'Democracy: The God That Failed' is that it allowed Libertarians to say, 'No, you can actually interact with a much broader history.'"
"I think a lot of the aesthetic of libertarianism just comes from this viscerally correct disgust with the way Washington works."
"Nobody's got a right to rule over you, I don't care if it's a person or a group of people."
"The interest in libertarianism is so much greater among the young than it is among the old."
"Libertarianism doesn't mean allowing authoritarians to do whatever they want. That's not what libertarianism means."
"The freer the markets, the freer the people."
"Every year when I pay taxes, I become a Libertarian for a second."
"The government that governs least governs best."
"I just want libertarians to be political and their one objective is to influence government to be smaller, less spending, less tax. That's what I want. That is the answer."
"The conservative base in the United States wants freedom of the individual, they're libertarian in origin."
"The irony of this all is that libertarians can look back and see a liberal ancestor in John Locke fighting the government."
"I chose Nevada because of its libertarian viewpoints. It played a small role in why I chose Nevada as a resident."
"We're just trying to normalize the very basic libertarian, very basic concept of freedom of doing whatever the hell you want as long as it doesn't hurt anybody else."
"I'm a libertarian. If there's a demand for pornography and people are prepared to meet that demand, who are we to stand in the way of market mechanisms?"
"The key feature of a libertarian view is that you should be free to do what you want provided you don't prevent other people from doing the same thing."
"A libertarian wants the smallest, least intrusive government consistent with a maximum freedom for each individual to follow his own values."
"Charles Koch wants Republicans to be libertarian and back off the private enterprise."
"The good [ __ ] that's the libertarian stuff I right there."
"If there is going to be a left that survives it has to be liberal in our sense and it has to be libertarian."
"Unlike Marxist socialism, which mostly appealed to urban intellectuals and urban laborers, the libertarian wing of socialism had massive support among peasants and wage workers alike."
"I'm someone on the libertarian side of things. My impulse is to have minimal government. I think so many of the problems of the 20th century have resulted from a government that's too large and too powerful."
"I think he was a libertarian...there was a clear connection between the extraordinary life this man led and the poetry that he wrote."
"You meet a libertarian under the age of 40 and ask them how did you get there most of them will say Ron Paul."
"Classical libertarian thought leads directly to libertarian socialism or anarchism when combined with an understanding of industrial capitalism."
"In order to establish, maintain, and defend a libertarian social order, more is needed than the mere adherence to the non-aggression principle."
"In a libertarian world, the nuclear family is going to be incredibly strong."
"Libertarians represent a moderate, reasonable middle-of-the-road stance."
"The clear social preference is in favor of the basic libertarian norm."
"Libertarian essentially means believing in the free market, in a small state, in fewer regulations, in lower taxes."
"I wanted institutions to be created in a libertarian way and confederated, well-structured, and well-defined."
"I have a feeling... that the way the government has handled this recent situation... has just minted about 50 million brand-new libertarians."
"Less government and letting us control our own destiny is the right way to get things done properly."
"The greatest challenge for libertarians is to develop a grand historical narrative, to counter and correct the so-called Whig theory of history."
"I am a libertarian at heart, which is I think a smaller government gives people the ability to have more of their individual freedom."
"Libertarians taking over the world to leave you the heck alone."
"A libertarian society says those that are able to help generally will, especially in a time of stress."
"Libertarianism is about you can do anything that doesn't hurt somebody else."
"I like libertarianism in principle... if we were a better species, so to speak, then it would probably work marvelously."
"We want less government, not more, we want the individual to make decisions for themselves."
"Economic libertarianism believes that public health powers interfere with free enterprise."
"I'm a true libertarian, let them do it, it's not my business to tell anybody what they can and cannot do."
"Like Rothbard, we want to de-bamboozle the public, we want to tell them the whole truth about the state, come what may."
"The basic libertarian sentiment of much of the public is now free to move again."
"Tremendous real world opportunities for freedom and for libertarianism."
"Bitcoin as currency on the Internet, peer-to-peer managed by the participants, is the perfect libertarian solution to the money enigma."
"The state ought to get out of the way as much as humanly possible to allow people to live their lives in accordance with their values and what they see fit."
"Libertarians don't look to the government to fix what ails us."
"Libertarians tend to just be people who take incentives seriously and second order impacts like unintended consequences."
"You cannot have freedom, you cannot have anything that resembles libertarian principles of individual liberty, individual dignity, individual responsibility without market freedoms."
"Libertarians start they look through the lens of individual freedom."
"Any state more extensive than the minimal state violates people's rights."
"Washington is a very government-centric city, which is not always the easiest place to be for a libertarian."
"Issues are probably the fastest way that Libertarians can get involved."
"Libertarians and libertarianism is a place of ideas."
"The libertarian to authoritarian axis represents the power gap distance between students and the instructor."
"An extremely libertarian instructor is socially equal to their students and merely has the added responsibility of directing class."
"I'm a Libertarian socialist first and foremost."
"Libertarians believe that people should have the right to pursue their goals as long as they don't harm others."
"The best government is the least government."
"Malcolm X was actually a Libertarian, probably an anarchist if he'd had a little bit more chance to read stuff."
"It seems to me that in general, the libertarian answers to most questions appeal to me more than do any of those of any alternative ideology I've come across."
"You may not have a simple, straightforward axiomatic system; you may make some mistakes, and that's not a reason for not being a libertarian."