
Communication Clarity Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Be clear, no one's a mind reader. Don't expect your loved ones to just magically understand what's in your mind."
"It's really important that we use precise language and we say what we mean and we do not present opinions as facts."
"The right order is to put the adjectives before the noun."
"I feel like I've made my point very, very clear."
"Say what you mean, mean what you say, and be clear about it in all your relationships."
"If you're direct, it means you say exactly what you mean and no one can pretend they haven't understood because it's very, very clear."
"Changing an arithmetic base can be confusing, so we have to use precision and clarity."
"They weren't very descriptive, but they were descriptive enough where we knew what they were talking about."
"Your pronunciation doesn't interfere with communication when you're fluent."
"It's time, and if you listen, I'll be able to deliver what's going on quite clearly."
"If you're on the side that can use plain language... if you can say the truth and the truth actually helps you... you're probably on the right side."
"If you specifically remove that implication, it's gone. They can't use that."
"I hope everybody was able to hear this as clearly as I want them to."
"The signal is coming through loud and clear that we are on a wrong course."
"Can we just decide and agree what we're talking about?" - David Pakman
"Honesty clears up all that fog and gets through to the point."
"Finally, finally we get a clear, I mean like he's tried to be clear but he just made it baby proof today."
"Do I have to say, 'I don't necessarily think they're a good person' every time?"
"Stop expecting things, tell people what you want so you don't have to expect."
"Earbuds are a great thing to have to limit audio complications."
"This is very easy. Explaining how it impacts your wallet right away."
"I genuinely mean, I don't bring that up already."
"The Universe only understands the words you are using, not the tone."
"Don't just say 'read.' Provide context!" - "What am I supposed to do with that?"
"You make it very cloudy when you say somebody touched you in your privates."
"If a person says 'I don't know,' it means no. If they knew, they would have said yes."
"I have the receipts because sometimes when you are talking and you don't have the receipt it will seem as if you are making it up."
"If we want something, why don't we just say it?"
"Can we specify if Ukrainian Russians before you start? I don't know how many times I can say that."
"You want clear, solid communication about where this is going."
"It's crucial to actually provide a clear explanation on why a movie is disliked or considered ineffective rather than just labeling it as woke."
"Sorry, I'm glad you could see things." - Hondo
"It's not even my place, but that's an assumption that the person you're speaking to wants to maximize hypertrophy, and so just being clear about that."
"Words are important and definitions are important."
"It's not a compliment." - "It's not a compliment."
"It's super weird but they're like telling the viewers why so it's not just you know why don't they like each other."
"The fact that you give her boundaries doesn't mean that you love her any less. But it means that 'no' is 'no.'"
"I thought that has to be taken out of context."
"You're going to nod your head in an up and down motion."
"When women use absolutes or speak in absolutes, it's a clear sign of no miscommunication."
"This person wants to tell the truth about how they feel, they want absolute clarity."
"Ask for what you want, be clear. Asking a man to do something once is like never having asked him to do it at all."
"Five by five for you new people means loud and clear."
"I want to get my message across as clearly and as authentically as possible without letting political correctness get in the way."
"You're alive and everybody can hear you loud and clear sir. Please, bro, you're doing a wonderful job. I really appreciate you. God bless and God will keep strengthening you."
"Words have evolved to be distinct from each other to avoid confusion."
"The reason people can understand me is I'm speaking slowly and clearly."
"I ask please that all the information that comes through me is kind, palatable, and easy to understand."
"Clarity of communication... we're communicating in a way where lies can't present itself."
"You got to get to the point, man. You got to be clear."
"Good grammar is instrumental in conveying ideas with clarity, professionalism, and precision."
"Intonation has a grammatical function, which is a fancy way of saying that intonation in speech works like punctuation in writing."
"On each subcarrier, there is no inter-symbol interference."
"I'd rather be understood on what I say than just take for granted that's clear."