
Electoral Integrity Quotes

There are 303 quotes

"Biden legally won, and that's the important thing to understand."
"The American people, who pay for elections with their tax dollars, actually own the elections and have the right to care about their elections, election integrity, and the results of their elections."
"No matter how you voted, this election was administered with integrity, transparency, and in accordance with state laws."
"Voters, the courts, and the states have all spoken; if we overrule them, it would damage our Republic forever."
"This isn't a Democrat or Republican thing. It's about ensuring the integrity and security of our electoral process for the sake of our democracy."
"This is not about overturning an election, it's about making sure that we protect and preserve free and fair elections for all future American elections."
"We hold a strong responsibility to make sure that our elections are run properly."
"Get involved, stay focused on election integrity."
"Every vote in America has to count, but there are rules to elections."
"A stolen election that elects democrats is more legitimately democratic for democrats than a legitimate election that elects republicans."
"Every single state has to ensure the integrity of their election."
"States and local governments have not only responsibility but they have incredible accountability to the people that they work for to be sure that elections are fair that they're free that there's no question about the outcome."
"It is a disservice to the public for representatives of a campaign, especially the campaign of any incumbent president, to make and repeat the claim that there's proof of massive voter fraud, only to abandon any claim of fraud in the courtroom."
"The truth is that America was kicked out of the counting room and a billionaire was allowed in."
"The indictment repeatedly charges that the Democratic party's electors were valid, while Republicans' were false."
"Fix it. We don't want disenfranchised voters."
"Carrie Lake scores huge win as Arizona election case heads to court."
"We have to fight to protect our electoral system... so people have faith in them."
"So what got him elected is basically what got him right God listen I'm not going to argue with you against fraud uh elections being listen like I said um."
"It no longer matters who votes; it matters who counts the votes."
"Counting legal votes is a top priority for voters."
"We don't have a democracy when the politicians pick the voters rather than the voters picking the politicians."
"This election was stolen, absent to cheating, absent of the cutting of corners."
"Maybe there was fraud, but they have changed the state laws that allowed cheating."
"It's about electoral integrity... It's not necessarily about Russia, it's about what is happening in a globalized kleptocratic world." - Peter Dukes
"We're going to keep fighting for every legal vote in America."
"It's an admission that Democrats don't think they can beat him fair and square... it's an admission that they're willing to bend the law and pervert the electoral process to maintain power."
"We the people must decide whether we will have fair and free elections."
"For more than a year now, with tacit and explicit support for their party's national leaders, state Republican operatives have been building an apparatus of election theft."
"This was the most corrupt election in the history of our country."
"Even if Trump did lose fair and square, something has to be changed here."
"Denying elections is not a fascist move but manipulating and stealing elections overriding the will of the people trampling on their rights, yeah these are actually Paul marks or Fascism."
"This election is not just about honoring the votes of 74 million Americans who voted for me, it's about ensuring that Americans can have faith in this election and in all future elections."
"If we don't root out the fraud, we don't have a country anymore."
"Saving democracy which is kind of this high-minded thing and then there's he tried to give your vote away and we are not going to stand for it."
"If you can't validate it, then I think you really need state legislatures in those places prepared themselves to look at what happened."
"Fake electors were also meeting elsewhere in the same state capital at the same time on the same day."
"Embracing a return to traditional elections, Carlson advocates for in-person Idaho verified voting to ensure transparency and thwart external influences like Mark Zuckerberg."
"We shouldn't apologize for wanting to make it easy to vote and hard to cheat."
"Trying to keep Donald Trump off the ballot is not about helping one political party over another, it's about protecting the Republic from somebody who has attacked it and could attack it again."
"This election was rigged, and we can't let it happen again."
"The left is freaking out by the very idea of the audit because they know if it shows substantial fraud, it will vindicate what Republicans have been saying."
"Having a channel like this that just kind of says 'hey here's what it's like' is really handy for writers."
"I am urging my people... if I see tens of thousands of ballots being manipulated, I can't go along with that."
"I think that's a very different question from whether or not you can set up an electoral process that advantages one party over another."
"The fix was in before anyone started counting votes."
"The one thing you can't do is vote for someone who says, 'Well if I don't win then it's probably rigged and we're going to have to take other measures.' That's not okay."
"There are a lot of processes, institutional changes that need to be made so we can guard against anybody, regardless of political party, ever attempting to overturn a U.S. election again."
"The integrity of our elections is a critical part of our nation and it must be upheld."
"We cannot have a secure democracy if we do not protect the security of the people who administer our elections... the status quo is unsustainable and unacceptable."
"Let's talk about restoring voter integrity into our elections."
"Judge Michael Luttig gave Pence the legal cover to defy Donald Trump and refuse to overturn the election."
"The election was not stolen. That would help in terms of healing."
"This election was not stolen. America will bend but it will not break, and our democracy will not be undermined."
"They're trying to commit voter fraud by voter suppression. They're trying to rig the election."
"The real danger... is 2022 or 2024 when we may see people begin to change the results of the elections."
"A forensic audit is understanding every step of that process without equivocation."
"Election, you must hold electoral process sacred. You must believe in one man, one vote as democracy."
"The idea that millions of people have sent in their ballot, the news media should be very clear that those votes should be presumed to be counted, not uncounted."
"The legitimacy of any president that's elected is going to be impaired unless the American people understand that there has been a full and fair count of all the votes."
"The certification of his defeat interrupted."
"There's this terrifying poll out in February that a really shocking percentage of Republicans believe it's okay to use violence to overturn an election if they don't get the results that they want."
"Voter fraud is a thing, okay? It is to pretend that it does not exist and the possibility does not exist counters a significant number of cases."
"America saved itself in an election that was the most scrutinized we've ever had."
"It's important to ensure the voting system we're using has certain properties, that it fairly represents the opinions of the electorates."
"All the stats we have everything unfortunately we haven't had judges that want to look at it they don't want to change elections." - Former President Trump
"Remember without strong borders and honest elections we don't have a country."
"It really is part of our civic duty to ensure that the people that we elect into office actually make good on the promises that they made during the election."
"If we don't hold the integrity of this process, then we are simply a third world country."
"There is absolutely evidence of voting irregularities and I will say it now. I don't care if I get banned."
"The integrity of our voting system is more important than which candidate gets to be in the White House."
"If there's fraud, they shouldn't account for any vote."
"Fraud is wrong, and it's eroding the last vestiges of trust in our election systems."
"Is there any factual basis to support the allegation that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election?"
"We want fair, true, honest elections in this country."
"Free and fair elections are one thing, but if you torture your way to a majority after that, that doesn't quite live up to the values that you were stating."
"We need to make sure this election is done right and thorough because people are ready to explode."
"We should make sure this election is done right and thorough because people are ready to explode."
"Thank you for your heroism, your gumption to stand up for the great nation of the United States, for freedom, for the electoral process."
"We are a nation of rules, not a nation of rulers. There is not someone that just gets to pick who the next president is outside the will of the American people."
"I will not rest until the American people have the honest vote they deserve."
"American democracy under attack because the defeated former president of the United States refuses to accept the results of the 2020 election."
"Democracy at risk is at risk. We also know this, okay, so then our power each and every one of us to preserve our democracy."
"Everything that we mentioned—all of these elections, the people that were voted into power—were voted into power democratically."
"Ensuring federal election integrity is literally within his official duty."
"Flush the toilet, get normal people, and make this a real contest, not a race to the bottom."
"It's a message that says our elections don't have to be about right versus left they're still about right versus wrong."
"It's sick, it's sick. Deciding in some states that you cannot bring water to people standing in line waiting to vote."
"They use censorship to manipulate the elections, but it's not going to work this time around."
"I'm for a system where everybody actually does have one vote and there's no voter suppression."
"Every single validly cast ballot is going to be counted."
"One of the things that legitimizes elections is the ability of an adversarial third party to review what the process is."
"We're never going to eliminate all of it, but we do have to make sure that our elections have the integrity and the people feel that their vote really matters."
"Our two-party system has only one party left that is willing to lose an election."
"Can you explain the inherent risks like what are the risks? What does it mean when a box of ballots turns up in a dumpster?"
"They've made it as easy as possible to commit the most brazen and bold voter fraud ever."
"I hope it's not malice but we're going to fix it, we're going to win, and when we win there's going to be come to Jesus for elections in Arizona."
"This was always about voter integrity and the integrity of the voting system itself."
"Stolen election after stolen election. Blue State, Red State, doesn't matter."
"Democrats have been cheating for forever... whoever wins the most votes in the primary goes on to win the general election."
"The only question of this election is going to be, do we let them get away with it?"
"We must fix this mess and restore confidence and integrity to our elections."
"Every vote counts. Every voice counts. Even if it's seven days, that's bad enough. But then to limit the FBI as to the scope and who they're going to question, that really diminishes the investigation."
"There's no better invitation for ballot fraud than mail-in balloting."
"Validating and approving the configuration of these systems is critically important to preserving the integrity of that election system."
"It's stunning, the inability to just accept that they've lost."
"Every citizen deserves to have faith in the integrity of the election process and its outcome."
"Every vote must be protected from the diluting effect of illegal ballots."
"Democracy means billionaires cannot buy elections."
"We hope that they will look at whether Russia had help in pulling off that attack on our election."
"If you have to intimidate and harass people to win an election, get out of the seats."
"To restore trust in the integrity of our election process, we must tirelessly defend its security and hold accountable those who discarded our constitution for their own convenience."
"Everyone is so upset about the lies from the Democratic party but nobody had to hear about the lies about stealing the election."
"When it comes to clean elections, Judicial Watch won't ever stop."
"Un-elected and unaccountable presidential electors should not be allowed to decide the presidential election without regard to voters' choices and state law."
"Make sure that if you're using an electronic system there has to be a voter-verified paper record of that."
"If we win this thing Republicans cannot steal the 2024 election in Wisconsin the state that determines the winner so let's put it all on the line."
"Convincing the voters of this country not by having the Democrat cabal in the back rooms of some sort of Palace Hall called a courtroom decide the way we."
"What matters is the impression of Integrity. We need people to have faith in the Integrity of Elections so therefore we have to introduce voter ID."
"We do not win by hiding our heads in the sand and pretending that malfeasance is not occurring in these elections. That is not how you win."
"Republicans are trying to steal future elections by rigging the system to change the laws." - Roland Martin
"We cannot allow these attacks on our democracy, on our elections infrastructure to stand." - Nsé Ufot
"Republicans are always going to cheat to win elections. Forget all that BS. Donald Trump said they're all about cheating." - Roland Martin
"Your vote is more likely to be compromised intercepted challenged and thrown out if you vote by mail."
"The core principle being not disagreement to cancel elections but abuse of power that could endanger future elections."
"Vote fraud doesn't have to be widespread to be a problem... it has to be very minimally spread."
"Our great Founders did not want and would not condone false and fraudulent elections."
"I never thought I would see the day where an American president would threaten not to accept an election defeat."
"It would violate that oath, the basic principles of Republican government, and the rule of law if we attempted to nullify the people's vote based on unsupported theories of fraud."
"We must protect the right to vote, honor the results of our elections, and uphold the rule of law."
"Even before the ballots were sent out, he said, 'Well, the ballots, if we get rid of the ballots, we won't have to talk about a transition, we'll talk about a continuation.'"
"If Trump and his lawyers open the door and make some type of statement like they've never made comments like this before, he's always supported free and fair elections, if they make any arguments like that, then all of that can be led in."
"If our votes truly count, these should form the basis of electoral campaigns."
"Technology will help even if you look at generally how to conduct elections they moved away from the crude and barbaric way of just manipulating figures to now."
"President Trump has several times refused to commit himself to a peaceful transfer of power after the election."
"The restoration of credibility of the electoral process is even more important than the act of voting."
"Mail-in voting should incorporate an objective standard verification for early for voter identification similar to the ID requirements for in-person voting."
"People's votes aren't being counted, they're finding a bunch of missing ballots," he said.
"Legislative responses to state-level voting restrictions."
"You can run the best campaign, become the nominee, and have the election stolen from you."
"No matter how hard they try to rig it, I'm a strong believer that the people in this country will defeat all methods of rigging which are being planned."
"We create a big opening with mail-in ballots and absentee ballots. That's a giant opening for fraud."
"This is a disgusting attack on our electoral system."
"You can't say you want to improve elections and talk about how you are a leader in the nation for free and safe and secure elections but then simultaneously do the very things that would undermine that status."
"The bedrock of a republic is an honest and accurate voting system."
"A disease unchecked, mass protests, and a president unwilling to pledge support to electoral democracy."
"We as public servants have no more sacred duty than protecting the people's right to vote, but we have to maintain confidence in the integrity of the results." - Mark Brnovich
"We can't let what happened three weeks ago happen."
"There is no legitimate reason to keep ineligible voters on the rolls."
"We must ensure that this is an election that is free and fair, an election in which voters are not intimidated."
"No election in a large population is going to be a hundred percent free and fair."
"The democrats with all the fraud they have done in this election the republicans hiding and not fighting they are trying to silence your voice make no mistake about it they do not want you to be heard."
"It's incumbent on us to keep making an issue of this. I'm really not sure what else is to be done when you can't tell anyone that their vote is actually being properly counted by these machines."
"We need to ensure that our elections are fair, honest, and transparent."
"Election workers trained for battle against conspiracy theories and misinformation."
"And there's no possibility of somebody voting twice, there's basically no possibility of voter fraud whatsoever with this system."
"We need resolutions passed to insist on paper ballots, insistence on chain of custody."
"Mail-in voting is rife with fraud" - that's not true at all.
"If they're right and there was mass voter fraud, then we're not overturning the election."
"These are the people that tried to end the American experiment because their guy didn't win."
"Confidence in the integrity of our electoral process is essential to the functioning of our participatory democracy." - Judge Bradley
"The grand jury is going to be investigating whether Trump's request for Secretary of State Raffensberger to find those extra 11,000 votes violated Georgia law."
"The goal of an election is to convince the losers that they lost and to participate."
"The only way we're gonna lose this election is if the election is rigged."
"Act locally, encourage people to vote, find candidates who prioritize election integrity."
"People want fairness, security, and transparency in our elections."
"There's nothing wrong with having a correct election."
"Democracy on the ballot itself because some of these candidates are so anti-democracy at a time of rising authoritarianism."
"I'm embarrassed for the voters, I'm embarrassed for Arizona, and I'm ashamed that anybody would file a civil action with these sorts of allegations."
"We are entitled to have the accurate count of legal voters determine the result of the presidential race. We are entitled to have truth emerge."
"In 2024, the revolution is on if we still have unauditable software for our elections. There is no alternative to that."
"If it ever came down to supporting an individual... I will always pick the system. If I had to throw Trump under the bus love him as I do... I would throw him under the bus so fast if the election system indicates that."
"I would rather get beat in an election with good turnout then win in an election with low turnout."
"It's not a matter of throwing away legally cast ballots... It won't happen."
"A victory for Democrats as Wisconsin's Supreme Court rules against purging voter rolls."
"We need to have confidence that our vote counts, that there's one person for one vote. Thank you for this press conference because this message needs to be heard."
"We have to have honest elections. Or you don't have a country, you don't have a state, you don't have a country, you don't have anything."
"For the first time in our history, a president had not just lost an election, he tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power as a violent mob breached the Capitol."
"Trump's been hinting at a 2024 presidential run using the big lie that the 2020 election was stolen from him, and it's working."
"We've got to get out there and show our support not only for the President but the integrity of our entire electoral system."
"It's not important who votes, it's important who counts the votes."
"No election can be considered honest if it's not done with paper ballots counted on-site."
"We now have video surveillance evidence of what appears to be allegedly ballot stuffing around the same time we saw it."
"We'll count every single piece of paper, every single ballot, every single lawfully cast legal ballot."
"Dirty voting rolls can lead to dirty elections."
"This is enough to overturn any election, it's disgraceful what happened."
"We need trust and confidence in our elections."
"We need to preserve our democracy, that freedom and a free and fair vote."
"Don't tell me we don't need new laws to ensure the integrity of our elections."
"Donald Trump doesn't get to decide the future of America's leadership... The American people do. Make every vote count and count every vote."
"Nobody wants fair and just elections except for progressives, except for the far left. But everybody that's just your rank and file American is going to say, yeah, I want fair elections."
"We have to prevent the 2024 election from being rigged and stolen like they stole 2020."
"This pathetic Gambit to rig the election has failed."
"If there's evidence of fraud and it's substantial and significant enough to affect the results in a particular state, then those election results would have to be set aside."
"That’s corrupting our electoral process by encouraging openly, including our camera in front of all of us, foreign powers to get involved in our election process."
"Arizona if they have the chance... could go against the will of the voters."
"Voters are aware of busting voting false face operations."
"If you are electing people who want to overturn a legitimate election, then you are the problem."