
Nirvana Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"Samsara and nirvana are positive existences in the unlimited space of awareness."
"If you let go of all of them, you're completely free, and you can enter Nirvana because you're done."
"In Buddhism, souls are reincarnated over and over again... Once you live a life free from desire, attachment, and ignorance, you can escape the cycle of reincarnation and reach nirvana."
"These brief, transitory instances that we get to peek at Nirvana."
"From the perspective of a fully enlightened being, like a Buddha, this world and Nirvana are really one and the same."
"Every time you do that, you find out what the monks and nuns experience, when you stop all this wanting you find the deepest meaning of life, stillness, peace of mind, nirvana."
"You don't get nirvana by running after it. You get it through stopping."
"Buddhism, more than a religion, is a philosophy or a path whose final and only aim is to reach nirvana, the negation of all causes of suffering, dissatisfaction, and illness."
"Nirvana is the sigh of relief, the expiration or desperation, in other words, the giving up of the attempt to clutch at life."
"Nirvana is the state of being let go, it is a state of consciousness."
"Even now in 2022, there are 20-year-olds who love Nirvana."
"We're Nirvana, and you're watching 120 minutes on MTV."
"Nirvana: transcending the senses for ultimate liberation."
"You're from heaven actually, you're from nirvana."
"To the fans, this thing just represents driving Nirvana on four wheels."
"By letting go of all desires, the Buddhist achieves nirvana, the extinguishment of all desire and clinging."
"Many of you could receive some spiritual Liberation Maka and Nirvana that is going to feel very light for your heart and very healing for your soul."
"If you call it Leela, then there is no samsara and no nirvana, and they both are the same."
"To attain Nirvana is to pass away."
"When you realize that everything changes and find your composure in it, there you find yourself in nirvana."
"One day out of nowhere, the ego mind, it just completely vanishes for a while and this can last anywhere from minutes to days. And you're in this deep state of Nirvana."
"Nirvana has 31 million monthly listeners... it's because of songs like this that stay in people's ears."
"Life is suffering. You reach the climax of nirvana."
"Nirvana is so open and joyful, it is so much more than any of the small pleasures we grasp after."
"Nirvana were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2014."
"One popular application of this particular effect was with the band Nirvana, and Kurt Cobain was always a huge fan."
"Nirvana's 'Come as You Are' - that droning kind of guitar tone and you hear all that movement of the actual strings, it just sounds so huge."
"Organizing is like my dopamine High, my Nirvana."
"The path to Nirvana: give up the idea of self, give up the illusion of soul."
"the fact that they took a Nirvana song it made it slow and dreary and I think it worked for the movie"
"Nirvana means basically snuffing out of all the agitating, distracting and negative impulses from the mind."
"...nirvana, it's kind of that place where you exist where you're neither sort of in heaven or earth or just kind of in this place of bliss."
"Nirvana was so huge it was like a gravitational force for everything else, you know what I mean?"
"I sadly do know because I'm a massive Nirvana fan. He did wear dresses, but that's because he wanted to break gender roles."
"Tad got just as much ink and attention as Nirvana did."
"All living beings will eventually be led by me to the final nirvana."
"Nirvana means the extinction of all notions including the notions of birth and death, being and non-being."
"The ultimate goal of Buddhism is to gain enlightenment, nirvana."
"To understand what 'unlimited games but no games' is, that is to reach nirvana in some ways."
"They both lead towards enlightenment, which is the goal here, in nirvana."
"The goal is to become enlightened, so you can realize nirvana."
"Buddha's teaching has been compared to rafts crossing the sea of suffering to reach the shores of Nirvana."
"The ultimate nature of mind, when all obscurations have been eliminated, is nirvana."
"Nirvana and we've made this reverence several times... they were a game changer in a lot of ways."
"We can free the suffering, nirvana, freedom, liberation actually there with us."
"Through seeing impermanence, the mind doesn't cling; when it doesn't cling, it is not agitated; when it is not agitated, it personally experiences nirvana, the coolness."
"This is basically the best realm to gain enlightenment, to realize nirvana."
"The goal of all Buddhists is to try to attain Nirvana."
"There's AI that started writing music... it sounds like Nirvana."
"When they do not cling, they are not agitated; when they are not agitated, they attain Nirvana."
"Safe points are like Samsara or Dukkha in that we would like to get rid of them to reach Nirvana."
"Nirvana is the coolness of letting go, the delight of experience when there is neither grasping nor resistance."
"This to me is driving perfection, driving nirvana."
"This image of the reclining Buddha represents the entry of Buddha into Nirvana and the end of all reincarnations."
"The Buddhist faith calls it Nirvana, that is extinction."
"What band did Dave Grohl play drums for before forming the Foo Fighters? Nirvana."
"All those 100 million people would attain Nirvana."
"This moment might not have seemed perfect to some people, but for me, this moment was pure Nirvana."
"That initial experience is an experience of nirvana or nibbana."
"Because there is a most wonderful way to help living beings realize purification, overcome directly grief and sorrow, end pain and anxiety, travel the right path, and realize nirvana."
"They eventually realized nirvana, transforming all their suffering into joy and purity."
"These are basically representing Nirvana, there's all these sters and bells and there's actually Buddhas inside."
"You can achieve through sustained effort some semblance of nirvana, a state of self-realization and total liberation from all the sufferings."
"Seizing of the five aggregates is Nirvana."
"Nirvana is actually living with equanimity and it can be in this very lifetime."
"He's attained Nirvana; he's reached the alignment point within himself."
"Consciousness of any form is suffering, and nirvana is the cessation of suffering."
"The mind attains to Nirvana; birth is no more, for desire is no more."
"The state of Nirvana is being within being; you're not yourself, you're part of the whole."
"Nirvana then is liberation, is freedom."
"Nirvana defined a moment, a movement for outsiders."
"Nirvana... they knocked down all those barriers."
"Kurt Cobain was the soul of Nirvana in terms of his songwriting and his artistic vision."
"Nirvana were one of a dozen bands that were on the rise in '88 and '89."
"The real liberation is the attainment of Nirvana."
"The mind breaks through to the perception of Nirvana, the realization of the unconditioned."
"Samsara, this wheel of suffering, all of a sudden that's nirvana; it's the same thing."
"The round of birth and death comes to an end and there comes the liberation into that ultimate state of freedom which is nirvana."
"It's possible to reach a state of perfect unconditioned happiness and peace, and that is what we call Nirvana."
"When the self is abandoned, illusion becomes the same as nirvana."
"Everyone should follow their own path to achieve Moksha or Nirvana."
"Nirvana Nevermind going to number one is probably it."
"The Buddha described nirvana as a state of perfect peace of mind, free from doubt, fear, ignorance, greed, and hatred, and all other afflictive states."
"The ultimate goal of Buddhism is Nirvana, where all cravings and desires have ended, and the mind and soul have merged with unconscious infinity, losing all personality and self-awareness."
"Nirvana means to blow out a candle; blow it out, that's it, that's all you need."
"The mind becomes fully purified and when the mind is fully purified, then one gains the final goal of the Buddha's teaching which is nirvana or nibbana, the state of ultimate liberation."
"20 years ago today Nirvana's Nevermind was released and everything changed."
"The state of final deliverance is called in Pali Nibbana, in Sanskrit Nirvana, which means the extinguishing of the flame of craving."
"The mind is withdrawn from thought and feeling by aesthetic exercise with the goal of Nirvana."
"Stretching towards nirvana, are you down dog with asana?"
"When Nirvana came out, it pretty much changed music and culture all at the same time."
"Nirvana is the ultimate goal of Buddhist teaching, which basically means breaking free from all worldly desire."
"...one of the five Immortals who achieved that in Nirvana the state beyond the karmic cycle or samsara within Buddhist cosmology..."
"...when achieving Nirvana one becomes all-knowing Unbound from reality they control the positive and negative energies and elements known as yin and yang."
"Nirvana, extinction, it's everything you ever wanted and it's nothing you ever thought you'd have."
"For Buddhists, the goal is to try to break out of this cycle and to achieve nirvana."
"Fundamentally we are all completely healthy; this health has many different names in different schools of Buddhism, one which we all know of course is Nirvana."
"Nirvana is not a separation of any kind; it is an expansion to embrace everything."
"To way to solve this problem is to get rid of your desires and achieve a state of nirvana."
"He said that humanity must rip matter apart, break away from matter, and transcend to the state of nirvana."
"The subjugation of becoming means Nirvana, i.e., Liberation."
"You're on your first step to Nirvana because you know that's what you want to learn about."
"This is the wisdom that lifts you from this world of desire to that state of mind called Nirvana."
"To get rid of your desires and achieve a state of nirvana is the teaching of Buddha."
"Somebody's in a state of nirvana here, they got some sort of enlightenment."