
Spiritual Knowledge Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"You become infinite by this knowledge. You realize your infinity."
"You don't need to know what's going on if you know who he is."
"Guru Nanak Dev ji did not believe in God, Guru Nanak Dev ji knew God, and there's a very big difference."
"Ketu gives the person a thrust of knowledge, enlightenment through spiritual knowledge."
"The legend of the phoenix is highly symbolic and has its roots in mysticism, which, in antiquity, referred to the belief that spiritual or divine knowledge was accessible directly."
"The greatest knowledge that a man can possess is knowledge of God."
"Knowledge comes in different ways, and a spiritual event, though more subtle than its physical equivalent, leaves a more lasting impression."
"The subconscious or spiritual forces impart knowledge and wisdom."
"Walk in the fullness of the knowledge of our Master and let your mind be set free."
"As much as there are people knowledgeable of worldly things, what's coming is non-worldly."
"If you want to know about the Unseen World, open up the Quran."
"Gnosis, a profound understanding and spiritual knowledge, is presented in the Gospel of Thomas as an attainable goal for anyone."
"Knowledge is light that Allah places in our hearts, vision, and hearing."
"Jesus knows us better than we know ourselves."
"Allah knows best, it is a gray area but it is possible for the dead to be aware."
"Knowing the benefits of this that I cannot die makes me Fearless."
"In the end, it is this awesome knowledge of knowing Jesus."
"Do you know Him? Are you sure that you know Him?"
"And that's going to come through getting the knowledge of God."
"Many people just don't truly know him, they know of him, they're like a fan of him."
"The knowledge of God will cover the earth like the waters cover the sea."
"The anointing gives you the ability to know and do God's will."
"The Lord has reserved a special knowledge for his servants."
"We've forgotten the wisdom of the womb we've forgotten the wisdom of the woman."
"God in me always knows, intelligence being infinite is never at a loss to know what to do."
"This gospel emphasizes the importance of secret knowledge, predation the key to salvation."
"All things that pertain to life and godliness given to us through a knowledge of Jesus."
"It is given to you to know the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven."
"Revelation and knowledge are given to us to escape corruption."
"Jesus wants us to know who He is and what He can do."
"People know Jesus but don't know the Spirit. They don't understand His attributes."
"Allah knows us better than we know ourselves."
"Knowing God's word is the first step of knowing His voice."
"The word for all of us is Jesus. He is prophecy revealed, He is the Word of Knowledge, He is everything you need."
"Each one of us has the potential to access the ancient knowledge that allows the true alchemist to perform the miracles of transmutation."
"The most important knowledge is to know God."
"Ignorance is the problem, knowledge that you are Brahman is the solution."
"Saint Augustine said we also have to read the book of nature at the same time."
"It is his pleasure to give you the mysteries of the kingdom."
"Allow yourself to continue knowing what you know about this connection even in times of chaos or confusion."
"You've got to be lit up with the knowledge of God."
"The goal of this gnosis is to discover this true inner reality which also gives us an insight into the very universe."
"Salvation according to the Book of John isn't achieved through obedience to this God or worship or even Faith it's achieved through knowledge through understanding the true nature of ourselves and our place in the cosmos."
"Your relationship with the word of God will tell you a lot about whether you know God or not."
"It's not just knowing His word, but knowing His ways and being aware of the devil's schemes."
"The word of knowledge is the supernatural acquisition of knowledge."
"The Cabalian, the spiritual laws of the Universe."
"Gnosis derives from the Greek word for knowledge, knowledge of what we are to realize our own divinity."
"Only those who are insiders, who are really Gnostics, know the secret."
"Read Dion Fortune's 'The Mystical Kabbalah' and David Godwin's 'The Kabbalistic Encyclopedia'."
"Your soul knows no religion, it knows spirituality."
"Everything really is connected... The information in the ancient secret of the flower of life... is true."
"When you know the word of God on a high level, the snake is not going to waste his time trying to deceive you because he knows you're demon-proof."
"You can have a lot of knowledge up here but if you don't know Jesus you're not saved."
"We want to know God, and the best way to know God is to first know about God."
"To be filled with the fullness of God is to know the love of God that's in Christ Jesus."
"The wisdom of God, the knowledge of God, is the most precious thing in the world today."
"Love seems almost a lost art, but the man with the knowledge of spiritual law knows it must be regained."
"So, when we look at spiritual knowledge, is it information? No. It can't be through words, right? Let's just go by a process of elimination. We could have infinite information and never reach spiritual knowledge."
"Indeed, the knowledge that matters, the knowledge that settles and sanctifies the human heart, and the knowledge that prompts purity and motivates one to selfless service, is the knowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Savior of humankind."
"Divine or Selfless Love is not a mere sentiment or emotion, it is a state of knowledge which destroys the Dominion of evil and the belief in evil."
"Pre-existence then in his argument represents not the consequence of reflection, it's the very precondition for the possibility of attaining to any spiritual knowledge we have."
"The Holy Spirit knows everything about everything, and He has committed Himself to be your teacher."
"This is revealed truth you couldn't work out, but we're called to know God better."
"Those who know Brahman attain immortality."
"We have the opportunity to dive into the Quran and really understand what the Quran is trying to say. Armed with the Quranic methodology, we can extract all sorts of knowledge and make ourselves available to receive guidance directly from Allah."
"We study the Word primarily in order to know Him."
"To you has been given the secret of the kingdom of God."
"To know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God."
"You don't need more power; you need more understanding of what you've got and how to release it."
"Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them."
"That you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding."
"When the Holy Spirit comes, He will enlighten our mind with the light of knowledge of eternal things."
"Knowing God is salvation; entering His presence is salvation."
"Here knowledge of the higher worlds can only be achieved at all by means of imagination."
"Until knowing the love of Christ which is beyond all knowledge, you are filled with the utter fullness of God."
"Let me connect above and below, let the knowledge of my ancestors flow."
"Heaven is going to be the unending unfolding of knowing Him."
"We long to know Him completely because we have come to know Him in part."
"By the power of the Holy Ghost you may know the truth of all things."
"Bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God."
"Going to sleep with knowledge of what God wants from you is better than prayer in ignorance."
"We believe that God will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God."
"Thou art truth, thou art the eternal, and he who knoweth thee liveth in thy light."
"I want to know you Lord, not just about you."
"I might know Him, and the power of His resurrection."
"To know the love of Christ which passes all knowledge."
"God is love; anyone who does not know love does not know God, because God is love."
"To you, it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God."
"The Upanishads don't inspire you to action, they are telling you something about yourself."
"It's been given to you to understand the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven."
"The most profound form of knowledge is spiritual knowledge, and spiritual knowledge is not an abstract concept; it's a felt experience."
"Brahma Vidya means the knowledge of Brahman, or the knower of Brahman, the Ultimate Reality."
"What is the king of knowledge? The most important secret of all secrets? It is knowledge of the eternal soul and how to live in this world in such a way that we do not become further entangled in its complexities."
"God has not told us everything about him; however, he has told us certain things."
"Those who know this self as Brahman, as pure as the infinite existence, consciousness, bliss, become immortal."
"We pull from the Akasha because the great ones already placed all of the formulas for life into the Akasha by their thoughts."
"We need not merely cleverness with which to gain a real insight into spiritual knowledge, but we need above all and with the greatest urgency the qualities of liveliness, enthusiasm, fire, and warmth in those human souls who are the recipients of these spiritual gifts."
"For this is life eternal, that we might know God and his son."
"What I am sharing with you is a divine secret, the most enlightening knowledge of this universe."
"Knowledge, truth, and bliss that follows both, knowledge I am Brahman, reveals to you that I am this infinite existence, consciousness, bliss."
"Once I did not know Christ, now I know Him as my savior."
"The higher knowledge is that by which the ultimate reality is realized."
"The real opportunity of life as we know it is to transcend, to experience transcendental knowledge."
"The pupil rises from imaginative knowledge to direct knowledge of the spiritual realm."
"The knowledge of God is a key in the spirit Realm."
"Ask for an interior knowledge of so much good received, so that entirely filled with gratitude, I may be able in all to love and serve His divine majesty."
"Bliss, bliss everyone proclaims, but bliss is only known through the Guru."
"The beneficial knowledge is the knowledge that gets us closer to Allah."
"You can never know God's power until you know God's love."
"A Satguru is one who has full knowledge of himself."
"Right knowledge leads to the realization of this identity between the Atman and the Brahman."
"The knowledge of God's son is what God wants; He wants people who will know Jesus and make Him known."
"Thanks be to God who always leads us in Triumph in Christ and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge everywhere."
"Spiritual knowing is necessary for those who want to recognize anything worthwhile today."
"Freedom is found in knowing the one who set you free."
"The earth is about to see the knowledge of the glory of God cover her like the waters do the sea."
"The kind of spiritual knowledge and awakening which is possible in bhu-loka is unbelievable."
"Grace and peace will be multiplied to you in the knowledge of our God and Savior Jesus Christ."
"Knowledge participates of the heart, not this physical heart, not the emotional heart, but the spiritual heart."
"God come clothe his people with light, which is knowledge, wisdom, understanding."
"The actual meaning of Shiva's third eye is it's an eye of knowledge."
"Ignorance, we see the world; in knowledge, we see Brahman."
"I realized that he was not an ordinary person but a man far different from the ordinary run of men who profess to know about such spiritual things."
"I don't read my Bible to know about Him; I read my Bible to know Him."
"Feelings are for baby Christians; you don't need to feel, you need to know God is with you."