
Electoral Strategy Quotes

There are 293 quotes

"If a small percentage of these people say no and they don't vote, Trump is still winning in terms of voter turnout."
"We need to be getting good at winning elections so we can actually do the thing we're good at, which is governing."
"When you're voting for Joe Biden, you're not voting for who you want to marry. This isn't 'The Bachelor.' You're voting for the coalition he's going to bring into office."
"People do not vote for the vice president, but I think a vice presidential pick can scare the hell out of them."
"My entire electoral strategy is I'm going to actually say what I believe and we'll find out whether that's a winning strategy or not."
"I don't think that this should be handed on a silver platter to Donald Trump. Just because Donald Trump wants to run doesn't mean that he's necessarily the best candidate."
"Is the appeal to identity politics a way to win elections? Does such a focus serve beneficially to organize and mobilize citizens whose interests and very presence in politics tends to get marginalized?"
"How's political violence not the sole issue of the election? Trump should be hammering the Dems every day because they accept political violence."
"What we have here is kind of a case of easy opponent in a tough district versus tough opponent in an easy district." - Narrator
"If all of these candidates are too afraid to run an openly anti-Trump campaign, how can they expect to come out at the head of the pack?"
"It gives Trump a fighting chance, still a long shot but it's a long shot from the 30-yard line rather than your own 30-yard line."
"Stick to the issues of the day that are the most pressing for this country. Do not go to the gutter." - Advice to Donald Trump from a focus group participant
"Trump has unity in the Republican Party, the Democrats are not unified."
"Trump will bring out the rural vote like no one else."
"Bernie Sanders on the rise... his rivals are nervous."
"Getting my generation's vote should be a priority for any presidential candidate."
"Georgia is one of the key states that Mr. Trump would need if he is in fact nominated and wants to win the White House in 2024."
"How do you break this country and then run for re-election saying I want to fix everything that I just destroyed?"
"He might be one of the only people to stand up beat Trump on his own terms, get reelected his own State and really Force Trump to capitulate to him not the other way around."
"Labour are holding the country hostage they're running scared of an election because they'll get annihilated the longer the standoff goes on the more support Boris will get from the public in my opinion."
"They were just Democrats, mainstream Democrats who were proud of what they stood for and they had an agenda and they had a story about the other side. Sometimes that's all you need."
"If Trump turbochargers young people's turnout, then this coalition is fundamentally—basically finished, I think it's fair to say."
"It would be more cool to be like, 'Here is this one particular district, we made that like a plus one for Trump or like a plus two for whatever democrat senator.'"
"Every bad thing he ever said is gonna come up in this election."
"The only people who can win without us are Republicans, ma'am. This is math. The only folk who can win without us are the Republicans, that's it."
"We're only voting for the greater good, and we have to vote autonomously for one person."
"Democrats may in fact take the wrong lesson from NC9 and then run somebody who is radically progressive."
"I don't think it'll be Joe Biden 2024. Why? Donald Trump is already campaigning."
"The fight continues. We have to celebrate today and then we focus on Georgia first thing tomorrow morning."
"A Trump-DeSantis ticket would absolutely crush."
"There is no different than having you vote for whoever is the least worst and then you push them in the directions you can."
"We have to vote for the guy that we think will win because only then he'll be able to make some changes."
"How do politicians go about getting elected? They seek to satisfy the median voter, even if the median voter is a small portion of the population."
"If you want to win elections, you have to invest in Black voters."
"If you can't vote for a Democrat, vote green or vote independent. Just do you."
"This is not a race about policy. This is a race about personality." - Jared Moskowitz
"She's agile as a politician in a way that other high-profile Trump endorsed candidates are not."
"These states are looking for ways to capture your hearts and your votes... through your wallet."
"Any vote for Joe Biden was actually a vote against Donald Trump."
"Simply passing a popular agenda is not enough to win the next election."
"Black voters will be a key, but is the Democratic party and its white strategists listening to black people?" - Critical question
"Democrats want to play nice. White Democrats are afraid of alienating the white middle."
"DeSantis seems to know what his voters want and he seems to actually have potentially benefited electorally from this stunt in Martha's Vineyard."
"Forget the personalities. Look at their platform and what's going to affect you and how it's going to affect you, your family, the country."
"You better damn well make sure that you're sending somebody that can fight for themselves and fight for you up against Donald Trump, because you know that he's not gonna play nice."
"If we don't take back the house and the Senate with Trump Republicans and the White House this beat will go on."
"It comes down to what we were talking about earlier, is Joe Biden the person who can stop Donald Trump or somebody like Trump who gets the Republican nomination."
"My advice to my Republican friends: nominate DeSantis."
"They don't care about representation, they don't care about the systems of law in this country, they care about simply doing whatever is necessary to win an election, whether legal, that's weird, whether legal or not."
"We are going to win the state of Pennsylvania and we are going to win the White House."
"My job as leader of the Labour Party is to rebuild the Labour Party from where we were in December 2019 with the worst result since 1935 into a position where we can win the next general election."
"Once you cross 285 you're in a completely different state and if you do not understand that territory and how to campaign there then you're not going to be able to win."
"Instead of trying to find that one swing voter who used to vote in the 1984 election, you need to be hitting these communities all around the state where you have minority populations."
"Democrats need both to force a tie with vice president-elect Kamala Harris being the tiebreaker which means they will control the chamber."
"Getting people to the polls, getting them to the polls on election day or before election day, if there's early voting, is going to be key."
"Vote early and leave the opponent without enough votes to cheat on Election Day." - Life of Brian
"I worry about Joe Biden debating Donald Trump you should do it only under two conditions otherwise he's giving Trump unfair advantages like consciousness like like sentience."
"As Nancy Pelosi said, you can put a D on a glass of water in their districts and they're gonna win."
"You help get the restriction from my communication lifted, so I can run in 1976 and I will give you information on organized crime and when I get into office, I will purge organized crime from the Teamsters."
"A Trump nomination is a Biden win and a Kamala Harris presidency."
"You can't fix Joe Biden's chaos with Republican chaos."
"Tricking people into voting for me is a whole lot easier when nobody can read."
"The president fully understands the impact of putting money in people's hands right before they go into election polling place."
"It's clear to me tonight that there isn't a path for me to win the nomination."
"A viable third party would force Democrats to earn our votes."
"Voting means nothing unless you own that candidate."
"There's never been a better time to lose an election."
"The American people have to go to voters and say to them, 'Let us keep control of the House of Representatives.'"
"If this were all just about the popular vote then what you would end up with is Joe Biden campaigning solely in California and New York and Massachusetts."
"Trump is plowing ahead, gaining ground in every place he needs to."
"Everything comes down to voter turnout and who actually shows up at the polls."
"I'm talking about people that represent and run in the reddest parts of the country."
"Call them and tell them how their vote on this is going to dictate your enthusiasm level for next cycle."
"This is not for fun. I believe that we were on the risk of handing the presidency to Donald Trump if we try too hard to play it safe or ignore the profound dynamics that are happening in our country right now."
"vote blue in 2024 that this like a boxing match don't leave it up to the judges you got to make sure that you have a knockout and that's what we need in 2024."
"If I ran for president, had ballot access in all 50 states and was allowed in the debates and everything, let's say that's a given I would run on the issue of challenging the American people."
"Trump was proven right about Biden on that issue he potentially could make the state closer."
"Democrats need to unite and focus on defeating Trump."
"I stand before you this evening filled with confidence that in 2022 we're going to take back the House and we're going to reclaim the Senate and then in 2024 a Republican candidate is going to win the White House."
"Progressives in the country have decided to challenge the current Democrats because of their enormous losing record, which I can show you."
"If you represent the donors, you do not have a better chance of winning than we do. We do not accept that assumption."
"Why aren’t the Democrats, who are so obviously correct, winning by a huge margin?"
"It forces a presidential candidate to have appeal across different regions."
"The democrats want to see portland burn between now and election day as a way of defeating trump even if they kill a few people along the way."
"He's just got to get enough of those suburban voters to say I don't like him I'm bothered by him and I don't think he's a good leader but I'm not going to vote for a democrat."
"Nothing gets Democratic voters out like Trump."
"It is hard but it is possible, and runoffs is a case where organization and enthusiasm decide the outcome."
"We need to vote from the top down, make this thing happen so we can make history."
"Chuck Schumer is remaining afraid of a primary challenge... Let's show them what kind of support there is out there for this great plan."
"More extreme candidates tend to lose more often."
"This can be a top three issue that people can really bring home to people during this campaign season."
"Pennsylvania has a very long history of significant third-party vote so if you're not polling that race then you're not mimicking the ballot and you will not have an accurate result."
"They understand he's a narcissist, but they figure at least he is not Bernie Sanders."
"It's a total distraction they don't care about the black community they care about the black vote"
"When somebody can come around and say, 'Look, I am for these progressive policies.'"
"We won every single thing... every single Republican that was on the ballot in any position won their seat."
"It's a disaster for the working class to have the party of the people center itself around affluence."
"The more you tell your activist base to piss off, the more successful you're gonna be electorally."
"The evidence is mounting that with just under three months left until the midterms, the political environment is shifting in favor of the Democrats."
"We vote with everybody in mind. When black women go to the polls, we vote for everybody. You can trust our vote."
"The way that you stand out in a field where everyone has some very similar policy plans is by the force of your life story."
"So me as the nominee... we will not let them run circles around us."
"But he hasn't really sketched out a new platform for his presidency if he gets a second term."
"Making it hard to vote for your opponent, making it easy to vote for you."
"Defeat Donald Trump and we believe strongly on this campaign that Bernie Sanders is the best position candidate to defeat Donald Trump."
"Trump’s plan is working. He’s strengthening his support among those who voted for him last time to guarantee that he’ll at least have their votes in 2020."
"Bernie Sanders might as well have been made and allowed to stand up to Trump's disingenuous tactics."
"We're the movement that will beat Donald Trump. We're going to have to lead with kindness, humility, empathy, and not just talk but action."
"Bernie also has the most diverse coalition of supporters."
"If we wanna beat Trump, we need real change."
"We're going to change politics as usual and our agenda is going to stay on the ballot."
"Let's elect Joe Biden, let's defeat Donald Trump, and then let's begin the process of transforming this country."
"Ron DeSantis is a very attractive choice for Republicans with money to get behind in 2024."
"A politician that is honest in the terms that we would normally want them to be will not win elections."
"There's also question of whether you have a candidate and an idea or whether you have a movement behind it."
"The very early start of the electorate, the very early start of the campaign season. They helped build the momentum."
"We gotta flip Florida blue in 2020 and beyond."
"The Republican race: a tale of Trump's grip and DeSantis's slip."
"The next time a Republican can win a senate race in Georgia is in 2026."
"Democrats could actually be building up the possibility of an electoral trifecta in the state of Wisconsin."
"When you oppose amnesty and you have strict immigration, you win Hispanics and blacks."
"This is how we win: we need a web of candidates all across the country."
"I think I'm the guy that can win the primary, win the general election, and then deliver."
"This is the chance for the fringe candidates to really — they need a moment."
"A landslide victory for Biden will make it virtually impossible for Trump to deny the results and is our best means for defending democracy."
"If you can speak to their pain, if you can speak to their frustration, they will never vote for Democrats, but many of them would be open to those who are speaking to their needs."
"The Labour Party would have a brilliant chance, okay, you know, a coherent chance of winning an election if the parliamentary Labour Party was connected to the roots and the movement of the wider body of the party."
"I think if Trump wins the sun belt, we're looking at Pennsylvania as the key state."
"New York and California, we've got the eight presidential nested states, we've got those two additional major house states, several really key districts in New York and California."
"The main candidates, they're so far left, it really makes me believe that the people who are in charge of these campaigns and debates are looking at who gets the most retweets."
"It doesn't matter what you convince voters of it doesn't matter if you convince them you're right or there's some good or something bad what matters is do you get the ballot"
"The Koch brothers are supporting these kinds of things because it gets votes."
"Running for the top job in America means you've got to be able to bundle a lot of money."
"I think Ron DeSantis is probably the better bet."
"Democrats are supremely off-putting to men, and this is why you're seeing the polls close the gender gap."
"That's what makes his path so much more challenging, is Biden if things go the way that they look in the polls right now, Biden is going to end up with more than 270 electoral college votes."
"They're very worried about losing the Hispanic vote."
"If what you want to do is stage a political upset and put together an electoral coalition capable of winning, you're going to have to represent the economic interests of the working age population and appeal to them on the basis of policy."
"Do I think that the Democrats have a better chance of winning if he's the nominee? I do."
"If the American people are looking at the candidate who can defeat Trump, I’ll hope they’ll give serious consideration to our candidacy."
"The irony of course is much better shot at defeating Trump the old-fashioned electoral way than you do at this removal from office."
"Everybody knows who Donald Trump is. Let's show them who we are."
"The only thing he has to run on is I'm good old Joe I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed but gosh darn it you can trust me."
"Republicans aren't what Trump pretends like they're gonna be. Like, 'Oh, if you just give me four more years, I'll show everybody that there's changes happening.'"
"Joe Biden's campaign rests on his connection with people."
"Trump improved his performance. He hit many of his cues on target."
"The only way forward is to beat them at the ballot box."
"You have to make it a choice, not a referendum."
"Nikki Haley has decided to go against that statement and to run against Donald Trump for president in 2024."
"Trump seemingly will do anything to win in November."
"Every day that Trump does something crazy, the door to voting for Biden opens a little bit more."
"It's like the best anti-Trump campaign ad: the people who know him best say don't vote for him under any circumstances."
"Every single election should be a get out the vote campaign."
"Trump convinced about twenty percent of the population to vote for him, which won the Electoral College vote, despite Hillary winning the popular vote by close to three million."
"We got this wrong... we were damaging to the cause of defeating Trump."
"When we win Florida, when America wins, I don't sound like a typical Washington politician."
"Donald Trump must be defeated and I will do everything in my power to make that happen."
"Trump is expecting this to be a base election. He's expecting his base to do better than Biden's base, and a part of how they're doing that is by juicing these third-party candidates, namely Kennedy."
"If we lose Texas, you can never win the White House again as a Republican or any other person."
"If Gabbard gets on the stage, she's the only one... to actually attack the top-tier legitimately."
"This clip came up from some time ago where she explains that people should hire her, elect her because she would never do the things that she's been accused of doing."
"None of those deserve our support in the next election. In fact, we should work hard to defeat them and get people that will actually drain the swamp."
"We need to elect someone with the right experience."
"He's campaigning on a few key issues which I'll go over now."
"The president is concerned about running against Elizabeth Warren. He fears Elizabeth Warren most. He's also a little bit nervous about Warren because she does have an economic populist appeal that appeals to some voters that voted for him."
"The more people you reach, the better chance you have of winning."
"People think, 'Oh well Stoma's going to keep all of Labour's voters from 2019.' And in big cities I personally don't think he will."
"Democrats can win by proving that the other side will screw them and we will not."
"President Biden is on a track for victory this coming November."
"I'm proudly take the endorsement and support of any republican independent or democrat who wants to get rid of Gavin Newsom." - Mayor Faulconer
"It's time we stood up and said we're going to primary all of these people."
"Grow some balls in the primary season... It's important moving forward that we do go out there and we do effectively primary these people in the future."
"Bernie was never running for president just to assume the office. It was always about elevating political consciousness."
"Trump's return in 2024 isn't just a political aspiration; it's becoming a necessity for many who yearn for a secure and well-managed Border."
"This is a ticket this is not just Joe Biden this is Joe Biden and Kamala Harris."
"The testimony we heard at trial from African-American elected Democrats was that the strategy of white Democrats to elect white Democrats was very simple."
"If you were to actually just grab a few non-voters and convert them into voters, that could be decisive for a general election."
"Life is a video game, right? We're living inside the Matrix."
"North Carolina is essentially a must-win state if President Trump wants to stay in the White House."
"When you are an incumbent, you want to make the race not a referendum but a choice."
"I think anybody who underestimates or doesn't take seriously the possibility that Trump could run in 2024 is really making a mistake."
"Biden is expanding his electoral map or at least expanded off Hillary Clinton's electoral map."
"The future of our free nation depends on us winning the Senate."
"The reason that Hillary Clinton failed to win the electoral college is because she got most of her support from very similar types of voters who tend to live in large cities."
"BJP could have fought better, governed better, delivered better."
"Winning elections has to be good economics, not just good politics."
"The greatest sin we could commit this cycle is by not having the ambition of going from 51 to 55."
"Black people should make sure you get something for your vote. Black support black businesses. Whatever it is they're gonna do, you should get something for your vote."
"Sanders is the most electable because he's able to bring out communities that don't normally vote."
"It's not like it's a little bit of a lead, it is massive. And these are the kinds of supporters that Bernie Sanders would be able to turn out in a general election that would allow him to overwhelmingly defeat Donald Trump."
"How do you win those worker votes that conservatives are now trying to target? Workers aren't fools."
"If you want to win an election, all you have to do is talk about the good old days and promise that you will either freeze or raise pensions. You'll win in a landslide."
"There needs to be unity behind Bernie Sanders in order to defeat not just Donald Trump, but to defeat Michael Bloomberg."
"Another day in 2020: Ocasio-Cortez's primary with Michelle Caruso-Cabrera."
"The only question is whether the Democratic party is so convinced that they can beat Donald Trump with literally a person who is not mentally there."
"Minority communities are pivotal to democratic victories."
"I'm coming out of Rockland County, which is 42% of the district, and I won it by 10 points."
"They'd rather sacrifice a term to Trump than have Bernie stand." - Discussion participant
"Democrats are funding more right-leaning candidates in some states."