
Voter Turnout Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"If a small percentage of these people say no and they don't vote, Trump is still winning in terms of voter turnout."
"We are in the middle of the greatest year of elections in human history, more people will vote this year than in any year in human history."
"Elections are fundamentally won by turnout, not by persuasion."
"Huge turnout for early voting today in four states, people waiting online for hours to cast their ballots in person."
"Elections are won on turnout, and the enthusiasm of the base is necessary."
"We're gonna need the largest voter turnout in the history of the United States." - Bernie Sanders
"Bernie actually can pull it off... the people who don't vote."
"The effect of the pandemic on voter behavior."
"Only 45 percent or so of Democrats are excited to get out and vote."
"This was the most people who voted in an American election in over 100 years."
"The sheer hatred of Trump among various groups is going to boost turnout and conceal many of the weaknesses that still face the Democrats."
"The formula for winning these is the same formula everywhere right which is turn out your voters and try to get as many people in the middle as you can."
"You need energy excitement large voter turnout... to beat Trump."
"Pick an area, a county, a district, and get people to vote."
"All of these attacks on hope, DEI, and the constant media narrative... is to specifically drive white turnout higher."
"Their voices matter and if they turn out and show who they are we can win this election."
"We need to keep increasing voter turnout so that we can reverse their efforts at voter suppression and put into place laws that will make it easier to vote."
"Oregon's motor voter laws translated to a 4% increase in voter turnout."
"81 million people voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 election."
"If it's anything like 16 and 20 the election will be decided by fewer people than attended the most recent Taylor Swift concert."
"The youth turnout is actually currently exceeding 2018 numbers."
"The more people that use Blue Voter Guide, the higher it's going to drive turnout and the more close elections we're going to be able to win."
"Our votes become more powerful when turnout is up."
"Getting people to the polls, getting them to the polls on election day or before election day, if there's early voting, is going to be key."
"The more chaos that is sown here, it will disincline people to show up. Every time I speak about it, I feel like I'm playing his game. Does it make sense what I'm saying?"
"Let me tell you how you win it you have the largest voter turnout in the history of America."
"Big win for democracy. People showed up, Gen Z showed up, people of color showed up. It was really fantastic."
"Democrats brought out record number of voters."
"Joe Biden will have secured the most votes in the history of the country in terms of presidential wins."
"A historic election with turnout at record highs."
"Everything comes down to voter turnout and who actually shows up at the polls."
"More people voted in America than ever ever in the history of America."
"More than 80 million Americans together said, 'Let's go and vote this guy out,' and they went out there and they did it."
"Nothing gets Democratic voters out like Trump."
"If we focus on turning out 60 to 70% of our vote, we literally can win elections statewide."
"This enthusiasm gap... translates into voter mobilization and the type of resilience we're gonna need."
"Get every Patriot you know and get them out to vote in record numbers."
"We're now looking at an amount of votes that could have changed the outcome of the election."
"Voting Trump out of office seems to be a much more effective voter turnout strategy than anything Bernie ever could have proposed."
"Joe Biden seems to be running up the numbers in Florida."
"There have been 31 million votes so far. That's over 22% of the total turnout in 2016."
"If no one voted at all, it would show the country for what it is."
"This time it increased by eight points so a huge increase in voter turnout."
"Our brothers and sisters in Florida, we know statistically that if 65% of the registered African-American voters had voted we wouldn't have DeSantis as Governor right now."
"2020 was an outlier election in terms of voter turnout."
"If we vote like never before, we will elect Joe Biden, President of the United States."
"If you're going to keep asking for money and asking for votes and doing nothing, you can't simply expect people to come out to vote."
"If black people turn out at 65, 70, and 75% of our capacity we can sweep elections."
"He certainly energized the population come out and vote on his side now on the other side too um they increased their turnout uh overwhelmingly from 26 is like 10 points higher than it was in 2016."
"All that matters is who turns out on Election Day." - Ralph Reed
"Hopefully, they'll get a lot of attention from voters who will turn out and participate."
"We're going to win this election by turning out folks in Philadelphia and southeastern Pennsylvania."
"Voter turnout is sort of the only thing that's gonna protect the country."
"Wow, like a lot of people voted, so I was just humbled and appreciative."
"We did great in 2016 and we won, we did much better in 2020 than we did in 2016, and as I said, getting millions and millions more votes than any sitting president."
"Apathy loses let those polls scare you a little bit."
"One of the reasons Brexit was pushed over the line...is because about two and a half million people who don't usually participate in politics came to vote for Brexit."
"I think parents are going to come out in droves to come and vote and fight for their children and just the future of this country."
"The turnout is impressive because it's double what they predicted. It was a big deal."
"Nice when you see the voters actually come out and so strongly repudiate this Maga extremism."
"The history that we're making is voter turnout."
"Turnout for the Iowa caucuses could be an issue."
"We probably could've gotten double that many people voted if you were just engaged."
"Women, suburban women, younger women turning out, it always makes a difference."
"We already know that we have to get out in numbers too big to rig in numbers too real to steal."
"Even considering that, Wisconsin's turnout was massive on an unprecedented scale."
"Black women showed up in record numbers and brought us to victory. They saved this country."
"Black voter turnout drops by nearly 10 percentage points."
"The higher voter turnout is, the more likely a Democrat is to win."
"Blacks had the highest turnout among voters age 18 to 24... something that has never before occurred in our nation's history."
"Trump's base didn't turn out; his indictment could spark turnout."
"70% of the people who are eligible to vote in next year's election are either women, people of color, or young people between 18 and 35."
"Polls are only as accurate as the type of electorate that ends up turning out." - Unknown
"If Democrats turn out in every national election that matters, we win."
"That's not democracy, you know, regardless of the last election. How many people voted for Donald Trump? 80 something million, you know what I'm saying? That's a lot of people."
"Young people and minority voters turned out in force to prevent Republican takeover."
"We're the only country... that doesn't take a national holiday for elections... most people can't vote."
"If it's a foregone conclusion then fewer people turn out."
"Part of the reason we've been over performing in the last four elections is that we've had a higher voter turnout than the Republicans."
"In every small town in this country, you have two organizations that work to bring out votes: Christian churches and NRA branches."
"The chapters commitment to increase the voter turnout in Ohio as an example of Delta's most efficient and effective civic engagement."
"Please, our electoral outcomes really do turn on turnout."
"With 23% of registered voters casting ballots, 97% voted for statehood."
"Maybe you get a bit of margin shift but significantly you also just get a big reduction in turnout among groups who've historically leaned very strongly to the Democrats then that is a big problem."
"when you lead with ideas it is possible to engage non-voters"
"Half a million people have already voted, that's insane."
"This could drive many people that are women and people that care about women on this issue to the polls."
"Our democracy certainly needs improvement, especially when you look at some 30% voter turnout. Apathy is not only because people have no interest in voting; apathy is because they are disgusted by the process that we're seeing."
"The voter participation rate in the United States in national elections is always astonishingly low, certainly by any global comparison."
"Election Day registration appears to have increased voter turnout by about four percentage points."
"That's the highest youth turnout number in the last 30 years."
"High voter turnout, I'll take it. Low voter turnout will have a problem."
"The campaign spin works; the 1840 election has one of the highest voter turnouts in history."
"You defeat Republicans when there is a large voter turnout, and Republicans win when there is a small voter turnout."
"Winners and losers, majorities and minorities, are determined by who shows up to the polls."
"Democrats, when it comes to getting a Democratic president, you have to think about voter turnout; that's what matters most."
"The Liberians wanted a change, and they expressed that through their ballot papers by going out in mass numbers to vote."
"I think we're talking about voter turnout in conjunction with the youth in their political education in general and their political engagement."
"We need the largest voter turnout in the history of America."
"More than 130 million Americans voting, making their voices heard."
"You start getting 70-80 percent voting rates, that's transformative."
"The 2014 Scottish independence referendum and 2016 Brexit referendum had significant turnouts, showing there's still significant engagement surrounding critical issues."
"Who are the people that have to turn out to vote to make this thing real? What are they thinking and what do they need to see and hear?"
"If only 38.5% of all voters are turning out, we're not getting an accurate representation of how people really feel."