
Political Campaign Quotes

There are 472 quotes

"I'm running for congress against Dan Crenshaw."
"This election is all about who's going to fight for you... We're in it for people, not in it for the rich."
"Housing affordability has become one of the central issues of the campaign."
"I'm Gary Chambers, and I'm running for the U.S. Senate to be one of the votes needed to codify a woman's right to choose as the law of the land."
"That's why I've been working so hard this year, and that's why Louisiana was important. I wanted to show people we could do it; we can win. And guess what, we won."
"You prevailed last night. Temperamentally and across the board. You're an incredible candidate."
"I'm Kimberly Klacik and I'm running for Congress because I actually care about black lives. All black lives matter. Our communities matter. We matter."
"I mean, I hate to say that because I really have been enjoying the campaign."
"The only thing Bernie Sanders has been trying to do over the course of this campaign is literally just update the iOS and just bring us to the same operating system that every other modern nation has been on for like the past 20 to 30 years."
"I'm Ron DeSantis, and I'm running for president to lead our Great American comeback."
"Our goal as a campaign, and my goal as a candidate for president, is to unify this party and then to unify the nation."
"John McCain in 2000 made corruption a central part of his campaign. The state rallied to John McCain in 2000 because people here get it, and they have gotten it for 20 years. They understand that if we don't find a way to fix this democracy, all of the issues people are talking about, all the dreams, these ideals, these hopes, are just hopes."
"I was running proudly on reproductive rights and ending the drug war and ending the prohibition on marijuana and making sure that we are fulfilling our commitment to our servicemembers."
"The decades-long smearing of Hillary Clinton as an unhinged shrew culminated one year ago when, despite maintaining a preternatural calm throughout the most brutal campaign in living memory, she lost the election."
"Our campaign is not only about defeating Donald Trump, the most dangerous president in modern American history. Our campaign is about redoubling our efforts to end racism, sexism, homophobia, religious bigotry, and all forms of discrimination."
"We're going to work really hard in 2024 to win this election."
"I'm running for Prime Minister to give these people back control of their lives."
"The campaign to oust Newsom went from unlikely to unavoidable this week as pervasive frustration with Newsom's pandemic management cut sharply into his approval numbers."
"We're going to win this election because we have no choice. If we lose the election, we're not going to have a country left."
"This was a legal meltdown for all of the Trump campaign lawyers."
"It's good fun man. I'm enjoying running for president."
"He ran without any hope of winning... he just told the truth to people."
"You cannot win an election with a recession."
"Trump will bring out the rural vote like no one else."
"Every single dime that you give to the Biden Harris re-election campaign, we spend talking to voters."
"It's the big one. We are going to create the new Jamaica. This team is ready to rest your journey." - TVJ's Decision 2020
"Americans are waking up... Donald Trump asked on the campaign trail... what the hell do you have to lose?"
"The Biden campaign has seen the best fundraising haul in history."
"The animating impulse of Trump's campaign was defense of traditional hierarchies."
"President Biden has just released his first campaign ad for the 2024 presidential election and it is amazing."
"Trump's entire campaign was focused on fighting the coronavirus, so the Democrats were more afraid than the Republicans of catching or spreading it."
"A vote for safe communities, great jobs, a limitless future for all Americans. It's really a vote for the American Dream."
"When we reelect President Trump, the best is yet to come."
"Facebook has just nuked Donald Trump's campaign from orbit with new rules banning hate speech."
"I'm running for president to help transform this country and it cannot be done alone."
"I don't put up with bullies. I'm Nikki Haley and I'm running for president."
"President Trump is killing it, absolutely killing it out on the campaign trail."
"Maggie's quest to get 150 signatures to join the ballot sort of serves as a montage that kind of shows us building her confidence a little bit more."
"In 78 days, we're going to win this state. We're going to take back the White House, and we're going to have an election that's all about the survival of our nation."
"This entire campaign is about speaking the truth."
"I'm just going to run on what I know to believe is true."
"Ossoff and Warnock hammered COVID relief throughout the campaign, especially at the end when McConnell blocked the $2,000 checks."
"President Trump's on his way to winning Florida."
"Our campaign is different. Our campaign is about America, it's about you, it's about the future we're going to continue to build together."
"Trump in his element... unless someone can match Trump on this sort of stuff, he has a very good shot at running away with the 2024 nomination."
"We could do a really well-distributed ground game effort where we pick up communities, members, we train them, we organize them, we deploy them to areas."
"The utopian's code is the antithesis of the kind of might makes right thinking."
"This campaign has always been about the young people of this country. You are our future."
"Bernie's whole campaign was built on FDR's second bill of rights."
"Every bad thing he ever said is gonna come up in this election."
"None of that means a damn thing if Rafael Warnock and John Ossof are not elected senator in Georgia."
"President Biden campaigned on reviving the nuclear deal after former President Trump withdrew from the 2015 deal with Iran and other world powers."
"I am in this race to start leading us to something, to our own vision of what it means to be an American."
"Our campaign is about transforming our country."
"Every member of the campaign... joined this movement in order to defeat Donald Trump."
"We need leaders who bring us together to get this done and that's why I approve this message."
"We are gonna win the Democratic nomination and we are going to defeat the most dangerous president in the history of this country." - Bernie Sanders
"I don't think it'll be Joe Biden 2024. Why? Donald Trump is already campaigning."
"I raised ten million dollars last quarter in increments of only thirty bucks each."
"Every hour you contribute, every precinct you walk, every phone call you make, every postcard you write will determine the outcome of this election."
"During his campaign, there were a couple of decades of experience with violent offenders who were my patient population, that I came to recognize much more."
"Throughout the first year of this campaign, we saw how hungry the American people were for this message of unity."
"Trump's most powerful weapon was the media who gave him billions of dollars worth of free air time."
"The mission of the Lincoln Project is not over until Joe Biden takes the oath of office on January 20th, 2021."
"Yes she was out raised by Joe Crowley ten-to-one yes she took no corporate PAC money but what they didn't get was she was going directly to the people."
"The cultural revolution was a specific campaign by Mao."
"The special counsel did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in these efforts." - William Barr
"Jen yuger's presidential campaign ends with a whimper not a bang but who is surprised by this result not me but maybe you were."
"Our campaign has been about seeing clearly, speaking honestly, and acting decisively in the best interest of America."
"I wish that we had more of that Trump on the stump throughout the campaign."
"I'm running for governor because the decline of California isn't the fault of its people. Our government is what's ruining the Golden State."
"If you want to save Trump and save this country, a vote for me is actually the way to go."
"If you get tired from doing a modest number of campaign events like Joe Biden is doing, how on earth are you going to stand up to the pressures of being president?"
"We're launching a campaign to get out the vote and amplify Progressive candidates."
"For their campaign shall turn into a crisis, and the people shall be turned against them."
"I plan to run in 2024, then you're gonna have if even as we have this election to totally change the political dynamics you're going to be stuck in the same political dynamics that we've basically lived through over the past couple years."
"You cannot tax your way to growth nor can you tax your way to an election victory." - Steve Baker
"Republicans have dedicated an entire political campaign to fear-mongering over sexually explicit material being shown to children."
"Herschel is going to win, so they're going to throw everything under the sun at him. He's a great candidate and focused on the right issues."
"We need to win both of these Senate seats in Georgia."
"This election is a choice between safe vaccines versus more lockdowns, a Trump recovery at the highest end or Biden depression."
"We're putting together something that we would like to put centrally at what what a mayoralty would look like and so people can get behind it."
"Trump has been just everywhere this campaign season."
"These really were the perverted fantasies of Glenn Simpson working with the Clinton campaign."
"When I was running for office, the comment was, 'Who's going to be taking care of your children?'"
"I think Joe Biden wants to talk about coronavirus, and he's been doing a lot of that. And it's been effective for his campaign."
"Sanders campaign did their job, but the media didn't pick it up, they did not inform enough people."
"Together Donald Trump and we the people are going to make America great again."
"We're gonna make America great again, believe me."
"The most persuasive pitch of the Biden campaign is return to normalcy."
"I believe that Bernie's campaign is historic... the strongest force that Sanders was up against was just how traumatized people are by Trump."
"Andrew Yang will earn the respect of the country. He's the only person talking about the robots and the technology and all these creative solutions."
"My candidacy ended up raising tens of millions and I got a lot of attention and I became a contender."
"I want the 2024 Republican primary to become the dirtiest, filthiest, most corrupt, and disgusting mud-slinging fest that we can imagine."
"President Trump ran on a populist platform... he was able to relate to the common man."
"NBC News is reporting exclusively that the Trump Administration is now launching a global campaign to stop countries around the world from criminalizing homosexuality."
"We proved it in '18, we proved it in '20, and we proved it again in '21."
"This November, this is the state where America's comeback will continue full speed ahead."
"I am running in this race to help guarantee that very few people have to ever ask the question what happens to a dream deferred."
"Families and children were at the center of his campaign."
"Trump is plowing ahead, gaining ground in every place he needs to."
"The Russians ran an extensive information war campaign against my campaign."
"Gavin Newsom stopped he survived in a huge way. What was the message of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and everyone who traveled into the state? It was like, you have to vote no on the recall because we are in favor of science."
"Michigan, if we win Michigan, we win the whole ball game. We win everything, remember that."
"My campaign for president simply does not have the financial resources to continue."
"My job now and basically for the next six seven months all the way till the voting begins as to make clear to Americans how my presidency would be different and better than any of the others."
"Let's win the Democratic nomination let's defeat Donald Trump and let us transform America and create a government that works for not just the few"
"I am running for truth and Justice as a presidential candidate for the People's Party to reintroduce America to the best of itself."
"The next step to victory begins... with your support."
"Maga 2024, he's going to make this country greater than it's ever been and we're going to keep the money here in America, America first."
"My message is, don't be down. Don't be mad. There's a big chance here for a massive victory in 2022, and an even bigger one in 2024."
"It's really a campaign for truth, freedom, and health."
"I really want to encourage everyone to go to the Shiva for Senate site and support our campaign."
"My opponent dropped out, and immediately after, we raised $26,000 in the 48 hours after he dropped out."
"This was not so much a referendum on policies but rather a presidential-style campaign."
"What Donald Trump's team needs to do is they need to show significant harm, something that is massive collusion, that's multiple parties, multiple people involved."
"Speaking of Trump, he's headed to Miami to campaign for his best buddy, Little Marco."
"This campaign is not only about defeating Trump; it is about transforming our economy."
"Donald Trump's team they really built a robust operation compared to 2016."
"I'm asking everybody here, I'm asking everybody watching this nationwide to waste your vote on me."
"You've got to have a plan. You've got to put in the work. Joe Biden has concrete plans and policies that will turn our vision of a better, fairer, stronger country into a reality."
"Joe Biden seems to be running up the numbers in Florida."
"This moment, this election is our chance to keep the American promise alive."
"It's going to be a positive campaign that seeks to bring out the very best from every single one of us that seeks to unite a very divided country."
"Electing Joe Biden is just the start of the work ahead of us. And I couldn't be prouder to be by his side running to represent you, the people."
"This is not just a campaign this is a quest to save our country."
"Vote Trump if you want to restore Law and Order in this country."
"With profound gratitude and great humility, I accept your nomination for presidency of the United States."
"Love and hope and light join in the battle for the soul of the nation."
"This is a battle we will win, and we'll do it together."
"A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for putting the American people first."
"A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for returning to the status quo of putting the Washington establishments and the ruling class first at the expense directly of the American people."
"Congratulations to Chris Roberts who has run one of the best and most exciting campaigns ever... not to mention that the majority of the money he raised was not actually on Kickstarter at all."
"This year has been a lot Joe Joe running for office has been a lot I'm sure um he leaving from even from the debates his whole demeanor has been about what what we can do in the future how can we rebuild."
"We're going to recall Gavin Newsom, and it's going to be Larry Elder."
"The campaign doesn't need to go on anymore. Guess what, you have all the information you need, America. Just go vote now, end this nightmare."
"The way he moves forward is crucial, we need to see his campaign more aggressively show us they're serious about black voters."
"If we want to get them elected, everybody's gonna have to chip in."
"I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit for political purposes my opponent's youth and inexperience."
"I cannot wait for 2024. If they put him in jail, he will run his presidential campaign from jail."
"There are very few people who... saw this race from start to finish the closest to Bernie's eyes you could have... because I was just with him so much."
"She's running her entire campaign with this Robin Hood worldview."
"What I always loved about your campaign was the feeling that I wasn't living in ossified Washington."
"He's an incredibly smart... he has all that you need to be an incredibly winning candidate."
"This election is about Prime Minister Modi getting a very big mandate for a very, very large agenda."
"The truth, as Candace Owens said in her leadership campaign speech, will set you free."
"This campaign is not about just getting me in office. It's about you having the ability to shape this country in the way that you see."
"Look at how amazing I am! This is the election weekend. Please vote for me because Russia is awesome when you've got an invasion into Russia."
"The misinformation seems to be coming from the remain camp."
"So me as the nominee... we will not let them run circles around us."
"This campaign is more than healthcare, it's more than education, it's more than the postal service, it is democracy."
"This is a campaign about whether or not we maintain American democracy."
"Let us go forward together, let us win this election, let us transform this country."
"Our campaign is more than just trying to defeat Trump... our country and in fact the world faced enormous issues that we cannot turn our back on."
"I'm once again asking for your financial support."
"Democrats win when we figure out what is right and we get out there and fight for it. I am Not Afraid and for Democrats to win you can't be afraid either." - Elizabeth Warren
"Hillary Clinton may run for president again experts believe as she suddenly launches new campaign against corrupt human tornado."
"Defeat Donald Trump and we believe strongly on this campaign that Bernie Sanders is the best position candidate to defeat Donald Trump."
"Trump’s plan is working. He’s strengthening his support among those who voted for him last time to guarantee that he’ll at least have their votes in 2020."
"I am officially running for president of the United States and we are going to make our country great again."
"If we vote up and down the ticket like never before we will elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and we will leave no doubt about what this country we love stands for and what we believe in and who we are as a people."
"Shirley Chisholm survived three assassination attempts during her run for the United States presidency in 1972."
"Even though we ended like this, I'm happy to say that this campaign as Cyprus in A to Z has been a success."
"Now Trump's got support from every demographic you could want."
"I'm humbled by all the support that we have."
"Joe Biden has alternatively made climate change a centerpiece of his campaign and is proposing to invest two trillion dollars over the next four years..."
"There will be political polarization, and Justin Trudeau will have a fight of his life to be reelected in the next election."
"I'm running to be president. I'm not going to pull out because somebody wants to be coronated."
"With your continued support, every day between now and November 3rd, we're going to make Arizona and America stronger than ever before."
"Yeah, become president. What do you do? Run on your unrelenting support for 9/11 first responders?"
"I think that we are going to win an unbelievable Victory on November 8th."
"Thus again, an entire presidential campaign was set around one black male who happened to be a criminal."
"You can run the best campaign, become the nominee, and have the election stolen from you."
"I am the perfect candidate for your District."
"Donald Trump is making this a continuation of a campaign against Hillary Clinton and a constant campaign against Barack Obama."
"If we vote like never before, we will elect Joe Biden, President of the United States."
"This race is about competence and character." - Senator Warnock
"We gotta flip Florida blue in 2020 and beyond."
"A vote for Jackie is a vote for Nancy Pelosi, it's a vote for Schumer and it's a vote for all of the problems that they bring."
"It begins and ends with Joe because if Joe does not win, we're... so we just need to make sure that Joe wins and we're going to make sure he wins..."
"This campaign is about humans versus the machine."
"Ron DeSantis isn't just losing in the polls, he's losing his chance to make history."
"I'm fascinated to see how Donald Trump tries to crack this and win back the presidency."
"I'm running for three reasons: to restore the soul, dignity, honor, honesty, transparency."
"I'm not running to be president. I'm running to do something as president."
"Bernie [Sanders] is the only candidate with a $20 billion hospital bailout plan." - Michael Brooks
"Welcome back everyone to our campaign. Prince Balian of Ascalon is currently 33 years old, his four children there is a fifth on the way."
"Marie Yovanovitch had an entire campaign waged against her because she stood in the way, she says because of this corrupt abuse of power coming into light."
"The difference now is that we are getting into the final stretch of the campaign season."
"2024 is our final battle, it's our final battle... we're going to turn this nation around, we're going to make America great again."
"A vote for Biden is a vote to completely eradicate your auto industry."
"If you want a vaccine to kill the virus, a job to support your family, and freedom to live your life, then you cast your ballot for me."
"That's a very impressive number, so congratulations to Vivek and the Rama Swami campaign. That's really impressive and it tells you something about the time we're living in."
"With your help, with your support, and with your vote, in two days from now, we are going to win."
"Over the last four years, I've fallen for Michigan like no one has ever before."
"California needs a disruptor, a compassionate disruptor. I came here with a dream 48 years ago to be the greatest athlete in the world. Now I enter a different kind of race—arguably my most important one yet—to save California."
"Running for the top job in America means you've got to be able to bundle a lot of money."
"I want to bring back a family-friendly Michigan."