
Public Disclosure Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"White House releases health report claiming Joe Biden is healthy and robust."
"We will never forget... when [Diana] went public... and revealed her battle with bulimia. It was highly personal but profoundly impactful."
"Ronald Reagan penned what would be his last open letter to the country, 'We feel it is important to share the Alzheimer's diagnosis with you.'"
"Diana became a whistleblower and had gone public with her account of life within the House of Windsor."
"Mr. Galanakis gets a B for maintaining a calm demeanor throughout the encounter, sharing his experience with the public after his arrest, and taking swift and appropriate legal action against the officers involved."
"The point of the interview was for Pete to open up about his personal life."
"Former talk show host Wendy Williams revealing a new battle: diagnosed with Progressive Aphasia and Frontotemporal Dementia."
"The whistleblower report that was so scrutinized and examined and talked about in the past few days finally it has been released to the public."
"The press reported that Mrs. Simpson had sailed to France, and for the first time in Britain, their king's relationship with a married woman was out in the open."
"If there are 15 or 18 footers roaming around the Earth and our military has brought them down, we have a right as American citizens to know about it, folks."
"This was also prompted by a Facebook whistleblower named Francis Hogan who was on 60 Minutes."
"I can't confirm or deny that in a public setting."
"Critical has allegedly known about the CP stuff for years but does not say anything until he's rated? Do you find that to be a likely story?"
"Unfortunately for the company, Jeff Bezos wasn't going to go down quietly. So instead of signing the contract, he made it all public on Medium."
"It's a massive black mark, you know it's to be aboveboard and it's out in the open."
"Everything that I'm paid for is definitely public, that's nonsense."
"You'll notice he [Obama] was made the comment about Area 51, first time a sitting president has acknowledged the base."
"The guy just told us they were flying saucers. It turns out they were accurate, we've got it on video."
"Keep it private, don't air your details in public."
"This is something that needs to be said, this is something that I want people to know."
"If he really cared about the investigation, he would have been upfront with people and wouldn't withhold information from his audience."
"I've heard this a few times, people saying, 'Well, why did you bring this to the internet? Why did this become a public matter?' But it became public the second she refused to take down a video of me that I asked her to take down."
"It's not that mental health issues are to be ashamed of, hi I'm Jim sterling and I need pills to make my brain function normally sometimes, but it's only ever the right and the choice of the person with the mental health issue to publicize it."
"Social media is pressuring these people to come out and talk."
"He was endearing by sharing something that he had never publicly shared before."
"The story is that they were in court and in cross-examination, and the defense asked the agent, 'Look at these messages.' It was all in front of everybody."
"Alien disclosure: this is smack dab in the middle of the whole shooting match."
"When Grush came forward that was the turning point for me."
"I've spent 15 years of my life fighting for the truth about this case to be made public."
"A lot of y'all do not follow me on Instagram, so the first thing we're gonna be looking at today is gonna be the conservatorship document."
"I've said on air the truth. I have less than a million and a half dollars in my bank account."
"If the top seven members of the Politburo Standing Committee have fled Beijing... What does it mean if the public finds out these members have fled?"
"Don't lie to the American people to such an extent that actual Patriots that are reviewing these documents might want to leak it online. Be transparent in governance."
"Harry came on and spilled the tea. He really did though."
"Once you get to that place where I was at, when I felt like I could talk about it publicly, then that is like the best place to get to because you can accept what happened."
"The truth is out, whatever the truth is, it's out."
"The facts of the case and the facts are that the coroner just said in the press conference this afternoon that Gabby Petito at 22 years old died of strangulation."
"If some people might have seen on Twitter this week..."
"You see a lot of hiding and you shouldn't. You tell the audience the truth, right?"
"Diana had become a whistleblower and had gone public with her account of life within the House of Windsor."
"It's a managed agenda. This is disclosure, it is disclosure."
"We are asking for truth, transparency, and sunlight."
"I've seen some experts come forward saying that was a mistake to reveal the type of weapon used."
"You got to respect the fact that he decided to stick his neck out and be honest and be real about it."
"It wasn't just about the restraining order; John went further in airing out the dirty laundry."
"Releasing the footage is a matter of integrity."
"The great forgetting: If we remember who we are, what we stand for, we won't let these bums hand our private records to newspapers."
"For me, when Biden said, 'My son was addicted to cocaine and he's overcoming, I'm proud of him,' just personally connected with me."
"News about the inner workings of Trump's administration became public knowledge."
"If there's something that you know happened privately and you're the one who makes it public, then you're the [expletive]."
"The last time Trump said he tested negative for COVID-19 was in May."
"It's sad to see a lot of these artists who did these wrong things, if they did them, and not allegedly, but I mean, at the end of the day, that's what happened and that's what needs to be told."
"They're talking about military space programs; people are seeing these craft. You have the USS Nimitz incident and now they're saying they're going to declassify this stuff, this is real."
"This is happening. This is true. This is real."
"There's so much info to cover, so much stuff that has never before been known to the public."
"It is information that Trump felt spoke to matters regarding everything from russiagate to the Ukraine impeachment Fiasco to major national security matters of great public importance." - Cash Patel
"Now I never believed one goddamn minute, so I would be out here telling you guys a drama about me this motherfucking soon. I thought I would be up here telling you guys about some other drama."
"The American people deserve to hear that from our investigation too."
"Every decade year decade where there have been government countering there's no UFOs there's no ETS it's nonsense finally we're at what feels like a time where some people in Congress are honestly trying to open up the truth."
"You just need a good parking spot, a few friends, yeah, and you can take disclosure to the people."
"The important thing that's now new here is that Fusion GPS is basically having to make itself known because of this testimony to Congress by the founder of Fusion GPS."
"If you want privacy, don't write about it, don't speak about it."
"It's just nice to see and I love just whenever celebrities open up about things that are dealing with because you don't understand the impact that can have on your fans and just people around you."
"Never say something out loud that you wouldn't want published in The Wall Street Journal."
"My connection to CS go Lotto has been a matter of public record since the company was first organized in December of 2015."
"If I get a nose job, I'll tell you, 'cause she won't have a nose left."
"The public needs to understand that this is way beyond just UFOs."
"CM Punk, I think, is the first one to ever publicly verbalize any of it."
"What a huge win for Kesha to have these unsealed."
"It's an interesting point. We do now have a Justice Department document that's been publicly released, which implies that people have committed crimes, but the people have not been charged yet."
"Enough time has passed, and I think it's time to talk about this now. Um, the truth of the lights out tour is..."
"There's literally no downside to any sort of disclosure or transparency or investigation."
"According to a public SEC document, Elon Musk donated $5.7 billion to charity last year."
"Elon has the right to not disclose that publicly."
"Wow, this is some incredible news. I can't believe they just came out and said that they uncovered off-world vehicles."
"It's just a matter of time now before we can actually know what the FBI knows and I do hope that they give us quite a bit of closure."
"You should be wondering, why won't Tucker say whether he's vaccinated or not? Is that weird?"
"Bob Lazar has finally pulled back the curtain on previously concealed UFO evidence."
"Important to remember: Pages public, remainder still classified. Plus Cruz."
"Writing about how fit and sexy other women are in a highly publicized book? Common, Ned." - Unknown.
"I suppose really it's this like a culmination, this Pentagon report of things that we were saying and the society was saying."
"Boris, it would be quite wrong for you to win a general election to give us a Boris Brexit if first the country didn't know what was actually in it."
"If information is true, it cannot be weaponized. The truth is the truth, and if he exposed the truth, we should be thanking him for it." - George Galloway
"When the machine is turning like right now, Christian Kei has not named a name but whomever he is talking about is acutely aware that that could happen at any minute."
"It's just fascinating that they wrote it all down they didn't write it nobody got to read it at the time because it was classified but in the 70s when that was released we can all see it."
"Again, it's just funny because apparently there's backlash because Tucker was basically revealing the truth about what happened on January 6th."
"I went public because this became like a public health issue at this point."
"Should the investigation findings be made public, no matter how bureaucratically embarrassing they might be?"
"We'll make it public and I presume those five staff members were very worried."
"I set in open court that meeting Jeffrey was the greatest mistake of my life."
"Everything changed after Lazar went public about the existence of the base and made his claim that UFOs are real."
"I genuinely don't understand why people need to show and or flaunt what they donated to a charity."
"They're bringing the disclosure question into 2024, just make no mistake about it."
"I'm gonna prove to you guys here tonight from my private investigators themselves, this guy is on [ __ ] pain meds all the time for his back."
"Imagine exposing your ex on SNL. Hail to the queen Halsey."
"They tell us to our faces what they're doing."
"It takes a lot for anybody to speak out about what happened to them... so to do it on such a public platform comes with another set of challenges."
"I am not the only one standing here that's been raped."
"I'm proud of it I want the world to know rationale does not stop the crazies."
"The most monumental secrets that's ever been kept. It is the biggest story of our time."
"Multiple credible sources allege that elements of the US government have illegally withheld UFO-related information from Congress."
"I would never sign something like this. I would put it on the internet and show their name and show the people who run the company and say, 'Look at what they want you to sign.'"
"If the government knew about aliens, Trump would have told us."
"Well, if secure means showing how to open the vault to near on 2 million people, I guess, yeah, it's secure."
"Every bit of evidence that we find on every one of these committees ought to be released to the American people let them judge for themselves how bad it truly is."
"Are our actions helping or hurting the investigation by what's exposed publicly?"
"Malcolm named the infiltrators in the public."
"My fear is sometimes we don't allow this information to go public for fear that it will, as I said, tell us things that are uncomfortable."
"The scariest thing by far was going public about it on YouTube."
"I finally decided to go public with my experiences after nearly three decades."
"Despite her diagnosis, she had the courage to go public with her diagnosis."
"Ash courageously held a press conference disclosing his battle with AIDS."
"We effectively provided information into the public sphere to demonstrate that it was going to occur."
"I never thought I would share something like this publicly, but here we are."
"His Majesty has today commenced a schedule of regular treatments."
"He has chosen to share his diagnosis to prevent speculation and in the hope it may assist public understanding for all those around the world who are affected by cancer."
"The best chance we have as a justice system is if I do something I never imagined before: step away from them and tell the American people, 'Look, here's what the FBI did, here's what we found, here's what we think.'"
"If foreign rights are important to you, you need to be very careful about making your invention public."
"It's not normal to have to sit down in front of a camera and tell the world about his breakup."
"People's sexuality is a private matter until they make it public."
"I always tell people if you don't want it out there, don't say it."