
Public Trust Quotes

There are 534 quotes

"Our own government is our greatest threat at this point."
"We the people deserve a government that just tells the people the truth again, not just when it's easy, but when it's hard, sometimes it's ugly. That's when we need it the most."
"Public trust is essential, not incidental to our function."
"It's an emotional contract between the subjects and the royal family. We love the royal family, and they are supposed to love us, which means that they don't lie to us, they don't mislead us."
"The public's reverence for the royals depends on integrity and on trust, and both of those things have taken a battering."
"The administration of law should be like Caesar's wife, be above suspicion."
"Roe and Casey have failed, but the people, if given the chance, will succeed."
"Business management is a stewardship that should operate as a public trust for the benefit of all the people."
"The public's faith that we are working in their benefit is absolutely critical."
"The six-foot social distancing rule... was arbitrary and has decreased confidence in the pandemic response."
"The damage that this is doing to the government is enormous. It is about integrity and trust."
"Your elected officials just write up say to your face we're lying to you, we're lying to you. We expect you to swallow the lie, we expect you to accept the lie without question, and the American people sit there and do that."
"The guy's a criminal... he's the worst person imaginable to be put in any position of public trust, let alone the presidency of the United States."
"Trust has been lost and the public will not forgive or forget."
"This type of police conduct is completely unacceptable behavior on the part of public servants and destroys the general public's ability to trust law enforcement."
"People are upset you lied, bro, and you lied with a direct financial inducement to yourself and your company based on that lie."
"Doing science is like a detective story. You don't know the answer, you make mistakes, but once the evidence is clear enough, the public believes you."
"The blindness of the media to their own bias is one of the reasons why people don't trust the media."
"The mainstream media in this country overwhelmingly is deceptive and is lying to us."
"We are committed to restoring price stability, and all of the evidence says that the public has confidence that we will do so."
"The lack of transparency [in UAP issues] is eroding public trust in the very institutions they're meant to serve and protect."
"Many faced with these anti-scientific choices will never trust public health authorities again, even on vital topics such as the necessity of traditional childhood vaccines."
"In the post-truth era, when the truth becomes insignificant and devalued, only a genuine and sincere politician who does not need any lies or fiction can win the respect of all segments."
"The public's faith in the integrity of the judicial system, especially the criminal justice system, is critical to its functioning."
"Mr. Speaker, the American people deserve to have confidence in their government."
"You have to wonder if the mandate might change if people don't feel comfortable with the terms, highlighting the importance of public trust in governmental decisions."
"We will help people believe once again that their government cares about them, no matter who they are."
"We have caused irreparable harm in public trust in people's health. We have destroyed the reliability of these institutions. We have actively harmed untold numbers of people, particularly young men and women."
"The more certain stories get amplified that end up turning out to not be true, the less that people are going to believe the real victims that are actually speaking out."
"I'm confident that many, if not most of you, actually care about having a qualified judiciary."
"Of all the people required to give evidence to the co-inquiry, the only two who have 'accidentally' lost tranches of WhatsApp exchanges... were the two people in charge of everything."
"The countless unfinished projects by real estate companies like Evergrande and Kaisa not only undermine the trust of ordinary people."
"Transparency is extremely important for the American people because we have been deprived of it for so long, especially when Trump was President."
"Half of Americans now believe that news organizations deliberately mislead them."
"Judges must respect and honor the judicial office as a public trust and strive to maintain and enhance confidence in the legal system."
"Despite autonomous vehicles having the ability to react and make decisions faster than a human, the environmental perception foundation these decisions are based on are so distant from the capabilities of the average human that trust in them still lingers below the majority of the public."
"People trust Elon Musk. They want to like him. They have hope for the future because superheroes do exist."
"The criminal proceeding is of historic importance; the claim of a relationship between the special prosecutor and the district attorney must be answered in a transparent manner to preserve public confidence in our judicial system."
"This climate of censorship and suppression of information...is a setup for seriously compromising the public's trust in our institutions."
"The trust in public health is an invaluable resource, and it's been squandered."
"Sometimes you just gotta get a good clear look at your life and see when something is causing more harm than good."
"Public confidence in our courts, the law, and the legal profession are very much at stake in this unprecedented case."
"Government should penalize businesses that mislead the public."
"We lie to the people, we don't care." - Charlie Chester
"I trust the American people to make a judgement what they believe is in their interest."
"If there is a decline in institutional trust in America... it begins with the media." - Ben Shapiro
"Machines count America's votes, but we're not allowed to see inside. Not transparent."
"It raised a lot of doubts or questions in a lot of people's minds of how many other incidents in the past had been shaped or sanitized by the cops."
"It's deeply disturbing because we should never trust secret justice."
"Trust in government has been squandered. In order to earn trust, we are going to have to individually and collectively behave in ways that are trustworthy."
"Willfully violating the law to open America's borders to millions of unvetted migrants and breaching the public trust are grave offenses against our country, our Constitution, and our constituents."
"He lies so often on his show that I'm genuinely wondering why we can't have a law against professional news anchors purposefully misleading the American people."
"The one prediction I've gotten more confident in making is that the media is lying to me."
"One false allegation is that our officers helped the riders and acted as tour guides... this is outrageous and falls. The department stands by the officers."
"Incorporating Community Values and instilling trust and confidence in public institutions should always be a high priority."
"That would have given a lot of people pause with respect to this jury."
"Whether you trust, support, or like the government, you can't deny they've done some sketchy stuff."
"There is no question that we've got to put an end to these moments where the public questions whether there's going to be accountability."
"I'm very worried about the degradation of our institutions."
"If you dare to criticize that data on the CDC website... you will be criticizing science itself."
"People just want the truth, and the truth might be that you can't say I know the truth and I'm the final answer, but they wanted to know that you're sincere, that you have some knowledge, that you're trustworthy, and that you'll tell the truth."
"Americans have probably never trusted the elections less."
"The American people can sense when it feels like people are being corrupt."
"If the government and media and corporate medicine have conspired to keep potentially life-saving treatments for covet from the public, what other diseases have cures being obfuscated due to the power and greed?"
"Media organizations are putting out fake news making it impossible for us to know what is really going on."
"We have to fight to protect our electoral system... so people have faith in them."
"It's our money, why do they get in trouble? Well, it's because of bad leadership."
"I trust the American people far more than the media and the politicians because the American people are more serious about their own lives than they are about the politicians."
"The nation is craving transparency right now, and I think it's better for the FBI to rip the band-aid off and reveal whatever is embarrassing."
"Many people in the public have lost trust in big tech companies."
"The legitimacy of the Supreme Court depends on a public belief that justices are impartial referees."
"Labour voters are more anti-Brexit than actual remain voters."
"When do you think the public will begin to trust law enforcement again, where that trust has been broken?"
"Win or lose, Donald Trump didn't have the numbers. He betrayed the trust of the American people."
"Mr. Trump betrayed his supporters by conning them on January 6th."
"Much of what has been communicated about covid by the government and by the mainstream media has amounted to really a hoax."
"I'm going to sleep better at night knowing that the engineered incompetence of Toronto Police Services hasn't quite trickled up to the actual court system yet."
"We think it's very important to maintain public trust and confidence in what we're doing."
"We have a sacred trust with the American people about safety and efficacy."
"Betraying the sanctity of the American election to serve the ego of a failure."
"Stephen Crowder will probably never rank high on the American Trust scale but much like Jon Stewart, he's not just a comedian telling jokes, he's delivering news and ideology using comedy."
"This case is not about her... it's about public faith in the justice system."
"You can lie to some of the people some of the time but you cannot lie to all of the people all the time and expect that they are going to continue to trust you."
"Every day this government finds a new way to wrought the Australian people."
"Rush this vaccine and force it on people because when that backfires you've just done more damage than any quote unquote anti-vaxxer could have ever done."
"Texans see a breach of public trust every single day."
"The media got the message and started owning the many lies that it has been telling us for the past year and a half."
"Government transparency is crucial in the approval of a liability-free product."
"There's no accountability and that's why the public has such a distrust for police officers."
"When major media outlets won't [investigate], they drive people to conspiracy theory, and that's dangerous for all of us."
"When you tell so many conflicting stories, exaggerate so many things, and contradict yourself constantly, the public starts to disbelieve you."
"The Constitution is only as strong as the people holding it up."
"When good cops go bad, the full power of law enforcement rallies to repair the damage, rebuild the trust and deliver justice."
"Science is our bedrock. If we can't trust the basic scientific facts, then we have no idea what to do."
"It's about public faith in the justice system."
"Every time you tweet crap like this you are creating more distrust."
"Undermining institutional trust in order to go get Donald Trump is a massive mistake in a time of severe public mistrust."
"We have to recover a trust that government is worth funding."
"We journalists are inheritors of a public trust, we're the guardians of the people's right to know."
"Unfortunately, the human race has been poorly served by the scientific community."
"Elon Musk spends significant portion of his fortune to restore trust in the public square by open-sourcing."
"My question is: how can working families in our district trust that you can fight for them when it matters?"
"This is theft. This is people being robbed of their money that they wanted for a specific cause."
"Washington is broken. Byron Donald's will inspire us and restore our citizens faith that this institution actually works for them."
"It's totally insane and I think it's really going to destroy confidence in the COVID vaccine for sure, probably the entire vaccine program and maybe in our government if they don't start being honest with us."
"People deserve more transparency when it comes to the decisions made by this organization."
"It's our duty as influencers to make sure what we're putting out there is legit."
"The lying has been so invasive, so ubiquitous that no one will believe the truth anymore."
"All three men... have violated their Oaths of office and should never have the privilege of serving any Community as a police officer through a sustained deliberate combination of Lies, deceit, and treachery." - Chief McNamara
"We deserve a government that tells the people the truth again, not just when it's easy but when it is hard."
"When the people believe that the police are on their side, they're way less likely to be violent."
"Nobody dislikes a bad cop more than good cops."
"The coercion is just totally wrong. I think it's destroying trust and public health. You're going to end up driving people away."
"You've proven to a lot of people that you're a liar... you can't do [] like that and still somehow be surprised that nobody [] trusts a word you have to say."
"You know the polls better than I do. The American people right now don't trust what the president says about things relating to science."
"To maintain the Public's trust we also need to avoid Mission creep."
"Trust in government is dwindling, and they can't keep these secrets hidden from the public for much longer."
"The public suffered pain and anguish... trust has been lost."
"You want to build trust with the public? You know what you don't do? Lie to them about the vectors of transmission."
"They knew that this study hadn't been done and they were saying it did anyway."
"We're not talking about lying to get public support for war. I believe the government could do that."
"What the American people need especially in a moment like this is straight answers and they need to believe that their government is using the tools that we have."
"Anything you say, whether it's true or false, is considered terrorism if it undermines public trust in US government institutions."
"People will be losing confidence in the electoral process."
"No election is perfect but there is not evidence of intentional malfeasance."
"Isn't it refreshing when a politician actually does what he says he is going to do?"
"The legitimacy of any president that's elected is going to be impaired unless the American people understand that there has been a full and fair count of all the votes."
"We want to be the people that Americans can rely on to understand what is really going on."
"When there isn't evidence to support allegations... that is unacceptable."
"Celebrities all have influence and they trust people trust those celebrities."
"The corporate press is the enemy of the people." - Donald Trump
"Never underestimate the common sense of the British people."
"The newscast, are they supposed to manipulate public information? Is their job to protect Americans from dangerous thoughts?"
"To know that what they actually did was plant a weapon and frame an unarmed black man in our city and say that he had a weapon when he didn't... tells me all we need to know about the Kansas City Police Department."
"Every news cycle, every story, you're finding out is a lie that is being contradicted. Elon Musk... is saying the intelligence community and the media itself is working in collusion to lie to the American people."
"The trial court and their decision to not disqualify her is a structural error it violates the defendants due process rights and it seriously denigrates the public confidence in the Integrity of our justice system."
"That's why people aren't watching CNN very much anymore, they are not trusted, they are fake news."
"We need secure elections and the confidence of the American people."
"Ultimately if a large minority of the population no longer has faith in rule by the people for the people, how long can that system survive?"
"The more the media look foolish, the less people are going to believe what the media tell us."
"CNN is MSNBC masquerading as the most trusted name in news."
"That's why CNN is not trusted anymore, they are fake news."
"One of the biggest issues in the mainstream media today is that so few players are prepared to admit when they got something horribly wrong."
"You don't get it because we're not epidemiologists, but that doesn't mean it's untrustworthy inherently."
"I think people are looking for sane an honest voices and I've always been a saying honest voice."
"Your coverage of the trial put the entire corporate press to shame."
"He’s always felt that this work only matters if the public believes the work was done well."
"If you once forfeit the confidence your fellow citizens... you can never regain that respect and esteem."
"These vaccines were authorized without cutting corners or sacrificing our rigorous standards."
"Resilience involves communication, strategic comms, and building trust with the public to counter disinformation effectively."
"Trust in governmental authorities is essential for countering disinformation, as declining trust leads to a growing disinformation environment."
"The British public would also agree, when you look at institutions in this country with the least trust, you're looking at politicians, used car salesmen, and journalists are at the bottom."
"Once you have undermined the public's confidence in any elections... it's a system that will turn a lot of people off from participating in politics."
"There is no excuse for taking the British people for fools."
"If we already don't trust police enough, it'll get to a point where we don't have any respect for them whatsoever."
"The most important index of trust is the willingness of the British people to get vaccinated."
"I don't trust pollsters for anything other than knowing what they want people to believe."
"Eventually they are going to not they may not take the industry down they may not take their you know whether it's media or polling but eventually people do begin to just tune them out."
"Shocking statements many of us assumed but now confirmed by an employee at the FDA."
"We don't need a government that lies to us sometimes. The truth may be hard, but we can handle it."
"The confidence of the American citizens in an independent judicial system... is evaporating overnight."
"Don't lie to the American people to such an extent that actual Patriots that are reviewing these documents might want to leak it online. Be transparent in governance."
"All Canadians must have the confidence that the justice system is there to protect them, not to harm them."
"Ask yourself why are you so gullible to believe the same government that has lied to you about foreign relations for decades."
"We're not funded by anybody, certainly not the Millionaires and billionaires who fund the mainstream media."
"The credibility of the media is also at stake."
"I'm saddened to hear this stuff man because we want to believe that law enforcement is going to do the right thing but they did not."
"There's always been a healthy distrust of the medical industry."
"Congress must maintain and archive committee records to maintain confidence by the American people. You must follow the rules." - Barry Loudermilk
"It's sad that the scandal went on for so long as these people were relying on their car's safety systems."
"That's why people don't trust the media. I know, you're right."
"Bernie and AOC did a good job of getting people to stop trusting politicians."
"If you go to the consumer public that we're gonna be legitimate and we're not gonna be violent we're not gonna give you fake news and and that somehow somehow this has been violated by virtue of this project Veritas revelation."
"They believe that Elon Musk, if he saw the aliens, would be honest with us about it."
"You cannot maintain a constitutional republic if the people do not trust the system of justice."
"Let's all keep confidence and keep optimism and hope with the FBI."
"I love how legacy media reports we are losing viewers because of all the misinformation on the internet while for the past 20 years it can be demonstrably proven they twisted stories to suit the narrative they wanted."
"We are showing that government can be on your side."
"People don't trust the media anymore, nor should they trust the media."
"Legitimacy is everything. Belief in the court is everything."
"The weight of evidence that Matt Hancock wouldn't have fought his own actions were acceptable is significant."
"People have got to know whether or not their presidents a crook. Well, I'm not a crook."
"Mistakes in the report feed into public distrust of the origins investigation."
"Most people just believe what they're told too much and they put faith into people who have power, and you shouldn't because they don't care about you."
"His lack of transparency is what created vaccine hesitancy."
"Why this isn't that's precisely it that why we didn't I mean we've had these I knew at the outset of this pandemic that no one in the world is better."
"No reasonable person would have thought that." - Fox politics editor Chris Stirewalt
"Kudos to those cops. They actually attempted to do the right thing and they also appeared to be very concerned about the driver whose rights were violated."
"If this investigation isn't done the American people will lose faith in their government."
"People want information, they want to know that it's honest, they want to know that it's accurate."
"Now the priority is this government should start right away by fixing the fiscal problems to secure the money of the people."
"They've been able to do it... there's literally proof that the government can hide things."
"Can you blame them because the police has been so shady?"
"Governing as if you were the party that the majority of the American people believe in."
"It is distressing that a man who held such a position could behave like this."
"That's why he's not running for president I don't believe that he's a liar I used to think he was honest now I think he's a liar."
"Hypocrisy in enforcing COVID rules erodes public trust in political leadership."
"If people find truth prudent to be useful, they will use it more. The public's actions will determine the strength of democracy."
"Public doesn't trust big news organizations anymore because they're so obviously filthy and dishonest."