
Youth Influence Quotes

There are 191 quotes

"Foreign algorithmic manipulation of our youth is probably more powerful than any nuclear bomb in destroying a country."
"The internet is not the streets. You're selling music to kids who look at you like a superhero."
"She is encouraging young people to think about, and think beyond the moment they are living in, the power they possess, and the impact that reading can have on showing them ways in which they can create the hope and the change they want to see in this world."
"These guys see themselves in the youth... they don't want them to fall into the same traps."
"'I think that my ideas are getting more currency among certain young people who value freedom, freedom of speech, and freedom of action above all.'"
"The youth, those young rebels, they have the best outlook. They're right, their progressive, which is correct, and they're the future."
"You know, like, we can push this dude out, push this dude out, and you push some better people, better influences, you know, for our children."
"They are pandering to those young Americans' basest instincts."
"We hope for a peaceful and secure Africa where development prevails and is shaped by the abilities of women."
"Revolutionaries recognize that the youth are the future."
"The Youth of America really can make America great we just need to protect the country's democracy long enough until they have enough power to do it."
"Some TikTok trends are leading young people to make poor choices— and some trends even encourage them to commit crimes."
"If you want to destroy any nation without war, make adultery or nudity common in the young generation."
"This top-down thing it ain't working and we must fight it."
"It's important to note how effective an impact of this culture has been two generations of youth across the planet."
"It's very hard because a lot of young people happy are being misled."
"We want some more royals on the way up because these children and these teens are fast growing up, aren't they, my loves?"
"Don't Hug Me I'm Scared: Media influences the youth in negative ways."
"Don't be mad at this song when you let our youth listen to songs every single day and they're being pushed out on the radio that's literally talking about killing each other."
"I think for young people, music is a far more powerful tool of communication and manipulation and influence than the spoken word..."
"We must look at the younger generations creating this from the bottom up as something exciting."
"Never bet against cryptocurrency, never bet against young people either. Final Stand, the true channel of the people."
"I think it's just terrible to be pushing that kind of content and a viral sensation towards a bunch of young impressionable people."
"This means we've got a multi-layered problem: young people spending money to go and learn nonsense."
"Nothing is more powerful than millions of voices calling for change, and the ideas he's championed, the energy and enthusiasm he inspired, especially in young people, will be critical in moving America in a direction of progress and hope."
"If you want to control a population, you better indoctrinate the kids."
"Eventually those young people grow up and become ambassadors for the Second Amendment."
"Her journey to self-discovery and individ uality has turned her into a beacon for young minds globally."
"You guys have a new wave, bro, you're doing what you guys are doing, it's amazing."
"Young people can change the whole world if they have an experience with Jesus when they're really young and they get an anchor in their soul."
"As awful as it is, as messed up as it is, you do need to know this stuff because this is what's affecting your children nowadays."
"If we don't discipline them and disciple them, YouTube will disciple them."
"Nothing is impossible, and no matter how long you've suffered, no matter how intense the problem, one touch and everything changes."
"This film not only would it venture into some didactic territory, it would also have an impact on young people."
"The problem with woke culture is that it's trained too many young minds to forget about creating and building."
"Whoever can attract young people will control the future."
"I would argue that 80% of the content on the internet is negative or detrimental to a young mind that doesn't understand the world."
"Captain America is a fantastic role model for kids."
"We do not want any of our young people to become useful idiots."
"The rise of Satanism in America is at an all-time high and it's particularly to the young people."
"Apparently teenagers right, who decide everything in this country because I feel like teenagers are the ones or people with a teenage mentality, who are the ones who fill social media with condemnation."
"This is not like a look forward to what it'll be like in 10 years, no they are already a very significant force if they choose to vote."
"The CIA does believe that young people have the capacity to protect America."
"We don't want to see a kid starting with Nicholas Sturgeon who now talks about detesting the conservative. I think that language is really dangerous."
"Just a bunch of adults that listened to a 10-year-old kid... what a world we live in."
"Aaliyah's debut was very important because she became a trailblazer for other young girls to come up after her."
"Students are very radicalizable... the perfect basis for a cultural revolution."
"It's the image of a revolutionary young woman."
"So Joe Camel's appeal among kids was no accident. It was a priority conceived at the highest levels of the company."
"Think about this for a second. An entire professional sport league turned to a 14-year-old kid to be their knight in shining football boots."
"We need to reshape the thinking, reshape the mind, starting with young people."
"Young voters as of right now are driving the country to the left."
"Music influences everyone's ease. Drill influences young boys the way it does."
"My focus is on the youth... If the youth can see me as someone they can trust with their religion, then let's start by fortifying our understanding of the religion."
"We need to just demonstrate what that looks like. Young people will argue with their elders but they'll never fail to imitate them."
"Although it seems like the popularity of the sound will never be close to its peak in 2020 you can't count out the youth."
"We need to own the responsibility that comes with being great examples for young people."
"Moving from the old gray beards being in power with Capricorn to young people who have ideas."
"Yes, that's how strong of a voice she has and all the children around the world all the students around the world are rallying For climate change because of what this girl has initiated Yes."
"You're turning a king to a leaner, a young king who could be doing amazing things for the world, into a fiend."
"I think there's an apex of fame that you reach where especially if you have a younger audience, people are going to come in pretty quick."
"They are literally putting all the symbolisms right in front of your children every single day."
"Elections are not just about winning or losing, it's about the signal we're sending to the younger generation."
"Every black person is not a thug, every black person is not a drug seller. Let's take you for an example, do you realize how much inspiration you're putting out to the kids right now?"
"I'm here to show the youth that you could be yourself."
"The fate of our nation is in the hands of our children."
"These kids from Westerville, Ohio changed the face of heavy music overnight with that song and video."
"Your youth is what will essentially define your life."
"That is an inspiring story about a little kid with a big message."
"That transcended the sport man, you'd start seeing Paris tops dropping up in East Manchester 12 year olds rocking it like that's in that if you get Man United and Jordan brand that could do an absolute bit Madness."
"The next generation is the generation that will change it."
"There are literally like teenagers who have been led to believe they have to take drugs to get in good shape right which is like obviously a pretty disturbing scenario."
"We're bringing up a whole generation of children in America who are absorbing and being shamed if they criticize the ideology of Islam."
"Everyone is trying to disciple your kid, everyone is trying to get to the mind and heart and soul of your child."
"Steven Crowder has long been accredited for putting a young face on conservatism."
"I'm very proud that I've been able to influence a lot of these young people."
"Every voice really does matter, whether young or old, especially young people. Get out there and vote, damn it!"
"Young people's stories matter, young people's stories move kindness around the world."
"He spews this right-wing garbage, debates college kids over it, and if you're fourteen or fifteen, you can't quite tell like, hey wait a second, that doesn't make sense."
"All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth."
"Netflix just was like kid from stranger things who makes us lots of money do you want to have a show and he's like cool."
"In just a few short years, YouTube had caused a transfer of power from toy and network executives to nine-year-olds and their families."
"I always try to put myself in the shoes of a 13 year old...and hopefully it's anything that I've learned and that gives them such a bigger and a clearer way to move forward."
"I'm trying to lead by example, you know. Um, I think with the younger generation they're so misled by material things."
"If I did that to someone who was younger than me, they'd feel... well, I don't know how many... I don't know how many you guys heard but..."
"If we can keep passing on the right thing and sending the right messages to these kids growing up, then we can start seeing real changes in the world."
"This recognition underscores the young generation's pivotal role in the ongoing narrative of the country's defense and prosperity."
"We're not going to do that. We're going to stand up to this little group of 10-year-olds and we're going to tell them that you don't need a Stanley Cup to be cool."
"Harry Styles, the youngest member of One Direction, was the perfect front man. His passion for performing grew stronger."
"Every voice really does matter, whether you're young or old, especially young people. Get out there and vote, damn it!"
"But most of all that is that the majority of your audience are young people to begin with so by putting out this message that it's a prank or that we were trying to prank our viewers it sends out a negative message to younger folks."
"The younger the population, the more intelligent, the more focused, the further their future will be."
"That's part of my lyrics because kids are dying of fentanyl and these record labels are recklessly promoting rappers that are talking about popping pills."
"What makes me really uncomfortable is how many young people want to do YouTube and don't understand that it's like saying I want to be an Olympic swimmer or gymnast and give up my childhood."
"Pull your kids out of the government mandatory youth indoctrination camps."
"Our generation has, like, a responsibility to change it."
"The cannabis industry is ahead of almost every other industry because of its general youth and pure bred entrepreneurship."
"The youth are the pulse of today, determining the society, country, and world of tomorrow."
"As long as Americans maintain their sense of Independence and rugged individualism and young people grow up watching movies and playing games that spark their interests, the desire to own the most modern capable firearms will continue."
"If you want to look up to someone and choose someone as your hero, I would say Justin from LankyBox is a great hero to have in your life."
"The job of the president of the United States is to be a role model for our children and our grandchildren."
"The mayor then suggested that the girls do away with such crazy ideas because he feels bad for the little slime."
"Our survival depends on the spirit and energy of young people."
"We have created a whole generation of young people who are going full communists because they can't make any money."
"I am influencing and inspiring so many young people around the world."
"You gotta be an example for the kids and let them know, bro, you don't need to head in that direction, bro."
"If I'm gonna talk about a dirty cop a killer cop shooting my kid down I'm gonna talk to the brothers that are misleading my youth to think that this is being a lankey that's what I got to say to them."
"I'd rather impact one out of every 17 teenagers, to meaningfully change, than 0 out of 17 by pandering and wavering."
"Facebook knows that they are leading young users to anorexia content."
"Young voters said we are going to direct and decide what is the direction of our country."
"It's about choices, and you know, I think that's what needs to appeal to kids more than anything."
"He could play it. He was the hero of young people, of kids of five, eight, ten years."
"If you're gonna talk about it, you also need to let [__] know, especially if your audience is younger people coming up."
"I just think that this kind of culture shouldn't be tolerated in any organization, let alone in an organization with impressionable young minds."
"I feel that the indoctrination of our youth is getting out of hand."
"Even at age 15, one person can make such a big difference in a person's life."
"Kids are just easier to influence all around, and once you capture them, it's very hard to decompress them and get them to believe something else."
"Unbelievable inspiration for a lot of young kids out there."
"It's just insane karate cult, it's brainwashing half the school."
"The voices of young people are more important than ever."
"This is now people have realized, yo, you got Corday's you got a bunch of people who are younger who are also prioritizing lyrics again."
"People were immediately upset by the release of the pregnant Barbie, saying it promoted teen pregnancy."
"When you do speak the truth and make a difference and start galvanizing the minds of young men now you're a problem."
"Yo, imagine a town where some of the students go to a badass karate school that promotes violence and then some go to another karate school that promotes peace."
"If you're a young person watching YouTube... you grow out of thinking that racism is like your ideology."
"It's not just important to come out to the adults in your community, you need to let the kids know that it's okay."
"The real reason that I felt I should make a statement is because many young people like yourself and others that have come to my home."
"Well done Brits... Corbin's surprisingly competitive showing was fueled by young voters who rallied behind labour by a whopping 34 point margin."
"What message does it send to the new generation?"
"You represent God's very best effort at winning your generation."
"Don't turn this into zero-sum. Don't turn to some of the darker corners of the internet where unfortunately, that is the message many of our boys are getting."
"A lot of people, especially people that are young, are going to see these ads and they're going to be misled and scammed by them, which is really unhealthy."
"If Tupac was alive now, even more powerful, stronger with moral following and especially with the youth today."
"He's exploiting the emotions of the younger people, getting them to listen to him because he's talking to Cardi B."
"It's hard to tell these kids that they shouldn't do certain things when they get success from it."
"Empowered this week by young men or young women."
"The indoctrination of children is a significant issue."
"Social media influencers and beauty brands contribute to creating unrealistic expectations for young consumers, driving them to want skincare and makeup products at an early age."
"Leadership and greatness and creativity, look at history, it's young people."
"You should be calling them out. Somebody like you who has standing with kids. It's demeaning and insulting quite frankly because it's reducing what I do."
"We appreciate you being a young dude, coming in young superstar in the game and you use your platform and using everything at your resources the right way."
"Imagine the little girls who will grow up seeing pictures like this on the shelves."
"Every great revolution that changed the world came from young people."
"I said, 'Wow, this is a young woman... hosting this national show.'"
"Bill from the hit YouTube channel Bills channel, he actually ruined a lot of kids lives that day."
"If a female standing beside a male who was accused of abusing or assaulting another female, guess what message that's send to the youth?"
"These kids who are like 12 years old, they're giving life advice on TikTok."
"It is relationships in the lives of the youth that have the greatest influence on their choices."
"I feel like me and her kids had a relationship before I even met her. So they used to watch me play ball and I used to teach them how to play ball and stuff like that so. I feel like they was there before her."
"Kids can see a team that's maybe doing a bit better, they will tend to go and support them."
"One of the most hopeful things that has happened recently is the way young people turned around the election in the UK."
"Those five teens are the hearts and souls that the Lord has put in front of you to share with."
"You can influence the 20 to 30 percent to 50 percent of the kids who will be the leaders."
"Cinema is a good way to kind of teach the younger generation enough because audio-visual mediums normally work and it leaves an image, a lasting image on your minds."
"Fashion has always been influenced by youth culture, with their expression of identity and unique point of view inviting change and spawning new style trends."
"The Spice Girls' popularity crossed over from teenagers to younger girls almost immediately."
"Once upon a time, a teenager in the suburbs of North London uploaded some videos to YouTube and they became a global sensation."
"He was a player and young people look up to somebody like that."
"The gratification that comes out of gaming is instantaneous, but if we want to see it transfer over into the real world, young people have to see that it actually transforms things for them in their own worlds."
"The youth will always look at you as an example, so you have to always be that example."
"P became an inspiration and turned into an idol for us at a young age."
"For fans, BTS represents a significant part of their youth, and for the members themselves, a family."
"The youth, they run this world, and you got to stay in tune with them."
"I like to influence people. I like to sit down with youth, young man, young people, I raise with them, give them my pass that I go to, it's called testimony."
"He just believed once he started teaching that he could actually make a difference to youngsters' lives."
"It's a different and better country because young people vote."
"It was just kids, man, playing video games and just taking over."
"Mad Magazine, when we were growing up, that was the thing."
"I felt pressure because I think about the kids that are looking at me, that are going to use my story as inspiration for themselves."