
Political Corruption Quotes

There are 226 quotes

"It's not just the Democrats... This corruption crosses party lines."
"Socialist politicians would be gradually corrupted by power and they would come to be concerned with expanding and maintaining it rather than working towards a stateless classless society."
"Donald Trump converted the presidency into an instrument for self-enrichment. He raked in millions of dollars from the most corrupt governments on earth."
"Political corruption is destroying love of justice and regard for truth."
"Political corruption is not a monolithic entity and a fact of life; it's a consequence of a system, and a set of beliefs and economic realities."
"The political system in America is so broken right now because of the special interest money which floods campaigns."
"Our system is completely corrupted by the special interest money that is flooding into campaigns at every level of politics."
"After spending four years in Trump World and seeing how crooked, how dirty, how underhanded, how corrupt they go, I realized it makes us no different than Russia."
"Money in politics continues to paint the background and influence all the choices our legislators are making."
"Lesterland is a corruption, a corruption relative to the framers' baseline for this republic."
"The rot started in the Oval Office and it then led to the Capitol. They're not disembodied; they're actually completely joined up."
"This is pay for play, and...if you want to have any hope of getting all of the things addressed that Americans prioritize, you have to have candidates that aren't taking money from those interest groups. Point Blank period."
"We have for the first time in our entire political life for 270 years a president who is for sale, a presidential candidate who is for sale."
"If the United States caves to corruption, no election will be secure from here on out."
"The corruption that is going on in this nation is unbelievable, but it can be fixed, and it can be fixed at the ballot box, folks."
"Our politicians, they've got a potent psychological alchemy of power, lust, and arrogance. And nothing makes people stupid like arrogance and lust."
"If Joe Biden is... somehow Hunter Biden's getting access to it, we are dealing with a profound level of corruption."
"People like that are infinitely more dangerous than mere crooked politicians."
"America has now become one of those countries, corrupt at a level not seen before."
"Congress has no choice but to investigate abuse of power, abuse of oath of office, and that leads to impeachment hearings."
"The corruption on the right side of the aisle continues to be a public issue."
"Russia's long unholy alliance between organized crime and government."
"It's not Republican versus Democrat, that's the difference in the corruption."
"In our number one spot today, we have the Watergate scandal."
"There are people willing to tolerate the total perversion of our political system for their own political interests, for their own partisan interest, and that's I think the real issue we're facing right now."
"Even when you have things that are overwhelmingly popular that the public wants... it doesn't happen because of corruption."
"If it's really true that we have a president of the United States who's taken money from foreign governments... that means we are occupied by a foreign source."
"This is how we get our country back. We need accountability because this media rigged the 2016 election, they rigged the 2020 election with the Hunter Biden laptop story, and they're going to rig this election. Accountability."
"The degree of special interest corruption... is the central problem in American politics."
"Imagine if your mayor lost a re-election bid, but instead of conceding the race, they picked up the phone and said, 'I want you to say this election was stolen.'"
"This was the most corrupt election in the history of our country."
"It's impossible to dismiss out of hand the prospect that foreign money flowing into the White House influenced US policy decisions."
"Joe Biden is compromised and corrupt... our national security is threatened."
"This dirty money is poisoning our democratic institutions, suborning politicians to serve the interests of this international tiny oligarchy."
"I could care less if that U.S president is using taxpayer money to make good on potential private dealings that is a violation of the highest order."
"When you're looking at his circle of influence he is somebody who's kind of recruiting just getting people on tape doing horrible things or raising money so they're in the pocket right is that kind of his role?"
"Obama, his administration was corrupt... it implicates a lot of people." - Michael Knowles
"You're gonna see corruption unveiled like you wouldn't believe and you're gonna see transparency that was promised."
"Think about how bad people have to view the level of corruption in the Democratic Party to think of Donald Trump as a remotely preferable alternative."
"They're trying to steal an election. They're trying to get rid of the rule of law... It's not about if you even like Donald Trump or not, it's not about if you're a Democrat or Republican, it's: do you want to have basic freedoms?" - Rob Richardson
"They know that the only way to push back against the overwhelming will of the people... is to rig the system." - Brianna Joy Gray
"If you do not have accountability for gross abuses of power at the highest levels of government, you are more likely to see those abuses recur and worsen."
"The President of the United States tried to leverage U.S. taxpayer money to get another foreign government to investigate his opponent in the 2020 election."
"The FTX story has really turned into a political corruption story. Today's indictment of Sam Bankman-Freed lays out a massive straw donor scheme."
"What I hope comes of it is it sets a precedence where we start jailing corrupt politicians and then we just keep right on going."
"Many late Roman commanders broke the rules around term limits and age restrictions when they stood for high office, confident that they had the backing of both the military and the masses."
"So, again, Donald Trump made possible because of the corruption in the Democratic Party."
"Why are we waiting 14 days to take this joker out of office? Trump and his cronies need to go to the garbage... in prison, prison garbage."
"Joe Biden is a crook who sold influence, as was Hillary by the way."
"Where's the meeting when you go back to Kentucky and you do these little fake meetings where you show up at businesses that have given you and donated money to your campaign? That's how this whole thing works. Disgusting, disgusting."
"My assessment is that since Putin's circle got its looting fully organized around 2006, they have extracted fifteen to twenty-five billion dollars a year."
"Now it's just an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or being elected president."
"The problem with our elected officials is 99 of them show up in office already enslaved by the dollar of another man."
"The victory belongs to the Riddler here, the most corrupt leaders of Gotham are now out of the picture."
"The amount of blatant corruption is off the charts, and we're seeing it."
"Donald Trump is the type of person who like does not even care remotely about covering his tracks and very brazenly is corrupt."
"Establishment figures all in bed together, with few exceptions."
"We should always beware, even a wise, bright man like Thomas Jefferson could be corrupted by power." - Senator Mike Lee
"We got a wheelbarrow of national party corruption dirt shoveled right in our mouths."
"Every style of League of Legends can be played to success."
"Disinfecting corruption from our politics involves people giving a damn."
"Big business is corrupt, big government is corrupt. Let's go with the business guy."
"Mitch McConnell is probably one of the most corrupt politicians that I've ever seen in my life."
"The highest form of corruption is appointing people who are incompetent to positions."
"At the heart of every political issue is corruption and endless conflicts of interest."
"Corruption in the CCP is not limited to those in the higher ranks..."
"What Putin is, is a kleptocrat, and he is thieving and stealing and corrupting Russia like no other."
"Powerful people with powerful allies can commit serious crimes in high office without consequence."
"They focus on elites, corrupt businessmen, weak-willed politicians."
"Corruption of the powerful destroys a country, not the corruption of the weak."
"We're battling government corruption, we expose Biden's corruption in Russia and China."
"They're rigging it... effectively disenfranchising the Democratic voters from having any choice."
"Democracy means billionaires cannot buy elections."
"The corruption will reign supreme if the swamp isn't drained."
"She said today that we may consider the Attorney General to go forward. That's like a bribe, isn't it? Isn't that sort of a bribe?"
"He leveraged that White House gig into what may have ended up being hundreds of millions of dollars in personal profit for himself."
"This was an egregious abuse of power and I've never seen anything like it in my 20 years in the swamp."
"Follow the money, a regime committing not one but perhaps three genocides..."
"Our democracy is under threat due to the apparent corruption decay of our own government institutions."
"We know Joe Biden is lying, we know he's corrupt."
"There are at least 12 members of the Biden family who have received money from foreign entities."
"The rejection of this corrupt establishment, the rejection of this propaganda, and a return to a government for the people, by the people, and of the people."
"It's mighty convenient that not only did impeachment distract from all of this, it turned out the FBI had all this for over a year, knew there was potential money laundering, everything else, did nothing with it, tried to bury it."
"Logical people know better and Hillary Clinton lost the election as a result of much of this corruption coming to light."
"The time will come when the government of the united states will be so nearly overthrown through its corruption that the constitution will hang as it were by a single hair."
"What's unprecedented is having a corrupt criminal wannabe Trump who tried to steal the election."
"We've got corruption in this country and Adam Schiff is a part of it."
"We know that they're gonna write laws that are bad for the people and good for those entities that control Congress right now."
"The corporate capture of our government they don't legislate for you they legislate for the donors."
"That's the problem the corporate capture of our government they don't legislate for you they legislate for the donors."
"It's a sad state of affairs but it seems to be that old adage that power corrupts and absolute power seems to corrupt absolutely."
"It strikes at the heart of American democracy and is itself the essence of an impeachable offense."
"Politicians allow tax avoidance because they themselves benefit."
"If you want to prevent the decay of a republic into crony capitalism and eventually a kleptocracy, the basis has to be a comprehensively educated public."
"In Washington is corruption. It is giant corporations that have taken our government and that are holding it by the throat." - Elizabeth Warren
"It doesn't matter if it's a Democrat or a Republican it was an American vice-president that sold out his office and he sold out the integrity of the United States of America."
"We were supposed to have access to the White House after we helped deliver the presidency to John F. Kennedy. But they totally screwed the mob. The mob was supposed to have access to the White House, instead, we got screwed." - Sam Giancana
"He's abusing his power, can you believe that? They're doing it again, they said what he did to the Georgia Secretary of State on that phone call was criminal."
"The only corruption that was going on here was by the president of the United States."
"Recognizing that and reforming themselves, they became more corrupt and now we're going to see it in the election law."
"They're spending millions upon millions of dollars in obvious bribes to our politicians, and no one even bats an eyelash."
"The evidence shows Donald J. Trump, the President of the United States has put himself before his country."
"Both parties are pretty much corrupt, both of the system that we're currently sitting in is failing us."
"This is a show for people that want to learn and think that both parties are pretty much corrupt."
"Both parties, Democrats and Republicans alike, have unfortunately been bought out by corporations."
"Joe Biden is intensely corrupt and is funneling billions of dollars of our taxpayer money to his corporate donors."
"Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson set out to expose what they see as serious corruption involving Joe Biden."
"Meanwhile, they've been bribed, so when a push comes to shove and they're in the hearings they're like no no do not touch those big tech companies those guys oh my God they should get everything they want huh interesting."
"We've legalized bribery and yet no one in power will talk about it."
"Would you pay Toomey $750,000 to be your good servant if you were going to get billions in return?"
"It's called corruption and we've legalized bribery."
"The corruption is rampant... both Republican and Democratic voters can't stand the swamp."
"Joe Biden is a corrupt politician. The Biden family is looking more and more like a crime family."
"If you're corrupt in Washington DC, quit now because Republicans are coming for you."
"A subpoena was written almost like an indictment, arguing that Donald Trump orchestrated a corrupt scheme to try to overturn the election."
"Oh yeah oh yeah um the problem is that he is a brilliant political operator who is corrupted by sitting atop a very crooked political system and staying there too long and losing a sense of reality."
"He's got his Department of Justice working to jail his opposition... and get out of jail free card for himself and his son."
"Joe Biden and his son sold America out to the highest bidder consistently for nearly half a century."
"When those in the highest offices of power can evade the truth, flee from accountability, and disregard the principles of ethical conduct, it erodes the foundation of our Republic."
"They're corrupt. They're trading an increased amount of political power for themselves for their own person instead of fighting for the masses."
"A partying PM and a law-breaking ritualist chancellor have lined the pockets of their wealthy pals."
"We've all heard a certain level of corruption in politics."
"No one has rigged the system like this since Richard Nixon. That’s bad for our constitutional republic."
"This is as damning evidence of presidential corruption we've ever seen."
"I will appoint a real special prosecutor to go after the most corrupt president of the history of the United States of America."
"Putin has brought organized crime into the government, so now the Kremlin acts like an extortion syndicate. He wants to weaken the U.S. and expand Russian power at America's expense."
"This is actually a democracy that's up for sale... it's on sale to the highest bidder."
"Our elected leaders are engaged in a massive project of looting."
"People are viewing this as an abuse of power quid pro quo extortion bribery whatever you want to call it."
"Senators who apparently personally enrich themselves to the tune of millions of dollars because they knew a major crisis was coming will be determining if the rest of us receive a thousand dollars."
"AI could be used in false elections or igniting war."
"A corrupted Federal justice department acting to protect the president despite findings of law and fact."
"We have a good faith belief that the president of the United States participated in a conspiracy to defraud the United States and obstruct the work of the House of Representatives and the Senate."
"Key to this kind of city life is the rise of political bosses and machine politics."
"I believe it is overt corruption even if she's legally paying this guy it's still overt nepotism."
"The very thing that the people need the politicians to fight against are the same things that are funding those politicians to begin with."
"There is no way that the individuals or those countries from overseas that gave tens of millions of dollars for access to the Clinton Foundation were doing so out of goodwill."
"I do not think President Trump was trying to end corruption in Ukraine, I think he was trying to aim corruption in Ukraine at Vice President Biden and at the 2020 election."
"They're all servants and prostitutes for donors, that's a total and utter fact."
"Donald Trump paid someone money to do something illegal to help him win the 2016 election." - Lawrence
"These two stories taken together are a perfect encapsulation of how DC operatives will sell out their country and party."
"I've discovered a pattern of corruption that the Washington press has been covering up for three or four years."
"What bugs me is actively trying to destroy progress for Humanity by like paying politicians."
"The moment that people understand that they could vote for people who will then give them money or goods or services, that's the end ultimately of a functioning democracy."
"It's time to speak in plain language about the rife, the rank corruption all around us."
"I think that there are forms of influence that companies have on politicians that are cancerous to their abilities to make decisions."
"The fact that we have essentially baked bribery into the system them and allowed for this corruption to be as bad as it already is is just ludicrous but it's about to get worse if the GOP gets its way with this lawsuit."
"This was all laying the foundation for the corruption, the abject corruption of the Trump White House and Jared Kushner."
"The problem is the overwhelming power of money in politics."
"Giuliani did a lot of criminal things... I mean he was racketeering them he was manipulating them he was pushing them he was extorting them."
"These terrible things are happening because we have people in power who care more about themselves and their power than they do about the people."
"The use of corruption is one thing but also it's the use of money and corrupt activities to build political support and to keep it."
"This is like the Hunger Games for the corrupt."
"Wow, surprise surprise she's from two of the most corrupt places in the country and she's a corrupt politician."
"Politicians go for the highest bidder, they're bootlicking and they sell out, all of them."
"Government corruption is one of the worst things that could ever happen to the United States."
"This I think is the number one problem facing us the need to root out this corruption that has somehow made its way into the mainstream of one of the major political parties."
"Nigerian politicians knowingly refuse to develop their constituencies... So that during elections, these people will be desperate to collect the small, small change that they will give them."
"We will live normally only when we stop tolerating officials who steal and when we stop re-electing them."
"Corruption at the Department of Justice has now risen to the highest level... I continually surprised myself by entering ever more degrading depths of political malfeasance." - Merrick Garland
"Boss Tweed basically ran New York in the late 1860s and early 1870s, and his greatest feat of swindling helps explain how the machine system worked."
"These people are selling us out not only to foreign leaders but they're interfering in our elections."
"Joe Biden is a corrupt politician who's bled America dry."
"This guy's a corrupt pig and it's the most obvious thing in the world."
"Corruption is a virus that has infected both parties."
"The Democratic Party has so much corruption that every single day we find out something new."
"Never in the history of the United States have we had so much public evidence of clear corruption on the part of a serving president."
"The core problem is the corporate capture of our government."
"If it concerns Barista if it concerns Hunter Biden if it concerns communist China paying Hunter Biden and the Biden family millions of dollars then it shifts into a very serious issue of corruption."
"Trump is just throwing out their quid pro quos. He's asking for foreign interference."
"It is a particularly big problem in the states where there are industries paying off legislators."
"It's unacceptable not only did they put the lives of Americans at risk they also put the finances of Americans at risk and you know did all this criminal criminal stuff behind the scenes to enrich themselves if it's proven after an investigation."
"Politicians are pretty much bought, and the credit card industry is the leading profit engine."
"There is something deeply suspicious about why every member of our public codery goes into office poor and leaves office rich."
"Welcome to the United States of kleptocracy and climate engineering."
"It's the underlying corruption... big government means big corruption."
"People are stopping me and asking me how such a corrupt man is still holding office."
"This is the level of corruption we're dealing with to protect people who are trying to control politics at a very, very nefarious level."
"You're absolutely right about the corruption laid at your feet. On top of not accepting an America that elected us, you cannot accept that we don't fear you either."
"Costello's retirement entrusted control over Washington to Carlos Marcelo, showcasing both a nuanced and sinister side of political corruption."
"The purchase of peerages... has now become a key part of our constitutional arrangements and is totally unsatisfactory on Democratic and moral grounds."
"It doesn't matter how you vote, it's not right when a party with power who's been in government is using that by offering titbits and promises or lord knows what else to try and make sure there's no competition."
"The most heinous crimes against humanity are being committed by big businesses and their bought and paid for politicians."
"In the United States, we are the government, even with all the corruption, we are the government."
"Unfortunately, the history of Haiti shows what happens when political leaders see their offices as nothing but seats of plunder for their own personal gain."
"It's really about corruption in the government, how long can they get away with what they're doing."
"Political figures initially thought to be doing good only to be corrupted."