
Electoral Participation Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"If we lose our country, it won't be because of corruption in the government; it'll be because of complacency in the electorate."
"Georgia voters have got to return to the polls."
"Election Day isn't a national holiday but people are required to be let off of work for a certain amount of time."
"More Democrats voted in the last election cycle than in any election cycle in American history."
"We have to get everybody who's eligible to vote out there to cast a ballot."
"Not voting is worse than voting for the wrong person."
"Of course we want everyone to vote red but at the end of the day it is so important that you educate yourself."
"The only way to make sure that we have the best chance of winning that election is to go out and vote."
"We can put a Tesla in space, but we can’t vote? I mean, what do we think is going to happen in November?"
"Voting is important because if y'all would have voted, this person wouldn't be in the office."
"Texas with more early votes than all ballots cast in 2016."
"The only poll that matters is the one that you show up to on Election Day."
"That's why again voting in 2024 ensuring that you're properly registered and so will your neighbors and your family members."
"I'd be interested to find out... what the percentage increase of young people is... and how much of that population still has yet to register to vote or cast ballots."
"The benefits of a vibrant democracy are reaped only when citizens actively participate in the electoral process."
"This felt like a more secure way for me to make sure that my voice was heard."
"More people voted in America than ever ever in the history of America."
"You owe it to yourself and nobody else to give Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood a shot."
"You vote for who you believe in and you will never waste your vote."
"When you don't vote, you are still voting. Your decision to not make a decision is a decision and it's going to affect the outcome of the country."
"Personally, I plan to follow the example of six current cabinet members, Vice President Pence, and President Trump himself and vote by mail."
"The larger number of people we involve in the electoral process, the more robust it would be."
"We've got completely different audiences... I'm not doing this to try and get votes... I'm actually super glad that we both ran."
"With your help, with your support, and with your vote, in two days from now, we are going to win."
"You have to get to the polls before they close."
"Act locally, encourage people to vote, find candidates who prioritize election integrity."
"I think people should vote. How can you possibly complain about the government if you don't vote?"
"We want any election to involve as many people as possible... it's their future and this country's future at stake." - Jeremy Corbyn
"Every single election should be a get out the vote campaign."
"The first time I did, I did still vote for him, the first time. Oh yeah, 100 percent I vote, I voted for him both times."
"We must ensure that every single person that is watching this and everyone that you know is registered to vote for the election in 2024."
"Please register to vote... make sure you're double-checking to make sure you are ready."
"We once saw the stars, now we'll see fire. Vote Democrats, fight to see the next fight."
"We have to vote for people who believe in democracy."
"I have a lot of optimism for the youth vote."
"We want Americans to vote, we want every American's voice to be heard."
"Seriously, this stream is going to end shortly, and after it does I expect you guys to go on out there and vote if eligible."
"What is democracy? Throw a candidate out or you call him in. You either want him to come in or you want to throw him out."
"Our black voters plan to flex our power at The Ballot Box."
"Blacks had the highest turnout among voters age 18 to 24... in our nation's history."
"Trump voters will walk through hell to vote for him."
"They're disaffected Democrats, they're people who've never voted before."
"Vote in person if you can, encourage others to vote in person, educate yourself about the rules of your state about how you're able to vote in person."
"We the people are going to save this democracy in November."
"Say no to these ridiculous referenda and remember to turn that ballot over when you're coming to vote."
"Vote for Alberta, vote conservative, vote early, vote now."
"Everything I've ever studied about voting is the more ways and times there are to vote, yes, it does increase the franchise."
"You have to actually make me want to vote for your candidate; I'm not just gonna show up and do it because you tell me."
"Winners and losers, majorities and minorities, are determined by who shows up to the polls."
"Compulsory voting... would make polling more representative of the population."