
Life Enhancement Quotes

There are 325 quotes

"Parenthood and taking responsibility... seem like it's going to take away from your life when it's not."
"It's like your life is amazing as an individual, but when you get the right purpose partner and the two of you come together for real, it 10x is your life."
"We should be adding value to each other's lives."
"Mindfulness...is a meta skill that improves 100% of the rest of your life."
"The exercise of visualizing keeps your mind in order and attracts to you the things you need to make life more enjoyable in an orderly way."
"A relationship should add to your life; it should be the dessert end of a nice meal, not the sustenance itself."
"It's nice to have an excuse to add a bit of joy and fun into our lives."
"A dog should enhance your life, and if a dog can't enhance my life, I don't want that dog in my life."
"I think a dog should enhance your life, and every one of my dogs enhances my life."
"Having a spiritual dimension to your life, I think, is really good."
"The more we can open up our lungs, the more we can take into our lives."
"You have the potential to become someone worth living for, someone better than success."
"Fitness should be adding to your life, making you feel happier, healthier physically and mentally, more confident, and just like you can live your life fully."
"Spouse and children are not commodities... they make you more alive."
"Life is precious and the opportunity to bring forth the new tools of science, particularly consciousness development, is such an exciting part of our work."
"When you're open to receiving those signs you're also open to letting more joy and light into your life."
"Little quality of life things... makes a really big difference."
"There is nothing in my opinion more life enhancing than genuine knowledge."
"Your life is becoming so much more colorful."
"Why would anyone want to do this to Sydney? She made life so much more beautiful for anyone she encountered." - Narrator
"It's all about trying to enhance life and improve it."
"Does it allow me to do anything or allow me to make anything that makes my life better or more interesting or more fun?"
"This is going to make my world so much better."
"This is not just wine... it's life more abundantly."
"Follow the least amount of people possible, only people that are going to add to your life."
"It's really great for manifesting anything really... within your life."
"More beauty in your life, more balance, more pleasure."
"I really hope and pray that people are inspired to make prayer part of their life."
"It's simply the act of going within and consciously fine-tuning different aspects of your human being, hacking yourself, in other words, so that you have an optimal experience in this particular life."
"Enhancement of your faculties is enhancement of life in many ways."
"You'll be amazed what happens, you feel so alive, you're in such a different state because you're accessing all these different emotions."
"Life can only be enhanced by sharpening and increasing our faculties."
"Say yes, and that is just going to bring you so much more into your life."
"You've really, really brightened up their life, given them a totally new perspective on life."
"We're a company that's there to enrich lives through technology."
"For your life to be more than what it is, you need to be more than what you are."
"Rationality was one of the biggest, one of the best tools to enhance living, therefore it was a virtue."
"God wants to bless your life more than it's ever been blessed before."
"Making somebody else's life a little bit more beautiful along with your own."
"You find satisfaction in meaningful responsibility, in adding value to your life and the lives of others."
"Welcome to the best thing that ever happened to you. It's a highlight of civilization."
"Telling story beautifully is meaningful because it makes life a little less painful."
"The goal should be to implement more actions to make me happier, foods that fuel my body, more kinds of movement that help me feel strong."
"The goal was absolutely to provide a definitive path that anyone can follow."
"Make this human experience the best that you possibly can."
"The entire point of Christianity is to make you even more alive life even more exciting that it would be if you were a Christian."
"Choose to be kind to others because as soon as you show kindness, you can show more than life."
"Indulge in life and further the flourishing of life in all its aspects."
"We want to offer hope, focusing on your life moving forward."
"How can you make your life feel like GTA? The answer is simple: learn how to control your mind."
"I feel like that's what God's intention was, for us to be able to have more of that."
"Increase your mindfulness, and you'll increase all aspects of your life."
"Some of the magic you want to experience in your life, you need to take a little bit of action."
"This month is going to be brilliant because it's going to affect every single aspect of your life."
"Journaling is a great way for me to feel really like Center but it's also a great way for me to romanticize my life."
"Fitness for me has always been about adding value to my life."
"Make time and take your time to create magic."
"I bring pleasure into your lives and promise you happiness that will endure forever. I am the only one capable of transforming the gentleness of dawn into night and navigating the finest aspects of our planet."
"It's so cool to make a difference to anyone's life."
"Art broadens your whole viewpoint; it truly makes life so much better."
"It's a personal choice. I'm a big believer of 'your body, your choice' and I respect that if you want to do something for you because it enhances your life or is simply something you want to do."
"Money is a defense, but the excellency of knowledge is that wisdom giveth life to them that have it."
"Jesus comes to bring life that the enemy comes to destroy."
"You're adding on to what already is good in your life."
"Healthy love will motivate you to be your best, carry you through life's challenging moments, and make the beautiful ones even more beautiful."
"I want them to enhance my life rather than just be, like, 'Hi, how are you?' I want them to make my life better."
"Gratitude will grow more beauty and more opportunities in your life."
"Live a Frugal life, invest non-stupidly, and I'm pretty sure you'll be winning in the long run."
"It takes care of me, brightens up my days and nights, and opens up new possibilities."
"Finding my birth mother now, I don't think has really changed my life as much as it has probably enhanced it."
"Any little thing you think you could do that would make you feel more supported in Life."
"The deeper the breath, the more the life. The shorter the breath, the less the life."
"Practical advances... could revolutionize many other aspects of Life on this planet."
"Nobody's perfect, you know. The whole thing is about trying to do better."
"Technology for me as a blind person really has opened up a whole world for me."
"I wouldn't have the independence that I have today if the technology was not accessible."
"Affirmations have a big effect on your subconscious mind and help you bring about the life you want."
"Go watch it right now if you haven't seen it. It'll make your life better for, you know, roughly two hours."
"Music is a wonderful thing. It makes life better."
"This is just something else, and I want this in my life desperately."
"Music should enhance life, not destroy it. It's too much."
"It's all about the increase of joy in one's life."
"Gratitude is the greatest multiplier in life. The more grateful you are in life, the more life gives to you."
"Ask yourself one question: Does this add value to my life?"
"Pain informs us of what adjustments we can make to bring more pleasure more paradise and therefore more life libido shakti kundalini into our bodies."
"Games are probably one of the best things that's ever happened to me and my life."
"Having an Optimus robot as just someone that's there all the time... it's going to change so many people's lives."
"You've illuminated this person's life, brought a lot of nurture and energy."
"Miracles are part of the everyday life I want for you."
"This is everything that I didn't know that we needed in our life."
"You're being given the gift of more life. You may experience this as growth, expansion, more energy, more life force, or Divine electricity circulating through your system."
"There's so many things in life that really really need art to support us through those experiences."
"You're giving me life, you're giving me hope."
"If you have other friends that are going through what you're going through, you actually double your life and second see you get to live twice as long."
"Fitness is about enhancing your life, not hindering it."
"This was something that's going to give him longevity for the future in a profound kind of way."
"Jesus Christ is the only one who speaks truth. He is the only one who gives life. He wants to give you abundant life that never runs out."
"Your life is going to be greatly enhanced by this person."
"You will experience and enhance the meaningfulness of coincidences."
"Short workouts enhance every aspect of life."
"They really feel like you're a gift to their life, like a dream person."
"Love can be something that enriches your life and actually makes it easier in many ways."
"God's will is for a greater expression of life."
"As you implore or invoke this quality of fluidity and being imbued with life from Gabrielle..."
"A creative life is an amplified life, a happier life, an expanded life."
"He has to feel like having you in his world makes it so much better."
"It's about changing that energy of recognizing that you can be whole now, and as you can be whole and complete now, you can attract the things in your life that add value to you."
"That which commanded the Stars giving life its fullest Brilliance, the Elden ring."
"Your life will be made better today from my having passed through it."
"Ten times your finances, ten times your business, ten times your marketing, ten times your life."
"You make them feel so alive, so you bring them back to life."
"All of that nosiness is really just a waste of your time. You could be doing something more productive and more life-enhancing for yourself."
"Gratitude works. The more grateful you are, the more you get to be grateful about."
"I just love when you draw in the highlights, it really brings the life into the art."
"Power is not meant to be used to bring others under your rule, but to give life the chance to flourish."
"I just love music; it enhances your life in so many ways."
"...products in your life that make you a better person."
"Being truly smart means that our intellect should help us improve or enhance our lives, not neutralize it."
"That will stop our mind from taking us down a track that sabotages our life and instead will put us on a track that enhances our life. Beautiful."
"I think this is brilliant innovation of things that will actually make your life better."
"Plant the seedling, for that is our duty, to enhance life even in the most difficult circumstances."
"Things that can enhance people's lives, that's where the true sharing comes from."
"AI will help us to make more meaning to our lives."
"Being vegan totally enhances my life."
"Fortifying your life and your self-confidence."
"I am in the business of trying to figure out how to live longer and live better."
"In the end, improve the quality of their lives."
"It's all about this exchange, like building skills you can leverage to make your life more remarkable."
"Every single new power that we have comes with a call from heaven saying use this to enhance life."
"Art is essential to life, and a house's history should be embraced and celebrated."
"I'm making so much more of my life because of that."
"If you're dating someone, they should genuinely improve your life."
"Look at that sunshine pouring out of the sky; it's just adding that other layer of happiness to my life."
"Thank you for coming, thank you for blessing my life, and making me better than before you entered."
"The whole point of the 30-day challenge is to progress in all ways of life."
"When you have good friends in your life, it really elevates your life to the next level."
"Loving somebody else makes you love yourself and your life more."
"You were both really hilarious and really bring joy into our lives."
"These little minutiae, tiny little contour changes, really add life."
"Thank you, sun, for drying me out and warming up my life."
"What does matter is that you're improving yourself and your life each and every day."
"Every time someone gets it and really applies it the way that he's describing it, they always come back and say my life has improved dramatically."
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy, but I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly."
"Most importantly, it could mean a life without boredom."
"Happy fifth massives, this is my third year here and I'd like to thank you for making my life a little more enjoyable."
"Really, if one is able to help someone to change a habit, to improve their life, I think he has done a great job."
"Exercise doesn't need to be murderous; it can actually feel good and make your life feel good too."
"Optimize yourself and your life in other ways as well."
"Animals are little emissaries from God that are sent down from heaven to touch our lives and to make our lives better."
"How do you redefine who you are, reshape how you see yourself, and start to romanticize your life?"
"How do you make your everyday life exciting? It's hard, but it also helps you live your life better too."
"Learn anything you want that will make your life better."
"We're not hurting anybody, we're adding to people's lives."
"I had no idea how badly I needed this in my life."
"I feel like a film has been lifted and now I see colors better, I speak to people with more intent."
"We're sharing that experience together and we're just making each other's lives better."
"Travel can have such a range of possibilities, can add so much to your life."
"I hope this is something that enhances your life."
"Everything about your life improves when you exercise your brain."
"We believe design can really enhance one's life."
"I'd rather do something that is going to improve your life."
"Our lives have been more fulfilled and have been given a deeper purpose and meaning because of them."
"Make me smile, what is it that you do? Life was great, you added color."
"Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life."
"It's adds a little extra something to our lives."
"If it's not interfering with love, our ability to connect with people and have relationships, or work, our ability to function and maintain our lives, and eat and feed our families or do whatever we need to do as our work, or if it's enhancing that, then cool."
"My ultimate goal is for this company to outlive me and enhance people's overall lives."
"We won't just prescribe medicine, we'll prescribe life."
"Art is forever and no matter what price range it is, it just helps you to come alive."
"Just to save lives, to enhance the lives of individuals."
"I could not imagine my life without French bulldogs. They bring so much joy everyday, like when I'm working, just every single day of my life is enhanced because of my Frenchies."
"That same spirit that raised Christ will quicken your body, your senses, your spirit."
"If you know how to use your Raani, you see improvement in your life."
"Practice the technique that I showed you here; it can only help you in your lives in many ways."
"Your partner or person you're with should complement your life, they should enhance your life, but they should not be your life."
"I am telling you that on a daily basis I am getting better in all aspects of life."
"Here's what I want from our listeners: I want you to take things that we say and apply them in your life to make your life unique and special."
"Become the best you can be; it benefits you in every part of your life."
"It is the best body conditioning exercise you can do that will support you in any aspect of your life."
"She makes every second of my life better."
"Serving others is one of the best ways that we can really add meaning to our own life."
"I think it allowed me to actually live more."
"I'm just seeing it as just taking small steps every day to improve my life."
"Any type of enhancement to your life, if you're able to do that, that's like a god-given gift."
"Humor is the dessert of a meal; you don't need it, but God, doesn't it make your life better?"
"Everything in my life went up in the partnership; it somehow enhanced every single aspect of my life."
"How can I supplement my life to make it better with this?"
"Meditation has the potential to assist you in your life in more ways than you could ever possibly imagine."
"Bring more joy into your life; you're going to be jumping for joy."
"Your partner is not supposed to be your peace; they can enhance your life, though."
"You're the best part of my life, you light up my whole world."
"You got to achieve every goal like, 'Okay, what do I do to make my life better? What can I do to make my life better?'"
"It's created so much happiness, so much beauty in your life, and it's only going to increase."
"Imagine if the internet and social media... was created for the purpose of giving you the best life possible, creating a unified network and elevating higher consciousness."
"Those like one percent improvements really will help you in life."
"What if we could make our work meaningful time? What would that look like if we could double the meaningful time that we had on this planet?"
"You guys are my friends; you actively make my life better, you make it more fulfilling and give it meaning."
"If y'all take these four things, I guarantee your social skills is going to up and everything in your life is going to up."
"Maybe your dog should just add to your life."
"God wants to be the author and finisher, man. He wants to accent your life with good things."