
Joe Biden Quotes

There are 280 quotes

"Biden legally won, and that's the important thing to understand."
"White House releases health report claiming Joe Biden is healthy and robust."
"President Biden behaved the exact correct way that you are supposed to."
"The more that we can draw this contrast between the workhorse Joe Biden, who's getting up every day doing the people's business, and this madness and chaos on the other side, the more I think we're going to have the kind of election we want."
"Joe Biden is a man of character and of decency."
"Joe Biden finally on Tuesday decided to launch his not really awaited presidential campaign."
"Biden's legislative agenda has been more aggressive than I think anybody would have hoped."
"I deem Joe Biden to be one of the most effective, successful presidents in modern American history because of the policy record, the achievements, pulling us out of the crisis, and the long list of legislative victories."
"I am struck by the poll that found that a majority of Joe Biden 2020 voters say Israel is committing genocide."
"Joe Biden said, 'It's in our overwhelming national interest and international interest of all our friends.'"
"Biden doesn't need Florida... all Joe Biden needs to do is to do as well as he did in 2020."
"President Biden commemorated the one-year anniversary of the inflation reduction Act actually doing things for the American people."
"Joe Biden's State of the Union. He was direct, sharp, and on point."
"Joe Biden for his entire position... was a copious recordkeeper, notetaker, diarist."
"Joe Biden: 'I am going to get assault weapons banned. I did it once. I'm going to do it again.'"
"House votes to formalize Republican impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden."
"Joe Biden wrote the Violence Against Women Act and championed it."
"As President, Joe Biden will continue to ensure that the Jewish state, the Jewish people, and Jewish values have the unbreakable support of the United States."
"Joe Biden's ratings collapsing, actually I'm kind of feeling pretty good about that."
"Many millions of us had hoped the presidential election would yield a different result, but our system of government has processes to determine who will be sworn in on January the 20th. The Electoral College has spoken. So today, I want to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden." - Mitch McConnell
"Joe Biden has been a completely transformational president."
"The idea of Joe Biden...claiming that he's going to be in office until he's 86, that's just not going to work."
"There is a high probability...that Biden is not the nominee in 2024."
"Joe Biden believes in American workers; he's got our back."
"He'll build back better, he'll cross the river of our divides, and unite this country."
"We need to make sure everyone shows up for Joe Biden; he will show up for us."
"He's a decent, compassionate man; he will bring this nation together."
"They should be welcomed for saying I disagree with so much of what Joe Biden does but at least he supports the basics that the country is founded on."
"Joe Biden is in the position where he goes, 'I was right, I told you all right.'"
"Biden continues to be the most durable guy out there and all likelihood at this point you got to say he's the odds-on favorite to take the nomination."
"Who do you think is going to win? I think Biden."
"Gun violence in this country is an epidemic, and it's an international embarrassment." - Joe Biden
"President Joe Biden is going to be joining the picket line of striking UAW United Auto Workers Union Strikers."
"Joe Biden's presence... going further than I believe any president has gone joining a picket line."
"Joe Biden just says things that are overtly untrue."
"Who's actually behind all of this? It's really Joe Biden."
"This year prominent Republican office holders campaign strategists and officials from previous Republican administrations have mobilized in support of Democratic nominee Joe Biden."
"I am absolutely thrilled that we have Joe Biden, President Joe Biden, at the helm."
"How did Joe Biden become the president-elect?"
"Time for forgiveness and people getting together in love." - President Biden
"In that poll, Joe Biden continues to lead the Democratic field with 29% of the vote."
"Joe Biden said that we are facing our greatest political challenge since the Civil War."
"How in the hell dare he raise that? Frankly, when I was asked the question, I thought to myself, 'Wasn't any of their damn business.'" - Joe Biden
"Joe Biden just basically conceded... all right, I'm out."
"One of the things I really can't stand about this cycle is how the media finishes Biden's sentences for him."
"What in god's name you're going to do if you get sick because you've lost your home insurance your health insurance your company's gone under we have to provide health insurance for people at an affordable rate." - Joe Biden
"The American people elected President Joe Biden."
"President Biden has the lowest approval rating of any president."
"Biden is hilarious because his whole career is so funny."
"Joe Biden is Democratic pacifier 3.0, Obama 3.0."
"The assumption is that he doesn't want to embarrass himself by coming out here and supporting Biden."
"Well everybody knows that joe biden is is the healthiest president I've ever had exactly exactly very much that is a fiddle."
"President Joe Biden's plan is to cut the nation's greenhouse gas emissions by half by the end of the day and he wants to have a completely emissioned Street power sector by 2035."
"Joe Biden's mistake is thinking he was elected to transform the country but actually everyone just wanted less drama."
"We got a lot of news. Joe Biden is the Marjorie Taylor Green filed impeachment against them."
"It really is mind-boggling why Biden has refused to revert to any of his Democratic predecessors' policies."
"Simply attacked, the will of the people was under assault." - Joe Biden
"Joe Biden is compromised and corrupt... our national security is threatened."
"Advancing equity is not a one-year project, it's a generational commitment." - Joe Biden
"I think the winner tonight though was probably Joe Biden."
"Joe Biden collapses like a house of cards." - Ben Shapiro
"Here is Joe Biden, the bill I'm about to sign is not just about today, it's about tomorrow, it's about delivering progress and prosperity to American families."
"Is Joe Biden a captured vehicle... Is Joe Biden genuine when he says that sort of stuff that he's gonna provide some sort of wall against the radical left destroying our culture from within?"
"Joe Biden has a history of lifting people up."
"Joe Biden looked significantly more lively than he has any time during the campaign."
"We elect Joe Biden and then Joe Biden has to take action."
"I'm proud to endorse Joe Biden for president."
"Joe Biden continuing the core values of this nation... 'everything that has made America America's at stake.'"
"Stunning night for Joe Biden and the establishment."
"Joe Biden is going to be the 46th president of the United States. It is over."
"Donald Trump has lost the election, Pennsylvania has been called for Joe Biden, and Joe Biden has been named the president-elect of the United States. He will be the 46th president of the United States of America."
"Good job, Joe Biden, invoking the Defense Production Act. Probably a good move."
"Joe Biden did pretty well on Tuesday night... several really strong moments."
"Every single American to know if you're sick, if you're struggling, if you're worried about how you're going to get through the day, we will not abandon you. That is a promise." - Joe Biden
"They shouldn't be in that position, waiting to see if the Supreme Court is going to wrench away the peace of mind they've come to now rely on." - Joe Biden
"Democratic Party leaders and voters decided Joe Biden was more likely to achieve their ultimate goal."
"Joe Biden is the reasonable alternative to Donald Trump instead of the way more dangerous with way more blood on his hands."
"That goes against everything that the media and Joe Biden is saying today."
"The reaction of the people and the election process in Ukraine were impacted by Joe Biden's firing."
"Joe Biden surrendered Afghanistan to the worst people on Earth and gave them seven billion dollars of our military attack."
"I am the Democratic Party right now." - Vice President Biden
"If you can't complete a sentence, you shouldn't be president." - Joe Biden
"Biden's point: The words of the president matter, the behavior of the president matters."
"Joe is a man for this moment and with his leadership we are rising."
"Joe Biden used government resources to enrich his family. That is a fact."
"Joe Biden has had the worst first year of any president in American history."
"Joe Biden started off really popular and is really, really unpopular right now."
"I've never seen reality hit an agenda quite as fast. I've seen reality hit Joe Biden's agenda."
"This is the best thing Biden's done and there are criticisms I have but he's correct on the overarching point."
"81 million people voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 election."
"President Biden is really fired up after the speech."
"People don't just dislike Joe Biden, they hate him."
"The distinction here is that Joe Biden, 47 years in public service, compared to President Donald Trump who brought all of that experience four years ago."
"President Biden is facing strong pushback from Republicans."
"Joe Biden's on tape bragging that he leveraged a billion tax dollars to get a prosecutor that was investigating Hunter Biden fired. And son of a bee, they did it."
"I am eternally grateful for President Biden's courage and commitment."
"Joe Biden is a good, decent man." - Hakeem Jeffries
"Former Vice President Joe Biden will become the 46th president of the United States."
"Joe Biden is a crook who sold influence, as was Hillary by the way."
"Joe Biden's economic plans address work, wages, and wealth."
"Just hours after being sworn in, President Joe Biden is already putting the pen to a number of executive orders, undoing some of Donald Trump's most controversial moves."
"I think Joe Biden is doing a tremendous job in office."
"Joe Biden is going back to that old stalwart gun control."
"I don't think it's going to be a Biden victory, an easy victory for Biden."
"Joe Biden tries to shake hands with nobody again... Is that what it is? Presidential run poop?"
"Joe Biden is demonstrating that he has the strength to take the pressure."
"Does anybody really believe that Joe Biden in the White House knew nothing about this great embarrassment to our country?"
"Joe Biden knows that when white supremacy and black excellence are in the same room, the black excellence is a disinfectant that kills the germ of white supremacy."
"Don't underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to f things up."
"It's the biggest myth in American politics... Biden is a puppet."
"Biden's coming out now way more moderate than people thought he was going to be."
"The biggest political winner has to be Joe Biden..."
"Joe Biden has already said multiple times that they're going to continue to pass stimulus checks and stimulus packages until the pandemic is over."
"Joe Biden, the current president, was a segregationist and led the charge in favor of the crime bill, increasing mass incarceration."
"In terms of being able to move Biden, we can at least move him on the climate, and that is the biggest issue we face as a country."
"Biden's rhetoric has grown ever stronger about guns."
"US President Joe Biden has announced a new initiative to protect forests around the world."
"Trump was proven right about Biden on that issue he potentially could make the state closer."
"You love this country whether you win or lose. You recognize the glue that brings us together." - Joe Biden
"Biden has been really good on this in a way that nobody expected."
"Biden is way better than Obama, not even close."
"I expected nothing from him like we all expected nothing from him absolutely not the people that he expected nothing from him I expected nothing of Joe Biden."
"I'm kicking forward. It's all about Joe Biden, and it's all about the people in America winning again."
"A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for returning to the status quo of putting the Washington establishments and the ruling class first at the expense directly of the American people."
"Donald Trump's agenda is he has got to depress Joe Biden's vote as much as possible."
"What is really interesting here is that all the things that Biden has done from the American Rescue Plan to the guns bill to the inflation reduction act are incredibly popular."
"Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f things up." - Barack Obama
"If the election is a referendum on Joe Biden's policies and the failures that we've seen... we will win the presidency and we will have a chance to turn the country around."
"For an American president to be silent on an issue of human rights is inconsistent with who we are." - Joe Biden
"I think Biden then really did win the national popular vote by the double digits."
"Make bold investments in their people and clean energy future, win the good jobs of tomorrow, and make their economies more resilient and more competitive." - Joe Biden
"This is the decisive decade. This is a decade we must make decisions that will avoid the worst consequences of a climate crisis." - Joe Biden
"Joe Biden doesn't have anything better to do on a Friday?"
"Joe Biden's not a bad man. He's a good man but he's 81 years old."
"A dual housing crisis in America, and Biden's approach aligns closely with expert views on how to fix it."
"Biden's plan would be a boon to the poor and for broad economic growth."
"Biden is on the right side of organized labor."
"RFK Jr hurts Biden significantly, I don't believe he hurts Trump that bad."
"Joe Biden has advocated for greater spending on education and has detailed plans to both increase teacher salary and upgrade school infrastructure..."
"Joe Biden has alternatively made climate change a centerpiece of his campaign and is proposing to invest two trillion dollars over the next four years..."
"Only President Biden has gotten it done, and it will make a real difference for millions of Americans."
"Apparently there's new emails The Daily Caller says that the Biden Administration or at least when he was Vice President Biden the president the vice president himself sent a hundred thousand dollars allegedly to Hunter Biden."
"The day I got the call from Joe Biden asking me to serve with him on this ticket was probably one of the most memorable days of my life."
"If we vote like never before, we will elect Joe Biden, President of the United States."
"President Biden has been clear that he believes it is absolutely vital to have a Department of Justice that is free from undue political influence."
"Joe Biden knew that his son was doing business with foreign countries and foreign governments. He had to know."
"Joe Biden has just backed ending the filibuster."
"She was willing to assume the risk of death for her zaddy Joe Biden."
"People are looking for leadership from Biden, they're not really getting it."
"Joe Biden's going to be sworn in on January 20th."
"This is monumental, it's landmark, it's historic, it's the best week ever in a week Biden went from left for dead to the most consequential president in a generation."
"Biden arguably cancels out to some degree Trump's incumbent advantages."
"You've got two kinds of candidates at the top in the dem field: far-left candidates who will do well in the primaries... and then you've got Biden."
"The big winner tonight is Joe Biden because Biden is the moderate Democrat."
"America's influence right now could be at its apex, and instead, Joe Biden is blowing it."
"The use of lower yielded tactical weapons could quickly spiral out of control into Global destruction." - Joe Biden
"But the roots of it are in Joe Biden's dedication to the United States Senate and dedication to getting something done."
"Joe Biden is intensely corrupt and is funneling billions of dollars of our taxpayer money to his corporate donors."
"Biden's pretending to be transparent while actually not being transparent."
"President Biden on top of that has an incredible record to run on."
"Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson set out to expose what they see as serious corruption involving Joe Biden."
"How media coverage drove Biden's political plunge."
"There is no evidence whatsoever that Biden cannot win. He might not win, but he certainly can win."
"Biden will speak at 4 pm today and aides say he will run in 2024."
"Joe Biden, Sleepy Joe, spent forty-seven years outsourcing new jobs, opening your borders, and sacrificing American blood and treasure."
"Joe Biden has said already he's not engaging in my way or the highway politics; he's willing to compromise."
"Biden is the best president in the history of the United States."
"The best thing that's happened to Joe Biden is the fact that the United States Senate is either going to be Republican or very close."
"Joe Biden has transformed into an anti-Israel president... he's more concerned seemingly with placating the anti-Semitism in his base than standing with our historic and vitally important Ally."
"President Biden has promised to make depositors at the bank whole."
"Anybody who believes that Joe Biden is easy to beat... has not been watching politics lately."
"CNN projects Joseph R. Biden Jr. is elected the 46th president of the United States."
"And it wasn't just fake news, CNN. Former Vice President Joe Biden will win Pennsylvania and Nevada, putting him over the 270 electoral votes he needs to become the 46th president of the United States."
"Joe Biden has made the problem worse...Joe Biden changed all this and now it's getting bad again. That's his fault."
"And I think you can come up with the reasons for your policy positions and for supporting Joe Biden at the same time."
"President Biden has been a champion for all the rights and freedoms."
"Joe Biden, next President of the United States."
"Joe Biden wins the presidency, he will go on to be the next president of the united states of america."
"Joe Biden enjoying numbers similar to Obama in 2008."
"Huge flip for Joe Biden, a state that went to Trump by nine percent back in 2016."
"This is clarifying for Joe Biden, right? Like it was smart of Joe Biden and it was right of him to run on unity and to run on working together to run on bipartisanship that's what voters want to hear."
"Joe Biden has been elected the 46th President of the United States of America."
"Joe Biden wins the presidency with an electoral college margin of 290 to 248."
"Joe Biden holds the tiebreaker in the US Senate."
"Joe Biden, codify Roe and also legalize weed."
"Joe Biden will restore some sense of normalcy to the functioning of government."
"Joe Biden knows how to listen and have a respectful dialogue."
"Joe Biden is going into hiding. No joke. According to Joe Koncha, the Biden campaign has called a lid until Thursday."
"Thankfully we have in the Oval Office somebody responsible like President Biden."
"Biden is now the most pro-union president in a century."
"That officially makes Joe Biden the next president of the United States."
"Arizona I do expect Joe Biden to narrowly gain a victory here."
"Biden is expanding his electoral map or at least expanded off Hillary Clinton's electoral map."
"For over 40 years Joe Biden has had the courage to speak out and lead on the toughest issues facing."
"Joe Biden's in the weakest political position of his entire presidency."
"Joe Biden won Alabama, Arkansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia."
"Joe Biden is nothing, he is truly an empty suit, he's the embodiment of nothing."
"Joe Biden is a guy who was constantly underestimated."
"I have no tolerance for this line of lying and falsehoods. It's deception." - Joe Biden