
Standard Of Living Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"People should be able to work one job, one full-time job, and be able to have a certain standard of living."
"We could... create what's called a post-scarcity society where not only the nine billion people coming but twice that amount can have a higher standard of living than 99% of the world has ever known."
"We have the resources and technology to enable this at a minimum, along with the ability to raise the standard of living so high that people in the future will look back at our civilization now and gawk at how primitive and immature our society was."
"Longevity and health are the best proxies for a high standard of living."
"Real wages were rising, people's standard of living was going through the roof."
"Of course, if there was no other alternative, I would be willing to give up a certain standard of living to ensure the comfort of other people around the world."
"Eisenhower’s America enjoyed the world’s highest standard of living during the 1950s."
"The American populace right now has the highest standard of living they ever have had."
"Our standard of living is determined by productivity."
"Let the free market function, and we will have an optimal allocation of resources, and we will all collectively benefit from a higher standard of living."
"The cost of living goes down and his standard of living goes up."
"Raise the standard of living of women and girls."
"The standard of living will almost certainly rise by the end of the century. Modern projections say that by the end of the century your average Bangladeshi will be as rich as your average Dutchman today."
"More people are better off with more rights, more privileges, a better standard of living."
"I think we can raise the standard of living so incredibly much if everybody has access to Abundant amounts of really high quality intelligence and they can use those tools to create whatever they want."
"Best case scenario for China is probably an 80% reduction in their standard of living."
"The dollar being the reserve currency is actually causing the standard of living in the United States to be artificially supported."
"I want to live in a nation in which all people can have a decent standard of living."
"Putin is still a very popular leader because he has improved the standards of living, prosperity."
"We're not a community unless we're actively helping one another try to achieve a better standard of living, a better way of life, security, and opportunity." - Royce White
"Free market capitalism is not perfect but it's the best system we have to raise the standard of living for the poor and middle class."
"If wages are rising more than prices you're going to see a rising standard of living."
"What happens to us is once we get accustomed to a certain standard of living, we forget what it was like when we were struggling."
"We now have the capability to provide a decent standard of living for every man, woman, and child."
"The reason standards of living go up is because of the best Capital allocation mechanism in the stock market."
"And all that innovation and freedom means that if we compare the average person today to someone living 500 years ago, we have a much better standard of living."
"An average person living in the developed world today lives better than a Roman Emperor."
"Happiness is your standard of living minus envy."
"Many people in the UK fear that the standard of living across the country will continue to decline over the coming year."
"Standard of living is what people perceive to be. It's all relative and it's all subjective."
"You guys still have a featherbed compared to the way things are over here."
"I'd like to use those resources for something quite different, like raising the standard of living of the mass of the human race on this earth."
"South Korea is known for its low crime rates and high standard of living offering a sense of security and well-being to Residents and exp Patriots alike."
"Norway as a country is rich and the high standard of living makes it seem like everyone is rich too."
"Minimum wage is actually livable."
"All Humans everywhere want a higher standard of living."
"Our standard of living as a nation is going down because the things we used to take for granted become too expensive to afford."
"The basic logic here is that when you retire you're probably going to want the same basic standard of living that you had before you retired."
"The funds that might have been spent on the military have been invested in improving the standard of living."
"That downward trajectory is ultimately correlated I believe to a lower standard of living."
"Norway is known for its high standard living and is often ranked one of the happiest countries in the world."
"A full employment world where we get more and more people working would raise the living standard."
"Yugoslavia enjoyed a higher standard of living than much of the rest of the Eastern block."
"Your generation, the younger generation, will in all likelihood, have a lower standard of living than your parents."
"So I felt I can make money here in Vietnam and now, what I say is I make American dollars living in Vietnam which would give me a better standard of living and lifestyle that I don't believe I could achieve in the United States."
"You can draw a straight line between productivity and our standard of living"
"Internet connectivity might be the number one technology that improves people's standard of living around the world."
"Out of this, I remain optimistic that we can radically increase the standard of living even of the poor."
"Life was good for Dina and her family. Unlike most Russians, they were well-paid and had a high standard of living."
"Why when the standard of living has increased so much across so many dimensions, why our overall happiness is not?"
"This actually created an increase in productivity and actually elevated the standard of living for quite a few people."
"Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says that everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of a family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care."
"Sweden is home to one of the highest standards of living in the world."
"Canada enjoys one of the world's highest standards of living, maintained by the hard work of Canadians and by trade with other nations."
"The higher the per capita income of a country, the higher the standard of living and overall well-being."
"The standard of living in the west depends on having scientists and engineers."
"The goal is not one of raising the standard of living per se, but rather one of systemic interdependence."
"AI out there generating ideas, AI out there helping with human labor, we can have a much higher standard of living for everyone."
"Per capita GDP is often used by economists to determine a country's standard of living."
"Americans living today are the inheritance of systems that created the highest standard of living in human history rather than protecting the competency that made those systems possible."
"Canada has punched way above its population weight, providing a very high standard of living for its people."
"Our standard of living has improved so much over the last 100 years, but are we less anxious?"
"They understand there is something very wrong with our economy when they are likely to have a lower standard of living than their parents."
"The thought is that using this wage data helps ensure that benefit payments reflect the general rise in the standard of living that occurred during an individual's working lifetime."
"Human beings have a propensity to utilize abundance for population growth rather than for maintaining a high standard of living."
"The average life expectancy and the standard of living of the majority of humanity have risen."
"It’s an increase in the standard of living."
"All of this resulted in Americans experiencing the fastest increase in the standard of living of any people in world history."
"The level of consumption of goods and services... you'll know that the more goods and services a country or its people are able to afford, you know that they live in the top, the standard of living is... could be considered to be high."
"The Cuban Revolution was fought for two primary reasons: one, to increase the standard of living for the average Cuban; two, to allow Cuba to experience true autonomy and rule itself."
"Your standard of living is determined by your ability to produce something that somebody else wants to buy."
"Out of all the cultures currently crushing the past on the standard of living scale, there is one cold and wet part of the earth that seems to somehow always be among the leaders of the pack: Scandinavia."
"Trade with other countries enhances our economy and raises our standard of living."
"The next reason we chose Poland is kind of a combination of the cost of living and the standard of living."
"The success of a government's economic policy can be most effectively measured by an increase in the standard of living."
"When a smartphone is actually accessible for a poor man in a world community, it allows them to improve their standard of living."
"The standard of living today is four to six times for the middle class, what it was for the middle class in the early 1900s."
"It was a privilege which I cherished up to my death. I did all my best to improve the standard of living of you, my people."
"We look forward to the day when Scotland has a government with the full fiscal powers to make sure that all of our people can have a decent standard of living."
"This increases the standard of living by increasing the population's purchasing power, and that is absolutely awesome."
"The success of a government's economic policies can be most effectively measured by an increase in the standard of living."
"We have the greatest standard of living the world has ever known."
"In retirement, it's income that determines your standard of living, not your account balance."
"We take for granted our standard of living that we have in this country."
"A rising standard of living requires a rise in the output of goods and services."
"I believe in human progress, and I believe that these people will figure out in my lifetime how to have a similar standard of living."
"With all the hotels, restaurants, shops, and other tourist facilities that have been developed, there are now enough jobs for everyone and the general standard of living has greatly increased."
"It has not necessarily raised the standard of living in an advanced economy."
"It has the potential to improve the standard of life of the people of the communities where we are in."
"If you ask the average person... 'Are we better off now or are we richer do we have a higher standard of living than people in 1810?' and they'll say 'Of course we do.'"
"Technology has always been the friend of the common man. It reduces his costs, increases his options, raises his standard of living tremendously."
"That's the essence of voluntary trade and how it improves everyone's standard of living."
"The places with the most economic freedom have the most economic growth, and the most economic growth leads to the highest standard of living."
"We need to up our standard of living where we do good things."