
Political Diversity Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"The more people speak up, from all political persuasions, from all walks of life, the easier it is to move forward."
"People can probably get along with people with a surprising amount of political disagreement."
"46% of people, close to half the country, says that they're not either one of the two choices we have."
"Thanks for joining us on our voyage to truth and freedom, a voyage where hopefully people from across the political spectrum and across the world with a variety of political views can come together."
"In Europe, if you have a problem with a party, you just go and form another party."
"The biggest strength of liberalism is it allows for a whole bunch of different economic and political philosophies to exist within it and then to kind of function as they will within that system."
"We can afford a president from ideologically from Mike Pence to Bernie Sanders, as long as they respect the Constitution, the rule of law, and the checks and balances."
"We need choices with lots of talented candidates."
"The more different their platforms are the greater the choice that's being offered to us and that's what democracy is really all about choice."
"We can agree, disagree, and still respect each other. We can still be friends in real life if we have a different view on politics or religion."
"While none of these parties really matter much at all hopefully learning about them has given you some insight into some of the fringe subcultures"
"Everybody's got a friend they think is a little nutty politically but they come over and you can have beers with them you can have conversations with them you can hang."
"Black people and white people getting along despite political differences."
"I just want people to say what they think. Whether it's for Trump or Biden or anything, like I just want people to be expressing themselves."
"You can absolutely have very conservative people who still believe in universal basic income."
"For Americans to have real political choice we need other parties with other programs and other promises."
"He believes that in democracy we don't have to see eye to eye on every detail of every single issue in order to work together."
"There are not always clear or easy answers to the problems of the world, which has led to the political diversity that we see here."
"We have a very dear friend... very vocal about it and I tend to be conservative in most of my feelings and we have our conversations back and forth but you know she loves me, my family, and I love her."
"Platforms have become intolerant of diverse political views and abusive toward their own users"
"Promote intellectual and political diversity."
"The left understands diversity when it comes to race or sex, but they don't seem to understand it when it comes to thought."
"You need an opposition political vantage point. We don't have that now."
"One thing I found very interesting I've met a surprising number of people who are foreigners but not Europeans who are very Pro Brexit."
"A more diverse politics can only be to the good."
"None of us has all the answers, none of us, no matter what our political party or our station in life."
"It's fine, I can still have a lot of respect and love for my neighbor or my friend who maybe has a different political persuasion than me."
"It's not enough to say, 'Oh, I'm going to read some conservatives and some liberals.'"
"I'd be willing to be friends with you I'd be willing to be your friends and I am friends and willing to be with people who are on the left and all different opinions."
"I like having people from outside of the political class."
"Would you charge them if the building literally burned down? Would they?"
"Our political views are just so divergent because we're no longer coalescing around what our neighbors believe."
"What we need in this country is a rainbow coalition, but it has to be done outside of the Democratic Party."
"Absolutely I think that kind of diversity of thought diversity of opinion diversity of political affiliation I think that's very healthy for a community to have."
"Every time you turn around, Democrat, Republican, or Independent, you hear with something new."
"Imagine if we got out word to those ninety million voters that they actually have a variety of choices and voices in this election."
"Atlanta is a super liberal place inside a very deep south conservative state."
"Third parties can win... It's a very uphill battle because they're taking on a two-party dictatorship."
"You know, I feel we'd have a good combo given I'm one of the few homeless guys who votes conservative. Do you interview regular people?"
"That would be a remarkable achievement for anyone. But this woman had a wooden leg."
"there are poles of political choice in black communities just like anywhere else."
"If you respect me, I respect you. If you have a different political opinion, that's perfectly fine."
"Everyone deserves love and understanding, including conservatives. So long as we respect each other's views and values, I think there's room for compromise."
"We've got completely different audiences... I'm not doing this to try and get votes... I'm actually super glad that we both ran."
"Life is not binary, you don't live Republican, you don't live Democrat."
"We're people, and believe it or not, people can diverge from one political norm or the other."
"The left thinks that the country's on the wrong track. Maga populists think it's on the wrong track. Libertarians think it's on the wrong track."
"Almost half of US voters say they would consider voting for a third party candidate."
"People come to the table of politics with very different ideas, ambitions, and values."
"Your neighbor isn't an idiot because they have a different yard sign than you."
"India is a democracy so you will have parties with various ideologies and various political plans and programs so each of them may try to woo the voters with a different package."
"1880s France was a tinderbox of monarchists, republicans, bonapartists, and communards."
"I have difficulty relating to people that don't seem to understand that you can role play a character that doesn't exactly reflect your own political views."
"What a great performance yesterday holy [ __ ] that was amazing it doesn't look well what's fascinating is they get such a cross political section of supporters"
"You can't just have a labor movement with people on the left. That doesn't make any sense."
"Everything our country is built upon is preserved by the fact that political opinions that you happen to disagree with can exist."
"It'd be wonderful if we had more political parties than really just two here."
"One of the things that's so important is that whatever side of the political argument you are on... you should have the opportunity to see films or see articles that give voice to people with the alternative point of view."
"There will never be a religious test, and there are people in that movement now who are saying that the only people who can lead or be in office are people who agree with their specific evangelical Christian viewpoint."
"I want to see a really diverse debate stage."
"Conservatives love diversity... We love to be surprised by the differences among people."
"It's entirely legitimate within the Labour Party for there to be a range of opinions on Israel."
"You see, this is exactly the problem. The libertarian types, conservatives, Independents, and post-liberals... we said we are okay with the left being on the platform saying stupid garbage let them have their free speech so long as we get ours."
"Big tent party is the future, not a huge tent. You don't have to compromise on everything but you do have to acknowledge the anomalies in people."
"You want people in business and you want some people who are professional politicians, bear in mind possibly our greatest ever Prime Minister was a journalist and writer."
"Even if you disagree with me politically, that's okay. I'm not expecting you to comply with that, and I will never require you to believe what I believe. I'm just being dead serious."
"Russ also made headlines for appointing the most diverse cabinet in British history."
"You gotta defend people left-wingers, right-wingers, whatever they are when their rights are being violated."
"Isn't there freedom to be whatever you want and to be a member of whatever party you want to be a part of?"
"Everyone else certainly does. No side or individual apart from the extremes and the extremists has a monopoly on good ideas and sound policy prescriptions."
"I just like I always I always try to hold when I'm having conversations with people who are more conservative I always try to extend my hand openly."
"Black Trump supporters seem to be the Talk of the Town."
"We're conservatives and we're allowed to think different things about different issues without canceling each other."
"I don't care where you fall on the political Spectrum if you're on the right if you're on the left if you're in the center if you're a [ __ ] maoist I don't give a [ __ ]."
"Unless someone is actually doing something illegal, I don't see why you have to cancel somebody for maybe having a different political opinion than you."
"‘Power to the people’, which has been used through a lot of different like.. anything from Libertarians to socialists."
"It's not a movement at all. It's a collection of different movements, influencers, political organizations, ideas, tendencies, personality types."
"I think it's a shame though that there's only two options I think it's a shame there's only Republicans only Democrats I wish that it was four or five parties that were competitive for people to actually choose from."
"Wherever you have 60 or 70 of the population that support one vision of tomorrow and you have 20 or 30 percent of the population that supports status quo or very different group of tomorrow it's never game over."
"I think it's fairly obvious that Google is largely liberal or Democratic, but I do want to be clear that diversity also means diversity of opinion and political persuasion." - Eileen Naughton
"The Nobles must get along in High Society even if they do not share the same political views."
"I do feel though and maybe it kind of goes in with this, we're going to get to a point here soon where it's more than just a two-party system. I almost feel like three and then a four-party system, really."
"Empathy is love and like I said that's all that [expletive] that's what it is like you are hoping that you can see a part of a person who loves Trump and understand them and give them love in the same way whether it's Bernie Sanders or whoever is the furthest away."
"I would argue that this moralization of political opinion... if you're over 40 years old, you do realize that there are nice left-wing people and nice right-wing people."
"It's important for him to show a diversity of perspectives from the left, the right, and the center."
"That is the anti-liberal, anti-communist, anti-fascist pluralism, anti-Western, anti-modern pluralism, pluralism and plurality, multipolarity, possibility to accept everything that is human."
"It's okay to have diametrically opposing political views and still maintain that cohesive bond."
"One day there will be an Asian American president, no doubt."
"The First Amendment is a broad umbrella that shelters all political points of view and shields a wide range of avenues for expression."
"How fascinating to hear these diverse voices from across the political spectrum and multiple visions for the future of the Jewish state."
"The political landscape of the Neo-Hittite states was diverse, consisting of city-states or small kingdoms each governed by local rulers or kings."
"Keeping an eye on the diversity of political visions within a broad idea of globalism is more important now than ever."
"Not all money in politics is the same."
"There's a civic revival... more women, more people of color running for office in the U.S. than ever."
"Just having a party line, a single party line on how to assess the PRC isn't going to cut it. There has to be competition; there has to be more voices heard."
"Please do not be concerned or intimidated if your representative is someone from a different party."
"Education is a gigantic thing, and it deserves to have people of all political persuasions studying excellence."
"Civics is the stuff we are all supposed to agree on, regardless of our policy views differences."
"I think relationships can still work; I've seen a lot of relationships where there's one conservative and one more liberal person."
"I'm not after three parties, I'm after five parties, a democracy that will actually stand up to the test of time and listen to people."