
Societal Health Quotes

There are 181 quotes

"We do have mental health issues, but really, I believe it's a moral health issue."
"We are healthier than we've ever been but more afraid of disease than ever."
"Hard work works, and in fact, the degree to which hard work works is actually one metric of the health of a society."
"The truth is in a healthy society the way you would measure a successful society would be how emotionally intelligent people are."
"Rebuilding social Connection in America... is vital to all of society."
"A vibrant society depends on more than having the structure of a liberal democracy; important though that is, we also need the moral resources to accomplish what procedural mechanisms of separation of powers or majority rule or judicial review can't alone provide."
"A society that expects men and women to become complementary parts of a fuller whole is a better society and a more healthy society."
"The only cure to OnlyFans is a healthy society, and to cure a sick society, we have to cure ourselves."
"When we can't laugh anymore, we're in serious trouble."
"It's good for society and for the health of our discourse that there are controversial topics discussed and that those things are discussed and challenged openly."
"Healthy conversations are good. Different ideas are good."
"We are individually very unhealthy as a result of all of this technological progress... we are physiologically unhealthy, we are socially unhealthy."
"Without a healthy media, we're in trouble, and we don't have one."
"If telling the truth is controversial, then we're in real bad shape as a people."
"A society is only as good as our citizenship, our active citizenship."
"Dissent is very important... societies that try to suppress dissent die."
"I thank God I'm grateful that I live in a society where vaccines are possible and we can protect ourselves."
"Healthy societies exist to serve the human beings within them."
"Healthy societies are unapologetically free."
"You can't have a healthy and prosperous business if the society that you're operating in is not also healthy and prosperous."
"The higher the religiosity, the lower the rates of these social health measures."
"Nations do not die from invasion; they die from internal rotteness." - Abraham Lincoln
"A good strong law and order system in a nation is kind of a prerequisite for a thriving society."
"The best measure of the health of our constitutional republic is the percentage of people who feel free to say what they actually think in public."
"Paid parental leave has a positive impact on societal health, on individual health, on parent health and on childhood health."
"Free speech is what keeps our society transparent."
"I just worry that, sure there's maybe 10% of the population are exquisitely healthy."
"When only a small fraction of society has optimal levels of the disease, that's the actual crisis."
"There's something to be said for protagonists like Joel from The Last of Us."
"We need mental health care, we can't disaggregate mental health care from regular health care."
"A system like that is the enemy of a healthy society. Any economic system that weakens and destroys families is not worth having."
"Societies are healthy and prosperous to the degree that they run on trust."
"Would a nation in which all is well have elected Donald Trump?"
"It's no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society."
"A good work-life balance is important for the individual, for the company, and for society."
"Our freedom is dependent upon a well-informed populace."
"What's at stake really is not just the protection of minority opinions; it's really the public good of a citizenry who know how to restrain themselves when they hear things they don't like."
"For a healthy society, it's not enough for us just to have laws and to prosecute our rights under those laws."
"It's as important to them as winning is—owning the libs. It's so unhealthy, just for us, you know, all of us for Humanity. It is an unhealthy way to live."
"It's good for our personal well-being but it's also extremely important for the well-being of society and of the world as a whole."
"We have a real problem with the health of our democracy."
"This isn't about class warfare. This is about the nation's welfare."
"A country that spends all its time talking about politics is already so thoroughly sick."
"A society where everyone is forced to think the same is not a healthy society."
"A tree rots from its roots. If a country is likened to a large tree and its roots are rotten, how can one expect its branches to be healthy?"
"A society that meets people's basic needs... will be a safer society."
"A healthy society is one that allows its citizens to guide themselves to pursue a life of virtue and wisdom."
"They're younger, healthier, they have access to really good treatment."
"We really have to stop creating so many sick people."
"The best measure of the health of our society... it's the percentage of people who feel free to say what they actually think in public."
"Freedom of speech is a requirement for a fully healthy functioning society."
"A faith-based society is going to be a lot more robust and healthy."
"If we can prioritize that way both as men and women we will be much happier and our society will be much healthier."
"Free speech is important for a healthy democracy."
"Free speech is crucial to a progressive flourishing society."
"We know that no society can thrive or potentially even continue to exist if it ignores the rights of half of its population."
"We must confront it now, prevent it, and give it no space to grow."
"In talking about morality and human values, I think we really are talking about mental health and the health of societies."
"If we do not foster a society of free speech, a society in which we are able to openly communicate with each other, we are in a sense swimming against this foundational reality."
"National prosperity defined by full stomachs, decent clothing, and happy families."
"The population isn't healthy if things are too easy to achieve."
"Privacy is an innate right, it's an innate function of a healthy society."
"Recently a study was published that showed that 88% of Americans are in poor metabolic health."
"The system that we're living in right now is designed to hurt us."
"It's about being intelligent and realizing what it takes to have a sustainable culture."
"There's no way to have a collective Society that's healthy without having an individual that's healthy."
"Truth, freedom, and health are very powerful but simple concepts."
"In a free society, prevention is more profitable than cure."
"Trust is essential for a successful democracy."
"The most Stark metric that exists in a civilized society is this: Are we living or are we dying?"
"Life expectancy has been dropping in the United States."
"The fact that people want to riot is a sign of an unhealthy society but the fact that people are able to riot is the sign of a healthy one."
"Authenticity does win out, this idea that anybody who disagrees with you has to be censored is bad for the country."
"It's healthy to have different opinions because if we were all the same or we all thought in the same tunnel vision the world would be such a boring place."
"We would be in a much healthier society if we had somewhat more skepticism, somewhat more misinformation, somewhat more crazy conspiracy theories."
"It should be interactive. That's the way that's actually the healthiest for society."
"I think it's good for young people to have something to rebel against, a society is dead when young people no longer surprise you."
"Freedom of thought, inquiry, discussion, expression... is to intellectual life what oxygen is to biological life."
"Societies that actually can talk about their problems tend to do better."
"Trump is the moment where we realize we have cancer."
"Different people see the world differently, and that's okay."
"Demolition Man beautifully demonstrates how essential individual liberty is to a healthy society."
"Free speech to be free must be completely free."
"No free speech, no free mind, no free society."
"Businesses cannot thrive in a world that's failing."
"Life expectancy stalled since 2010, chronic diseases on the rise."
"The family: God's ultimate solution to humanity's social ills."
"What could be more indicative of a failure of American's institutions than its citizenry having less and less time on this earth?"
"Because a lot of these issues with body composition are not issues with body fat we are not over fat we are under-muscled as a society."
"A healthy love for our faith, our family, and our country is essential for preserving our freedoms and values."
"A permanent lockdown is not a viable path forward and would ultimately inflict more harm than it would prevent."
"We're facing a crisis right now in this nation and Mark said it beautifully, the nation is burning not because of the political structure. The nation is only as healthy as its church, just remember that."
"A country in crisis... if we don't do it now then I think we're going to be somewhere that's not a good country to live in."
"Empathy is one of the most important qualities of a civilized nation."
"Healthcare is at the root of all of it. Medicare for all, let's do it."
"True functioning democracies require an educated population doing what's best for their nation, and if we can all understand that, we'll never truly be immune from propaganda."
"Young people are still like that... they're growing up in a world that isn't healthy that isn't right."
"I'm not trying to destroy religion, I'm trying to make sure that religion is not toxic."
"We need connection to a community, that's the biggest thing."
"A healthy society needs a kind of group of institutions you can rely on and trust."
"Democracies thrive because they were the exchange, they were the marketplace of ideas..."
"We need to be able to work together as opposed to working against each other because ultimately for our societies to be healthy and for them to work, we do need each other."
"That's what's healthy for America, man, when you're talking earlier about everybody kind of being in the middle."
"I personally think a healthy Society has lots of different views and opinions through rational debate we should hammer out our differences."
"The blueprint for a transformed city is in a healthy family."
"Critical thinking is essential for the health of a normal functioning society."
"Equal egalitarian policies seem to be better for everyone when we think about life."
"Healthcare does seem to be a very strong priority."
"Freedom of speech is paramount to a healthy society... misguided and Orwellian campaign against misinformation."
"You can't sustain a community where there are no common values, where there's no common principles, where there's no morals."
"Criticism is necessary for any healthy society."
"The foundation of cardiovascular disease has been established so that by the time you graduate from high school in this country, you get a diploma, you also get the foundation for heart disease." - Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn
"Yes, tens of thousands were big... it's an indicator of how well a society is doing overall."
"We need tax incentives for people to have children. Birth rates plummeting by hundreds of thousands is not good for society."
"If you don't have a healthy middle class, you'll not have a healthy democracy."
"Having a free voice really, really matters for the society to maintain the health of democracy."
"Are we promoting freedom of speech in our world? That, to me, is the foundation of what constitutes a healthy society."
"What constitutes a healthy society is open dialogue, not restriction of dialogue."
"Every time a woman is healed, that's a whole nation healed."
"It's poison for society. We cannot leave people behind."
"If all reporters and all comedians did that more picked at both sides I think we'd actually be a lot healthier as a country."
"The worst thing that can happen to a country is when you put brakes on freedom of expression... because only free people prosper."
"Consumer capitalism is a sickness and a plague."
"50% of the people in this world will feel better this month than in the previous months."
"These basic things can fundamentally create an incredibly healthy society."
"Freedom of speech is the best guard against irrationalism, hysteria, and the manias that have afflicted our societies."
"The whole concept of being green is actually also my perspective. Not what we aim to be. For us, I think it's kind of how to maintain a healthy society. It's maybe the most important reason for people to accept changes."
"And the fact that so many people seem to be looking at the world today and not grieving is not a sign of mental health."
"Having a democratic society is part of the requirement of human development, but it's not the only requirement. There are other things, like how long you live, how free from illness you are, how educated you are, what opportunities you have."
"The future lies, I believe, in creating a healthy society by bringing all of these forces together with a common commitment."
"Anti-Semitism is a warning system; it is a sign that the society itself is breaking down, that it is dying."
"The benefits of the safety net are that more people are better educated, healthier, more secure, and upwardly mobile."
"An increase in thriving children over the next 15 years would lay a strong foundation for healthy, prosperous, and peaceful societies."
"This nation is mighty enough, its society is healthy enough, its people are strong enough to pursue our goals in the rest of the world while still building a Great Society here at home."
"I can actually walk outside and breathe clean air. I can see people having access to free education so they're a smarter society, a healthier society."
"Integrative phases are characterized by internal peace and order... these are healthy periods because during those periods there is little internal violence and also the well-being of the general population tends to increase."
"No society is a healthy society where everybody sings from the same hymn sheet."
"I think that our main goal should be trying to find a point where we taper off at a healthy level."
"If we're not thinking about the long-term health of the country, if we're not thinking about investment in children, in parents, in households, in the elderly, in infrastructure, then we're not thinking about the country."
"For society, I think people should spend more time on physical exercise."
"The health of the public school system should be considered our responsibility."
"Rome did not fall because of the Gladiators in the Coliseum, it fell because of the sick people in the stands."
"We deal with reducing violence exactly as a doctor reduces our diseases."
"A healthy population is a healthy you, not necessarily the other way around."
"Rhetoric is not just a dereliction of our dialectical duty; it's a vital part of a healthy society."
"If society began with this question: What would be healthy for children?"
"The health of the population tells us something fundamentally important about how well the needs of the members of society are being met."
"...it's about helping people I don't even know because that's what it is to be in a community, it's to care about people that you don't know for the better health of a society."
"If you deal with wealth and you create wealth in society, and more people are wealthy, they're going to be healthier."
"As a country as a whole, because we've got free healthcare, probably means that everyone is generally a little bit healthier."
"So if it's broken at the very fundamental level, this family level, it's broken the whole way up."
"What we should do is concentrate on those plants that people in these societies have found have some effect on the human body."
"Harmony in society leads to health."
"It's unhealthy if the whole country only has one kind of voice."
"Our vision at the center for emotional intelligence is to use the power of emotions to get to healthier and more equitable, innovative, and compassionate society."
"I love the idea of democracy but for it to flourish people have to have a good understanding of what's actually happening in the world."
"The healthiest possible society you can see would be a society which operates under a high moral framework."
"We should want healthy, rehabilitated, happy people leaving prison."
"You judge a democracy by how it treats its minorities and how it treats its weakest sections of its society."
"The well-being of society, the success of the church, and the prosperity of the nation depend on home influences."
"If children are healthy, well educated, and then as adults are well employed, we're all better off."
"Society is similar to the body; we need all institutions to perform their functions, otherwise society may begin to wither."
"The health of any society, the happiness of its people, their prosperity, and their peace all find common roots in the teaching of children in the home."
"Show me the way you treat your woman, and I'll show you the condition of your race."