
Communication Effectiveness Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"The best type of communication is extremely clear; it's accurate and easy for other people to understand."
"While your accent may persist, focus on clear pronunciation and effective communication rather than eliminating your accent entirely."
"Delivery is everything, right? And you can have something very important that you want to teach people, to explain, and if you deliver it in a way where they can't understand it or they don't want to understand it, then it won't happen, even if you're speaking facts."
"That's an illustration of how this subject appeals to the public."
"There's a difference between having more viewership and having people that listen to the end."
"After you identify the problem, make sure you know what you're talking about because people will quickly sniff out if there's any kind of BS in what you're saying."
"Text has one job before it: just to convey information in writing. If it's not legible, it's not working."
"You cannot just convince people with facts alone; it has to be relatable, tangible, and engaging."
"You know when you have basically a couple of players saying everything that needs to be said, you're all for it."
"The slower you talk, the quicker someone swipes off the video. It's true, it's true."
"Never underestimate the utility of listening."
"What it does mean is that you've indicated to them that you actually heard and understood what they had to say and that works."
"The more you try for not clarity, the less effective its communication."
"Less is more... a soft spoken word can actually have more of an impact than an argument."
"The longer it is, the more legitimate it is, the more detailed it is, the more context you get, the easier it's going to be to say, 'oh wow that made sense'."
"Most people don't care about what you said at the end of the day. They only care about how you made them feel."
"The point here is that to craft truly effective messages, well you've got to understand who your market is."
"I think the way out is to use simple direct clear language... mostly talk about here's how we do it, here's how we could do it well."
"Spreading the news... it's working, it's great."
"Politeness and constructive criticism... can go a long way."
"Sometimes the most simplest thing can be used to get a major point across."
"In NLP, the meaning of any communication is the response that you get."
"Clear, simple, direct—that's the most powerful communication."
"Recruiting comedians for effective communication."
"Most of the time it's better to show what you're talking about than to just tell anyway."
"The language that's used is very important if your goal is to reach like young people."
"The delivery is almost as important as the message."
"A word spoken at the right time, how good it is! Truly, it is a fundamental principle that timing is everything."
"Am I getting through? Am I being understood?"
"A whisper carries more meaning than a shout."
"Rhyming phrases are more believable and more memorable."
"Remember that people respond well to communication, not abuse."
"The controversy drowns out whatever message you claim to be promoting, rendering the message itself pointless."
"If your message isn't clear then or the joke isn't clear then you failed."
"With Halo, you can make sure what people hear with their ears matches what comes from your heart."
"You will get in touch with probably three or four times as many people if you do it within 5 minutes."
"What matters is people being able to understand what you say."
"Smooth communication is like if you take care of your pennies, your dollars take care of themselves."
"The most important communication and honest communication happens face-to-face, not just through social media."
"It doesn't really help people that are interested to know what's what content is coming."
"Truth with love is more helpful than silence."
"The most effective medium of disseminating information that's actually going to be retained by people is and always has been storytelling."
"At some point you have to use the words people understand to make a difference."
"If you speak as a collective, you're likely to actually get a response."
"Word of mouth has always been the best way to spread new ideas."
"Conversations are probably the most effective way to create some change."
"Our words have to reflect how we actually use them in reality otherwise they're meaningless."
"Effective communication can patch that up as well."
"It's a testament to how much you can say without saying anything at all."
"If you want to change someone's mind, whatever you say needs to stick."
"Taking it down would defeat the purpose of apologizing."
"It's not just the infographic, it's the art of reaching people using plain language."
"When you lead your point with a story, people's brains fire up and they start to try and work out why the things that you were saying matter."
"People don't necessarily always remember exactly what you say but they will remember how you made them feel."
"You want an elevator pitch is a way to wake people up from their daily bla lives to really kind of spark their curiosity so they're going like wow so tell me more about that."
"If you're communicating with people, it's really easy to sort out what they mean by just asking them."
"You're just bullet pointing but you're missing the target."
"There is a method to delivering criticism that is paramount, sometimes it's more important than the criticism itself."
"Using letters for verbal communication of deep feelings and issues is a very effective method in relationships."
"It just goes back to telling a good story, being identifiable, being relatable."
"If everyone talks at once, then nobody gets heard." - Moderator
"He's got a huge YouTube channel that's going out there... he breaks it down to the T, makes it easy for you guys to understand."
"This is very easy. Explaining how it impacts your wallet right away."
"If you use this approach, your success rate with dealing with Jehovah's Witnesses at the door is going to skyrocket."
"A poster should be to the eye what a shout is to the ear; it's exclamation, not explanation."
"But when he says stuff it's like wow, like that was really good."
"Being able to have the feedback from the user saying 'you know what, here's the callback, your message was successful' is really useful."
"I keep it to what I see has been important bit so I don't overload you with too much information."
"You don't want to make things too difficult for them to understand, so you want to simplify it down so that people can understand what you're trying to say."
"They phrase the news and what's happened in such a clear, simple, easy-to-understand way, relatively speaking."
"Do you think this cuts through to people? Do you think that most people understand the extent of this crisis?"
"It really is all about trying to make sure that the argument's clear."
"Sometimes the fewest words speak the loudest."
"The effectiveness of communication isn't just tied to communication. The effectiveness of communication is also tied to comprehension, period."
"That was a good recap, thank you, I appreciate that."
"It hits you different when it's presented in a concise collective."
"The meaning of communication is the response you get."
"The messenger can make the message more poignant."
"Seriously, who was the intended audience for this?"
"Face-to-face contact is far more successful than a phone call."
"People make connections if you talk to them, right? No one makes a connection with you if you're asked like a PR statement about how does your company do something, right? It doesn't feel very good."
"When we communicate that in that way it makes a whole lot more [__] sense."
"The chief said they're still getting 20 to 30 tips a day and he reminded us and pled with us that if you are submitting tips, please provide as much competent information to support the tip as you can."
"A few quick words in a sentence could go a long way for people like me."
"The lack of miscommunication was my favorite thing."
"It's good to see they at least addressed it, didn't ignore it, and actually gave a fair, measured, and justified response."
"If you can't say it calmly, then you're going to be ineffective."
"Concise and powerful; longer is not always better."
"It's all about how effective your communication is in that five-minute period."